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The month started out with a bang on the Silver King. We boated a 33.6 pound Lake trout on August 1st. This was our first Lake trout over 30 pounds and considering how many my brother and I have boated over the years it is hard to believe it took this long. We have now boated three species over 30 pounds: 2 Brown trout and one Chinook, along with this Lake trout. The trilogy is complete. The Lake trout and Chinook bite started out very good this month. I would say it was the second best stretch this year out of Milwaukee for Chinook fishing. Mid June was probably the best Chinook action with a lot of big Kings caught for around ten days and then the beginning of Salmon-A-Rama was solid too on Kings. The stretch in early August saw Chinook from the two year old, three year old and four year old class. This made for better numbers caught. Good Lake trout fishing was found just below these fish. We worked 60 to 90 feet of water and the best bite was 10 miles north of Milwaukee. We did have a great Lake trout bite straight out of the Milwaukee Harbor in 100 to 110 feet of water. As the water became colder the bite in close became tough and the Lake trout spread out. We moved offshore in 170 to 250 feet where there was a good bite for Steelhead, Coho salmon and of course Lake trout. The first half of August led to an average of 11 fish per trip and this just seems to be the norm for 2019 Milwaukee charter fishing. The bite is solid but not outstanding. The bigger fish have made this a special season. We won Brew City finally and I have a chapter on this followed by the rest of what happen so far in August.
On August 3rd we fished the Brew City Salmon Tournament out of Milwaukee. This is the 19th year of the tournament and is the biggest one day salmon and trout tournament on Lake Michigan. We average 100 boats each year, pay out the top 20 boats, have 25 big fish prizes and all prizes are cash. Go to the www.glsfclub.com to see results and information. We need to get this club to join the WLBA! We have finished four times in 2nd place, three times in 3rd place, twice in 5th place, once in 7th place, twice in 9th place and once in 10th place. We finally won it this year. We were the first boat in by an hour and thought for sure we were somewhere in between 2nd and 7th place based on what we were hearing from others fishing that day. We went 19 for 20 and our top 10 fish weighed 123 pounds and this was good enough to get it done.
We started Lake trout fishing and after destroying the Lake trout for a week leading into the tournament it was a tough bite for us the day of the tournament. We caught 6 Lake trout but we got the right 4 we needed. We had a 15.5 pound average on our top 4 Lake trout. You can only weigh in 4 Lake trout out of the 10 fish you can weigh in. We finished Lake trout fishing in one hour and 15 minutes. These fish were caught between 43.01 and 42.58 in 105 feet of water. Smoked dodgers and spin and glows on two riggers and two wire dipsies. We fished for salmon on the dipsies for 10 minutes to start in hopes of catching a silver fish but switched quickly to spin & glows on these. Our first fish was a Coho on the rigger in the first 5 minutes. We hoped to catch at least one silver fish while Lake trout fishing. We pulled a Rainbow on a 7 color leadore, using a Mongolian Green Moonshine. So we left trout fishing with 2 silver fish and a 15.5lb Lake trout average after an hour and 15 minutes. Great start and plent of time to catch 4 more silver fish, so we had 10 to weigh in.
We motored to 43.10 in 80 feet of water or 12 miles north. The best salmon fishing in the area was there. We decided to Lake trout fish first because most of the boats headed north to fish. We felt the bite would be tough to start with the heavy boat traffic and that boats would clear out when we got up there. They did. We trolled for an hour and 5 minutes before we had our first hit on a wire dipsy, which we lost. At this point we were running all green flashers and the famous Willy fly, which my brother ties, on downriggers 35, 45 and 60 feet down, dipsies and two copper rods at 150 and 200 feet. We had a 5 and 7 color with spoons. Shortly after we lost the first and only fish lost of the day we caught 4 silver fish in less than 15 minutes. Two on the up riggers, one on a wire dipsy set at 70 feet on the line counter and one on a 7 color. One fish was a 12" Chinook, another was a 10lb Coho and the other two were 8 and 4 pound Chinooks. This was at 9:00AM. We had our 10 fish and had 4 spots left to upgrade because we kept an extra Lake trout from earlier. We worked 85 - 90 feet from 43.12.5 to 43.14 for all the fish we boated up north. We caught another Lake trout on a 10 color with a Gold Star Green Spatter and another 12" Chinook. Both were released. We then caught a 12 pound Rainbow on a 7 color, with the Moonshine again. We took a 10 and 8 pound Chinook on the 35 and 45 riggers. Our last fish was a 12 pound Chinook on a wire dipsy set at 70 feet. We had 15 fish in the box at 11:00AM and were at the dock by 11:30AM. Never thought the total weight of 123 pounds would hold but by 2:00PM after all boats weighed in we won. Cannot believe it! Very special moment for my brother and I. I attribute the win to catching medium size fish in the 8 to 12 pound range for our silver fish instead of breaking off 20 plus pound Kings, which many did that day. It also helped to have at 15 plus pound average on Lake trout. I thought after catching a 33 pound Lake trout 2 days earlier our luck was spent. We took second place in the Rainbow and Coho divisions too. Last year we took 3rd place and moved 3 time to do it. Both years we were under power almost as much as we fished. You have to move from spot to spot to get what you need on this lake these days.
Next year the Brew City would like to do a Pro/AM tournament on the weekend of August 8th, 2020. The Pro division would pay out $12000 for 1st, $5000 for 2nd and $3000 for 3rd place. The only way this happens as if we get 20 boats to commit to the Pro division by January 1, 2020. It would be a 2 day Friday/Saturday tournament for the Pros. The entry would be $1000 for each Pro boat. We will see if we can make it happen.
Since Brew City we spent a week fishing up north for a mixed bag of Chinook, Lake trout, Rainbow and Coho salmon. Same spread and location as Brew City. We fished deeper water for several days in the 150 to 250 range for Rainbows and Lake trout, using mostly spoons on leadcores from 3 to 10 color. Gold Hud and Orange Crush Gold Singer spoons were best as they have been offshore all year. We are currently back in our Lake trout spot crushing the Lake trout in 100 feet of water, catching limit or near limit catches. Big trout too.
Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on early September Milwaukee charter fishing. We are hoping for some cool water and big Chinook salmon. This is the year of the big Chinook and they will be coming into to spawn soon. There was a 40 pound Chinook caught a week ago down in the southern end of Lake Michigan. We want another 30 pound Chinook and this is the time to do it. We also made it on the news with a 3 hour spot last Monday on Fox 6 Morning Wake Up. They did 5 spots of live footage of us fishing. I would like to thank Brain of Fox 6 and all those who produced it. You guys did a very professional job. Check it out on the web by looking up Fox 6 Morning Wake Up Live. Look for Silver King Charters. I made sure to pug all the ports and the fishery as a whole. I have attached multiple pictures of the 33 pound Lake trout, multiple pictures of the Brew City victory, the Fox 6 crew on the boat and other August pictures. We also caught our 2nd Pink salmon of the year.
July was a solid month for Lake Michigan charter fishing. Again we were a little light on catch per trip at 11 fish a trip but it was for the most part consistent action. We started out the month with some good Chinook action and when the Kings slowed down we had consistent Lake trout and offshore for Coho, Rainbow, Lake trout and occasional Chinook. The theme remains big fish. We rolled into Salmon-A-Rama week with the intent of landing a big King. Although a couple 30 plus pound Chinook where caught off Milwaukee the King bite slowed by mid month. The eventual winning fish for Salmon-A-Rama was caught out of our port. We switched to Lake trout by the middle of Salmon-A-Rama and landed 5th and 6th place in the lake wide tournament, with two 21 pound Lake trout. This is the 8th consecutive year we have placed multiple charter customers on the salmon-a-rama board that stuck until the end and won them money. We fished offshore in 200 plus feet of water for much of the middle of July but the last week things set up in the 50 to 90 foot range and we started catch big Chinook and Lake trout again as the water cooled. Most of the last 10 years a 20 pound Chinook would be a really nice Chinook and it still is. In 2019 the 30 pound Kings are the ones to brag about. Many have been boated in all ports around Lake Michigan and it is only a matter of time before a 40 pound fish is caught. We boated a 31 pound King in June. Last year there were two 30 pound Chinook caught during Salmon-a-rama and this year there were nine. Hope it is a trend because these fish are an incredible fight.
So for our Chinook bite when fishing from 60 to 120 feet of water has been about the green flashers and either Bull Frog Howie flies or the Willy fly. We run a 27" lead with 40 lb pink Ande flourcarbon leader. We like either Hot Spot, Pro Troll or Spin Doctors. Green with crushed ice tape on one side and silver on the other. This has been our top producer. The meat rigs worked realy good last year but not so much this year. Could be the meat we are using but not much success. The flasher flies are best on dipsies, up riggers and copper set ups. Our 150 to 250 coopers. For offshore it is spoons on 2 to 10 color leadcores. We like the Gold Hud, UV Green Dolphin and the Orange Crush Gold stingers the best. Green flasher flies on the dipsies and up riggers. Our deep riggers are white flashers, with bull frog flies. For the Lake trout fishing it is all smoke dodgers and spin and glows. We like the Milwaukee Special or the Lucky Charm. We have not had monster numbers this year but 8 to 12 fish catches have been very consistent out of Milwaukee this year. We have not had to deal with warm water very deep in the water column this year yet either.
We are getting ready for Brew City this week and the Chinook bite has picked up. Hoping for the best. Give Silver King Charters a cal at 414-460-1467 to book an August trip and get in on some King action before the big ones start to spawn. I have attach some pictures from July. One shows a big Lamprey on a Chinook. Have not seen to many of these this year but this is one of the biggest I have seen. Another is a picture of our boat fishing at sunrise.
Well this is a report I did not want to post. Why? The lack of Coho salmon caught during our most productive time to fish. The reason was cold water and lack of fish movement. This was our lowest catch total for Coho salmon in 20 years over this time period and it was by a large margin. Fish wouldn't cross over from the Michigan side or come in from out deep or come up from the southern end of Lake Michigan due to cold water temperatures and a very late spring. It was only by late June we were able to take off our winter jackets out on the lake. The best Coho action was in the very southern end of the Lake Michigan and if I had an Illinois charter license I think I would have gone. I hope next year at this time we will be back to normal but I don't know what normal is right now. I am confident though we should be good in 2020. The good news is there are still lots of Coho salmon left because the pressure from many ports on them was not so great. This means more will be in the catch as the season progresses and some big ones too. That is the theme of the 2019 season. Big Fish! We have fished the lake a long time and we are starting to see the alewive population slowly coming back in good numbers where we fish. That means bigger fish. We have boated 20 fish over 20 pounds through June and this includes a 31 pound Chinook salmon. Fish don't grow that big without a lot of bait around. They aren't drinking water to get that big. We also have a 18 pound Rainbow this season and many Steelhead over 10 pounds along with 4 Lake trout over 20 pounds.
So the total catch rate is at 10 fish a trip through June and at this time of the year we like to be 15 to 20 fish per trip. That is what Coho salmon do for the fishing in May and June. It should be noted that the Coho stocking was not down from previous years but it is a big lake and if things don't line up in your area of the lake it can really affected the bite. But when you through a 20 pound Chinook in the box, who cares about missing 8 Coho in a trip. The fights have been amazing. The fish are well fed and full of energy. We have runs after the hit of 100 to 600 feet of line. The opportunity is there to catch a big King on every trip. We have been fishing all over but finished June fishing in 100 feet of water for Chinook or offshore for a mix of Rainbow, Coho and Lake trout. The offshore bite in June was real good from 180 to 300 feet of water straight out of Milwaukee. The Chinook bite was solid for about 10 days in 100 feet just north of Milwaukee. Flasher flies on the riggers and wire dipsies were best for the Kings. White flashers and Howie Bull Frog flies worked best set from 40 to 75 feet below the surface. When offshore it was 2 through 8 color leadcores that worked best. Stinger orange crush gold spoons or UV green dolphin and the gold hud were the best spoons. We did boat several 12 pound Steelhead and one went 18lbs. I am way past due for July reports and I will go over the month and jump into August next week.
Every year has its trade marks and 2019 is about big fish and Big King salmon is the highlight for sure. It has been a long time since a 20 pound Chinook was considered average. Throughout the lake there will be many Chinook caught over 25 pounds and into the 30 pound mark. The only question is can someone land a 40 pound King this year. Call Silver King charters for some fun summer Lake Michigan charter fishing at 414-460-1467. The first 3 pictures are of the 31 pound Chinook and the next one is of a 18 pound Rainbow.
We are through May and a week into June. Unfortunately the Coho bite has been less than stellar. We have caught Coho salmon but the catch rate on them is down 70%. The problem is a very cold start to the season. We are still wearing winter jackets on the lake. The water has been slow to warm and has caused the movement of Coho salmon to be slow. The big schools are still way south. We still believe there will be some good Coho fishing to be had in June but the window will be shorter. We went to Racine for a weekend to better our catch rate and although it improved it was not much. Maybe 5 to 10 bites more a trip. The good news is the Rainbow trout bite has been very good. There is a good amount of them from 90 to 250 feet of water from Port Washington back to the state line. The Chinook bite has not been great but when you hook into one the fight is incredible. There have been multiple 25 pound Chinook caught. The size will be great on the Chinook this year. The other good thing is there is a lot of Alewive around and today at the dock we saw thousands in the harbor getting ready to spawn. The fish that are out there are healthy.
So we are running a spread to target both Coho and Rainbow. Many of our fish are coming off high boards, using orange Luhr Jensen or Gold Star B&B dodgers followed by green peanut flies. This is accounting for 50% of our fish. The inside boards are 3 to 8 color Leadcores. Are favorite spoon is the Stinger Stingray Gold Hud. We also like the Gold Yellow Tux by Stinger. The riggers are spoons on the outside riggers at 20 to 25 feet down and the inside riggers are white flashers with Howie Green Krinke being the top producer followed by the Bull Frog. We run three dipsies with orange Coho set ups and one wire diver with the same thing on the riggers. All the dipsies seemed to collect 2 to 4 fish a trip. We are fishing in 150 to 250 feet of water for best catches. We are trolling a little fast too. The water is cold and we are in 49 to 42 degrees for the most part. It seems right now the colder the better. The Rainbow trout account for at least half the fish, then Coho, with some Lake trout and Chinook. We have had some in close action but it rarely last.
There are still plenty of Coho salmon to be caught and we still should have a couple of knock out weeks on them but not like a normal season. The fishing has still been good and the best Coho bite is still to come along with monster King salmon. Give Silver King Charters a call at 414-460-1467. The fish are big this year and fighting real good. We are back in Milwaukee and probably will not go back to Racine unless the bite really picks up. We caught a Pink salmon last Monday. We have been catching more of these each year. This fish was accidentally stocking in Lake Superior many years ago and has naturally survived over the last 40 years. I have attached a picture.
Well it is the middle of May and this is Coho salmon time. The highest catch rate of the year. The problem is the water is still very cold. As of Tuesday we saw 41.5 degrees on the surface in 100 feet or 4 miles off shore. The middle of the lake it is the high 30's still. Late spring to say the least but warm air and sunny days warms up the surface fast and will move fish. Today we saw 46 degree surface water in the same spot we were Wednesday. The bait is all around so the fish just have to find the our bait and they will stick around. There have been some descent catches of Coho down south but just random catches for us in Milwaukee and Racine was not much better for Coho. We expect the Coho action to pick up real soon. Our Brown trout action has fallen off and we are fishing Lake trout while waiting on the Coho bite. The Lake trout bite has been very good. We caught a 20 pound fish today. We have also caught a few Chinook and Coho while fishing Lake trout. Several limits and we are glad that Wisconsin raised the bag limit to 5 Lake trout per person. I have attached a picture of a Lake trout we caught this morning, with what was in its belly. many alewives. This is true for all the Lake trout we catch. They are vacuum cleaners when it come to alewives. They never stop eating.
We have fished outside the Milwaukee harbor, with the main and south gaps being best. We have taken a mix of Coho and Brown trout here but the bite is average with 5 to 10 fish catches. This area will soon be a hot spot. We have moved offshore for a better bite on Lake trout. The action is best straight out from the harbor in 100 feet of water near the bottom. Spin and glows have been king and spin and glows with yellow in them are best. We like silver prism or smoke dodgers with them. We have caught a few Coho salmon on orange dodger and Next Generation peanut flies off boards on the surface but very few. We may try deeper this weekend for a Coho bite. The action on Lake trout has been steady. We took a few Chinook salmon on a white flasher with a Howie Bull Frog fly.
Memorial Day weekend's have been known for some great fishing and hopefully on one of our trips we take a limit of Coho salmon. The next several weeks though should begin to see some great salmon catches, so call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book a trip for the best time of the year for catch rate and salmon. Until then we will be catching something and probably Lake trout. Attached are some resent catches.
May Lake Michigan charter fishing and we are on the edge of our favorite time of the year. COHO SALMON TIME! The catch is still consists mostly of Brown trout but we are now starting to take some Coho salmon. We have been in, around and down the shore of the Milwaukee harbor. Some have ventured off shore of Milwaukee but with no success. The water as of Wednesday has reached 50 degrees on the surface by the river mouth and 46 degrees outside the gaps. Down 10 feet it is in the mid to low forties. Offshore the surface is at or just above 40 degrees and down 50 feet it is the high thirties. All is about to change soon as the water is warming fast now. The alewives started to show up mid last week in the harbor and on Wednesday we snagged about 25 alewives while trolling. Each day the schools have been getting thicker. The first Coho salmon we have taken outside the harbor occurred last weekend. Probably had 12 bites and landed 5 Coho over the last 4 days. The trips have been between 5 to 10 fish and this is a little lower than we like but mother nature has been tough this spring. Better times are almost here.
The spread has remained unchanged, with the exception of a few Coho set ups on inside dipsies and outside boards. Orange small dodgers and green peanut flies. We like the Opti Dodgers because of the orange color they use. All of the Coho stuff is right at the surface and is now taking some bites ever trip. Not to the point to go with more orange yet because the Brown trout bite is still better. We are still running 1 - 4 color leadcores, mono dipsies and riggers from 10 to 30 feet down. All spoons and we are heavy on Gold Hud or UV Blue Dolphin Stinger spoons in the stingray size. There are a lot of big alewives around but we have snagged all year classes, which is great to see. We are not sure if we will go to do some Racine charter fishing yet this year. That will be decided by May 18th. Depends on how the Coho action sets up off Milwaukee. The last several seasons there was no reason to go south but every year is different. Right now most of the Coho action is from fish that wintered around the area. The big schools have not set up yet off Milwaukee or Racine. This should start any day now that the bait is showing up. I hope to have a report next time with lots or orange dodgers and Coho salmon.
We have trips open for Mother's Day. Don't understand why mothers wouldn't want to fish that day. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book a trip during the most productive time of the season. Mid May through June is our highest catch rate and the best time for salmon. A couple of pictures from the last seven days. A few Coho in the mix.
We are at the tail end of April and Milwaukee charter fishing has been all about Brown trout. We boat the most Brown trout of the season in April and this action slowly gives way to the Coho salmon bite until it goes completely away by mid May. But we are still catching the Brown trout now. Most of our action has been the eastern part of the Milwaukee harbor. We have taken some fish in the river up to the turning basin. We had a big northeast blow Friday and Saturday that chalked up the water, making the bite challenging but we produced on all trips. The Milwaukee harbor makes trips possible on big winds and action can still be very good. The water is has warmed to 45 degrees in spots. The fish still have gobbies in them but the alewives schools will his the shores very soon. There has been some smelt action at Jones Island this year. Some have pulled pulled as much as 500 smelt in a night. Very good to what it has been over the last 20 years.
The spread is all spoons still and we have been trolling fast for a good bite. We are now getting fish on our one color leadcores. Spoons with orange were the hot ones over the last week. Water clarity was poor and orange seemed to help. We used the orange taped Gold Hud Stinger in the Stingray size. We also liked the orange NBK in both sizes. The hot spoon for the one color leadcores was the Dreamweaver Magic Man. That was on fire. Again all our stuff was set in the top 25 feet of water, with 1, 2 and 3 color leadcores, mono dipsies and 3 riggers. All Brown trout from 2 to 14 pounds. We expect another week of this fishing but with reports of Coho salmon starting to appear we are ready to bolt at a seconds notice.
Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on the last of the Brown trout action and the first part of the Coho salmon bite. It looks to be another great year for the number one stocked salmon on Lake Michigan. The highest catch rate of the season starts very very soon. This is the time of the season we produce the most limits of salmon from early May through late June! Below are some pictures from the last several days.
The weather has been all over the place but what do you expect for April in Wisconsin. The harbor bite has been good for what conditions we have fished. Our worst outing was 2 fish with several double digit catches. The bite has been all Brown trout. We have ventured outside the harbor along the shore but our best action has been from the north gap to the river mouth. Water temperature on the surface is between 40 to 43 degrees. When you get into the river it reaches 47 degrees. Our best action has been just north or south of the river mouth. All the fish have been full of Gobies. What has prevented the bite from being better is water clarity. Several big storms but mostly strong winds has caused the water to be just a little too murky for a stronger bite. We need just a little clear water and the water temperature a little warmer and the action will really take off. The fish are from 3 to 14 pounds and all have had bait in them, which is different from the last couple of Aprils.
Our mono dipsy diver rods set at 25 on the line counter has been the most steady producer, with Stinger Gold Hud the Stingray size spoon. This set up has boated fish every time. The next best has been our 2 deep riggers. These are set a couple feet from the bottom and have the same lure as the dispy, with the exception of an orange tape on the Hud. The boards have been ok and usually are the top producers this time of year. The one color leads have been almost useless but as the water warms a little they will probably be top producers. The two and three color leadcores have been alright. The green Natural Born Killer Stinger or the UV Blue Dolphin have been best on the boards.
We should have a couple more weeks of good Brown trout action before transitioning into Coho salmon and the best catch rate of the season. We should start seeing more Lake trout in the mix too during the next several weeks. The Coho being caught down south look healthy and it should be another great spring on Coho salmon. We have openings next weekend, so call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on early spring action. Attached is a few pictures from the last couple trips.
Milwaukee charter fishing season for 2019 has begun. We put in on April 1st and have started to catch fish. We have fished the Milwaukee harbor and have been all over the area. The surface temperature is 41 degrees in the warmest areas and there is still large chunks of ice on the break wall. Our best location so far has been along the break wall from the Main gap to the north gap. All the fish we boated have been Brown trout, with the exception of one Lake trout. This is the first Lake trout we have ever caught in the harbor area. The fish have been full of Goby, which is a small invasive fish found at the bottom of the water column. The fish have ranged from 2 to 14 pounds so far. The action has been good but with bait starting to show up and the water temperatures warming it should only get better.
We have run all spoons on all set ups. Our favorite ones have been the Stinger Gold Hud in both large and small sizes and the Stinger Glow Watermelon in the Stinger size. The best rods are the to deep riggers near the bottom, mono dipsies set at 30 feet on the line counter and the 4 color leadcores. The fish are down near the bottom and because that is where the Goby is located. We did not have a hit on the one color leadcores, which can be very good this time of year. We look to continue fishing the harbor for the next couple weeks.
April is the best time for Brown trout and this April looks to be a lot better than last years weather, when it snowed 4 times and we had multiple days below freezing. Should be a lot of fish caught this month. We still have weekends open. I attached some pictures from this weekend and if you go to Silver King Charters Facebook you will see some video from the weekend. Still have not figured out how to put video on the website. I also included the stocking numbers from 2018. The over all number is down to 9.44 million fish. This is the lowest total in 25 years. Some of the reduction comes from no longer stocking fingerling Lake trout, which is a good thing. Coho salmon are still stocked around their 25 year average, which makes May and June such a great time to fish. Chinook salmon stocking went up 19% which is great. My personal opinion is that Chinook should be stocked at 2 million a year. This would give a decent catch rate, without damaging the precious bait population. Chinook are the only fish that is not stocked as yearlings. Lake trout have been reduced and are still the top stocked fish in Lake Michigan. We will not miss the reduction. Rainbow trout are at their 25 year average. Brown trout have taken a hit over the last 2 years and are down 41% from their 25 year average. The verdict is still out on the Brown trout but Milwaukee still have great Brown trout fishing. The total number is down but the matrix of fish stocked is good and the fished stocked are raised healthier than ever before to give them a better survival rate.
Call Silver King Charter at 414-460-1467 to get fishing on Lake Michigan. The fish are biting! We actually did catch a baby Coho this weekend. I have a pic of that too.
We are hopefully in the water on Friday Milwaukee charter fishing. The ice is still in the marina but it is melting very fast. My fisrtmates have already been out in aluminum boats and the Brown trout bite has been real good. The first several weeks of April can be very good fishing for Brown trout. Our typical spread is 3 boards a side, using 1, 2 and 3 color leadcores. Spoons on all rods. These usually do the bulk of the catching. We run two mono dipsies and spoons are also on these. Always good for several hits. We run 3 downriggers and they are hit and miss. Spoons are everything. We are usually fishing in 10 to 35 feet of water and fish can be skittish to downriggers in that shallow of water. They usually are good for a few fish. The Milwaukee harbor, river mouth and shoreline can all have good action in April. We hope to be catching next weekend.
We talked about Chinook salmon last report. July through the 3rd week of August in the best time for them. By the middle of August the mature Chinook salmon are heading to the ports they were stocked, so they can spawn. The last week of August through the first 3 weeks of September is what we call combat fishing. The Chinooks stocked out of Milwaukee return home after 3 or 4 years in the lake. The salmon are staging at this point of the year and getting ready to run up rivers to spawn. These are all big fish and when you hook up that go complete crazy. We are in and around the harbor mouths where they return. The water is shallow and there is not a lot of room for them to go, so when they run it can get out of control fast. Great fights! Several years back this was my favorite time of the year because the return was great. Now with reduced stocking of Chinook this can be hit or miss during this period but when the window is right the action is solid. A good trip during this period is 10 to 12 Chinook but we usually average 4 to 5 Kings. Still worth the fight and pulling a 15 to 25 pound Chinook on a trip is very fun. If the harbor action is not set up we will head out deep for Lake trout and Steelhead.
I really don't want to think about September right now because the next couple of months are going to be some great action on Lake Michigan. We are looking forward to netting our first fish of the season. I think I can remember every first fish caught since I have been chartering and it is always a special moment. It will be interesting to see what the lake has in store for us. Hopefully lees big winds. I have attached my last pictures of ice in the marina and a picture of our first trip last year. I have also included a couple of September Kings. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to start catching Lake Michigan salmon and trout.
We are a couple weeks away from Milwaukee charter fishing season 2019. The hard winter has us eager to fish. We look forward to some good early Brown trout action this April. Probably some Lake trout and Coho salmon too but April is the best time of the season for Brown trout. We have talked about the great action in April for Brown trout and the best catch rate for the year for Coho salmon during mid May through late June. I will go over Early July through the 3rd week of August. Traditionally this was Chinook salmon time and the best time to catch them. It is still the best time to target Chinook but unlike the Coho salmon Chinook stocking has taken a hit. At one time Lake Michigan was stocked with 6.5 million Chinook annually. Incredible amount of salmon were in the lake because they live for four years. But due to declines in bait fish caused by mussels in the lake stocking had to be reduced. It is now down to 1.2 million annually but there is some percentage of natural reproduction that helps this number. All is not lost. The fish are healthy, better size and a great fight. It is worth a Lake Michigan charter fishing trip to experience this kind of action.
So what to expect on a summer fishing trip these days. We target all species not just Chinook salmon. This time of year can be outstanding for Lake trout and Rainbow trout. We still get some Coho salmon and an occasional Brown trout. But we all want to land a King salmon and we always have stuff set for them. When there are good numbers around we switch out everything to catch them. But other times we are lucky to boat a couple on a trip. This is when the other species come in to play. During July through the 3 week of August we average 4 Chinook a trip but these fish add a lot of excitement to the trip. When there are good schools of Chinook in the area double digit catches are common. The size of a mature Chinook will vary from year to year but over the last 3 seasons a 15 pound Chinook salmon is common. We have boated many in the 20 pound class and some are pushing 30 pounds. These are very special fish. Mature Chinook are know for their long runs, peeling off 300 feet is nothing for a King salmon. They don't give up easy. Throw several Chinook in the cooler, with Lake trout, some Rainbows and Coho you have had a great time. Chinook salmon are a special fish that years back we were quite spoiled with but now it is really something to have one strike and blow away from the boat at fast speeds. If Chinook is your desire than July and early August is the time to book your trip. We do catch them throughout the season but no other time beats the middle of summer for the King bite.
Like I mentioned earlier we should be in the water by April 1st and looking to capitalize on some good Brown trout fishing. Somewhere in the month we will boat some Coho salmon but it is hit and miss on these during April. Lake trout will also come into play as bait starts showing up along the shoreline. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book your fishing trip in 2019. Soon we will be posting actual reports of fishing trips. I have attached what I hope to be the last ice fishing pictures of the year. Our firstmate Colin caught these Brown trout just last week. I also put a picture of the current state of the Milwaukee marina. The ice will go fast now. There are a few Chinook pictures too from last summer.
We are less than 6 weeks away from catching fish and we still have a lot to do but we will be ready. I predict the first fish boated will be a Brown trout. Love that early action in April on Brown trout. Silver King Charters will be Milwaukee charter fishing the entire month of April to take advantage of the large harbor, river and structure along the shoreline. Call us to book an April trip. The Great Lakes is 66% covered with some form of ice right now as opposed to 2018 at this time it was 42% and 2017 it was 8%. What does this mean well lets hope for a warm March. Our first mate Colin had been ice fishing the big lake and catching some nice trout. I have attached a picture to this report of a big Brown trout caught a week ago. Hope to boat one of those this April. Lake Michigan is 50% iced over and this is the highest total in the last 3 years.
Well we talked about April and for some limit action the first 3 weeks can be one of the best time periods of the season and the best time to target Brown trout. But the best catch rate is Mid May to the third week of June. Hands down we catch the most fish then. Why? Coho salmon. This is the number one stocked salmon in the lake and only Lake trout are stocked at a higher amount. Coho salmon is this the fish we catch the most of over the last 3 season and it is because their stocking numbers have not been reduced. This also leads to our highest amounts of limits during the season. It is still fishing and there are tough days during this time but we have averaged 18 fish a trip over the last several years and 80% of the catch is Coho salmon. Coho salmon are stocked at approximately 2.5 million fish a year lake wide. The are raised in a hatchery for almost 16 months before being release in ports throughout Lake Michigan. They summer out in the lake and by the following spring they are at a size to be caught. Early in the spring they are 2 pounds but Coho put weight on fast. By the end of June we are catching Coho up to 6 pounds. Come the fall these fish spawn and die after 3 years of life. What makes this a fun fish to target is when you get on a school it can be fast action and many shots of fighting fish. Coho salmon school up and will eat until bait is coming out of their mouths. We will run orange dodgers and green peanut flies for most of this part of the season and we run this set up on just about every rod we set. The trick is finding them and once you do it is fish on.
Mid May through late June is Coho time and the best catch rate of the year. Give Silver King Charters a call at 414-460-1467 to get hooked up on a fun salmon charter fishing trip. Attached is a few sunrise pictures by the lake during this chilly winter, with a full moon rise during the super moon that just happened.
This is my first report of 2019 and we are less than 3 months from catching our first fish Lake Michigan charter fishing. We hope to put in and fish the last week of March. In 2018 it snowed 4 times in April and that was probably as much as we got all last winter. This winter has been virtually no snow and mild temperatures. Our slip was actually open just a couple of days ago. In fact the entire marina was ice free. Winter will put the bite on us before it is all said but hopefully this will lead to an early spring. Last year we had our first trip schedule on the last day of March and it was cancelled due to high winds. My hope this year is to run a trip in March and November.
We averaged 15.46 fish a trip last season and we were very pleased with that. Stocking numbers are down but we have adapted by targeting all five species to put more fish in the boat. Long gone are the days we would go after Chinook for 3 months of the year. The good news is when you do tie into a Chinook the size is up and they give a great fight. The breakdown percentage wise on numbers is: 15% of the trips caught 1 - 5 fish. We did not get skunked in 2018 but did have two 1 fish trips. 24% of the trips caught 6 -10 fish, 26% of the trips caught 11-15 fish, 15% of the trips caught 16 -20 fish and 20% of the trips caught 21 - 30 fish. It is fishing and from day to day anything can happen but when are the best chances at good catches. May 15th - June 20th is the highest catch rate. The first 3 weeks of April, if mother nature cooperates, can be very good action and July 4th through the 3rd week of August is your best chance at Chinook. Again any day can be the hot bite but those 3 periods delivered some great action over the years.
I will go over April in this report. The primary fish of April is Brown trout. This is the best time to target Brown trout for the entire season. The fish average 2 to 12 pounds but we have boated some monsters, including a 33 pound Brown trout. We are usually fishing the harbor or the shoreline in depths of 10 to 40 feet of water. We use a spread or spoons for the most part. Cooper and gold spoons are usually are hot baits. We run 3 boards a side and these are 1, 2 and 3 color leadcores. We put out 2 mono dipsy rods and usually just 3 downriggers to target the bottom. The harbor will have the warmest water by the river mouth early in the month and can hold a lot of fish. Water clarity is our biggest problem during April With a lot of rain it can make the water too muddy but for the most part there is always a place to catch fish. We sometimes will head to the Oak Creek power plant, where fish and bait hold around the warm water discharges. The run time is about a half hour to get there but it usually pays off when it sets up. Again fishing is fishing and it can be tough on any given day but April is a month that we do catch limits when it sets up and it is the only time of year we can do that on Brown trout. As the month progresses we start to catch good size Lake trout along the shoreline. We see 10 to 15 pound Lake trout during this period. We have had Aprils in Milwaukee and Racine where the Coho salmon bite starts early and when this happens it can get crazy good. But for the most part it isn't until mid May when the Coho bite gets consistent.
April can be very productive but when you book a trip you must remember that this month is closer to the end of winter that the start of summer. Dress warm! But when it sets up this period is as good as any throughout the season. We do give an extra hour of fishing for free on any trip Monday through Thursday during the month and with less fishing pressure I love to fish on those days. We fish out of Milwaukee during April as we do for most of the season. Milwaukee gives us a vast harbor to fish in if the weather is not the greatest but it also gives us warmer water for better action during the period. Give Silver King Charters a call at 414-460-1467 to experience early season Brown trout action charter fishing Milwaukee. I decided to put some sunrise and sunset pictures from last season on this post.
Winter Solstice. Shortest day of the year and we are almost 3 months to Lake Michigan chartering again. A lot has happened since the last report. We fished several times in October but wicked winds prevented a lot of trips. The action started out solid as we kept rolling on Lake trout in 100 feet of water but a week of bad winds final wiped this option out. We then started fishing the shoreline for Brown trout and Lake trout. The problem was the Brown trout where not around and this hurt the catch rate. Usually the Brown action is solid in October but this year it was tough. Good for the spring of 2019 though. We also boated our 2nd Northern Pike on Lake Michigan in October. The highlight of the month. We stayed in until November 5th, which was one day too long. On November 4th on a Sunday we had a blow out of the East that was 35 to 40 mph for 20 hours straight. I thought the boat was finished. We had to put 4 bumpers and 6 lines on to hold it in place in a slip. Absolutely crazy! The boat came out the next day.
Our season was solid with a 13.5 fish average per trip. The fishing was tougher than in 2017 but we really worked to catch all 5 species throughout the year. The days are gone when you can rely on one specie during a time period. Well with the exception of Coho in May and June. We look forward to next season and we are preparing each week to make sure fish keep coming in the boat. I will be breaking down the season in my next report. Over the last 3 seasons Coho is the number one fish caught by far and four seasons ago it was Lake trout. You have to go back to 2014 when Chinook were still king. But the good thing about our fishery is those Chinook are healthy and big. Have a great holiday's and catch you next year. Below is the end of our season. The wicked blow on November 4th I tailed a couple Kings running up the boat ramp. There was over 100 Chinook trying to spawn their that night.
September 2108 in in the books and it ended up being pretty good. We did lose half our trips to high winds and because the harbor water was 69 degrees from top to bottom we had to cancel many trips we would have normally run in the harbor. September is usually tied wiht April as the two months we fish the Milwaukee harbor but things half to set up for this to be effective. East winds and lots of rain pretty much eliminated this and we only ran 4 trips in the harbor this September. The Chinook return was not that strong and a lot of the fish either shot up the river or went into the marina section early. This did set up other areas though. We either fished out in 250 to 300 feet of water or north of town in 100 feet of water. Both were productive when we could get out on the lake. We ended the month wihit a 12 fish average per trip. There was a good bite on 2 year old Chinook salmon and this was good to see for next year. We also he a good bite on Lake trout and this really was strong at the end of the month. September is usually a good Brown trout month and we did not boat a single one during the month. Our last trip in September we still had 65 degree surface water but down 40 feet it was 45 degrees in 100 feet.
Milwaukee charter fishing in the harbor was almost all #3 J-Plugs. Chrome and pearl plugs were the best. Riggers set near the bottom took almost all the fish and they were all 4 year old or mature Chinooks. We also had success on Fire Tiger J-13 jointed stick baits on 3 color leadcores. The Chinooks where good size, between 15 to 25 pounds but the bites were few and far between. We spent most of September in 90 to 110 feet north of Milwaukee, with 4 trips in the 250 to 300 foot range. But the best bite was in 100 feet. We ran one rigger at the bottom for Lake trout, using a spin and glow, with a smoke dodger. The last 3 trips of September we increased the spin and glow set up to two riggers and one wire dipsy because the Lake trout bite really took off. But for the most part the second deep rigger had a white flasher and Howie Bull Frog fly. The two up riggers had spoons down anywhere from 35 to 70 feet, depending on the water temperature. The break changed a lot during the month, going up and down with the wind changes. Was as deep as 75 feet and near the end of the month the break was 30 feet down. We had our wire dipsies set at 120 to 250 on the line counters and used whit flashers and either Bull Frog or Little Boy Blue for flies. The boards were all copper from 150 to 350 coppers and everything in between. We had all spoons on these rods. Our best baits were Stinger stingray size NBK, UV Blue Dolphin, Fickle Pickle and Orange Crush. We also liked the Moonshine UV wonderbread. That worked well for the last couple months. Again, it was better than expected September but over the last several seasons we are working to expand a wider bite than just harbor fish that are pre-spawning. The return is less in recent years due to stocking cuts and if things don't set up just right it becomes very hard to get bites.
We are not done Lake Michigan charter fishing yet out of Milwaukee. We will be fishing into early November. The weather can be a problem at times during the end of the season but when we can get out there should still be some real good days of fishing left. We expect to still see young Chinook salmon in the catch. Lake trout and Brown trout will also make up a good part of the catch. The close to shore and harbor fishing should be more reliable as time goes on and the 100 foot contour has delivered over the last couple of weeks. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on the last trips of the 2018 season.
We are just about through August and Milwaukee charter fishing has been steady. We are averaging 11 fish a trip during the month and it has been a mixed bag. We caught the grand slam or all 5 species in 2 of the last 7 trips. Lake trout are the top species through the month but we are catching some Rainbow trout and Chinook salmon too. We have been in 340 feet to 30 feet of water and there has not been a hot spot anywhere for long. Two things that standout for the season have been lots of high winds and we have fished deep water for almost 70% of the season. The bite has just been more consistent out deep. We have had seasons we never got deeper that 150 feet of water but this season that is the starting point for most trips. It is just how things have set up. For the strong winds we have had enough of it. Many days this month we have had to deal with wave conditions over 4 feet or better and cancelling trips due to this. But when conditions have been fishable we are catching. Lake trout are everywhere we fish but for the first half of the month it was outstanding trout fishing in 95 to 120 feet of water straight out of Milwaukee. When this fell apart we moved into 30 to 50 feet and caught Brown trout, Chinook and some Lake trout. This held for several days until a big northeaster warmed the water up and sent us back out deep. We took a mixed bag of Steelhead, Coho, Chinook and of course Lake trout, Lake trout are the number one stocked fish in Lake Michigan and they are everywhere. The best depths were between 250 and 320 feet of water. Now the water has begun to cool down and this morning the surface temperature was 65 degrees and down 35 feet it was 48 degrees. We found this to be true from 100 feet to 65 feet of water. This will help a Chinook harbor bite once the water clears up from the big rains.
We have run a lot of different sets during this period but our stud flasher fly combo is the Howie Bull Frog with a white pearl flasher. This has been good on deep riggers and on wire dipsies. This combo is been on since Brew City. The only other bait on these 4 rods would be spin and glows for Lake trout. All the board rods and the side riggers have had spoons on them. We like the Moonshine UV pearl wonder bread the best. We also have run the mixed veggie and NBK green Stingers. For just about all the month the stud board rods are 300 and 350 coppers. A lot of reeling. Today we switched to leadcores for the first time since fishing in 30 feet of water. We liked 3,4,5,6,7 & 8 colors. The wire dipsies were set at 250 feet for a couple weeks today it was 125 on the line counter. We are seeing some good Chinook action now, with some magnum shakers and 4 year old Kings getting ready to stage. If the cold water creeps in just a little more and we can avoid a big northeaster there will be some good Chinook fishing in and around the harbor. We should see some 20 plus pound Chinook this September.
Silver King Charters will be fishing into the first week of November and there is still some good fishing to be had. Give us a call at 414-460-1467 and catch some fish before and after the football games.
We are now through July and I cannot believe how fast the season has gone. I always try to make the most out of each day but I wish I could slow it down some. The first part of July was solid through right up to July 20th when a big northeaster and then the full moon cycle shut things down for several days. We had good mixed bag catches, with Coho salmon at the start of the month and now Lake trout as of the last week being the top catch. This is still a good time to catch Chinook salmon and will remain so through early September. We were fishing in 200 to 300 feet of water over the last two weeks but in the last several days the hot bite is in 90 to 120 feet of water, either straight out of Milwaukee or several miles north. Wee have pulled several Chinook and Lake trout over 20 pounds too. On Saturday we fished Brew City salmon tournament and came in 3rd out of 98 boats. It was a tough field but my brother and I decided to go back to our old formula that we abandoned the last two Brew City tournaments and we went 27 for 28, catching 130 pounds of fish in only 4 hours of fishing time. It was an execution. We have three 3rd place and three 2nd place finishes in this tournament. We also took 5th twice, 7th once, 9th twice and several finishes 13th through 18th. I doubt we will ever capture first place but I will take top 5 all day in that kind of competition. We have won in all other ports from Port Washington to Winthrop but our home port has been a challenge. Great job to Payde Fore 2.
Our plan for Brew City was to fish Lake trout to start and we landed 15 in 45 minutes and kept 7 of them. Our top 5 averaged 14.5lbs. We tried to pull a Chinook on boards during this but failed. The riggers and wire divers on the bottom in 105 feet did the work. We had a different color spin and glow on each rod, along with a smoke dodger. It was good and quick in 105 feet of water straight out. We pulled lines and went straight out to 200 feet of water to catch five silver fish. We ran 4 boards with moonshine wonder bread spoons on 350, 300, 200 and 175 coopers. These had worked during the week but failed on Saturday. We ran two spoons on riggers and flasher flies on the wire dipsies and deep rigger. The wires were set at 200 feet on the line counters and the riggers were 60, 70 and 90 feet down. We had one hit and one Lake trout in the first half hour. We pushed out to 265 feet and this is where we started to get bites. Our rigger with a pearl white flasher and bull frog Howie fly down 90 feet picked off a King. We quickly sent another one down to 100 feet and pulled a Coho salmon. Eventually all riggers and divers had this set up with this combo and we ended up taking 2 Chinook, 1 Rainbow, 1 Coho and 1 Pink salmon in an hour. Right depth and right bait! We now had 10 fish to weigh in and it was 9:30AM. We decided to pull lines again and run 30 minutes up to Fox Point. The home of so many great catches. We set in 130 feet and trolled from the wreck to the Point. Of course during this troll we pulled 3 more Lake trout because they are everywhere but we came for upgrades on silver fish. We got three of them and they were all Chinook. We only could keep three more fish at this point. We took two on wire divers set at 200 feet on the line counter and one on a rigger at 90 feet down. All three were caught on the pearl flasher and Howie Bull Frog fly. The problem was the first two were 9 and 12 pounds. We have been pulling 15 pounders as small ones all month. The last one was 18 pounds. The difference from 1st to 3rd place was our Kings were too small. In tournaments you got to move some to be successful. You also have to guess right. We did and it paid off. Wouldn't change a thing. Willy and I along with our first mates were surgical. What was the formula? Simple only one guy calls the shots and drives. Cannot leave it up to debate. We have done a lot of winning this way.
Milwaukee charter fishing on Lake Michigan still has a long way to go in 2018 and this is the time for big Chinook salmon. There are not a lot of them but there are some monsters. Lake trout fishing is at its best right now and there will be some good offshore days for Steelhead. Near the end of August we will start to land some Brown trout too. This is a great time to book a trip on Lake Michigan, so call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to catch some August fish. The first pic is the Brew City catch and then Colin cutting the Patrick Cudahy sausage. The best prize to get!
We are now through Salmon-A-Rama and tough winds made it very challenging. We were unable to fish 4 of the 9 days and the last 3 days has warmed up the west shores off Milwaukee and south. We fished today and found 60 degree water down 100 feet and 58 degree water down 125 feet. Not ideal but looks like a good batch of west winds coming and this will improve things. We boated 142 fish during Salmon-A-Rama and this was a low for the last 7 years we have fished this with customers. We boated 7 fish 20 pounds or better, with are big being 26.29 lbs. This was good for 26th biggest overall. We felt that all top ten Chinook would be over 30 pounds due to all the reports leading into Salmon-A-Rama but as usual the scale shrinks fish. Only 3 fish were weighed in at 30 pounds and the tenth biggest was 27.5 lbs. We were fortunate enough to win big Lake trout at 23lbs and we took 5th place Lake trout too. This helped us to finish 2nd place in the Pro Top Ten. Craig from Kinn's Catch bested us with a few more big Kings. Great job guys! We only fished Lake trout at the end for 4 trips but in hind site we should have started earlier.
Our breakdown for the catch was much like our season so far: 64 Coho, 44 Lake trout, 24 Chinook, 8 Rainbow and 3 Brown trout. Most of our fishing was done in 70 to 90 feet of water and flasher flies dominated. Only spin and glo's for Lake trout were as good. White flashers with little boy blue on all set ups seemed to be best with the challenging bite. Things have changed greatly with the big northeast blow but flashers are still better over spoons as of today.
We are booked for Salmon-A-Rama starting today for 2019 and it will be from July 13th through July 21st. In seven seasons since the charter ticket has been introduced we have won money for 21 people for an average of 3 a year. Our customers get to keep all the money won, with the exception of the grand prize if $25,000, which we will take $5000. This year we had 4 winners and Gary Seeman netted a $3700 outboard Yamaha motor that he will easily sell for $3200, along with $100 big fish of the day. The breakdown by year is as follows:
2012: Lake trout 4th & 5th place and big fish of the day
2013: Rainbow trout 3rd place, Lake trout 8th place, Coho salmon 9th place, Chinook salmon 9th place and the Lake trout was 9th biggest in tournament overall
2014: Rainbow 1st place, Coho salmon 3rd place
2015: Lake trout 2nd, 5th and 8th places, Super Slam 1st place and 2nd biggest fish overall in tournament
2016: Chinook salmon 3nd place and 3rd biggest in tournament. Big fish of the day and 2nd place in Pro Top Ten
2017: Chinook salmon 4th place and 4th biggest of tournament. BIg fish of the day and 2nd place in Pro Top Ten
2018: Lake trout 1st place and 5th place. Big fish of the day twice and 2nd place in Pro top Ten
We had a great week with a lot of fun folks and we look forward to next year and hopefully we will be lucky enough to keep are winning streak alive. These trips book fast so call today.
Below is a few pictures from Salmon-A-Rama and Colin shows how to hold a fish to look crazy big. Gary and all our customers over the years, thanks so much for fishing with us. The season is not over with by a long shot and Brew City is next. Call Silver King Charters to get in on August and September fishing for big Chinook salmon, Lake trout and Rainbow trout.
We are a 3rd of the way through July and Milwaukee charter fishing has been solid. We have had a few tough trips but for the most part are in double digits for the month and we are averaging 17.3 fish a trip. The story of the season is Coho salmon so far. Are catch has been 65% Coho and only 5% Chinook. The other 30% have been trout. The Coho bite is still making up a good part of our catch but the water is starting to warm and if we don't get a little cool down the Coho bite will slow way down. Today you could see a definite thermocline down 35 feet. It was 69 degrees on the surface and 65 down 35 feet but started to drop there. There is lots of bait around and things are set for some good Chinook and Lake trout action. We are looking for what happened earlier this year in the southern half of the Michigan side. We have been fishing in 165 feet to 250 feet of water in the top 70 feet and north of Milwaukee for all of July. We are catching everything but Brown trout and heavy on the Coho salmon.
The spread still has orange dodger and green half flies on the inside dipsies, 3 color leadcores on boards and a side rigger down 15 feet. These are the most effective rods. The back riggers have white flashers and Howie Bull Frog flies set at 55 and 70 feet. The other side rigger has a chrome flasher and Green Krink Howie fly set at 35 feet. The inside leads are 5 through 9 color, using blue dolphin UV Stinger spoons. The wire dipsies are set at 150 to 175 on the line counter and we have green flashers with Howie Bull Frog flies. This has not changed for the last 10 days and has delivered but I think we are going to start loosing some of the orange stuff if the Coho bite slows.
This is the time of year we have our best opportunity for big Chinook salmon Milwaukee charter fishing. We are hoping it sets up soon. We are taking some big Kings but we want a few more in the catch. There have been many Chinook report at or near 30 pounds and we have had several in the 24 to 26 pound class. Could be some special fish caught next week. Salmon-A-Rama starts this Saturday and we hope to put some of our customers on the board as we have the last 6 years. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book at July or August trip and land a big one! The pictures are from some of our early July trips.
June is now in the books and Milwaukee charter fishing has begun to transition out of Coho to a mix of Coho, Chinook, Lake trout and Rainbow trout. A week ago we were targeting Lake trout but have since moved off shore in 150 to 250 feet of water. Constant northeast and southeast winds has taking its toll on bites closer to shore. The water has not gotten super warm but 60 on the surface with 50 degree water right to the bottom in 90 feet. We are in desperate need of some west or southwest winds to turn the 100 foot and shallower bite back on. I have a picture of one of our last Lake trout trips before it fell apart. We are now out in the 200 plus zone and fishing the top 60 feet of water. Surface temperatures have been 51 to 56 degrees out there and we get into 49 degrees down 50 feet. All of our bites are coming in the top 60 feet of water, with a lot of them in the top ten feet. We are catching everything but Brown trout. We pulled a very quick 2 man limit today.
The spread is a blend of orange dodgers on the high boards and inside dipsies, with green peanut flies. We are using 5/8 ounce keel weights on the board rods, with the line 25 feet back from the board. The dipsies are set at 20 feet on the line counter and set at 1.5 on the dipsy. The outside dipsies are wire and 125 on the line counter. We have white flashers and Howie Bull Frog flies. All the riggers have the same flasher fly on them and our set at 25 feet down to 65 feet. The riggers are not as good as boards and dipsies. We are also running a 6, 7, 8, and 9 color leadcore on boards. Spoons on these rods, with NBK or Blue Dolphin Stingers. These are both UV spoons. We have has a couple of tough trips were we fell under 10 fish but for the most part 15 fish plus catches.
I was asked about the Chinook bite and we are catching them. They are very good size this year and we will have some good days on them but they only stock 1.2 million a year now and the rest is natural reproduction of some amount, so there are less around. We will get them but not at 15 to 20 a trip. A really good Chinook day is 10. The first week of July looks to continue with some good catches, so call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 today.
We have received some great reviews from actual customers this season and they are much appreciated. We also received a couple poor ones from guys on our dock. To make clear we do not guarantee limits or near limits but we do guarantee a fish during a 5 hour trip or the trip is free. No strings attached. Our goal is certainly more than one but if we fail its free. We are not the cheapest charter on Lake Michigan or even on our dock but we are very reasonable priced. My brother and I both have full time jobs and do not rely solely on charter fishing for are incomes. We charge $530 a trip, including sales tax and will not surprise you with extra charges. We do have a surcharge of $25 for the Salmon-A-Rama week and this is very well noted. We take 5 people of less not 6 and have not advertised 6 for 2.5 years. Some of our repeats bring 6 people but we prefer to run 5 or less. We have seats for 5 people. Final we have 2 new engines with no issues. We spent a lot of money to upgrade our engines and we put 100% of our profits back into our operation. We did have 13 trips affected last year with engines issues but 7 of those we gave to other charters and the 6 we ran we did as well or better than all charters out of Milwaukee on those trips. We know that 90% of our trips come from repeat business and we appreciate this but I felt it necessary to correct some of the guys reviews from our dock. Our goal is safety, a fun trip and catching fish. I have heard to many say people really don't care how many fish they catch but I know for certain they don't mind catching more. Those who fish with us know we never give up. We never got into chartering for the money and I really believe that is what makes us successful. Thanks again for all who fished with us this season and we will keep putting fish in the boat for you.
I have attached pictures from some of our latest catches, including the Whitefish we caught on a spin and glow. The double rainbow was priceless.
Milwaukee charter fishing has changed some in the past several days. As of Saturday morning we were fishing in 170 to 230 feet of water straight out of town. We had been there for several days catching Coho on the surface but this started to fall apart some by mid Saturday, so we decided to start trout fishing mid day and have been there since. We are now working 100 feet of water, with spin and glows on the bottom and orange dodgers on the surface. This mixed spread has been taking some Coho salmon and quite a few Lake trout. We don't think the Coho bite is finished yet but it is slowed down for now. We have taken some really nice fish of late, including a 14 pound Coho, 18 pound Brown trout and 26 pound Lake trout.
The spread right now has inside dipsies, side riggers and board rods all running orange dodgers and green peanut flies. The outside dipsies and back riggers are running spin and glows and smoked dodgers. All are taking some fish the back riggers near the bottom in 90 to 100 feet of water are best. We are pulling up some big Lake trout in the 15 to 20 plus pound class.
Over the next two weeks we will be catching a little of everything but there will still be some good Coho fishing and we should start seeing more Chinook salmon in the mix. The Lake trout fishing should remain decent to very good throughout summer. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on early summer action and big fish. There is a picture of the 14 pound Coho below.
Milwaukee charter fishing has been very good this June so far. We had only a couple of tough days and the back end of yesterday was one of them. We had to cancel today due to weather. We have been in double digits or limits for all but one trip this June and 90 percent of the catch has been Coho salmon. They are starting to hit 4 to 5 pounds more consistent and we still have plenty more to catch. In addition to the Coho we are taking 1 to 3 Chinook a trip and some or these Kings are pushing 20 pounds. We boated on yesterday that was 25 pounds. Around Lake Michigan 20 pound Chinooks have been common and there have been some 30 pound Kings pulled. It is going to be a great season for big Chinook. We started the week working 40 to 60 feet of water but ended the week out in 95 to 115 feet just north of the Milwaukee harbor. When we started the week the concern was the surface temps were warming up to fast and would kill the Coho bite at the surface. The exact opposite is the issue now with 47 degree surface temperatures out in 100 feet. Northeast winds have been the story for the last week and every day East winds have influenced the weather. We expect to find a new depth of water locations early next week and continue catching Coho.
Our spread has changed little over the last 3 weeks. Orange dodgers on everything with green peanut flies. We have increased our use of white flashers, with Howie little boy blue or bull frog flies. We have 3 riggers using this at 75, 55 and 30 feet. We are trying to capitalize on the Chinook bite. Everything else in the top 10 feet of water. We find the key is to troll faster to get bites. Simple fishing for now but it will start to change in a couple of weeks.
So each season I stress that mid May through the 3rd week of June is the best catch rate of the season of salmon and it is not over. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on the last of the real good Coho salmon fishing of the season. Kings are next but right now we are talking double digit or limit catches. Love those Coho salmon. Below are pictures from last week, including the 25 pound Chinook.
Milwaukee charter fishing is as good as it gets right now. We started out June with limit catches and some were very fast. June started with a big northeast blow and this set up the Coho fishing. It was good before it is great now. Last week we were fishing in 150 to 200 feet of water in the top 20 feet. By Saturday we were in 100 feet and by Sunday we started in 70 feet and finished the day in 35 feet of water. The water temps got cold and were as cold as 42 degrees out deep. This pushed fish in close. There is lots of bait and lots of fish setting up a good run of fishing. The catch is almost all Coho salmon but we are pulling some Chinooks on every trip. With all the bait around the fish are putting on weight fast. We are starting to see 5 pound Coho's regularly. I mean this is real good fishing.
Our set up is simple. Orange dodger and green peanut flies on everything. All baits are set in the top 10 feet of water, with the exception of the two back riggers. These are down deeper depending were we fish. White flashers and little boy blue Howie flies are taking the Kings. This is the best time of the season to catches limits of salmon. I cannot stress this enough. It is still fishing and we did have a 4 fish day early last week but for the most part we are catching a lot of fish. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on the action now! Our price is $530, including sales tax for a recommended five hour trip. We take up to 5 people max but the price is the same for less and it is just your group. Oh and our engines will not stall. Need to clarify these things sometimes. The pictures are from thi last weekend.
We are through May and how time flies. I always say that the best time to catch salmon in numbers is mid May through the third week in June and it held true once again. We started taking limits around May 15th and rolled through the rest of the month ending with a limit or 20 last night. It was heavy on Coho salmon, with a few Rainbow trout, Chinook salmon and Lake trout. We started with some good fishing in the South Gap of the Milwaukee harbor. Quick limits for about a week but then it was 150 to 215 feet of water due east. We fished there for the last 8 days. The run time was 25 minutes but well worth it once we got there. It has been a long time since I have seen bait on the graph like I have this spring. The harbor continues to fill up with alewives to a crazy level. Out deep every fish is coughing up alewives. It shows in the size and health of the fish too. It is very common to here of 20 plus pound Chinook salmon and there are sum pushing 30 pounds already. This will be a year for big Kings!
The bite is in he top 10 feet of water no matter where we fish and the bait of choice is orange dodgers and green peanut flies. We are still running mono on the boards with 5/8 ounce keel weights. We are also running a 3 color leadcore on the inside boards. The dipsies are mon and braid, with two a side. The outside set at 30 feet and the inside at 15 feet. On the up riggers we are 8 and 12 feet down. The two back riggers are set 40 and 75 down with white flashers and bull frog Howie flies. We are taking Kings on these. Speed is key and I don't think you can troll too fast at this time. We are going slow if we are at 2.6 mph. We had to cancel trips today due to a strong northeast wind and this will mix things up but over the next 3 weeks we expect more of the same fishing.
Milwaukee charter fishing is real good right now and this is the time to book. We did not make it to Racine this season although Coho fishing has been very good there too. We are excited about all the big Chinook salmon being caught in Michigan right now because some of this action is headed are way. Big Lake trout are also in the mix now too. Great time to fish so call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467. This is shaping up to be a real good June. The pictures are from the last two weeks.
Wisconsin charter fishing has been hampered by some tough weather. Since we started on March 30th we have had to cancel more trips then I can remember this early in the season and most of the bad weather falls on the weekends. Lots of strong winds. Even when we go some of those trips have been tough due to weather. But throughout a season things go in cycles and we are due for a great run of good weather. The good news is when we have gone over the last 10 days the fishing has been good and we are catching Coho salmon. We are still Milwaukee charter fishing but if we do Racine at all it will be for Memorial Day weekend and that is it. We are going to make a final decision on Thursday. The Coho fishing has been getting better each day. The bait in and around the Milwaukee harbor has just gotten to be ridiculous now. We have not put much effort to fish anywhere else because of the amount of bait found in this area. The Coho salmon are not in massive schools but there are enough around to catch a bunch. The other early item from this season, other than weather, Coho and bait is the Chinook salmon. We saw how the crazy good fishing was in the early tournaments in St Joseph and Michigan City Michigan. Quick catches of Big Kings with weights averaging in he upper teens and some fish over 25 pounds. We took a 23 pound Chinook Saturday and there are now reports of Kings being caught in multiple ports on the Wisconsin side on a more consistent basis. These fish are big and health, making July and August look fun. We will still be heavy on Coho salmon for the next several weeks and should only get better throughout this period.
We ran all orange dodgers and small peanut flies on every rod this weekend before cancelling on Sunday due to weather. Every bite came in the top 10 feet of water and they were all Coho salmon. We eventually put a UV Blue Dolphin stinger on a deep rigger and it took two Chinook salmon set at 25 feet down. All the action was in 30 to 40 feet of water. We have been trolling fast on these fish at about 2.6 to 2.8 mph. Each trip over the last week has been double digits, with several limits. We expect it to get better. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on the best catch rate for salmon of the season. We are just getting into the best time of this part of the season now! Pictures are from the weekend and the one Chinook with the scale attached to it was 23 pounds!
Milwaukee charter fishing is heating up. about 10 days ago a massive amount of alewives showed up in the harbor and now the Coho salmon are starting to show up in numbers. This is the most bait I have seen in years and a lot of big mature alewives are around. The graph is sometimes balked out with bait. The Coho bite has steadily improved each day as more fish come in to take part on the bounty of bait. This is not yet the crazy good bite but it is very close to happening. We are starting to get limits and some very quick. The hot set up is a peanut fly on a orange double zero dodger. It is on everything. The Coho have ranged from 2 to 4 pounds but will only be growing with all the bait around. This is shaping up to be a good bite. We have not 100% ruled out Racine charter fishing yet but right now it looks good in Milwaukee.
The orange is on dipsies set just under the surface. On riggers set 5 to 10 feet down. On boards from the surface down 8 feet and these are all mono. We are fishing in 30 to 50 feet of water. The hot bait is pictured below with several nice recent catches. We expect to catch a lot of Coho salmon coming up in the next 6 weeks. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to catch salmon now. This is the best fishing for numbers the entire season!
Milwaukee charter fishing in May has been up and down so far. The fishing has not set up yet or should I say the Coho salmon are not here in numbers. The bait just showed up in the harbor this Sunday and we are starting to take a few Coho but the next several days will tell how good the bite will be. If we don't see improvement we are moving to do some Racine charter fishing. The Coho salmon have started down south but it has only been over the last several days it has been good. One way or the other we will start taking good amounts or Coho salmon. The bite of late has had a little of everything but still May has been more Brown trout than anything. We have taken 20 Coho so far this month but we are seeing the big schools yet. We have boated several nice 15 to 18 pound Chinook salmon, along with a few Rainbow trout. Most of our fishing has been around the harbor but we have gone down to the Oak Creek power plant and as far north as Atwater beach. We have yet to fish beyond 50 feet of water but all this is about to change.
We are still mostly spoons, with Mass Confusion Stinger standing out the best. Some Coho were caught on orange dodgers with a generation X peanut fly or a green peanut fly. Soon this will be the set up on all the rods. Other than that we did not have a red hot set up this last week. The water temperature in the harbor is up to 55 degrees on the surface and just outside and along the shore it is between 45 to 48 degrees. The Milwaukee harbor is so loaded with big alewives we snagged 18 in less than 45 minutes this morning anywhere we went, so we had to get out of the harbor. The fish will be right behind this bait.
Call Silver King Charters now because it is about to go off. The best catch rates of the season start now and go right through mid to late June. We cannot emphasis this enough: The best catch rate for salmon on Lake Michigan is mid May through the 3rd week of June. Call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on the action.
Silver King Charters first month of Milwaukee charter fishing this season has come to an end and it went by fast. We fished a lot of Aprils and tough weather is a part of the month but this April will be remembered for strong winds, very cold temperatures and snow. Hopefully at least the snow is done for. As I right this report it is 70 degrees outside but Saturday and Sunday morning it was only 30 degrees when we started to fish. We had some up and down trips, including on 1 fish effort but at the end we did have several limit catches and managed 10 fish a trip. We will take that considering the weather. we landed 2 Rainbow trout, 2 Chinook salmon, 1 Coho salmon, no Lake trout and the rest were all Brown trout. May will start with a blend of species but Brown trout, Lake trout and Coho salmon. But somewhere in May it will be 90% Coho salmon. This weekend Coho salmon started to show up in catches and we are starting to gear up for what we hope is going to be a lot of salmon caught over the next 7 weeks.
We fished Saturday and Sunday in the harbor and caught a lot of Brown trout. We did boat are second Chinook of the year on Sunday near the south gap. Most of the action came on one and two color leadcores with singer size Mass Confusion copper spoons. The Chinook came on a gold Singer Hud off a mono dipsy. The water temperatures at the surface in the harbor where between 40 and 52 degrees. Right outside the harbor we saw 42 degree surface temps. Bait fish are starting to show up in the harbors now and water temps going up we are going to be in for some good fishing. Saturday was too rough to fish out on the Lake so the harbor was our only option but the fishing was good. On Sunday we went back to the harbor and it was tougher. Could have been due to the full moon and wind switch. Most of the action was around the river mouth or south of it and dirty water did make the bite a little more challenging.
May is the start of our highest catch rates of the season. I cannot emphasis this enough: from mid May through the late June is the highest catch rate of salmon on Lake Michigan. Coho salmon are the number one stocked salmon in Lake Michigan and this is the best time to catch them. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book a trip during this time to get in on your best opportunity to catch good numbers of salmon. The pictures are from this last weekend. The one picture shows how aggressive Chinooks can be, with a Gold Hud Stinger spoon buried in his mouth.
We got back to fishing last weekend after the horrific blow and snow of last weekend. There was no way we could have fished two weekends ago with gust of 50 mph out of the northeast, snow of over 6 inches and temperatures below freezing. The snow is all gone after the worst storm of the entire winter and Lake Michigan fishing is starting to take off again. We fished Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The water was no warmer than 40 degrees on the surface and we didn't see that until Sunday. Both Saturday and Sunday we experienced a very thin layer of ice that covered most of the area of Milwaukee we tried to fish. The harbor was ice free but too murky. The water and air temps were above freezing but there was a very thin ice layer everywhere. I heard that because there was no wind or clouds at night that this ice forms because of evaporation or radiant freezing that is common on ski hills at this time of the year. Freaked me out but I think we are done with ice on southern Lake Michigan now.
The bite got better each day we fished and the best spot was south of Milwaukee in 10 to 30 feet of water. We mostly caught Brown trout but we did land our first Chinook salmon of 2018. It was 17 pounds and gave an excellent fight. It hit a UV Blue Dolphin Stinger spoon on a rigger. The best spoon was a green natural born killer Singer on the mono dipsies set at 20 feet on the line counter. Boards took a few with one and two color leadcores and stinger confusion spoons. The bite was tough but we were able to get some good size fish on all trips.
The rest of this week looks more favorable, with water clearing and warming up. We expect the Milwaukee harbor area to pick up this weekend and the Lake trout bite to become a little stronger. I have attached pictures of the Chinook, along with some nice Brow trout and the ice sheet. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on the last of April Brown trout action and the beginning of the May Coho salmon bite. Lets hope we have seen the last of the snow.
We are deep into September, with big winds and warm water making things challenging. We have been fishing on again off again in the Harbor. When we out in the lake it has been 100 to 120 feet of water and right on the bottom. The catch is a mix off mature King salmon and Coho salmon, along with Lake trout and Brown trout. The water in recent days has cooled some where we are now seeing low 50 degree water as shallow as 40 feet of water right at the bottom. This will make in and around the harbor better because there are a lot of fish stacked in there now.
Silver King Charters has boated over 50 fish of 20lbs or more this season and the last 10 have come this month. The Chinooks are good size this year. We have had season over the last several years where we only boated one Chinook over 20lbs. We should have a few more cracks at some big ones this month before they start spawning. The Coho salmon have not staged yet but they are close. There are some 15 to 18 pound Coho being caught. It was a solid year on size for salmon. Should be another good spring on Coho next year too.
In the harbor it is our two deep riggers with a UV stingray Blue Dolphin Singer spoon and a UV blue flounder pounder magnum size Moonshine getting it done. The plugs have started to work in the last several days on riggers and our favorite is the size 4 Mother of Pearl Luhr Jensen J-Plug. We run one wire dipsy with a white flasher and little boy blue Howie fly and one mono dipsy with a spoon like those on the riggers. The boards have not been productive in the harbor.
In the lake it has been heavy on spin and glows right on the bottom producing Lake trout. We take a few Chinook and Coho off the up high riggers, with white flashers and either bull frog flies or little boy blue made by Howie. Boards are all copper between 200 to 400 feet. All spoons and the same as in the harbor. The good thing is that the water has cooled and we have started to fish in 50 to 60 feet of water on the lake.
It will be Harbor and lake fishing depending on the action and the seas through the rest of this month but there are some big fish to be had. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on some fun Milwaukee charter fishing. We go until November 6th this year.
August has been up and down for Silver King Charters. Twice we were down with engine issues that cost us a week total but all is resolved now. Then high winds that seem to occur every weekend now has cancelled trips but we have been Milwaukee charter fishing in between all of that. The two things that are the highlight of August are big Chinooks and big Lake trout. We have boated 30 fish in August that were 20 pounds are bigger. Half and half trout to salmon. The Lake trout fishing in August has been real good and the small ones are around 10 pounds. The mature Chinooks may not be in great numbers but the ones that are around are big. A twenty pound King is very common and it take a 30 pound King to be special this year. There was on caught this season that was 41 pounds.
Most of our action has been in 100 to 115 feet of water. We are fishing Lake trout on the bottom with smoked dodgers followed by spin and glows. The water is 70 degrees on the surface, with the break anywhere from 60 to 80 feet down through the last 4 weeks. We have been targeting Kings with white flashers and either Boy Blue or Bull Frog Howie flies. We have these on riggers down 55 to 100 feet. We are also running copper on our boards. Anywhere from 175 to 400 coppers. The spoons are cracked ice magnum Pro King, flounder pounder blue magnum Moonshine and the blue dolphin stingray Stinger. These worked in the lake and also in the harbor, where Kings are starting to stage. Right now water is too warm but for a couple of days it there were some high 50 degree water temps in the harbor that got the fish to bite. We need some west winds to set the harbor up for a reel good September.
We expect to have some more good weeks of Lake trout fishing and the next 3 weeks we hope to have one of our clients land a 30 pound King. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book a September trip and land a big fish before the season ends.
Well a lot has happened since my last report. Salmon-A-Rama was a huge success. Many fish were caught but the highlight was big Kings. We boated 9 over 20 pounds and one that was 29.5 pounds. This ended up being the fourth biggest fish of the contest. We had four people win money this year and we came in 2nd place with 225 pounds of fish in the Pro division.
The week after Salmon-A-Rama we were hit with strong northeast winds and this changed Milwaukee charter fishing up. The water warmed up to 69 degrees on the surface with 59 degrees down 60 to 70 feet. Big change and fish took time to adjust. We had the Brew City on Sunday because of the wind on Friday and Saturday. Silver King took 13th place and we were happy with that. Only two boats weighed in 10 fish and only 6 caught 9 fish and that is what we ended up with. Brutal day and the worst catch rate in Brew City history. Congratulations to Anger Management and Captain Tom Zapp for catching 89lbs in 9 fish. We were close but couldn't get our last silver fish quick enough to fish trout.
Since then we have taken it out on the trout. There is some great Lake trout fishing off Milwaukee right now and we are averaging 13 pounds a trout right now. The warm water has pushed the trout out and down. We are fishing right on the bottom in 100 to 115 feet of water. We are using spin and glows, with smoked dodgers to do the damage on multiple set ups. We pulled 4 over 20 pounds this weekend and had a trip with 230 pounds for 17 trout. We are targeting other fish and taking Chinook, Coho, and Rainbows in the 50 to 70 feet of the water column. As this water sets up better more silver fish will be caught and we can use this warm water to our advantage.
We will be fishing through October 31st this year and we are sure to have some great trips throughout this time. Give Silver King Charters a call at 414-460-1467 to get in on the last 2.5 months of the season. Big Kings and Big Lakers will be caught.
Milwaukee charter fishing remains solid. We are averaging 16 fish for the season although the start of July has been up and down we are at 12 fish for trip this month. Chinook are in the mix and we see about 2 t o3 a trip but it is definitely a mixed bag. The catch almost always includes Lake trout, Rainbow trout, Coho salmon and Chinook salmon. The water is cold and this has made the bite tough at times. In areas we see 43 degrees on the surface and other areas it is 65 degrees but go down 20 feet and it is in the forties. There is a lot of warm water built up due to a warm start in May but west winds have prevented much build up on the western shores off Milwaukee. It will not take much to get some warm water near shore and a good northeaster would do the trick to really make the fishing turn on. All that said the fishing is still good.
The spread is still targeting the top 40 feet of water. We are using 1 through 3 colors, with orange Coho rigs along with the inside dipsies set at 35 feet and the one side rigger down 15 feet. All has the orange on. The catch is still 50% Coho. We are running 5 through 8 color leadcores, with Stinger stingray sizes spoons. Gold hud and carmel dolphins are best. These have been taking all four species. The wire dipsies along with the other riggers are white flashers and double aqua flies. Wire set at 85 to 120 on the line counter and riggers from 20 to 50 down. We are fishing between 75 to 120 feet of water. All rods contribute but the orange is still the strongest.
We are on the eve of Salmon-A-Rama and this is the 5th year we have purchased the charter ticket. We have been on the board for the last 4 years and will attempt to do it again this year. We are booked for the event and all we need is some luck and a no quit attitude when fighting fish. Brew City Salmon Tournament is on July 29th and I have already received a lot of entries, so sign up soon. Call Silver King Charters to book a trip for August, September or October at 414-460-1467. There is plenty of great action to still be had.
Tonight is the night of a very special full moon that I had planned to fish but instead I will be heartbroken. It has been a long time since my last report and a lot has changed. The Coho world started to slow down considerably on June 22nd. The water became real cold and shut the bite down. Up to then we were still catching limits. Too much west winds. We had been fishing north exclusively but eventually we moved south and found some warmer water that helped the bite. This is where we have been fishing now for the last week and we are back into double digit catches.
The best depths are in 70 to 120, with fish found from 15 feet down right to the bottom. The catch is a mix of Coho, Rainbow, Lakers and Chinooks. We still have orange in the spread. One rigger down 15 feet, the inside dipsies set at 40 feet on the line counter and the outside boards with 2 to 4 colors. The water temps have been warming over the past several days with some northeast and southeast winds. The surface is now at 65 degrees which we hope stays around.
Wire dipsies are now being run on a consistent bases. We have been using white flashers, with green or aqua flies set from 100 to 200 feet on the line counter. We are running a side of copper and a side of leadcore. The leads are between 5 to 8 color and the copper are between 100 to 250 feet. We are running spoons on the leadcores, with the Stinger stingray sizes carmel or blue dolphin. For the copper it is white flashers, with green or aqua flies. The two back riggers are flashers with aqua flies and on the up high rigger it is a carmel dolphin.
The bulk of the catch is Coho and Rainbow but not by much. We average 2 Kings and 3 Lake trout too. We have pulled some nice sized Chinooks with one over 20 pounds and several pushing that. The catch of late has been between 5 to 25 fish depending on the time of day. We are hoping that a thermocline sets up to shrink the target zone and make fishing even better.
Salmon-A-Rama is coming up and we have one spot open for Tuesday July 18th, starting at 10:00AM. We hope to have another great run this season and have several of our customers win some money. Brew City is also coming up on July 29th. I just did the mailing yesterday for those who were in last years event. All 50 cash prizes are back for this year! Call Silver King Charters today at 414-460-1467 to book a trip this season.
The Milwaukee charter fishing report is the same since we got back from Racine. Lots of limits and lots of Coho salmon. Keep the cold water around we keep catching the Coho. The water is starting to warm up on the surface at times and we have seen 58 degrees at times but the southwest blows come at the perfect time and knock it back down to 49 degrees. Keep the water temperature below 60 degrees down 10 to 15 feet and we keep catching. We have averaged 20 fish a trip over the last 4 weeks and the spread is almost all orange dodgers. Why mess with success.
We have fished 15 feet of water out to 130 feet over the last week but 80% of the bite is in the top 10 feet of water. Most of the catch is Coho, about 80% with some Kings, Rainbows and Lake trout thrown in. Green peanut flies and orange dodgers on all set ups except the back 3 riggers and these have little boy blue Howie flies, with white flashers. Simple set up. We drive until we start getting hit and then focus on that depth. It does change day to day.
This is the highest catch rate for salmon during the season and it is starting to come to an end. When the Coho go the salmon catch drops and turns more to trout. We expect it to continue at least another 10 days but if it is like last year it could go deep into July. The bait is here so southwest winds are key to keeping them from blowing out deep. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 now to get in on this outstanding Coho salmon action before it is all gone.
It is a carbon copy of last weeks report for charter fishing Milwaukee. Outstanding Coho salmon fishing with limits or close to limits. We have moved into a little shallower water and the surface temps are now at 51 degrees but the Coho are still on the surface for now. We are still catching a couple of Lake trout, Rainbow trout and Chinook salmon on each trip.
The only change to our spread is that we are now using 1 and 2 color leadcores on our inside boards. As the water warms we will start going deeper on these boards with leadcores. We are still all orange on the boards and dipsies. Still white flashers and little boy blue Howie on the riggers, with the up high rigger using orange. Our favorite fly is a green peanut for the Coho.
Very good fishing and now is the time to book because when the Coho bite slows the salmon catch will drop and we will start fishing more trout. It is still rolling so call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on the action.
Ok, Milwaukee charter fishing is as good as it gets right now and should continue for at least a couple more weeks. We fished in 15 feet of water out to 150 feet of water and caught fish everywhere. The bite is 85% Coho salmon, with some Chinook, Rainbow and Lakers. The best bite is in the top 10 feet of water, where the water temperature is between 44 to 48 degrees on the surface. We have had almost all limits, with the exception of Sunday afternoon due to very strong winds but we almost got it done then too.
Very simple set. Orange dodger and peanut fly, either green or black and purple. All mono boards, dipsies set high and one rigger tipped with orange down 6 feet. The other three riggers are set at 100, 80 and 40 when we are in deep water. They have been taking Lakers and Kings. Whit flasher and Little Boy Blue fly by Howie.
This is incredible fishing right now and the best time to catch the best eating fish. Coho's are everywhere and getting bigger by the day. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 now to get in on this great bite.
Well a lot has changed since our last update. We fished out of Racine when we could due to strong winds. When we got out it was offshore starting in 180 feet of water. Fish were on the surface down to 140 feet. Mostly Coho salmon. We average 15 fish during this period but is was a struggle. We moved back to our Milwaukee slip on Monday. There is more bait and therefore more fish. We have ran three trips so far out of Milwaukee and limited out quick on all three. Mostly Coho salmon, with some Chinook. The best depth was 80 to 150 feet or water. Most of the Coho were on the surface and the Kings were coming 40 to 80 feet down. We also boated a 13 pound Coho salmon. We made the right move coming home. All the fish in Milwaukee are stuffed with alewives where in Racine it was not the case. There is no doubt Racine is in for a real god Coho season but for now and going forward Milwaukee will be just as good if not better at times.
The spread is simple orange dodgers and either black/purple/gold peanut flies or green peanut flies on all boards and dipsies. All are set in the top 10 feet of water. The two side riggers the same set at 5 and 13 feet down. The two deep riggers are using white coyote flashers, with little boy blue or green Howie flies. The action is very good and the Coho are between 2 to 5 pounds.
This is it. The best time of the year to catch good numbers of salmon. I think it will continue to be very good throughout mid to late June for Coho salmon. I cannot emphasis this enough, this is the best time to catch salmon! Call Silver King Charters right now at 414-460-1467 to start catching.
We are now Racine charter fishing and will be fishing out of this port for another couple weeks at least. This weekend was all Coho salmon. We averaged 17 fish a trip and we fished between 150 to 240 feet of water. The action was not concentrated but we picked away at them. We took fish from the surface down to 60 feet of water and again there was not much consistency of where they hit.
Our hot set ups were dodgers and flies on the high mono boards. We let out 12 to 30 feet of line on these and the fish were hitting just below the surface. The Howie green fly and black and purple flies worked best. On one side we ran two 00 dodgers with 17" leads and the other B&B's with 26" leads. Both took fish. On the dipsies we ran two aside at 15 and 30 feet on the line counter. Same flies along with the Next Gen fly. These were ok but not as good as the boards. We ran spoons on a 7 and 9 color leadcore boards are two high riggers. The riggers were set at 30 and 40 feet. The best spoon was the chartreuse gold hud and the gold hud Stingers. On our deep riggers it was whit flashers with Howie super frog or frog flies. There was not one that stood out of all these set ups but by Sunday afternoon orange dodgers where on the surface and dipsies were taking over.
Silver King Charters will be in Racine for at least a couple more weeks and we hope the fish start to move in closer to shore but when we get on schools of Coho salmon it is fast action out deep on in close to shore. This is flat out the best time of the year to catch salmon, so call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on the action and have salmon to smoke on the grill this Memorial Day.
Another big blow from the north limited us this last week. We only fished a couple of times and with limited success. Our shallow program fell apart due to poor water clarity. We managed some nice Brown trout but far fewer than our 16 fish average for the season. The best bait in the murky water was the Blue Dolphin UV stingray. It produced most of the fish on dipsy set at 15 feet on the line counter and our one color leads. We did venture out to 130 feet on Sunday before pulling and going back into the shallows. We just didn't get deep enough for Coho action.
We begin our southern offensive this weekend Racine charter fishing. We look forward to this ever year because this is the best time of the year to catch good numbers of salmon. The number one stocked salmon is Coho and they have been stocked the same amount in Lake Michigan for over 25 years. This year looks real good on Coho salmon and they are starting to show up everywhere. The alewives are loaded up in the Milwaukee harbor and showing up in Racine too. The Coho bite is still best out deep but we hope to see some showing up along the shore in Racine. If not we will find them.
Silver King Charters will be in Racine for the next 5 weeks feasting on Coho salmon. Last season we averaged 19 fish a trip trough this period and we hope to do better this year. Now is the time to call and get in on the best salmon action of the year. These are also great tasting fish. Racine is only 40 minutes south of Milwaukee and we are located at Reef Point marina. Get in on the fun it should be a great spring.
Well fishing has remained real good but weather has not. We have had on again off again big north east blows that have slowed us down. The worst is they hit last weekend and looks like the same to start this one. When we have been out its been good. Lake trout are now in the mix with Brown trout as we have been fishing the shore in 30 feet of water. It has been has been a split between the two but we did pick up our first King last week. We have run the same spread since April 1st. The surface water is between 44 to 46 degrees depending the day and yesterday we caught our first fish with and alewife in it. Of course it was a Lake trout. We are now seeing schools of bait near shore.
We begin Racine charter fishing on May 13th. The Coho salmon are starting to show up down south and within a week or two it should be going real good. This is the best time to catch salmon and the Coho salmon is the number one stocked salmon in Lake Michigan. There where 2.5 million stocked for the season. There was a warm winter and should be good survival for us to catch. May and June is the time to score Coho salmon, so call Silver King Charters now to get in on this great fishing. It has already been a great spring for Brown trout now lets get the salmon.
Milwaukee charter fishing continues to remain solid. We are still averaging 15 fish a trip and still almost all Brown trout. For most of the week it was still the harbor and still the same set up but on Saturday the bite slowed and we had to move. We fished the shore on Sunday just north of the Milwaukee harbor and hooked up on some nice Brown trout and Lake trout. The harbor is starting to warm and the bait has not shown up yet. It still will have some good days this April but the better bite for now is along the shore.
We fished 20 to 40 feet of water and the surface temp was 44 degrees and stayed that down 15 feet. We ran 1, 2, 3 and 4 color leadcores on the boards and they all took fish. Gold Hud stingray spoons were good of the 4 color and Mass Confusion stingers on the 1 and 2 colors were good too. We ran the UV blue dolphin stingrays on the mono dipsies, with the line counter set at 25. The riggers did ok and the best spoon there was the lemon cracked ice stinger. Very good on the Lake trout. There was good size to the fish but the bait we found in the fish was gobies. Alewives are not in yet but when they show the Coho salmon will be there too. We figure 7 to 10 days for those who want to book a trip to catch them.
Silver King charters will be in Milwaukee for another week or two before we start Racine charter fishing for Coho salmon. There are Coho being caught now but the big schools are still off shore. Any day they should show. Call us at 414-460-1467 to catch some spring trout and salmon.
We are still Milwaukee charter fishing and will be through April before heading to Racine. The Brown trout bite is still solid and the last several outings have seen some better size, with fish in the 5 to 8 pound range. The one change is the water temp is between 48 to 53 degrees on the surface in and around the Milwaukee harbor, causing a little less concentration of Brown trout.
We have been using the same spread since we started and the top spoon is the copper Mass Confusion stinger and stingray spoons. We also have had success with the gold Hud UV stingray. Are best rods are the 1 and 2 colors, with these spoons. They have taken two thirds of the Brown trout.
Silver King Charters will be fishing Browns and Lakers through the end of April in Milwaukee and then headin to Racine for Coho action. Call us at 414-460-1467 to book a trip to catch Coho salmon. This is the number one stocked salmon in Lake Michigan and May and June is the best time to catch them.
Milwaukee charter fishing has started out hot. The Brown trout bite is incredible. We have fished 6 times with customers, friends and family and limited each time. Most of these Browns are 3 to 5 pounds but we boated a 33.5 pound Brown trout on Saturday. This is the second 30 plus pound Brown we have caught in the last 3 years. The action is in and around the Milwaukee harbor and there is a great year class of these Brown trout from a couple of years ago. Silver King Charters has not boated more Brown trout than all of last year. We didn't target them much last season and the spring was not so good weather wise. This year it is perfect and there is no better time to take advantage of it them now.
We are running our boards with 1, 2 and 3 color leadcore, with all spoons. The Singer Mass Confusion is the top spoon on the boards and works best on the 1 color. We are running one dipsy a side dialed in at 3 and set at 20 feet on the line counter. These are mono dipsies. Gold Hud Stinger on one side and Blue Dolphin UV Stinger on the other. We are running 4 riggers set at 7, 10, 15 and 20 feet. The big Brown came on a rigger and this was a Glow Wonderbread Stinger. All spoons and gold or copper are best.
This action on Brown trout will not last. As soon as the water warms things will cool down but we expect April to remain strong. For the first couple weeks we have found no bait in the fish. They are healthy but nothing was around to eat. On Sunday we saw Commerants diving and Gulls were picking bait off the surface. It looks like shiners have come into the harbor, which should draw more fish. The water temp is still at a high of only 45 degrees in most parts of the harbor but there are some spots at 50 degrees. My brother went smelting last week and netted some smelt on the south side of the harbor but there was not great numbers.
This is the time to get in on great action for Brown trout. The 2017 season has set up great for it. Give Silver King Charters a call at 414-460-1467 to start catching April fish. It is real good right now.
Silver King Charters started Milwaukee charter fishing this weekend and the Brown trout fishing is crazy good. We took a two person limit with ease on Saturday. We fished the Milwaukee harbor and hooked up early and often. I doubt there is a hot bait because they hit everything we put out. The UV Stinger blue dolphin and UV green NBK were probably the best. The fish were all between 3 to 6 pounds.
We ran a spread of 1, 2 and 3 color leadcores, 2 dipsies both set at 20 on the line counter and 3 riggers set at 9, 15 and 23 feet down. All spoons and it just didn't matter. We caught fish from the north gap to the south gap. The water was murky from the rains and northeast winds but this did not slow the bite.
Right now the fishing is as good as it gets for Brown trout and it should continue for a couple more weeks. There seems to be a great year class of Brown trout from 3 years ago and for right now there is not a lot of bait around the harbor, so action is really good. We will be in Milwaukee through April taking advantage of this Brown trout action. Call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on this great action.
Silver King Charters is a week from putting the boat in and staring to fish. We cannot wait to start fishing because the early spring has lead to some outstanding catches on the lake already. The Brown trout fishing has been off the hook good. April is a great month to target Brown trout, along with Lake trout and some Coho salmon action. We have been ice free now for several weeks and this spring is ahead of schedule. I am sure it will snow a couple times on the boat in April but it is spring and the worst is behind us. April but even more so May and the early part of June hold some of the best catch rates of the season. This is due to how Lake Michigan has been stocked over recent years. Below is the lake wide stockings for 2016.
Brown Trout: 1.51 million This number is at the 10 year average but expected to fall some in 2017
Chinook Salmon 1.67 million This number is slightly down from last year and is the lowest since 1972
Coho Salmon 2.49 million This is about average and the goal is 2.5 million
Lake Trout Fingerlings 0.00 million This was a purposed cut that may end up being put in this spring or .50
Lake Trout Yearlings 3.02 million Standard number for the last 12 years
Rainbow Trout 1.97 million This is up some from recent years
Total Stocked 10.63 million This is the lowest overall total in 25 years.
So what does it all mean. Well they are still stocking fish and we will still be out there so you can catch them. The overall numbers are down because of the Chinook salmon cuts. In 1995 they put 6.5 million Kings in the lake now only 1.67 million and for 2017 it will be 1.3 million. There is some degree of natural reproduction going on for Chinook and this helps the number but right now it is in 4th place for stocking numbers. The Lake trout is the number one stocked fish for the 12th year running. But the key number is the Coho salmon. This stock rate has stayed steady for decades now and if you are looking for the best time to catch these salmon it is May and June. Brown stockings continue to remain the same for now and April is the best month to target them.
The Chinook have been reduced because they are the top predator and easy to produce. If they just stocked Chinook salmon in Lake Michigan they could only put 5.26 million in the lake because that would equal the bait consumption of the 10.63 million fish they stocked in 2016. We always look at total stocking lake wide because Chinook, Coho and Rainbow travel all throughout the lake searching for food, so where these fish are stocked only matters when they come home to spawn. The lake biologist use this equation for how many of each species equals on Chinook on food consumption.
Coho Salmon 3.2
Rainbow Trout 2.4
Lake Trout 2.3
Brown Trout 2.2
The reason for all the caution on stocking is the bait population has fell off considerable but with proper management Lake Michigan fishing should be great for many more years. The increased Lake trout stocking has hurt bait population but hopefully cuts will come soon that will really help to stabilize the predator/prey ratio.
I have more about stocking numbers in my March of 2016 report and will throughout the season bring up more on the topic but what you want to know is what will the action be like when fishing with us this season. Again, this April should be one of the best we have had in years as long as mother nature doesn't go crazy. This should be a great month on Brown trout. We will be in Racine for most of May and June targeting Coho salmon. This is the number one stocked salmon in Lake Michigan and May and June are the best times to catch them. We have never gone wrong in Racine. It always delivers great catches on Coho salmon and the best catch rates of the season. We will be back in late June and will be Milwaukee charter fishing for the rest of the season.
Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on April Brown trout fishing and then come back for some great salmon fishing in May and June. With the warm weather and lots of small bait there will be many of the 2.49 million Coho salmon they stock in 2016 ready to be caught.
The Milwaukee charter fishing season for Silver King Charters. We will be in on March 31st this year and will fish on April 1st. Milwaukee is ice free and hopefully the snow is all gone. Should be gone this weekend. The Brown trout bite has been solid already this March and we look to have some good catches this April.
April charter fishing is average temps in the mid 40's early on but the fish don't care. They can be very active around the warmer harbor waters and Oak Creek power plant. The size of the Brown trout vary from 2 to 15 pounds and they are a great fight in the spring. We also can have some great Lake trout fishing at this time too, with some up to 15 pounds. I am not a cold weather fan but we would not be fishing in April if we were not catching. Most of our fishing will be done in 10 to 20 feet of water and leadcore is our top set ups. We use 1, 2 and 3 colors and mostly stinger spoons in cooper or gold colors.
I just need my fishing & trolling license and my brother and I will be set for another season. There are 5 weekends in April this year and we would like to be catching fish on all five weekends. If mother nature is good it should be a great start to the season.
Wisconsin charter fishing for the 2017 season is going to have more opportunities to catch fish. The Wisconsin DNR has opened the limit for Lake trout to 5 fish per person instead for the previous 2 fish per person limit. The season for Lake trout is now open year around. They did not open the Mid Lake reef or the Refuge for Lake trout fishing though. This would have been nice since we are one of the two port in Wisconsin who could get out to fish it. The Lake trout is the number one stocked fish in Lake Michigan over the last 13 years and for sure there are two many in Lake Michigan for the current forage, so this is a good move. The thanks has to go to the Wisconsin Lakeshore Business Association, who worked to help all of us continue to enjoy a great fishery. Early they where instrumental in keep the Chinook plants from being cut. Hopefully they can get the Federal government to reduce Lake trout plants.
What this means to you when fishing with us. There are days when one species will be dominant in the catch. On the days this is Lake trout instead of catching 2 fish and then you are down unless something else turns on you can now catch 5 Lake trout. This gives you more chances or fighting and catching fish on a trip. I don't know anyone who wont like that. Lake trout are the best smoked fish you can have and they are highly recommended to be served this way.
Milwaukee charter fishing offers excellent Lake trout fishing because so many Lake trout are stocked on the Mid Lake reef and we are so close to it. There is lots of great structure out of Milwaukee that will hold Lake trout during the season. We will not always be targeting them but when they are biting you will be catching more fish!
The boat is ready to go in March 31st and we start fishing April 1st. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on early spring Brown trout action, with Lake trout and some Coho salmon too. With the mild winter April looks to have some great action.
As Silver King Charters prepares for the Milwaukee charter fishing season we just had a week of 60 degree temperatures that we could have been chartering in. This winter has been a warm one. The ice is gone on the southern end of Lake Michigan and little is left anywhere with small chance of returning. My firstmate has been fishing and catching Coho salmon already. Two days ago he and some friends landed 25 of them in Racine. These fish look good for this time of year and we are excited to start fishing them.
Winter still has some supervises for us and the water temps when my firstmate was fishing was only 34 degrees and this was by the green can in Racine. The fish had some shrimp, red worms and grubs in them. The bait that usually swims to shore in spring is not here yet. There are reports though up and down the lake of Coho salmon at all the warm water discharges. The real action has yet to come but good signs for spring.
Lake wide stocking number totals for 2016 are just about to be released and the Lake trout decision should be known soon. We hope that the limit for Lake trout goes to 5 fish, since it is the number one stocked fish in Lake Michigan.
We start fishing the first Saturday in April and have opening available. We hope to have a great start this year and that the water is a little warmer than normal for April. We should have good Brown trout action but some Coho salmon would be a great bonus. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to start fishing in April.
We are in full swing with boat prep before our put in date of March 31st. You never know if you can get in this early and there has been years we were forced to wait a couple of weeks due to ice. This will not be one of those years. With the lake at less than 10% covered with ice and that is up north and in tight by harbors we know we will be fishing April fools day. This is the second mild winter in a row after two extremely harsh ones and this can only help the fishery. New hatches of bait and stocked fish from last year should fair well this winter. Last spring there was a good amount of bait on the western shores of the lake.
We will be ready to fish for April and are excited by the warm winter but we know that snow still flies in April along with some real cold days. That said this warm winter and early ice out will make for a great April when the weather is too wicked. Brown trout, Lake trout and Coho salmon will be in the mix. April is a great time for Brown trout and we will be starting out of Milwaukee. In and around the Milwaukee harbor is some of the best Brown trout fishing on Lake Michigan. We also have the Oak Creek power plant that holds a lot of fish. We are putting a lot of work into the boat and equipment this offseason to deliver on these fish as soon as we hit the water. Give us a call at 414-460-1467 to get in on some April fishing.
What a great stretch of weather we have had the last couple of weeks. Temperatures in the 40's and rain. My kind of winter. The reason I like these winters is that there is always better survival on Lake Michigan when winters are mild. As I type this the lake is at 10% ice coverage and at its peak it was at 20%. This is almost exactly what it was last year at this time. Winter will still have some cold periods but not enough to get the lake even close to freezing over. In 2013-2014 winter the lake was 91% ice covered and 2014-2015 it was 75% ice covered. This was not good for young fish to survive.
After last years mild winter we had a good survival of alewives and it was much needed. This year we hope for the same. But these mild winters also help stocked fish survive along with good natural reproduction. This means more fish will make it through their first year in the lake. Last season we had a great Coho fishery because of all the young bait and good survival of the fish that were stocked. Coho are stocked a year in advance of when we start catching them, so mild winters have an immediate effect on Coho salmon.
Last spring there was some outstanding fishing, with Brown trout early and Coho salmon right through June. Minus some tough weather in April, which we hope to avoid this year, the fishing was great. We are going to be fishing April 1st this year to capitalize this action. The weather may be cold but there will be some good fishing to be had. Last April we took many Brown trout in the 10 to 15 pound range and a lot of this action is close to shore. We hope to get on the Coho bite early too. Two year ago we took limits of Coho salmon in early April. We hope mother nature cooperates but we already have won with this mild winter through the coldest part of winter. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book your April trip.
Lake trout! This has been the number one stocked fish out of the 5 species we fish for since 2006. That was the first year they took over for Chinook as the top stocked fish. That year was when Chinook salmon stocking was decreased and Lake trout stocking was increased. Since that time Lake trout have been the top stocked fish over Coho, Rainbow and Brown trout. In 2017 some changes will be made to stocking and catching Lake trout in Lake Michigan and Wisconsin.
The one thing that sounds for sure is that Lake trout fingerlings will not be stocked starting in 2017. This accounts for about 450,000 of the average 3.5 million stocked each year. Starting in 2018 further reductions on Lake trout will occur for the yearlings. These numbers are not firm yet. The reason is forage or bait. The Lake trout population takes a toll on the dwindling bait in Lake Michigan.
Things that are still being worked out for the start of the 2017 season is how many, where and when Lake trout can be caught. In 2015 we had our highest catch of Lake trout in one season. There were not many salmon around and we leaned on them hard. That was the first time we caught more Lake trout than Chinook. In 2016 I know a lot of you got on the boat expecting much the same but salmon were around and our trout count went way down. Nice to have that mix of species and this is what the Wisconsin DNR is starting to do for us. But in 2015 when it was trout heaven we could only keep two Lake trout per person and if other fish were not cooperating the action was over quick at times.
For 2017 the bag limit looks to be going to at least three per person and there has been talk of even five, which is the limit for other species. That means for five people we are at least talking 15 instead of 10 fish if the trout are biting good. More fish and more action! The overall limit of fish will still be five per person but more of the catch can be Lake trout. I hope they go to five. Again, we want a mix heavier on salmon and so do you but this is a good option when times are tough.
The area we can fish for trout looks to be opening too. In between Milwaukee and Port Washington is the mid lake reef or refuge or the forbidden zone if you wanted to catch Lake trout. This is one of the areas that the Federal government has concentrated its stocking efforts. This is an area that is considered good for Lake trout natural reproduction. This area looks to be open for Lake trout by April. If so it will provide a great opportunity to catch Lake trout. It also is a good area for other species but fishing there has always netted good Lake trout catches. When times are tough we now have a good spot to run too.
We should be able to fish Lake trout anywhere and from April 1st through October 31st, which is our season. More opportunities for you to catch more fish. We are very lucky to be in the area we charter out of Racine and Milwaukee. We have always had good trout fishing due to where the Lake trout were stocked but to be able to now fish the refuge and to keep more of them per trip will just make a good thing better. The change is an emergency action being taken by the Wisconsin DNR to help maintain bait fish and give fishermen more opportunities to catch the number one stocked fish in Lake Michigan.
We start fishing April 1st and this can be a great time to catch Lake trout as they come to shore to feed on spawning bait. This is also a great time to catch Brown trout. We always seemed to take a few early Coho salmon at this time but because of anther warm winter and very low ice levels on the lake we might see better action early on Coho. April is a great time to fish when the weather cooperates, so call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on April and May action.
Well I had a client book a trip today and last season she caught a Pink salmon. I remember Colin saying we just won the lottery and that was the first time he had every seen one up close. We were one short of catching six species that trip and I don't know what we would have called that. Maybe the ultimate grand slam. Turns out two weeks later we landed another one and then a week later caught another. We always tell our customers that it is unusually to catch anything other than Chinook, Coho, Lakers, Rainbow and Browns. But last season there were quite a few Pink salmon caught in Wisconsin ports. I heard of many caught further north.
In the 1950's Pink salmon were accidentally stocked in a Lake Superior tributary. they have spread throughout the Great Lakes over the years. These fish only average 3 pounds at maturity and spawn every other year in great numbers. Their life expectancy is 2 years. This is not a fish we target because they are few and only have a shot a catching one every other year. That being said it shows that natural reproduction occurs in the Great Lakes because few have been stocked over the years in the Great Lakes and almost none in years. The Pink salmon don't depend on alewives either. Nice story but it is kind of like winning the lottery in catching one.
This story does tie into Chinook salmon, which we are depending more on natural reproduction for. We have seen in strong years like 2012 natural reproduction was definitely a contributor for some percentage. Also stocking survival was higher due to good amounts of bait. But the Pink salmon story does show movement of salmon from lake to lake, especially Lake Huron to Lake Michigan. For now there is no reason to believe that Chinook fishing cannot continue to be productive on Lake Michigan but stocking must be a part of this.
One thing that did come out of the 2017 stocking report was the cut of German Brown trout. The Wisconsin DNR is stopping the planting of this strain. We hope that enough people get involved to bring this fish back. They were a good target in the spring, fall and when things get tough during summer. We should still have success on these fish over the next couple of years though. The Seeforrellen Brown trout will still be stocked. This is a Brown trout that can grow much bigger. We landed on 32 pounder two years ago. So Brown trout will still be in the mix.
Silver King Charters starts up April first and I can say right now we will not catch a Pink salmon in April we will be catching a lot of Brown trout. This is one of the best times of the season to target Brown trout, so call 414-460-1467 to get in on early season Milwaukee charter fishing action.
Happy New Year to all our past customers and friends. This is when our 2017 season begins. With boat, equipment and yes crew maintenance we have a lot to do before we put in March 31st. Yes you can call us and book on April 1st and catch the first fish of the season. Last season we took a limit on our first trip.
Last year we put a new motor in the port side. We are going to wait another season for the starboard side. We already replaced the all the coverings for the boat with new glass and cushions this November. We have many new items for the season to make your trip safe, fun and lots of fish.
Weill for 2017 they have reduce the stocking of Chinook salmon lake wide from 1.8 million to 1.35 million. The good news is that Wisconsin did not cut Chinook stocking and we will still have the same return on Chinook in the fall thanks to the group at Wisconsin Lakeshore Business Association, who fought to keep Wisconsin stocking the same. The Coho stocking remained the same and has averaged a little under 2.5 million a year for 25 years. That is why we say if you want to have your best chance at catching salmon May and June are the months. This is the best time to catch Coho salmon.
Chinook catch rates will depend on many factors such as survival of stocked fish, natural reproduction that varies from year to year and how the lake sets up with currents and water temps. There will be strong weeks during summer for Chinook fishing but not consistent throughout. We are lucky to have good Lake trout fishing off Milwaukee and some rule changes for this season are going to really help out. I will talk about this next time. Stay warm and we will be working hard for the start of 2017.
December 17, 2016
One of my customers called me today to book a trip and told me that Facebook has ruined my reports that I give throughout the season. I know my clients like the fishing reports to see what is going on before their trips or when the hot times are to come. I must admit that two years ago a was a Facebook virgin and it is addictive but I will get back to giving more updated and frequent reports. Well we are out of the water as of November 2nd and it was a very good season. With reduced stocking and less bait Lake Michigan has become less predictable. That being said it is still an outstanding fishery it is that we have to fish smarter to deliver.
In 2015 our top specie caught was Lake trout and this was the first year that ever happened. Coho and Chinook came in 2nd and 3rd. With the Lake trout being the number one stocked fish in the lake it will be a top target when salmon schools are not in the area. There have been some stocking changes lake wide for 2017 and also some new regulations. I will save this for my next report. In 2016 the catch breakdown was 37.5% Coho salmon, 25.7% Chinook salmon, 15.8% Lake trout, 15.8% Rainbow trout and 5.1% Brown trout. It was great to see the salmon catch making up 63.2% of the catch and we will take that any year.
The Chinook stocking has been reduced and that is why we say book in May and June to catch your salmon because that is the best time for Coho salmon. The Coho have never been reduced and spring is an easy time to catch them. That being said the western shore of Lake Michigan got the loin share of the salmon this year. Bait and lake current conditions helped this and created some great fishing. We laid off the Lake trout because there were salmon around for much of the year but this will not always the case.
For the season we averaged 13.2 fish per trip. Considering the day in and day out conditions and reduced stockings we were very pleased with this. Our goal is to keep this average at 10 fish or better based on current stocking totals.
April was a tough month. I want to point out if mother nature gives us half way decent weather April is very good fishing. It was a real bad weather month this year. I will remember 2016 as the year of a super mild weather and all an all one of the best weather years I have experienced but April just turned out to be the worst. March was better. We only were able to get out a handful or times and averaged only 6 fish a trip. April is a great month and don't get discouraged to book a trip here. We are owed a good April in 2017.
May was solid but the first 10 days were much of the same as April. In 2016 we were taking some nice limits in early May but each year is different. May ended up with a 12.91 per trip average and Racine didn't deliver as well as past seasons. It still was solid. Mostly Coho salmon throughout the month and they were good size. We expect a very good size on Coho salmon for 2017.
June ended up being our best month. We averaged 18.68 fish a trip. This was some great fishing and we were taking some nice Chinook along with Coho salmon. There was a great hatch of bait in 2015 and this turned the salmon fishing on for 2016. We hope the bait hatch and survival of that bait is solid in 2016.
July again was solid and on Chinook and for the first couple of weeks a good Coho bite as well. We averaged 14.77 fish per trip and took many 20 plus pound Chinook. Our biggest came during Salmon-A-Rama when we scored a 27 pound King. Great catch by a young lady and she was in first place for 24 hours. I think she had the 4 biggest fish of the event. We will be in salmon-a-rama again this year so call now because there are few spots left.
August slowed a little but we ended up with 12.53 fish per trip average. We spent 2 weeks off shore fishing Steelhead and a bulk of our Rainbow catch came in this month. The great thing about Steelhead is they love to bite in the afternoon so the fishing doesn't slow down. Steelhead stocking is going up for next year but I will write more on this next time.
September use to be one of my favorite month but lately it has become somewhat unpredictable due to salmon returns. We still catch some big retuning Chinooks but it is not what it use to be. We took a hit in this month and only averaged 6.7 fish a month. Count the shaker Brown trout this goes way up but we don't count them. Again we caught some real nice fish but didn't get the numbers.
October had some strong winds and hurt us on our catch. Again don't be afraid to book in October but if it is not right we are not going. We averaged 6.8 fish this month per trip and we usually are around 11 or 12 fish during this month. Several trips were cut short due to weather and several more out right cancelled. There is good fishing in the month it just is unpredictable weather.
Very solid year and we will be happy with a repeat. No skunks and our worst trip was 2 fish. For tournaments there are less to fish now a days but we came in 6th place in the SU Open Wisconsin, 3 biggest Chinook in Salmon-A-Rama, 2nd place in the Super Slam of Salmon-A-Rama "21lb average for 10 fish" and in Brew City well we fished for one hour before giving up. Nothing to do with fishing just my brother and I working some stuff out. We will do very good next year for sure.
But the main reason this was a great season is because on all the great customers we had throughout the season. That is why I do this. I have so mush fun watching people getting a rush out of catching salmon and trout on Lake Michigan. That is why my brother and I fish as hard as we do. We always want one more until the last lure is out of the water. There were rumors of us getting out but really what else would we do. So for now we will keep on fishing and if that day comes that we will not give 100% from beginning to end we will get out.
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year and thanks so much for making fishing fun. I will write a report on the stocking and regulations early next year and go through some of our hot set ups. I know it will all change next year.
October 19, 2016
Silver King Charters is two weeks out from pulling the boat but we are still catching fish. We have been fishing 120 to 280 feet of water this October, with decent results. The catches have been between 7 to 13 fish. Chinook, Lake trout and Rainbows have been the species. The bite is from 50 to 150 feet down. We pulled a couple of nice Chinook, including a 16.5 lb King today.
The best baits are white flashers and little boy blue Howie flies on the deep rigger set at 110 and 150 feet down. This set up is taking the Lake trout and Chinook salmon. Our Rainbows are coming off the up high riggers down 50 feet and leadcore set ups in 8 and 10 colors. The happy meal Moonshine and gold hud Stinger are best. We have also taken some Lake trout on a wire dipsy, with the line counter at 300. We are using a magnum Walker diver dialed in a #2 and spin and glows. The action has been steady and the water is starting to cool off. Inside of 100 feet the surface temp is 50 degrees but when you get out to 120 feet and deeper it warms to 58 degrees.
We will be Milwaukee charter fishing through Monday October 31st and then put the boat away until April. Still time to call Silver King Charters and catch a salmon or trout before the 2016 season is over.
October 4, 2016
We have made it to the last month of Milwaukee charter fishing. The last two weekends have been brutal and we had to cancel some trips. But this is what can happen this time of year. We did get out Sunday and Monday. The fishing was solid with a limit one day and 10 fish on Monday afternoon. The great thing was the fish were nice size 2 and 3 year old Chinooks. We had 3 to 12 pound fish and all looked healthy. We were fishing in 150 20 220 feet of water and the fish came down 90 to 150 feet. The water was 62 on the surface and it broke about 80 down and was 59 degrees.
We ran boards, both copper and leadcore, wire dipsies and riggers but only the riggers produced. The one set at 150 and the other set at 120 caught everything. White coyote with a little boy blue Howie fly did the trick. Solid action and hopefully these fish stick around.
October can be challenging with the weather but when we get out it usually is good action. We are hoping someone books are last trip of the year. This will be Monday morning on October 31st and that is Halloween, so you know it has to be good. Call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on the last month of 2016 salmon and trout fishing.
September 26, 2016
We have had one of our best harbor King bites in the last several years. Good water temperatures and fish actually returning makes a difference. It is all a timing thing when Chinook return to spawn and this year it all worked out. It was not like years gone by when you could load the cooler but we took Kings in the harbor on every trip. This was a struggle at best over the last couple of seasons. Our best was 13 Kings and we did this four times. We took five over 20lbs and the best was 24lbs. Many were in the upper teens. Outstanding fights with these fish. We also boated Brown trout, with some Coho and Rainbow.
We ran the same spread each time. Two leadcores a side, with one being a 2 color and one a 3 color. Our best spoon was the gold Stinger hud in the stingray size. We also ran the silver hud and orange NBK. On the dipsies we had one mono and one wire. The wire dipsy had a white flasher and Howie bull frog fly. This was a good producer for big Kings. The mono we used the gold hud. We ran 3 riggers and the deep one we used a j-plug on. Silver plugs with lime green color to them were best. These took some nice Chinooks. We were pleasantly surprise at the action this fall because since the Chinook cuts it has been very unpredictable. We did see a lot of 2 year old male Kings early in September around 6 to 10 pounds but by mid September they were all teenagers.
Silver King charters will be Milwaukee charter fishing until the end of October. We have seen some decent catches during this month and as long as the weather cooperates we will catch fish. Call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on the last month of the season.
September 6, 2016
Milwaukee charter fishing was all over the place last week. We started the week in the north gap targeting staging Chinook salmon and Brown trout. The water was a perfect temperature and there was lots of young of the year alewives around. We were taking 9 to 15 fish a trip and most of these fish were Chinook. We landed a 20 pound King and a couple more in the upper teens. The top bait was the gold stingray Stinger spoon followed close be the orange UV NBK. With strong northeast winds this was shut down by Wednesday afternoon. We headed out in the lake Saturday and fished in 100 to 130 feet of water for Labor Day. The fish were 65 feet or deeper after the water warmed up. The catch was strong on Lake trout, with some Rainbows, Chinooks and Coho. We boated our second Pink salmon in as many weeks.
We ran spin and glows on the back riggers for the Lake trout. Once we found them it was great action and we took several in the upper teens. Spoons were good on coppers set at 200 - 400 feet of copper. The silver hud, blue dolphin and green NBK all worked. We ran white flashers and boy blue Howie flies on the side riggers and wire dipsies. Solid trips that were one limit, double digits and one that we only had 5 fish. But great trips and lots of fun.
Silver King Charters has two more months to go before the season is complete. This has been a great year and we want to finish strong. We still should have one more shot at the Kings before they spawn. The Rainbow fishing out deep has been exceptional and we hope to have a few more rounds out there. The in close bite should set up this October and we will target Brown trout, Lake trout and young Kings. There should be some Coho action too because the Coho stocked this year have already getting close to 2 lbs. Call us at 414-460-1467 to get a trip in before or after the football game.
August 23, 2016
Well 2016 is making everyone look like rock stars after the tough 2105 season. With the reduced stocking on Kings in 2012 the fishing at times can be challenging but the fish set up just right for Milwaukee this year and it has been a great season. We had a great run of offshore fishing on Steelhead. We were fishing from 220 to 300 feet of water in the top 50 feet of water. Speed was key and you had to be trolling fast. Yellow and chartreuse Stinger spoons were best. Our favorite was the Mongoose UV. After the blow on Thursday and Friday of last week we started fishing in 90 feet of water and took limits of Lake trout. There were Kings and Coho's in mix too. The water cooled down in close after some west winds and we were fishing in 30 to 40 feet of water the last couple of trips. We were able to land back to back grand slams and even caught our first Pink salmon ever. Check out our facebook for pictures.
The offshore fishing is still good but we have not been back for several days due to strong winds but the in close bite has been just as good with staging King salmon in the mix. We are running 2 to 8 color leadcores in close, with stingray Stinger NBK UV green, gold and silver Hud spoons being our best. We are also running white Hot Spot flashers with little boy blue flies and on one rigger and the dipsies. These are taking some of our bigger Kings in close.
Again with fewer Kings around it is how each port sets up and the western shore of Lake Michigan set up great. Milwaukee has been solid all season and we have averaged 16 fish a trip for the year. September and October can be some great fishing. Big Kings early in September and then a mixed bag for until we pull the boat at the end of October. Great time to target Rainbow, Brown and Lake trout. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on the last of 2016 and follow us on Facebook.
August 11, 2016
I have yet to write a full report this summer. See how far I get. After the tough 2015 season we are having one of the better years fishing in a while. Of course 2012 was ridiculously good but this year has been solid throughout. We are a third through August and the worst 5 hour trip we have had is 3 fish. Many limits and a 15 fish average per trip has led to a lot of happy customers. The great thing is that is has been well over 75% salmon. So many factors led to this year but the bottom line is to get out here now before this great season ends. We have had a great Chinook bite over the last several weeks but during this last week the Steelhead bite has been outstanding. We boated one today that was just under 17 lbs. We are also starting to catch Coho salmon stocked this year that are closing in on 2lbs. The Coho size next spring is going to be big. These young fish were stocked when there was a lot of small bait around and they fed well.
We are still all white flasher and boy blue flies on the riggers and dipsies. We were using J-Plugs on the coppers last week but now have switched to spoons for the steelhead. We are using leadcore from 4 to 10 colors. Stingray Stinger spoons, Silver Hud, Blue Dolphin Modified and Green NBK are all working. The water is warm but the Steelhead are coming in the warm water. Last week the thermocline was a far down as 100 feet in places but it has come up some. The good action on Steelhead starts in 140 all the way out to 250 feet. There is still good King action north of town and good Laker action south of town in about 100 to 120 feet.
Brew City Salmon tournament was August 6th and we had 115 boats entered. I run this event and apologize for some of the mix ups in weighing in and DQ's but after several days we got it right. We had over 60 cash prizes in the tournament and next year my goal is 70 cash prizes and 125 boats. We will have this tournament running very smooth next year! Congrads to Al Johnson of Rainmaker for the win and 137 pounds of fish. One of the best on the lake and great job. We ended up having our worst trip of the year and weighed only 3 fish. Too much fighting each other and not fighting fish. I can only say it will be a long time before I let that go and I can only hope we never have what happened that day ever happen again. The results are posted on www.GLSFCLUB.COM.
We have been fishing every day since with double digit catches. The rest of August looks to be good fishing and we want to finish strong before the Kings swim home. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to hook up and possible catch a 20 plus pound Chinook salmon.
August 2, 2016
This has just been a great season for salmon fishing. First the great Coho fishing this spring that took right into great Chinook fishing. The way it use to be and should be. Our catch has been 79% salmon, where last season it was mostly Lake trout and Brown trout. The mature Chinooks have been easily 15 lbs and we have boated 30 fish at or above 20 pounds. Just this last week we took two Coho salmon that were 10 lbs each. There was a strong north blow at the end of last week and this has warmed the water. The surface is in the high 60's and the break is down at least 50 feet. This is what we wanted and the fishing is really good. August should continue to deliver great salmon fishing as fish get ready to spawn and feed hard.
Before the blow we were fishing anywhere from 15 feet to 80 feet of water and lots of spoons off of 1 color to 7 color leadcores. After the blow it is all flasher flies on riggers, wire dipsies and half of our copper set ups. We are fishing in 80 to 120 feet and targeting 50 feet down to the bottom. We run one side of spoons but the flies are doing most of the work. We like the 150 to 300 coopers but all are catching fish. We have used chrome, green and white flashers with success. Bull Frog, Super Frog and Boy Blue are all working from Howie. It is great fishing out of Milwaukee right now and there are some really nice Chinooks going to be caught this month. Are catches have averaged 15 fish all season and we see this continue for the next couple of weeks.
July 21, 2016
The weather is hot the water is ice cold and the Kings are biting. We have been fishing in 15 to 40 feet of water over the past week. Water temperature is at best 50 on the surface and as cold as 46 degrees down 15 feet. Willy and I use to love this water in summer when we fished the shore. The Chinooks are right on the shoreline feeding on bait. Our catches have been 8 to 24 fish a trip and most of them are Chinook. We boated two over 23lbs this week. Some Rainbows, Lakers and Coho are in the mix.
We are running 1, 2 and 3 colors, 2 dipsies and 2 riggers. All have stingray Stinger spoons on them. We still like the blue dolphin. That's it and the fish are fighting hard. There is no quit because there is no warm water to wear them down quick. This has been a great King year and it should continue through mid August before they start to swim home. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to start catching King salmon.
July 14, 2016
Milwaukee charter fishing has been HOT! We have been back from Racine since June 24th and have averaged 17 fish a trip and most are salmon. Split between Coho and Chinook. Never saw the Chinook bite coming but most of the Chinook in the lake are on the west side making it very good out of Milwaukee. We have had catches from 7 fish to 30 fish but high teens to low twenties is common. Don't know how long it will last but we usually say July 4th through late August is the best time for Kings.
Our hot two baits are white flashers with Howie Bull frog or Super Frog on Wire dipsies or riggers. The other one is the Stinger Blue Dolphin on leadcore or copper, either stinger or stingray. The regular, UV or modified all are working. Those two baits are the hot ones and taking most of the fish. Water temps have been going back and forth causing us to almost daily reset the spread for fish 20 feet to 100 feet of water. Lots of bait is keeping the fish around though. There is 20 pound Kings being taking and we caught a 27lb fish Monday.
Now is the time to go so call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467. Best salmon fishing in several years!
June 29, 2016
We are back Milwaukee Charter fishing as of Friday. Racine charter fishing was solid this May and June but although there are a lot of Coho around they spread out this year and did not concentrate in the southern end of the lake. But the volume of Coho made up for it. We did have limit catches but not quick ones. We have a couple of 5 fish days and several 30 fish days but our average was 16 fish a trip in Racine this season. The hot port this spring was Port Washington and who would have figured that. There were Port boats in Racine to start the spring. But the Coho explosion happened. The stoking of 2.76 million last year, great hatch of alewives last year and a very mild winter led to great survival and healthy fish. We are now catching 6 and 7 pound Coho. We had a 10 pound Coho 2 days ago. We should continue to catch Coho throughout the season due to the amount around but it will probably be offshore.
Since moving back to Milwaukee we have taken 4 straight limit catches of 20, 30, 15 and 25 fish. The majority of this catch has been Coho salmon. We are now catching more Chinook salmon though. We have landed 18 Kings in these four trips and this is better than all the time in Racine. Very promising. Many in the 15 to 20 pound class. There fish are the most healthy I have seen since 2013. We have been running an orange dodger with a beefed up Coho fly on our boards and our dipsies. But we are sending these deeper in the water column. Our dipsies are set at 100 and 60 feet on the line counters and we are using 5 through 10 color leads. These are the best producers and they are also taking Kings. Our riggers are all white flashers, with Howie Bull frog and Super Frog flies.
We have been fishing in 60 to 90 feet of water and there was a lot of warm water around. Mid 60's on the surface and 60 all the way down to 50 feet. But the fish didn't care because of all the bait around. The fishing is just really good right now and should remain solid. If you want to catch salmon it is happening now and we have some spots open this weekend. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and start catching salmon.
June 15, 2016
We have been busy fishing and I have not even completed one report for my customers in a couple tries. We are Racine charter fishing through June 24th and will be back in Milwaukee on June 26th. We have next week open and the fishing has been decent. We were blown away on Sunday and had to cancel but last week and the start of this week has seen good catches of Coho salmon. We had several limits and 20 plus fish catches. We had some catches in the 6 to 10 totals on Saturday. But we are still doing good on the Coho's.
The surface water is now 60 degrees and stays this down 20 feet. A good thermocline is starting to set and we have not had this for 2 seasons. We are still catching fish on the surface but if the water cooks a little more our orange set ups will be gone. We are still running orange dodgers and peanut flies on all boards and dipsies, plus one rigger. We do run two leadcores at 7 and 9 colore and Blue Dolphine Stinger is our best spoon. The other three riggers are little boy blue on white flashers down 25, 55 and 75 feet. We have been fishing north of Reef Point Harbor in about 75 to 90 feet. Lots of fish from the surface to the bottom. We have taken some Chinook salmon of late on these riggers. All fish are well feed and lots of bait around.
Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 for next week to finish off our southern season on the Coho's. Follows us on Facebook to see pictures.
June 6, 2016
I stopped half way through my last report and forgot to get back to it so here is the next one. We fished our first tournament of the year and finished 6th place in the SU Open Racine. We managed 77 lbs but 53 of those were in Lake trout and we failed to get good size on silver fish. Congrads to Jim of Jawzon for 1s place. Fishing has been good out of Racine over the last week. We have had some 8 and 9 fish trips but we have had more trips in the upper teens and 20's. The catch is mostly Coho salmon right now and we have boated three that were over 6lbs. The fish are coming in 40 to 65 feet and our best action is in the top 20 feet. The fish are real healthy this year.
We still have orange dodgers and peanut flies on our two outside boards, four dipsies and two outside riggers. All are set in the top 10 feet and account for 90 percent of the catch. We run two leadcores and one rigger with spoons, along with a white flasher and boy blue fly on a rigger. All get hit. The schools are not condensed and as plentiful but there is enough to pick away at and catch good numbers. We have strong west winds over the past two days and this is cooling the water down but the Coho fishing should continue to remain solid through June.
If your looking to catch salmon this is the best time to get good numbers. We averaged 15 salmon a trip over the last 7 days and it looks like this should continue over the next couple of weeks. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to start catching salmon.
June 2, 2016
Silver King Charters is in its last month of Racine charter fishing. The all but slam dunk great bite in the southern end of the lake has been good but with Coho salmon moving up north this year in good numbers it is not as crazy good as other seasons. We averaged 14 fish a trip in May and the majority of these fish were Coho salmon. Not one spot has set up and remained hot for long so we are always moving to find fish. On Sunday we boated 5 fish in the morning and 20 fish in the evening. Yesterday afternoon we took 5 fish and then a limit of 20 this morning. Good fishing though and we are taking salmon for the majority of the catch. The Coho are about 4 lb average and this is up a least a pound from last season.
For most of May it was orange dodgers on the surface with mono lines and keel weights. Orange dodger on all dipsies and Orange dodger on at least one rigger. We have been running white flashers with little boy blue
May 25, 2016
The great 2016 Wisconsin Coho massacre is on! I have always believed that the Coho fishing may be good north but it is always better south of Wind Point. Not this season. The Coho are everywhere up and down the western shores of Lake Michigan. In 2015 they stocked 2.76 million Coho and the mild winter, with small bait lead to high survival. It does not matter what port you fish out of in Wisconsin or Illinois we will catch them. We are still in Racine and the fishing is good but the fish are spread out and we have had several trips that we did not hit double digits since we started down here. But we are getting limits too but not as quick as in the past. This is still the best time of the year to catch salmon in numbers.
We have fishing the Racine harbor mouth several times but this has been feast or famine. The better fishing for us has been in 120 to 250 feet of water. Over the last couple weeks we have been catching fish from the surface to 150 feet down but over the last three days the best fishing was in the top 20 feet of water and using orange dodgers and peanut flies. Mono boards and dipsies have taken over. The surface temp is now about 50 degrees helping the bite near the surface. The catch is close to 90% Coho salmon and they are the best eating fishing salmon or trout in Lake Michigan.
This is a great year for Coho salmon on Lake Michigan and the fish are good size. We will be in Racine for at least another ten days but we might head back to Milwaukee earlier this season because the bite is equal to Racine. We have openings this Memorial Day, so call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on the blitz of a great year class of Coho salmon.
May 16, 2016
Well we are Racine charter fishing now and the Coho salmon are lined up from Chicago to Sturgeon Bay. Good for all. Lots of small alewives in the fish we are cleaning and the Coho salmon are close to a 4 lb average if not better. With the 2.76 million Coho stocked for this year and the high survival rate over the winter along with the perfect size bait this appears to be as good as 2011 for Coho salmon. Time will tell. The bulk of the fish are still offshore in Racine and because of strong northwest winds we fished close to shore. On Saturday afternoon and early Sunday morning there were snow flakes, with the mornings stating at 39 and 37 degrees. I sure hope that is over. We went 12 for 13, 9 for 12, 5 for 10 and 10 for 13. All Brown trout and Coho.
We didn't get out to the hot bite in 200 plus feet due to high winds but it was decent fishing. The bite transitioned from spoons to orange dodger and peanut flies as more Coho's showed up. Our boards with orange on just below the surface took most of our Coho and the gold hud stinger on riggers down 12 to 15 feet took some Browns. We fished in 15 to 25 feet of water. Not mush to report but this week things should be much better weather wise and catch rate should go up. Lots of fish around right now. Should be a great rest of May and June. The water is still cold with 50 degrees right next to shore and 41 degrees out deep. This is the best time of year to catch good numbers of salmon.
May 12, 2016
Silver King Charters is now Racine charter fishing. We fished yesterday in 170 to 200 feet of water and went 15 for 16 "limit" on Coho salmon. The fish were hitting from the surface down 120 feet. Took fish on riggers, with the deep one set at 120 "Boy Blue/White Flasher", next at 90 feet, 50 feet and 35 feet all with stingray blue dolphins, Orange dodger peanut flies on the rest near the surface. The riggers all got hit twice. The boards and dipsies took the rest. All the fish had real small alewives in them. Great sign. Also these Coho salmon weighed 3 to 5 pounds. Check the face book picture.
We have had a tough spring with the weather. More north wind then anything else. Hopefully we start seeing some better days but these north winds seem to have set up a good line of fish from Milwaukee back to Chicago. Just need them to set up a little better for some of the best salmon fishing of the season. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book a May or June trip to catch Coho salmon.
May 9, 2016
Well I lied, we did our last Milwaukee charter fishing trip Sunday morning because of more Northeast winds. I really appreciate my groups switching there plans and coming to Milwaukee. We were set to head to Racine on Friday but the strong winds on Saturday kept us from going. We fished the harbor and caught Brown trout and some Coho salmon. It was tough due to the water clarity. We went 6 for 6 "accidently threw one back!", 9 for 11 and 10 for 19. The one thing that was good to see was one year old alewives. I found several in all the fish we cleaned. There was also some 5 to 6 year old alewives that we snagged and actually would pull the boards just a little. But this is the first time in a couple of years I have seen one year only alewives. Hope there are a lot of them out there.
Our hot set ups were 1 color leadcores with copper stinger spoons. We also did good with the UV Stinger blue dolphin on mono dipsies and riggers. All our baits were set in the top 15 feet of water. The weter temperature was between 46 to 50 degrees. All of our action came right in front of the river mouth of the harbor. There was good bait and it was just a little warmer there.
We took he boat to Racine Sunday afternoon and will hopefully be catching Coho salmon this upcoming week. We have had many days or northeast winds and this has slowed the Coho action but it is coming and we just need a little cooperation from mother nature. The good news is the Coho's are good size this year and there has been a really good stocking for this season. So call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book a May or early June charter and lets start catching these salmon and stop talking about them.
May 2, 2016
We did our last Milwaukee charter fishing trip this weekend and will not be back in Milwaukee until June 26th. Just about all Brown trout in April. The good news is that the fish were decent size. Most of the Brown's we landed were in the 5 to 12 pound class. No monsters but no dinks either. Every time we had to fish it was not good weather. We saw snow early and even last weekend it was 39 degrees when we started. I hope that is in the past. We also had a northeaster for the last week and this has made fishing challenging.
Throughout April our top bait was the stingray gold hud from Stinger. Same as last fall. Our best set ups were the 1, 2 and 3 color micro leadcore board rods. It wasn't even close. We are heading to Racine to begin the southern offensive. We will be there for all of May and most of June. The target is Coho salmon and this is the best time of the entire season to catch good numbers of Coho salmon. They are starting to show up and this year had a very good stocking class of 2.76 million Coho. We hope to catch our first limit very soon.
We go to Racine at this time of the year because we have a better chance of limits. It may be good further north but it is always better down south. Call us at 414-460-1467 and get in on some great salmon action!
April 25, 2016
Milwaukee charter fishing remains solid. We have been out several times and have had decent success on Brown trout, with a few Rainbow trout coming out of the river from spawning. The fish are decent size ranging 4 to 12 pounds. We have fished mostly the harbor area. The water is now 53 degrees in spots and when we were outside the harbor down by the green can we saw 47 degrees. This time last year that spot read 39 degrees. We found a lot of 5 year old alewives in the trout and our bigger size spoons were working the best.
We ran 1, 2 and 3 color leads, mono dipsies set at 22 on the line counters and riggers from 9 to 25 feet down. All had stingray size Stingers on them, with the gold hud being the best. We are looking forward to Coho fishing down south now. Silver King Charters will either be going Friday or the following Monday, depending on weather, to Racine. The Coho bite has started and spring is hands down the best time to catch salmon during the season. Call us at 414-460-1467 for a May or early June trip. There were 2.76 million Coho salmon stocked for this season!
April 19, 2016
We fish we caught on Sunday. All Brown trout and all good size between 6 to 12 pounds. Have a video on Facebook of first fish. All fish came on spoons run 10 to 18 feet down by the river mouth of the Milwaukee harbor. The fish had gobies in them but there were big schools of bait around the inside of the Main gap all the way to the river mouth. There was about 250 Cormorants feeding on top of the bait coming up with fish each time they dove. Said to see considering the forage problem we face,
The water temperature in the slips is 50 degrees at the surface and is between 44 to 48 degrees in the harbor. Down 15 feet it was still in the low 40's. Things are going to warm up fast this season and real good Coho fish should be happening by months end in Racine. The smelt are still around. I went up to Big Bay park, which is just north of Milwaukee and pulled 20 smelt in two pulls. That was enough for me but over the last 10 years it would have taking me a month of pulling a net to get as many.
The fish all hit Stinger stingray size spoons and color was not so important as the depth and staying around the river mouth. The good news is there are some Coho salmon off Racine now and we will be heading there next Friday. We are going to fish Brown trout one more week first. It has been a solid bite with a lot of nice size fish. Wee still have a couple spots open this weekend, so call Silver King Charters to get in on some good Brown trout action.
April 13, 2016
The first two Saturdays in April were snow and real cold. I think the snow is done! This weekend it will be in the 60's and sunny. Going to be great fishing. We will be targeting Brown trout this weekend out of Milwaukee. The fishing has improved and there are some real nice trout being caught. The better news is that Coho salmon are being taken in good numbers down south and they are bigger than average this year. This may be our last Brown trout weekend so take advantage.
The hope was that all the talk of good hatches of bait would lead to bigger Coho salmon and it has. This should be one of the better Coho seasons both in numbers and size. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on some great Brown trout action this weekend and then slam so Coho salmon in May and June. We cannot wait to dirty up the boat.
April 9, 2016
As I write this post I am supposed to be fishing but we got to the boat and it was 21 degrees with a 20 mph north wind. I told the folks it just wasn't worth it. The coldest start I ever had was 29 degrees and I was not going through that again. I am a Cabo San Lucas kind of guy and I don't know how much longer I can do this weather. That being said we put in April 1st with no problems and it proceeded to snow and blow since. I am contemplating taking it out of the water if it will bring back warm weather. The new engine runs sweet and Centerpointe Yacht services did a great job with a lot of hurdles. We spent a week breaking it in, with anticipation of fishing today but we can wait for better weather than this.
The Brown trout fishing was outstanding in March and ok last week. We just need to get back to a more normal spring weather pattern and fishing will take off again. Boards with spoons and stick baits in shallow and the Browns are there, with Lake trout and occasional Coho. Lots of bait around when we were running all over the place last week. Even the smelt have returned in some what decent numbers this spring, so there is hope.
We will be Milwaukee charter fishing through at least next weekend but we will be eventually heading to Racine for Coho salmon. May and June are the best month of the whole year to catch salmon in good numbers! Silver King Charters will be back in Milwaukee the week of June 27th for the rest of the season. Call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on April Brown trout fishing. The weather cannot be any worse than today and there will be some great days of fishing this month.
March 23, 2016
The 2015 lake wide stocking numbers for Lake Michigan have been released, so I am going to post them with past years numbers and go through some information that people frequently ask on trips. These numbers are the combined stocking efforts of Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and the Federal Government, which stocks Lake trout. All numbers are rounded to the nearest ten thousands so 1.45 would be one million four hundred and fifty thousand. The Lake trout totals include a small percentage of fingerlings. All fish are stocked as yearlings, with the exception of a small percentage of Lake trout and all Chinook. The Chinook need to be stocked before smolting, so they can imprint on the location they were stocked and find their way back when they spawn. There is a higher survival rate for fish that are stocked as yearlings.
Salmon at most live for four years before spawning and dying. Coho salmon it is three years and because they are stocked as yearlings they spawn after only two years in Lake Michigan, meaning the 2015 stocking is what we catch this year. So all of the salmon stocked from 2012 back have spawned and died already. The Coho salmon stocking lake wide was 2.76 million for 2016 and the average for the past 20 years was 2.49 million. Coho salmon been stocked in consistent numbers in Lake Michigan over the past 20 years and the spring bite for the southern half of Lake Michigan is still as good as it has been. The Chinook stocking has been reduced but Chinook salmon are naturally reproducing in the northern rivers on the lake and years that natural reproduction is strong the Chinook fishing is better. There is a good chance that 2015 was a good year for natural reproduction.
Over the past 21 years the average stocking per year lake wide for Coho salmon is 2.46 million and if 2015 there was 2.76 million stocked. That is why we tell our customers that May and June is the best salmon fishing during the season because this is the best time to catch Coho salmon. This is why Silver King Charters moves from Milwaukee, so we are located in a great spot out of Racine to catch Coho during May and June. They are simply the number one stocked salmon right now, so May and June is our best catch rate of salmon for the season. We move back to Milwaukee in July to capitalize on great Lake trout fishing and steady Chinook fishing.
Lake trout our the number one stocked fish in Lake Michigan since 2006 or the last 10 years period. These fish spawn on reefs in Lake Michigan and not in rivers like Brown trout or Rainbow trout, so they have a better chance of survival after spawning. All salmon and trout are salmonid but the difference is that salmon spawn after they die and trout do not. Lake trout do not have the tough experience of running up rivers to spawn and this gives them greater chances to live longer. There is also a limit of 2 or 3 of them a day depending on the state. The Federal goverment stocks Lake trout and the rest of the five species are stocked by the states.
There are Lake trout in Lake Michigan over 20 years old, so some of the Lake trout from 1995 on this list could still be swimming around. Lake trout are also naturally reproducing on the reefs in Lake Michigan. Right now the only other fish of the five species that naturally reproduce in good numbers is the Chinook salmon but this is not as consistent as Lake trout reproduction. With the Lake trout being the number one fish stocked, natural reproducing, a lower bag limit, high survival rate and the longest living of the five species there is no doubt they are the top prey fish in Lake Michigan. They are the only natural fish to Lake Michigan of the five species.
Now the final two species the Rainbow trout and Brown trout. The stockings on these two fish have been steady over the last 21 years averaging 1.59 million on Brown trout and 1.81 million on Rainbow trout per year. Brown trout like structure close to shore and usually are found in 80 feet or less. Milwaukee to Racine offers some of the best Brown trout fishing because of all the great structure. Rainbows are much like Coho and Chinook salmon. They are a schooling fish that can travel great distances in the lake, so when things set up right for our area the fishing is fantastic for Steelhead. These fish are commonly found off shore in 250 feet plus of water. Chinook salmon can travel the length of the lake in 3 days. Coho salmon not as quick but can go anywhere in Lake Michigan in several days searching for food.
So what does all of this mean to you planning a Lake Michigan charter fishing trip. Lake Michigan is still an outstanding fishery but it has changed some from the 1990's and early 2000's. Chinook salmon fishing will have some real good years when natural reproduction is strong but other fish will be targeted more than in the past. Lake trout fishing is outstanding on Lake Michigan. Coho salmon fishing is still very strong but May and June are the best times to target Coho. Brown trout fishing, which was a fish targeted early or late in the season, is now a fish we will target all throughout the season to fill the box up. Steelhead action is still as good as it has been but again these fish need to set up off the port you are fishing. Silver King Charters will target all five species depending on the day to make sure you go home with a good catch and a fun experience.
Year | Brown | Chinook | Coho | Lake | Rainbow | Total |
1995 | 1.88 | 6.55 | 2.40 | 2.26 | 1.88 | 14.97 |
1996 | 1.79 | 6.19 | 3.11 | 2.11 | 1.85 | 15.05 |
1997 | 1.80 | 5.74 | 2.62 | 2.24 | 1.86 | 14.27 |
1998 | 1.74 | 5.72 | 2.06 | 2.30 | 1.62 | 13.44 |
1999 | 1.65 | 4.32 | 2.76 | 2.34 | 1.68 | 12.77 |
2000 | 1.67 | 4.05 | 2.50 | 2.26 | 1.24 | 11.72 |
2001 | 1.75 | 4.52 | 2.77 | 2.38 | 1.85 | 13.26 |
2002 | 1.75 | 4.02 | 2.69 | 2.23 | 1.86 | 12.54 |
2003 | 1.65 | 4.42 | 3.12 | 2.60 | 2.08 | 13.88 |
2004 | 1.60 | 4.30 | 1.69 | 2.35 | 1.58 | 11.53 |
2005 | 1.52 | 4.31 | 2.56 | 2.89 | 2.17 | 13.45 |
2006 | 1.61 | 3.25 | 2.43 | 3.26 | 1.79 | 12.34 |
2007 | 1.47 | 3.17 | 2.27 | 3.62 | 2.00 | 12.54 |
2008 | 1.47 | 2.73 | 2.03 | 3.12 | 1.62 | 10.96 |
2009 | 1.63 | 3.02 | 1.75 | 3.18 | 2.07 | 11.64 |
2010 | 1.43 | 3.29 | 2.52 | 3.43 | 1.68 | 12.34 |
2011 | 1.34 | 3.22 | 2.57 | 3.46 | 1.83 | 12.41 |
2012 | 1.52 | 3.24 | 2.74 | 3.60 | 1.93 | 13.04 |
2013 | 1.44 | 1.76 | 2.55 | 3.44 | 1.91 | 11.09 |
2014 | 1.22 | 1.81 | 2.38 | 3.48 | 1.93 | 10.82 |
2015 | 1.54 | 1.79 | 2.76 | 3.45 | 1.69 | 11.18 |
March 13, 2016
Well we are less than 20 days from launch. The old motor is out and we only have one engine right now, so we are not going anywhere as of now but the new engine should be installed by the end of the week. We are ready to go with everything else and cannot not wait to boat the first fish. Lake Michigan is definitely warmer than the last couple season at this time. Lets face it two tears ago over 80 percent of the lake was still iced over at this time and it was not much better in 2015.
This winter the worst Lake Michigan was covered with ice was 20 percent and this was short lived. The surface temperature is 36 to 39 degrees close to shore out of Milwaukee. The last couple of seasons the temperature was just 38 degrees when we motored to Racine by the third week of April.
What does it all mean. Good early spring fishing. Everything should start up earlier. The boats fishing right now are doing well on Brown trout and catching a few Lake trout. The Lake trout season opens on April 1st and that is when we start. You need to find the right overall depth and sweet spot in the water column and the action is good. Boards with spoons and stick baits are the ticket. I have broke down and purchased the mighty flicker shads. Lets face it spoons are good but I was sick of hearing that the hot bit was on body baits and the Flicker shad was usually the one.
Silver King Charters is looking to capitalize on what looks to be one of the best April's in sometime. We will start Milwaukee charter fishing first but at some point we will be heading to Racine, when we here the Coho salmon bite is going. Call us at 414-460-1467 to be the first to boat a fish with us in 2016 this April.
March 4, 2016
We are fast approaching the beginning of the 2016 season. The southern half of Lake Michigan is ice free. There is little ice left in the Milwaukee harbor and with temperatures above 40 degrees all of next week it should wipe out the ice. Surface temps are already much better than last year and the Brown trout fishing on the lake is already very good. We start April 1st and look to have some of the best April fishing we have seen since 2012.
There has been a lot of small perch and shad in the harbors and we are hoping that this translates into a good hatch of alewives. Water temperatures should be above normal and hopefully lead to earlier Coho salmon action. We thing that the Coho will be good size early this year. There is little doubt that a good thermocline will set up this summer and make our fishing better. Call us to start catching fish in April at 414-460-1467.
February 11, 2016
Well we heard form the fishery expert that this El Nino, which is the biggest in recorded history, will be responsible for great things over the next 4 years. After each of the previous big El Nino's we have seen better fishing because it helps the food that all the little guys feed on multiple and survive. This causes an explosion in bait fish and also natural reproducing salmon. It is all set up to be some good fishing. We know that it will never be as great as the years before the mussels but we have had some great fishing like in 2011 - 2013 and this was set up by a great year class of bait.
We are really looking toward April and May. We know weather can sometimes be challenging but when it is decent the fishing is really really good. We have been getting the boat ready for the season and we are now putting new line on all the reels. With the mild winter the fishing should start out real good. There are small boats already taking advantage of the water. Lake Michigan only froze over 20 percent this year and it does not look like it will eclipse that. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on early action. April is Brown trout and Lake trout. May is Coho salmon and some of the best catch rates of the year.
February 3, 2016
As I write this we have just missed another big snow storm and have received only rain. We have had one snow storm in November and one in January and that is it. We have had two cold blast and I think the coolest it has been is 7 degrees. Both cold spells lasted only 3 days each. Mild winter and that is just what Lake Michigan needed. The last two winters the lake has frozen over 90% and 75 percent. This year its peak have been 20% and right now it is 13%. We know there was a good hatch last year of bait fish. The mild winter will help them survive. I found out more good news yesterday at the Great Lakes Milwaukee Chapter board meeting, which I am Vice President of. There was a huge hatch of algae late last summer and it lasted through December. This was the good algae that feed littler bait fish and it covered half the lake. I don't know all the details but the source is a credible biologist who will be speaking at the New Berlin Ale House at 7:00PM February 9th.
What does it all mean. We have a great chance at an good size increase of bait fish this season. We will know how good this spring when we start catching Coho salmon. They love the small bait and if they are full of them the next 3 seasons could be very good on Lake Michigan. Silver King Charters starts fishing on April 1st out of Milwaukee but we will be in Racine as soon as the Coho bite goes. With this mild winter it may be April 1st. We have not had a solid hatch since 2010 and that led to one of the best King fishing years in memory. Because of reduced stocking it will not be that good but with natural reproducing fish surviving it will be solid. There is good reason to be optimistic.
My favorite time of the season is spring because for the most part April through mid June has the highest catch rates. May through mid June also has the best salmon catches of the season and Silver King Charters will be right were the fish are. Call us now at 414-460-1467 to get in on the spring action.
January 10, 2016
Well I cannot believe it is 2016 already. Silver King Charters is in full swing preparing for the upcoming season. We will put in on April 1st and be Milwaukee charter fishing on April 2nd. But it is time to reflect on the 2015 season. Every season has it highlights and 2015 we pulled a record number of Lake trout. The Coho salmon bite was solid in the spring but off from the last couple of seasons. Looks to be strong though for 2016. The Chinook salmon bite was week and ended up being one of our poor season in many years. Stocking is down and there was a poor natural reproduction for that year. In addition the water was very cold. We had solid Brown trout action and this carried us in April and October. The Rainbow bite was ok but size was down in 2015.
With all that said Silver King Charters managed 10.08 fish a trip. Very good considering when some of those trips took place. We did have one skunk but this was in the harbor on a very poor day. We took many Lake trout limits this summer and boated over 200 Lake trout over 13 pounds. The big fish of the season was a 32.5 pound Brown Trout and this came just two days before Salmon-A-Rama. Yeah, a $20000 fish just 48 hours early.
Lets start with April. We started Milwaukee charter fishing April 3rd and it was solid. Brown trout, Lake trout, Rainbow trout and Coho salmon were in the catch. We fished shallow south of Milwaukee or just inside the harbor. Stick baits and small spoons worked best. We never got deeper than 30 feet in April. Although the fishing was good it was great down south as the Coho salmon bite started to take off. We always start in Milwaukee but as soon as the Coho go we go to Racine. Usually this is at the start of May but it could be earlier. This season we took off to Racine in between trips. Once we got there it was a limit catch. I cannot stress this enough, if you want to catch good numbers of salmon the best time is May and June. The last third of April was outstanding Coho salmon fishing, with limit catches.
May started with a thud! Racine charter fishing is known for some outstanding Coho fishing but some bad weather system and unusually cold weather hampered the fishing. The Coho schools blew as far south as Chicago leaving us with Brown trout and a few Chinook salmon. It was tough fishing for the first half of May. But as the weather became more consistent the fishing improved and by the end of May we were near or at limits on Coho salmon. We also had a great offshore bite and caught a great mixed bag of Chinook, Lake trout, Rainbow trout and of course Coho salmon. Our warm winter this year should make the 2016 May solid throughout. When the bite was on we averaged just under 20 fish a trip, which is normal for May. Again we were charter fishing Racine at this time and it is just 40 minutes south of Milwaukee or 50 minutes north of Chicago.
June started real good as it usually does. We fished from the harbor mouth to 280 feet of water. South of Kenosha t o north of Wind Point. When you found the fish it was double digit or limit catches. The first half of June still had a strong Coho bite. By mid June we were taking limits of Lake trout in our catches and this lasted right through our last day charter fishing Racine. The Coho salmon bite became less consistent and we relied on multiple species to good numbers. On June 6th we fished the SU Open Wisconsin finishing 9th. We struggled that day and only landed 9 fish. On June 20th we fished the Kenosha Coho Classic. We caught our fish and a lot of Lake trout but not good size. I think we finished 12th. Tough start to tournament fishing but it laid the ground work for some special days later in the season. We were dialed in for the last tournament in June the Morris but a bad carbarator knocked us out.
We started July back in our home port Milwaukee charter fishing and began a blitz on Lake trout. Silver King Charters took limits 80 percent of our trips in July of Lake trout. Their were many in the upper teens. We also took a mix of Chinook, Rainbow and Brown trout. It was solid action and with a base of Lake trout most trips saw double digit catches. We were fishing mostly north of Milwaukee and from the shore to about 100 feet of water. Two days before Salmon-A-Rama we boated our biggest fish of the year and it was a 32.5 pound Brown trout. If this wasn't the biggest fish caught on Lake Michigan in 2015 it was for sure top five! Would have for sure won Salmon-A-Rama.
Salmon-A-Rama took place between July 9th through the 19th and once again we purchased a $500 ticket to make all of our clients eligible. Once again we booked the entire week full. We again for the 4th year in a row put our customers on the board and won them money. We came just 30 minutes from winning the $20000 grand prize for biggest fish and this was a 23.5 pound Lake trout. It was a heartbreaker. We took 3 places in the Lake trout division and won the Super Slam by 20 pounds. Silver King Charters has won 18 prizes in the last four years in Salmon-A-Rama, so call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on the fun July event. This will fill up.
August was another good month of Lake trout fishing but we also had our best stretch of Chinook salmon fishing during this time. There was about 10 days in the middle of the month that we took 4 to 12 Kings a trip. This along with Lake trout and Rainbow trout put our catches at 12 to 25 fish a trip. Great fishing! The rest of the month we spent Lake trout fishing then going in close for Brown trout. Again we fished in 100 feet or less. Cold water this season kept the fishing close to shore for the most part. Milwaukee charter fishing this summer was definitely a mixed bag of species, with a heavy dose of Lake trout.
September use to be a great month for spawning King salmon but with the reduction on Chinooks we have suffered during this month. Silver King Charters decided to change tactics this September and get away from the heavy effort on 4 year old Kings and target other species and non spawning Kings. This started out great but a week into the assault we were hit with 2 weeks of bad winds. This was much like the first couple weeks of May. Every season we are dealt some nasty stretches of bad winds and weather. You never know when it will come during the season but when it does our best efforts will be effected. This forced us to fish in areas that were not as productive at times. It was not until the last week of September that we started to get back into a normal pattern. The bite at that time was mostly Brown trout, Lake trout and a few returning Coho salmon.
October was more favorable and the weather was great for the time of season. We did not have a good Chinook bite like years past during October but the Brown trout and toward the end Lake trout action was decent. We fished mostly in 10 to 35 feet of water, with only a couple of trips in the 100 foot mark. Over the years October is usually a solid month to fish weather pending.
So every year is different and this year it broke down with Lake trout being the our number one catch followed by Coho salmon and then Chinook, Rainbow and Brown trout. All of the last tree very close to one another. For years Chinook was number one by a long shot but with the way Lake Michigan is stocked now the only way Chinook will be number one is if we get a great hatch and strong natural reproduction. The last time we had this was in 2010. We had a great hatch of bait and very good survival of all things little that year. This led to some great fishing through the 2013 season, including one of the all time best King years in 2012.
What does 2016 have in store for us. Well even the expert are poor at predicting year to year but this is what I know. We had a good hatch and probably the best since 2010. Not as good but decent. We had a record warm December and this should lead to a mild winter. The last two winters wiped out a lot of new hatches. We need a wet spring for nutrients in the lake and this should lead to more bait, better survival of stocked fish and natural reproduction of Chinooks. Only time will tell how much better but over the next couple of seasons it should improve.
The immediate effect will be in the Coho salmon bite in spring. If there was truly a good hatch of bait and this is always tough to tell and it survived we will see larger Coho salmon. Coho love small bait and more will survive if it is around. I already stated that May and June is the best time of the year to catch salmon on Lake Michigan because the stocking is still relatively the same as it use to be for them. So this real good time of year could be outstanding in 2016. I cannot wait to lay a spread of orange dodgers and peanut flies into a Coho school.
We slide back to Milwaukee for the rest of the season. July and August is still the best time to target Chinook salmon. We had two weeks in July and two weeks in August where I can say that the King fishing was decent. During those weeks we caught Kings on just about every trip and some of those trips were in the 8 to 12 fish range on Kings. Going forward if we do see a good hatch of alewives from 2015 we will probably see an increase in natural reproducing Kings and this will start to show up in 2017. But as I right this we are having a warm winter and this means a thermocline. This will help the bite in the summer of 2016.
Silver King Charters is looking forward to the 2016 season and we work every weekend during the off season to make sure your trip will be fun and safe, with a good catch of fish. We are putting in a brand new fuel injected 350 crusader, new cushions and of course new line one every reel. Call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on some great April and May fishing. Silver King Charters starts fishing April 1st and there will be no ice to deal with this year.
October 16, 2015
Yes, Silver King Charters is still rolling but the end of Milwaukee charter fishing for 2015 is coming. The early blow of October made fishing tough but the lake is now setting up for fall. Water temps are slowly dropping and fish are becoming more active. Our bite has been mostly Brown trout, with a few Lake trout. We have been fishing close to shore in 20 to 50 feet or water and will probably do the same this week. The catches last week were between 4 to 8 fish and we intend to improve on this for the rest of the month.
In close we are using 1 to 4 color leads on boards, The Hud special silver by Stinger is on just about everything. The boards are best. We get a couple hits on riggers and dipsies but in shallow water the boards produce best. We will probably be in shallow again this weekend but more than likely hit the 80 to 100 foot make and see if we can get in on some late season Lake trout action.
Silver King Charters runs through October 31st and we still have some openings. Fishing will get better in these last two weeks. We are also booking for 2016! Remember that the best salmon bite of the year is May 1st through the end of June.
October 1, 2015
Bet you thought I forgot about these reports. Just super busy. Well Milwaukee charter fishing took a hit the Friday morning of September 11th. We went out just as a big north wind started and caught a limit of Lake trout. Headed back to the harbor that trip and have been there for the most part since. This last weekend on our afternoon trip Saturday we did get back on some great trout action but by this Tuesday it was over with the mother blow from the north. This one looks like it will last through this weekend and scramble Lake Michigan good. We hit double digits on September 11th and September 27th and that is it. Otherwise the trips have been 1 to 7 fish. We even had a skunk but it was a shorten trip in the harbor. All Browns, Chinooks and Coho in the harbor. When we get out on the lake we get Lakers, Browns and a few salmon. This has been the toughest fishing since early May.
In the harbor we run 2 and 3 color leads with spoons. Three downriggers with 2 spoons and one plug. The dipsies are mono and usually a spoon and a fire tiger jointed stick plug. Our favorite spoon is the stingray Stinger Hud Special in silver on everything spoon related. Is it the hottest, well nothing is all that hot but it is the best producer. I would say that half the catch is Brown trout and then 25 percent Coho and Chinook. Not much of a Knig return and they are all stocked fish. It will improve but we are going to have to wait for this northeast blow to knock down some first.
The weather has made things tough but October has all been real good fishing when you can get out. Silver King Charters will be running trips right through October 31st or Halloween. So call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on the last month of Lake Michigan charter fishing. We are also booking for 2016 too.
September 8, 2015
The 2015 summer season for Milwaukee charter fishing is just about over but Silver King Charters will be fishing until October 31st. This was one of the best Labor Day weekends we have had weather wise in several years. Good seas and decent fishing most of our fishing was done in 50 to 70 feet but we did run out to 300 feet on Monday afternoon. For the week we went 7 for 9, 9 for 13, 9 for 12 "23 pound Lake trout", 12 for 15, 10 for 13, 8 for 10, 7 for 10. The catch was mostly Lakers, Chinook and Rainbow.
The action was a little slower this week but still decent catches. The Lake trout were coming on spin and glows near the bottom and leadcores between 5 and 8 colors. The hud and NBK green were best. For the other fish it was all boards from 3 to 8 color leads and the same spoons. When we were out in 300 feet the best action came in the top 60 feet and it was mostly Rainbow trout. The water is still cold from top to bottom making it tough to target fish but the 60 to 70 foot contour is probably the most consistent right now. The harbor has some Kings and Brown trout but not really good numbers, so we have not been there much this last couple weeks. We will probably hit it a couple times this week.
Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on some fall action in September and October. Good time to get some fish smoked for the holidays.
August 31, 2015
I cannot believe that August is over but we still have two more months of fishing. The trout fishing is been outstanding this last week and it looks to continue this Labor Day weekend. We went 9 for 11, 15 for 20 "limit", 17 for 23, 10 for 13, 9 for 12, 11 for 13, 4 for 8 "very short trip", 12 for 15 and 14 for 17. Milwaukee charter fishing is producing the best trout fishing of the season right now and the Chinook will be returning to spawn soon.
We have been fishing from 12 to 65 feet of water. The Lake trout are in 50 to 65 feet of water and 3 to 8 colors are doing the best with Stinger Hud Specials in gold or silver, with the stingray size working best. We are catching Browns in 10 to 20 feet near shore on in the harbor on a variety of spoons, using 1, 2 and 3 colors. The riggers and dipsies have been less productive but spoons have been the best on both when they work. We also like the NBK green Stinger on the riggers. Long leads on the riggers gets a few. The water was ice cold this week and the best we found on the surface was 52 degrees. Even in the river mouth it was 49 degrees down 12 feet. Chilly water spreads fish out. But there is a good concentration of Lake trout off Milwaukee right now and it is just some great action.
We still have some dates left to fill this weekend, so call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to hook into a big trout or a returning King salmon. No better way to spend Labor Day then catching fish!
August 24, 2015
Charter fishing Milwaukee continues to be good. The water is very cold right now due to all the west winds. we went 11 for 15, 7 for 11, 7 for 16 and 13 for 16 over the weekend. It was a mixed bag of Lakers, Kings, Coho and Rainbows. We have been fishing in 50 to 85 feet but the fish are spread out because to the cold water. The surface water is anywhere from 46 to 52 degrees and down just 20 feet we have 41 degrees.
We have had most of our success on spoons with leadcore on boards. The best are 3 to 10 color and the Hud Special is the best spoon. Spin and glows for Lakers has also worked. Cold water has made it a little more challenging for flasher and flies.
We will be out most of the last week of August and we still have availability this weekend. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to catch the mature fish before they go into the harbor to spawn.
August 21, 2015
Milwaukee charter fishing has been solid this mid August. We have had some very good catches, with some or our best Chinook salmon fishing of the year. We went 13 for 17, 20 for 23 "limit", 14 for 26, 11 for 14, 25 for 33, 15 for 21, 14 for 19, 8 for 13 and 15 for 20 "this morning". Of course the Lake trout fishing has been very good but over this period we have been boating Kings every trip but one and we have had a couple trips going double digits on Kings. We have been liking 60 to 110 feet of water and this changes daily and even hourly with current and wind. As I post this the west winds have froze out the area around Milwaukee and the western shores of the lake but we are still finding fish in 60 to 80 feet.
Our top set up last week was Howie little boy blue fly and white flashers "Hot Spots" on just about everything. Yeah, it was old school fishing at its finest. Well for these days anyway. Coppers from 150 to 250, wires at 100 to 150 on line counter and riggers from 30 to 60 down. We are running spoons on leadcore at times with the Stinger Hud special being the best. These are 5 to 10 colors. I would say this was the best fishing since the spring with Coho salmon. which is always the best catch rate.
This fishing should be good like this but soon the mature Kings and Browns will be in the harbor. This will probably happen by the first week of September. Silver King Charters has open dates in September and October. We fish until October 31st on Halloween, so call us at 414-460-1467 to help catch the last fish of the season.
August 10, 2015
Silver King Charters finished July with a 10 fish average per trip and for the first 10 days of August we are at a 10 fish average. Double digits is a great day on Lake Michigan. The catch is big on Lake trout, with a mix of Chinook, Rainbow and Brown trout. We fish in 80 to 100 feet for Lake trout and 50 feet or less for the rest. This last week went 16 for 20, 12 for 17, 2 for 2 "very short trip" 5 for 13, 10 for 15, 12 for 14 and 9 for 10.
Our program is Lake trout first and then go in close for Browns, Kings and Rainbows. You have to be willing to move and reset with shallow stuff to produce more fish. We run 1 through 6 color leadcores in close with spoons. The Hud special by Stinger is best. Out deep it is 5 through 10 color leadcores with spoons and spin and glos down deep. Our favorite fly is Little Boy Blue by Howie, with a white blade. Gets a King or two each trip. Fishing is challenging but if you are willing to move around you can put together a nice box of fish.
We have September and October openings for Milwaukee charter fishing and we go until October 31st, so call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on some good fall fishing.
August 4, 2015
Well we did a lot of fishing over the last week to the lead up to Brew City Fishing tournament. Of course we had some solid trips going in to Saturday and then it got tough. We went 15 for 18 but 9 of these were Lake trout and you can only weigh in 4 of them. Silver King Charters finished 5th place with 79.6 pounds in ten fish. The highlight was a 16.5 pound Lake trout that won the big Lake trout. Congrad's to Craig of the Crabby on his 113 pound catch. We had 95 boats fish this year and everyone was all spread out because the fish were scattered. We moved 4 different times to catch our fish. Tough day. Thanks to all who participated and we look forward to next years Brew City on August 6, 2016. We hope to have 4 places for big fish, another wards 20 big fish places!
July 24, 2014
Milwaukee Charter Fishing has been solid this week, with double digit catches. We have taken Lake trout, Chinook, Brown trout, Rainbows and Coho. The first three are the bulk of the catch. We went 16 for 18, 23 for 28, 18 for 29 and 11 for 15 in the last 4 trips. We have fished all over from the gaps to 100 feet of water and had success. The thermocline is anywhere from 15 to 30 feet down but at least there is something.
We don't have a great set up but spoons and flasher flies are both working. We have been using 125 to 200 on coppers and 3 to 10 color leadcores and they are all producing. Wire dipsies are set at 100 to 175 with white flashers and little boy blue flies. Our riggers use two spin and glow set ups at the bottom and a spoon and flasher on the up riggers set at 30 to 45 feet. When in the gaps it is all spoons for us.
Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to start catches fish! We have a special for next week Monday through Friday: all trips are 6 hours for the price of 5 hours.
July 20, 2015
Another www.salmon-a-rama is in the books and for all accounts is was another great year, with the exception of one. We had the first place fish for most of the contest going into the last 30 minutes when we were knocked out by a 25 pound Lake trout caught by Jace who is only 8 years old. Good by to $20000. Well maybe next year. We still had 3 customers in the money and all in the Lake trout division. Tim took 2nd $1100, Evelyn 5th $600, and Samantha 8th $300. Great job guys and to all that fished with us that week. We also won the Super Slam with all your help. Tim, that was a heartbreak of major proportions!!!
Well our program for the 9 days was to concentrate on Lake trout and we caught a lot of them. Well over 250 for the 9 days and of course had to throw back a lot of them. Our bait was the spin and glow on the two back riggers. We caught some other stuff but really did not target much else, so don't have much else to report. The best depth was 90 feet on the bottom.
We were back at Milwaukee Charter Fishing today and the water is chilled. It is 63 on the surface and 43 down 18 feet. West winds will change things all this week and there should be a good shallow water bite now. We of course took a limit of Lake trout and 4 Chinook today. The kings hit spoons on riggers down 30 feet.
Call now to book your salmon a rama spot for 2016 and see if you can be one of the lucky ones to win cash. Brew City is in two weeks and we have a special from July 27th until July 31st: All trips are 6 hours for the price of 5 hours! Call Silver King Charters today and help us get ready for the big tournament.
July 9, 2015
We are less than 36 hours from www.salmon-a-rama and we still have 3 spots open. Saturday July 11th at 3:00PM and Sunday July 12th at 10:00AM and 3:00PM. We get people on the board each year and it could be you. This morning one of are clients boated a 32.4 pound Brown trout, which 6 of the last 7 years would have won $20,000 for someone if it would have been caught just a couple days later! We are catching fish and the last 3 trips we have gone 13 for 17, 14 for 17, and 16 for 19. Some really nice Lake trout, Chinook salmon and one incredible Brown trout. I will put a picture on the slider of our home page.
The water is 59 degrees on the surface and 54 down 50 feet, so fish are spread out some but our best action is 40 feet down to the bottom. I really think you can get action from the shore out the 150 feet right. The fishing is starting to get better and we look to have a solid weekend. Not to much more details since we are close to the big tournament. Call us at 414-460-1467 and start catching fish. The Brown came on a spoon 150 copper.
July 7, 2015
Milwaukee charter fishing was steady over July 4th weekend. We went 12 for 14, 6 for 9, 10 for 14, 10 for 12 and 8 for 12. We have been around 10 fish a trip of late but the lake is starting to set up and this should lead to some better catches. Lake trout and Chinooks along with a couple of Coho and Rainbow have been the catch. We have been working 80 to 110 feet of water over the last week and it seems to be best at 40 feet to the bottom.
Our boards have been spotty and we are running leadcores from 5 to 10 colors. Not really a hot bait on these but spoons are better than flashers for us. The Oz pro king has been working. The hottest rods are the deep riggers for Lake Trout and Kings. White Flashers and boy blue flies or spin and glows. The up riggers have been one flasher and one spoon and get a fish a trip. The dipsies produce the best King bite with white flashers and green or boy blue set at 125 to 175 on the line counter. The good thing is the water is setting up for a thermocline this year and that will eliminate water.
We are getting ready for www.salmon-a-rama. We have only three spots left and they are on this Saturday and Sunday. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and see if you can win some cash by catching a big fish on your trip. Fishing usually turns on during that week!
July 2, 2015
Lots has happened over the last 10 days. We finished our southern offensive Racine charter fishing, missed out fishing in Morris and have started our northern offensive Milwaukee charter fishing. To recap Racine it was still a very good time down there and we saw some limits and many double digit catches but the Coho salmon fishing never set up. There were fewer Coho salmon this year and most of them stayed south. Next year there will be the normal amount stocked and we should be back to a more traditional spring. We finished 20 for 21 "limit", 12 for 15, 20 for 23 "limit", 12 for 15, and 10 for 14, 8 for 16, and 5 for 12. Our carborator started to fail after our last trip and just before heading to Morris, causing us to miss the big tournament. We were able to fix it in 24 hours thanks to Travis of Angry Pirate but not quick enough to fish it. Lots of Lake trout at the end of our Racine stay and we fished Wing point in 100 feet during that last week.
We started Milwaukee charter fishing Sunday and have worked the 100 foot contour since we have been back. We have gone 10 for 15, 9 for 13, 5 for 8, 15 for 18 "limit", 6 for 7, 8 for 10 and 13 for 15. Lots of Lake trout and Chinook salmon. We have boated 2 Coho and 2 Rianbows since being back. The hits are coming 30 feet to the bottom.
Our wire dipsies are set at 125 to 210 feet with white flashers and little boy blue flies. We run one side or copper at 125 to 300 with white flashers and either green or little boy blue flies. The other side is 6 to 10 color leadcores. Cracked ice pro kings are working here. Also NBK's. The riggers have a spoon and flasher fly on the up high riggers set at 40 to 55 feet. The deep ones are either spin and glows or flashers. You know what the Lake trout like! The thermocline is setting up this season and should help to concentrate fish.
Silver King Charters will be out of Milwaukee through October but July is a great month to fish. We still have www.salmon-a-rama.com dates open and we have a special for the last two weeks of the month during the weekdays. Book a trip aboard the Silver King and start catching fish.
June 22, 2015
Lake Michigan charter fishing remains steady. We started the week with a tough outing and had another that lasted only 45 minutes on a calm day. Take Dramamine even on a calm day if you are prone to motion sickness. We went 5 for 10 "tough bite", 10 for 15, 3 for 7 "fished 45 minutes", 16 for 17 it in 2 hours", 17 for 21, 12 for 14, 20 for 21 "Kenosha Coho Classic", 10 for 10, 20 for 24, 18 for 21 and 10 for 15. At the beginning of the week we fished in 50 to 60 feet but have moved out this weekend to 90 to 110 feet of water. The catch has been Coho, Lake trout and a few Kings, Rainbows and even a Brown trout.
We have been running a mix of stuff to catch fish. Orange stuff on the outside boards and inside dipsies. These are still delivering Coho. The dipsies are set at 12 feet on the line counter and the boards are 20 to 30 feet back on the boards. We like B&B's on the boards. The wire dipsies are white flasher and Bull Frog or Green Krink Howie flies. They are set at 90 to 120 on the line counter. The inside boards are primarily leadcores from 3 to 10 color and we still like Huds and NBK stingers in both stingray and stinger size. We have been using some copper from 50 to 250 feet with flashers but with limited success. The riggers have been good with flasher flies on the insides and spoons on the outsides. These are set 20 to 50 feet down. White or chrome flashers with bull frog and green flies. We are using spin and glows at the back end of the week on the deep rigger for lake trout and we all know there are a lot of them around.
We finished 12th place in the Kenosha Coho Classic and it has become painfully obvious that if you don't fish Lake trout in these tournaments this year you will not do good. We are quick learners and hopefully we will improve our results in the Morris this weekend. Congrads to Jim of Stormtrooper for his victory this weekend, catching 98 pounds of fish. He is a tough out in any tournament!
Milwaukee charter fishing starts June 28th for Silver King Charters. There are big trout up there and some nice size Kings being caught. Call us to fish before going to Summer Fest. We are 15 minutes walking distance from the fest. Also fish with us during the 4th of July weekend and catch some fresh fish for the grill. We also have times open on the 3rd of July, so you can fish before the big fireworks event downtown. We also have two opening still for the salmon-a-rama week. Call us at 414-460-1467.
June 15, 2015
Racine charter fishing has remained solid with double digit catches. About half the catch is Coho salmon and they are averaging 3 to 4 pounds. The rest of the catch is Kings, Lakers and Rainbows. Have seen more two year old Chinook than I have seen in several years. There must have been good survival in 2013. Silver King Charters went 20 for 20 "limit", 17 for 24, 20 for 24 "limit", 15 for 21 "limit", 13 for 19 and 12 for 35.
We have been working 40 to 60 feet of water from the surface down to the bottom. The orange stuff takes 33 percent of the fish. B & B's are better than the 00 dodgers. The leadcores are 3 to 7 colors with spoons on all and NBK green or silver Hud in the stinger size being best. Some nice Kings coming on these. The wire dipsies are white flashers, with green krink or bull frog Howie flies set at 90 to 120 on the line counter. The riggers are orange dodger on the up high, spoons on the next two down and white dodger and bull frog on the deep. All deliver fish.
Silver King Charters will be back Milwaukee charter fishing on June 28th. But right now fishing is good and looks to remain so for the next several weeks. The water is starting to warm up, good amounts of bait and the fish are in good numbers. Call us to get in on the action. We have dates open, so call 414-460-1467 and start catching fish.
June 8, 2015
Racine charter fishing has been consistent over the last week, with double digit catches. The only exception was Saturday during our first tournament. We were one fish short and finished in 9th place. One more fish weighing one pound and we finish 4th. Ouch! The catch is 60% Coho and the rest made up of Chinook, Rainbow and Laker. We went 10 for 13 "limit", 9 for 9 "SU Open", 10 for 15, 12 for 20 and 15 for 18 "limit". We have been from in front of the harbor to 120 feet and it varies day to day. Unstable weather conditions.
The water is still cold and most of the action is in the top 40 feet. Orange dodgers and peanut flies are still big producers on boards, dipsies and riggers. White flashers and Howie Bull Frog or Green Krink are good on riggers and dipsies. Spoons have been good on the boards both leadcore and copper. NBK green Stinger is best. We are using 3 to 7 color leads and 50 to 150 coppers. Riggers are set from 15 to 55 feet down and wire dipsies at 90 to 120 on the line counter.
Hopefully we can avoid wicked winds this weekend. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and get in on the best Coho salmon fishing of the season. We head back to start Milwaukee charter fishing on June 28th. We still have 2 spots open for Salmon-A-Rama, which gives you a chance to win cash on your trip!
June 1, 2015
Well May is complete and although fishing overall was good it was not on par to what May fishing traditional has been and that is lights out fishing. The last couple of cold winters has set things back a little and by the end of May things really starting picking up. The first 3 weeks of June will probably be some of the best weeks of fishing this year. We were blown out this weekend due to a very nasty north wind that made Lake Michigan in the southwest half unfishable starting at 8:00am Saturday morning. But before that the offshore bite was real good. We went 19 for 24 "limit" and 21 for 38 "limit". Both were done in under 3 hours. The catch was half Coho salmon and the rest Chinook and Steelhead.
The bite was anywhere from 150 to 260 feet of water. The best action was in the top 50 feet of water, with most of the fish coming in the top 10 feet. The best set up for Coho and Steelhead was orange dodgers and green peanut flies on mono boards or dipsy all set 6 feet or less from the surface. We ran a side of copper and a side of leadcore. The best leads were 3, 5 and 7 color. The best coppers were 75 and 125 foot. Stinger size Stinger spoons were tops on these board set ups, with the Hud Special and Blue Dolphin being are favorite. On the riggers and wire dipsies it was white flashers and Howie Bull Frog flies. These took most or the Kings. Riggers set 40 to 60 feet down and the dipsies 90 to 120 dialed in at #3. The Howie Fly Bull Frog once again a stud. No big surprise there. The surface water did warm up to 51 degrees in places but after this big blow for 48 hours things will change.
Again Silver King Charters will be charter fishing Racine for June. Once again if you are north of Wind Point your catch rate drops considerable. So the extra 40 minute drive south by car from Milwaukee is well worth it. We are looking to fill the next 3 Friday mornings and we are offering 7 hours of fishing for the price of 5 and these 3 weeks look to be some of the best fishing of the season. Call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on some great fishing. We are back in Milwaukee on June 28th.
May 26, 2015
Racine charter fishing has improved this past week. It was a solid weekend of fishing but still not at the crazy good pace we usually see this time of year. But fish have moved in to the area and with some warmer water temperatures and more consistent weather we should still see some very good Coho salmon fishing. We have been hampered with front after front and consistent wind switches but soon it should set up for several real good weeks of fishing. Silver King Charters went 9 for 13, 20 for 28, 14 for 20, 12 for 18, 8 for 15, 11 for 14, and 15 for 19. Half of these fish were Coho salmon and the rest a mix of Chinook, Rainbow and Lake trout. The Chinook were in the 14 pound range and some of the Steelhead were pushing 10 pounds with the big at 12 pounds. Look at the Photo Gallery for some pictures from the weekend.
Early in the week we were fishing the river mouth with decent success but by the weekend we pushed off shore to 150 to 210 feet of water. I want to thank Rich of Stellar for the hot tip that lead to a good weekend. I wish we could have capitalize more on the fish out there but we had some decent catches. The bulk of the fish came off boards using orange dodgers and green peanut flies. These were mostly Coho and Rainbow in the top 5 feet of water. The next best set ups were 3 to 8 color leadcores with Stinger spoons. The Hud was good and the Blue Dolphin. Wire dipsies set at 120 on line counter took some nice Kings. We had white flashers and bullfrog flies here. We also ran orange dodgers on dipsies at 15 to 30 on the line counters and these took some fish. The riggers were slow and took only a few fish mostly Chinook and Lake trout. Flasher flies were on these. For the most part we trolled east and west coming going through pods of fish. The water temperature was around 45 to 47 degrees on the surface.
The Coho salmon should be moving into the more shallow waters where there is lots of bait right now. There should be good action by the river and in 50 feet of water soon. This bite will probably continue until the water starts to warm up too much pushing fish back out. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to take part in some real good Lake Michigan charter fishing.
May 20, 2015
Silver King Charters has some openings this Memorial Day. Coho salmon fishing has begun to improve with our last 3 trips going 24 for 33, 14 for 20 and 17 for 25 "limit". The catches were primarily Coho and the best bait is orange dodgers and peanut flies. We are Racine charter fishing in 15 to 25 feet of water along the shore line out or Reefpoint marina.
These are the best eating fish of the season and now is the time to start catching them. We have also been catching Rainbow trout and Chinook salmon. Give Silver King Charters a call at 414-460-1467 to book a trip this Memorial Day Weekend.
May 18, 2015
Racine Charter Fishing has been up and down of the last 10 days but today was the first sign that the main school of Coho salmon are not far off. We had some tough trips of late going 10 for 13, 5 for 8, 4 for 6, 3 for 6, 6 for 10, 9 for 14 and 24 for 33. These were mostly Coho salmon and we fished everywhere from the state line to 160 feet but the salmon are starting to filter and fishing should only get better. This years bite may be starting later but there will still be some excellent fishing in May and June.
Our best action is on Stinger spoons and orange dodgers and green peanut flies. Blue Dolphin was good. We are running spoons off riggers and flies on all the rest. When said and down our best bite was in shallow and up near the surface. There are fish in the 100 foot mark and this is mostly a spoon bite but with the near shore bite slowly coming together I think we will be hitting that. There are some Kings in the mix too but right now it is going to be primarily Coho salmon.
Again it has been a disappointing start to May but eventually the month delivers and when it does limit catches happen. The good thing is we have not beaten up on them to much yet. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 for Memorial Day and catch some fish for the grill.
May 11, 2015
We are always honest at Silver King Charters with our reports and this was really hurts to write. We only went twice going 1 for 2 and 2 for 5. Had to cancel Sunday due to crazy winds. Worst week of May we have had in over 10 years. But with that said things are looking up and I think have reached the bottom. Alewives just started showing up in good numbers on Thursday and the Coho salmon are showing up in their usual haunts for May. Good catches in Chicago and across the lake in the southern ports in Michigan and Indiana. Fish will start filtering in to Racine and Kenosha now that alewives are in the area, with each day getting better. So the best catch rates of the year are coming and lets hope that means limits soon.
I have nothing on what was hot but I will break it down thoroughly for you. Caught a Coho on a orange dodger and green peanut fly six feet down and six feet back on the starboard outside rigger. Very hot set up for things to come. The outside mono dipsy caught one Brown and lost two others. It was dialed at three and 25 feet on the line counter. I was using a stingray gold hud. Had an orange NBK stingray size on a back rigger 50 feet back and 15 feet down. We fished in 12 to 25 feet of water. The temps were 46 degrees top to bottom. That is the most detail I will give for such little action. Was a real bummer!
I have to admit I was concern for the Coho bite this year but the early action was probably fish that wintered in the area. The big schools we expect just have not shown up yet and by all indications it will be a decent spring for Coho salmon and maybe a great one if things set up right. No the less double digit catches will be the norm real soon. Call Silver King Charters to get in on this action. Lake Michigan charter fishing is really just getting started now for the 2015 season.
May 4, 2015
Well April ended strong with our last trip going 15 for 20 and we threw back 6 shakers. We don't grow them just catch them. But May started with a big dud! We went 5 for 7 on an 8 hour trip. The worst May trip in 3 years. Lots of things happened to contribute to this but the number one reason was lack of Alewives near shore. When they show up it will change everything. There was also a full moon and flat calm conditions. When the bait comes in we should be good.
We are heavy on spoons right now. The peanut flies have not taken off yet and that is due to lack of Coho salmon in the area. Our hot spoons are NBK orange, Hud in both gold and silver. These are both stinger and in the stingray size. Could probably just run these. They are best on the 1, 2 and 3 leadcores and off the riggers. We are still in 15 to 30 feet but we did blow out to 50 feet on Saturday to try and improve are catch rate with no success. The temperature was 40 degrees on the surface and we marked nothing. The temperature was 47 degrees in close. If things don't improve the next step is offshore in 200 plus feet. I hope that we can avoid that and alewives start to show up.
Racine charter fishing always seems to have a sweet spot from May 15th through June 15th, so the best is to come. Memorial Day weekend is always a safe bet to catch fish. Silver King Charters has spots open that weekend, so call us at 414-460-1467 to book a trip. Also don't forget to take your Mother out fishing next Sunday to catch a salmon!
April 27, 2015
Fishing was decent this week with more salmon in the mix then trout. We went 20 for 25 "limit", 13 for 21, and 10 for 14. We had to cancel the some because of strong winds. We saw a mix of Coho, Brown trout and Chinook salmon. It was heavy on the Coho, which are averaging 2 to 3 pounds. There have been some real nice Kings being taken in the 10 to 15 pound range. Right now it is mostly gobies in their stomach with an occasional large alewive. Hoping to see bigger schools of alewives soon.
All action has been between 15 and 30 feet. Stick baits are giving way to more of a spoon bite. Larger spoons are definitely giving way to smaller ones. The stingray size Stinger spoons are working best and the orange killer has been the best of those. The alewives are big, with few small ones around and that is why larger spoons. Probably why smaller Coho salmon too. At least early on. Orange dodger and peanut flies are taking Coho salmon but not at a real good rate yet. Probably another week or so it will be all we use. Dipsies and riggers worked best this weekend. Good catches of Coho salmon have just started at the border and by the time you get to the Oak Creek power plant it is more Brown trout then anything else.
Silver King Charters is now Racine charter fishing and we should be starting to catch consistent numbers of Coho salmon. We have already had several limit catches but the best is yet to come. May and early June is the best time to catch numbers because the Coho salmon stocking has not been reduced and most of these fish are located in the southern end of Lake Michigan. They are also outstanding to eat. Call us at 414-460-1467 and book your spring trip for this great action.
April 23, 2015
It is Earth Day today and I think the earth is freezing. There has been light snow the last couple of days in Milwaukee and we have regressed back into winter. But the fish are still biting. Action is still close to shore and the water has started to clear up. With no rain in the forecast and the wind from the west the last several days the bite has come back. Fish are still in tight to shore. We are using a blend or body baits, spoons and peanut flies to catch fish. It has not set up into a complete fly spread yet but more and more fish are starting to come off the orange dodger and peanut fly.
We are out Friday and Saturday and although I hate the cold I know we will be catching fish and that will help to warm us up. Coho, Brown trout and an occasional Chinook has been the catch. We hope to have warmer temperatures soon but if you don't mind the cold the fish are still biting. Call us at 414-460-1467 to start catching fish.
April 20, 2015
Lake Michigan charter fishing can be humbling at times and this weekend was the case. Failed to hit double digits and every moment was a nice stiff north to northeaster. It was brutal! The highlights was each trip delivered a 15 pound King. The fishing was good right up to the weekend but unfortunately we are only out on the weekends in April.
We fished in 15 to 30 feet of water with mixed results. The best baits were stinger stingray green nbk's off riggers and orange dodgers on dipsies just a couple feet below the water. The Kings came on the nbk's and one on a dipsy and peanut fly. All salmon this weekend. The Coho salmon were all in the 2 to 3 pound range and still on the small side. The week leading up though was still solid for Coho and Brown trout. The wind switch really shut them down. The water is now 45 degrees near shore and it was pretty muddy too which did not help.
We are out again on Friday and hope more consistent weather or at least a more favorable wind. The upcoming weeks still promise very good catch rates and hopefully we have paid are dues this weekend. Give Silver King Charters a call at 414-460-1467 to hook up on the spring action.
April 13, 2015
Milwaukee charter fishing was solid again this week. We fished with another boat Saturday and we took 8 and they had 14. Mostly Brown trout on stick baits. Smithwicks and Brads were the best off boards. Want to thank Chris and his dad Tom from the boat Legacy for delivering a good catch. We went further south Saturday afternoon and Sunday and took limits, ending up 33 for 39 on Sunday. All but 3 were Coho salmon and it was quick action. I must admit I don't care for the body baits but the collection is growing fast for those couple of weeks a year that they are the difference over spoons and flies.
All the action this year has been in 20 feet of less. Stick baits are hot right now even for the Coho bite. But the orange dodger-peanut fly did take half the fish on Sunday and look for this set up to dominate over the next 7 or 8 weeks. The mud lines were the best areas after all the heavy rains. The surface temp is about 39 to 40 degrees. Boards have taken most of the fish in the shallow water.
The Coho are 2 to 3 pounds right now. A little on the small side for this time of year but they will start putting on wait soon. All they have in their bellies are small shrimp or gobies right now. Typical in recent years. Expect alewives to show up soon and the Coho size should be 3 to 4 pounds by Memorial Day. The action is very good though and should remain this way through mid June. This is the best time of the year to catch good numbers of fish and limit catches, which makes up for size. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on the hot bite. Best eating fish of the season!
April 6, 2015
Silver King Charters put in on April 3rd with no issues and caught a couple fish driving to the slip. On Saturday we fished and the bite was ok. Mostly Brown trout, with a couple of Lakers and one Coho salmon. All fish came on spoons, with the hot bite being 3 color micro lead around the north and main gaps. The Stinger gold Hud was the best producer. We are Milwaukee charter fishing this up coming weekend but will be burning down to Racine after that. The fishing is very good down south. The Coho bite has been strong for a couple of weeks now.
The 2015 spring Coho salmon fishing appears it will be solid, with limit catches already occurring. This bite usually runs into mid June and is when the most limit catches occur. The Coho is the best eating fish out of the five species. The great thing about early spring fishing is the salmon are close to shore, so travel time is minimal to get on top of fish.
Silver King Charters will be Racine charter fishing from mid April through the last week in June and with another strong Coho bite expected we cannot wait. Book now for the best catch rate of the 2015 season and call 414-460-1467. A lot of fish are about to be caught in the next couple months!
March 30, 2015
Silver King Charters puts the boat in Friday and we start fishing Saturday. The Brown trout fishing has been good over the last several weeks and ice is a non issue at this point. Lake trout season opened on March 1st and the bite should be solid soon for Lake trout too. Spoons and stick baits off one, two and three colors have been good. The Coho salmon bite is also starting to take off with the best months being May through Mid-June. The Coho size is right where it should be for this time of year and it should be another solid year for Coho.
We will be out of Milwaukee through April and then down charter fishing Racine for May and June. These three month net the best catch rate during the season. Fishing is close to shore for the most part and the action is near the surface. If you like consistent action this is the time to book. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and start catching fish on Lake Michigan.
March 16, 2015
March is making up for the cold temps of February and with this warmer weather Silver King Charters will begin Milwaukee charter fishing by the first weekend of April. There are already small boats out catching Browns and Rainbows. Lake trout season opens up on March 1st and April is one of the best times to catch them close to shore. The fishing should be really good this springs from the early reports. Down south there have been some Coho salmon caught and these fish are looking to be about normal size for this time of the year, which means there must still be food in Lake Michigan:)
In April we are only out in the weekends but starting in May we are going seven days a week. April and May are consistently high catch rates. More limits happen during these months percentage wise then any other time of the year. We will be Racine charter fishing starting May 1st and it looks to be another solid Coho salmon year. Call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on this great action.
March 2, 2015
Silver King Charters has been working on the boat and gear over the last couple of months in anticipation of the 2015 season. We are hoping to be in the water by April 3rd but if the ice holds on we may need to hold off a week. April and May are some of my favorite months to fish because of the great action.
April we start out Milwaukee charter fishing and take advantage of the outstanding Brown trout and Lake trout action in and around the expansive Milwaukee harbor. This is a great time of the year to catch a limit. The temperatures may be cold but the action can be very good.
May and early June we head south for some Racine charter fishing. From year we can take advantage of the annual Coho salmon run that starts in Indiana and Illinois. We are able to right to the state line if need be. The Coho salmon schools are tight and plentiful. Once you find them they are going to be very active and lead to limit catches. Silver King Charters averages its highest catch rate of the season during this period.
We will be ready for this great spring action and if you like catching lots of fish this is the best time of the year to do it. The Coho salmon is also the best tasting fish. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and get the date you want to fish before it is taken.
January 4, 2015
Silver King Charters hopes you had a Happy Holidays and New Years. Well 2014 is in the books and it is time to look back on the season. Willy and I would first like to thank all of you that chose Sliver King Charter to for their Lake Michigan charter fishing experience. We enjoyed fishing with you and hope you will keep coming back to catch more fish. We love taking people out on Lake Michigan to experience this wonderful fishery. We would also like to thank all of our firstmates this year: Collin, Matt M, Dave H, Andy K, Matt L, Kurt S, Steve L and of course Samantha. They do an outstanding job for us to help you catch more fish.
This was an up and down season that saw the catch more diverse than ever before. The Chinook salmon count was down but the other four species kicked in. We were able to average 11.4 fish a trip and although this was a low for us over the last several years most struggled to hit double digits. The break down was 34% Coho salmon, 26% Chinook salmon, 25% Lake trout, 8% Rainbow trout and 7% Brown trout.
Once again our spring fishing from April through the third week of June was our best fishing for numbers. Only twice during this time did we fail to get double digits. Out of the these trips 76% were limit catches. Most of these fish were Coho salmon and we were Racine charter fishing during this time. We normally are in the water by the first of April but the polar vortex kept ice on the water and we did not get in until April 18th. It looks better this winter for an early start in 2015. I always mention on our charters that there is no better time to put fish in the boat than this time period and the Coho are the best eating. The trade off is size but the action makes up for it. We averaged 14 fish/trip in April, 19.7 fish/trip in May and 16.4 fish/trip in June.
We started Milwaukee charter fishing in July and the Chinooks were not around in great numbers. We would have gone back to Racine but it was worse there. We were able to target all five species and provide good action. The highlight this summer was big Rainbow trout. Silver King Charters boated 18 over 12 pounds and 10 of those were 15 pounds or bigger. We still put Chinooks away but only averaged 3.5 a trip and our best was 11 in one trip. Again the other fish made up for the summer totals. We averaged 9.1 fish/trip in July and 9.7 fish/trip in August. We keep are numbers real at Silver King and from what we saw this season this was very good action for the southern end of Lake Michigan. The low point of the season was a zero for zero performance in early July. Never had gone on a trip in my life and did not even have a hit but that is why we have a no fish no pay. Something that is gone from most charter services on Lake Michigan as fishing gets a little harder. That was our only skunk but we had a couple 1, 2 and 3 fish days too. Luckly not too many.
September was our toughest month with only 5.8 fish a trip. This is usually a solid month but the fishery has changed over the last several years and we are working to improve this month. October was back to 9.6 fish a trip and most of these were Brown or Lake trout. During this period we did catch some real nice Lake trout, with 4 of them over 20 lbs.
Are big fish for each species was 23lb Chinook, 12lb Coho, 18lb Rainbow, 16lb Brown and 23lb Laker. We fished four tournaments this season and finished 2nd, 13th, 5th and 7th. We did better in the year long Salmon Series finishing 1st at Brew City and 5th overall. We had a solid year and lost a fish in two of these that would have won it. I lost one so I cannot complain.
We bought a Salmon-A-Rama ticker again and took 1st place Rainbow 17.9lbs and 3rd place Coho 11.5lbs. We also had the 12th largest fish Chinook 21.3lbs. We were completely booked and once again delivered prize money for our clients. This is our favorite time of the year and we are buying a ticket for 2015, so book now to get your chance on winning cash up to $15000. Great job Leon on that 1st place Bow. We know he is coming back.
Silver King Charters is looking forward to making more memories in 2015. Spring Coho fishing looks to be good again this year, so book your Racine charter fishing trip now. Great numbers, great eating and great fun! We hope to have a stronger Chinook bite but we will deliver fish Milwaukee charter fishing and some big ones too. I will post some updates leading into the season but now I better get back to working on the boat. Stay warm this winter and book early to get the date you want. Weekends go quick!
The 2014 season is only 12 days away before Silver King Charters year is done and the boat gets pulled but we want to still catch fish. We went 11 for 17 and 9 for 13 in recent days but got blew off the lake on Saturday and couldn't fish with a strong north blow. The fishing has been good when the lake permits, with fish coming in 100 feet of water in the bottom 50 feet.
Our fish our coming off rigger set from the bottom up to 50 feet with flasher fly combinations. Wire dipsies are set from 150 to 250 on the line counters, with flasher flies. The boards are taking fish on copper sets at 250 to 300 feet and spoons. Are favorite is the NBK green. The bulk of the catch is Lake trout but we are taking a few Chinook salmon and Rainbow trout too.
Milwaukee Charter fishing is coming to an end this season but there are still fish to catch before deer hunting season and smoked fish is a tasty treat up north. Give Silver King Charters a call at 414-460-1467 and catch some of the last fish of the 2014 season.
October 8, 2014
Milwaukee charter fishing is into its final month and our first three trips in October were mixed. We fished in 30 to 40 feet of water and worked the whole water column. There was a mix of Chinook, Lakers and Browns in the catch. We went 9 for 13, 14 for 25 and 3 for 6. Things fell apart for us as it has all season. Nothing seemed to stay together long in one area.
We used all spoons, with Stinger Blue Dolphin and NBK being best in the stinger size. Leadcore was from 2 color down to 6 color. The dipsies were power pro and set at 35 on the line counter. We ran 3 riggers at 15, 18 and 25 feet and these went way back. We picked away at them and the fish were 2 to 10 pounds, with one 15 pound Lake trout. Water temperature was 54 degrees top to bottom.
Silver King Charters has 3 more weeks left before we pull the boat for the season, so call us at 414-460-1467 to catch the last fish caught off the Silver King in 2014.
September 29, 2014
Silver King Charters is finished with September and only one more month to go for the 2014 season. The month was tough for the most part but did finish good. The lake is now set up for fall and we are seeing more Rainbows and Chinooks Milwaukee charter fishing. Looks like October will be another good one. We finished September in 200 to 250 feet of water and the fish were hitting from 15 feet down to 70 feet. We even got the grand slam one trip. We went 6 for 9, 10 for 14, 12 for 12, 16 for 19 and 4 for 5. The fish slid in on us Sunday and just a couple of feet make all the difference out there.
The spread was dominated by white flashers and Howie Bull Frog flies. This has been our best flasher combination of the season when flashers have been working. The only place we had spoons was on our 8 and 10 leadcores. We used Stinger UV blue dolphins here and they were consistent in taking a couple fish every trip. The other side had 175 and 250 coppers, with flashers. Riggers were set from 40 down to 70 feet with 50 and 60 feet down being the best. Our wire dipsies were not so good but best at 150 on line counter, with flashers. It was nice to run this kind of spread again.
Milwaukee charter fishing is set up for a good close to the season and we should see some Rainbows, Lakers, 2 and 3 year old Chinooks and Browns in the mix. We are usually fishing in 50 to 120 feet during this time. Last season we caught more Kings per trip in October than any other month. So call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book your fall trip and start catching fish.
September 22, 2014
Well the last weekend of summer is over and it is a sad time for me. I already cannot wait until spring but Milwaukee charter fishing is now setting up for fall, with cool water temperatures. There is a lot of bait along the shoreline and we are starting to capitalize on this. It was a tough weather weekend though and cut a trip short and caused us to fish the harbor for most of another trip and the harbor is not good right now. We went 4 for 4 "three fish were magnum shakers", 9 for 15, 4 for 11 and 6 for 8 "shortened trip". Numbers were not great but the fishing has started to turn the corner.
We are fishing is 15 to 40 feet and fish are coming 5 to 20 feet down. We are running 1 though 5 color leadcores and small Stinger and Moonshine spoons. These are taking most of the fish. We run to power pro dipsies at 30 feet on the line counter and these have spoons on them. We take one to three fish a trip on these. We are only running two riggers with spoons stretched way back and one rigger close to the bottom. You have to be patient but if you are you can collect a nice box of fish.
The catch is made up of some mature Coho, Lakers, Browns and Chinooks. We have caught some 15 pound Lakers and a couple of 10 pound Browns. The fishing should improve out in 80 to 100 feet as the lake sets up for fall. Last season we took a lot of nice 2 and 3 year old Kings in October. Silver King Charters is running trips through the end of October and we want you to catch the last salmon of 2014, so call us at 414-460-1467 and get hooked up.
September 16, 2014
The first two weeks of September has been up and down. We have been fishing the harbor, river and 20 to 50 feet of water on the lake. The catches have been between 2 to 12 fish, with the bulk of them either 7 or 8 fish trips and I could just about put 7.5 for 12 for each trip. It has been tough. The lake has gotten cold all over again and this has scattered fish. The harbor return of spawners has already gone up the river or deep into the marina. The lake is starting to set up of fall and there is a lot of bait near shore, so the fall should be stronger. Last fall was are best catch of Kings all year.
Milwaukee charter fishing has been mostly Browns, Chinooks and Lakers, with a lot of shakers no matter where you are. There have been some spawning Coho's in the area too. The Kings in the harbor are averaging 15 pounds and are best baits are #4 plugs or jointed stick baits. Dipsies set at 25 on the line counter, riggers at 12 to 20 feet down and 2 color boards. The harbor Browns are hitting small Stinger or Moonshine spoons. When in the lake we are running all spoons on 1 through 8 color boards, with two riggers and two dipsies set at 40 feet on the line counters. These are stingray size spoons and we like the NBK green, and Flounder Pounder. It is very patient fishing right now and you just have to work your speed, direction and spread things out in the lake.
The good thing is the lake is setting up early for fall fishing and there is a lot of bait around. We are hoping this translates into some solid fishing the next 6 weeks for 2 and 3 year old Chinooks, Browns and Lakers, with some shakers thrown in for good measure. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to catch some salmon for your tailgate party.
August 30, 2014
Milwaukee charter fishing has been solid over the last couple of weeks and consistent, with fish set up in 100 feet of water and a good thermocline to condense the fish in the water column. Lakers and Kings have been the bulk of the catch, with some Coho's and Rainbows now showing up. The water has begun to cool down over this weekend and the fish are on the move from again. We went 7 for 14, 5 for 6, 10 for 15, 10 for 15, 18 for 23, 11 for 14, 7 for 14, 16 for 20, 11 for 13, 9 for 13, 11 for 14, 11 for 14, 6 for 9 and 9 for 20. We had three 20 pound Lake trout and one 23 pound Chinook during this period.
Our best action came on riggers, with white flashers and Howie Bull Frog flies. We set them at 50, 65, 80 and one on the bottom for trout. This has not changed through this period and is what we like to see in summer a very consistent pattern. Our dipsies have been a challenge from day to day. We have set them anywhere from 125 to 250 feet on the line counter. With both green and white flashers. They usually take one to three fish a trip. The boards are also tough for us and we have used copper and lead, with spoons and flashers. The best is our 300 to 250 coppers, with spoons. But they kick in about one to three fish a trip. The riggers are top and take 80 percent of the fish. We have not ventured from 90 to 110 feet this whole time period.
Over the last couple of days strong south winds have cooled the water down and spread fish out again. The Kings getting ready to spawn have moved close to shore and the others out deep. But there is still good fishing to be had and weather we are fishing four year old Chinooks or Browns near shore or we are out deeper targeting Chinook, Lakers and Rainbows there is some real goo fishing to be had in September. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and book a fall trip.
August 17, 2014
Milwaukee charter fishing has been up and down this week and this is pretty much true lake wide. We have been taking mostly Chinook and Lake trout, with a few Rainbows. There has been some really nice size fish taken though and there have been more four year old Kings in the mix. We went 12 for 15, 11 for 15, 6 for 9, 10 for 15, 3 for 3 and 6 for 10. Tough week but we give to you straight. We need more fish to move in and that could happen anytime.
Since Tuesday the temperature break has been as deep as 90 feet and has come up to around 60 feet. Most of the fish are coming down 80 feet and deeper in 100 to 120 feet of water. Almost all of our action is coming on riggers and are bait is white flashers, with Howie bullfrog flies. We have had a few fish on dipsies set at 250 feet out. We also are getting a few fish on copper board, with 275 to 400 feet. We are only running 7 lines right now because everything is so deep. The best setup is our 90 and 100 riggers.
We have the warm water pushing fish to the bottom and eliminated water but there is a lot of bait and the fish fill up fast. Still there are some good size fish around and when we get to ten fish you will usually have 100 pounds in the box. Give Silver King Charters a call today at 414-460-1467 and take on a 4 year old King salmon. It is a great battle.
August 12, 2014
Well it has been about a month since my last update. First my computer crashed and then it died but I am back up now. We have done a lot of fishing, so I am gong to post everything in August now and below this post will be the Salmon-A-Rama week and the lead up to Brew City, which will come in the next couple of days.
Since Brew City the fishing has improved. The fish have been in 80 to 120 feet and the water has warmed each day. The break is now at 50 feet down and this has helped the fishing out. The catch has been Chinook, Rainbow and Lakers and this catch has been almost equal among the species. We did hit the harbor right after Brew City for a couple of days and had some great Brown Trout fishing but the water warmed up and shut it down. Over this time we went 8 for 9, 12 for 16, 5 for 8, 15 for 20 "limit", 11 for 16, 16 for 22 "Limit", 15 for 22, 11 for 17, 8 for 13, 1 for 4 "ouch", 8 for 13 and 7 for 14.
The bite has slowed over the past couple of days but more fish should move in before spawning. The action is coming down 40 feet to the bottom between 80 to 120 feet. We are liking flashers and flies on just about everything. The flashers are a mix of white and green but green seems to be better. We still like the Howie Bull Frog fly. The riggers are set from the bottom up to 50 feet. They are pulling fish more consistently now. The wire dipsies are set from 130 to 165 feet on the line counter dialed in at 3. They have been up and down with hits and flashers on these. We are running an 8 and 10 color, with NBK spoons on ones side. The other side is copper with flashers and we like anywhere from 200 to 350 feet copper sets. We have actually limited the spread to 9 rods now for more action.
Milwaukee charter fishing is starting to see more Chinooks, with the 4 year olds averaging 15 pounds and the real nice ones just over 20 pounds. These fish are putting up a great fight because they are well fed. We pulled 3 more nice Rainbows at 12, 13 and 15 pounds. The trout have been good size too with several right around 15 pounds. The fishing should remain solid over the next several weeks as fish start to get ready to spawn.
Again I will post some more information about Salmon-A-Rama, which was again very good and the Brew City lead up below this report in the next couple of days but right now I am wiped out and have to fish tomorrow. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and catch your salmon and trout for the grill. We have a couple of weekend slots in August and more in September.
August 2, 2014
Lead up to Brew City: Coming soon
July 21, 2014
Salmon-A-Rama wrap up: Coming soon
July 14, 2014
Fishing has been better of late minus the day we fished 3 times after a full moon, back end off a front and of course a wind switch. We went 10 for 15 "limit", 14 for 21, 15 for 23, 19 for 20, 12 for 18, 10 for 17 "110 pounds of all Kings", 6 for 10, 9 for 15, 7 for 12 "11.65lb Coho for the Rama", 15 for 30, 4 for 12. Been fairly consistent but there is so much cold water out there and the fish have a huge comfort zone. I hope some kind of thermocline sets up here but it doesn't look like it will be much.
There is a good mixed bag of fish out there. We have taken Browns in 120 feet and lakers in 40 feet. The grand slam is close almost every trip and has happened a couple of times. We like leadcore from 2 to 8 colors with stinger spoons and coppers from 50 to 225 feet with white flashers and versions of Howie bull frog. We still run Coho dipsies, which get bit every trip and wire dipsies set at 50 to 150 feet. The riggers are one spin and glow two white flasher sets and one spoon way back. The boards and deep riggers are catching most of the fish. We have fished in 40 to 140 feet. Either the in close bite is going or you have to slide out deep but usually one or the other will be active. Too much cold water this late in the year.
Milwaukee charter fishing has been getting better and the Chinook fishing will get better. We had one trip with all Kings and there are going to be some solid weeks to come. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and catch some Kings on the Silver King.
July 9 2014
Opps, its been a little while but been busy fishing. Well folks it has been tough of late but I believe we are coming into some good fishing as Lake Michigan sets up for summer. There are a lot of fish off Milwaukee and when things set up it should be solid fishing. Here is our last several trips 8 for 12, 5 for 10, 6 for 12, 0 for 0 "first time in 25 years of boat fishing without a hit even", 6 for 10 and 22 for 30. Transition time on the lake going from spring to summer is always challenging but this year has been tough but good fishing is just about here.
I wish I could give some kind of decent report on where and what but we have been everywhere and used it all. We have fished the Oak Creek Power plant, out in the refuge in 350 feet of water, north, south and in between. I have found fish everywhere but nothing all that good. We have been running copper with flashers and lead with spoons on either side with boards. The stuff from 10 to 50 feet produces the best but it is random whether it is spoons or flies. Wire dispsies are flashers set between 100 to 175 feet. The riggers are 2 flashers, one spoon and one spin and glow. That varies from day to day on which they will hit. These are set from 30 feet to the bottom.
The graph shows a lot of fish and we should do well with Chinook, Lake and Rainbow trout this summer. It is just taking the lake a little time to get set up. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 because we are about to get into some good summer fishing.
June 29, 2014
We have begun our northern offensive on Lake Michigan Milwaukee charter fishing. There were mixed results after our first weekend. We went 8 for 15, 15 for 25, 18 for 23, 18 for 19, 5 for 5 " this was an unusual 3 hour mid day trip", 5 for 10 and 7 for 10. The last day and a half the bite has slowed but this is typical of this time of year as the lake starts to warm and transition into a summer pattern. There will be some solid catches and some tough bites over the next 10 days but there are a lot of Kings and Lakers around and when it sets up its going to be good. We are catching a mixed bag, with Rainbow trout and Coho salmon in the mix.
It seems that the most fish are in 80 to 120 feet but there are fish out in the 150 depth too. We are running a lot of our summer spread right now, with a couple boards and dipsies still tipped with Coho stuff and they take a fish or three every trip. Three riggers are flasher fly, with white blades and Howie Boy Blue, Super Frog or Bull Frog. We are set from 40 to 70 feet on these. We are running a spoon on one rigger and this is the stingray Stinger either blue dolphin, kavorkine, or green nbk. The dipsies are wire, with white and bull frog, green krink or boy blue Howie. There are set at 125 to 180 on the line counter. One side of boards is 150 to 250 coppers and these are flasher set ups that are also on the riggers. The other side is leadcore from 5 to 9 colors. Stinger spoons are on these and I cannot say there is a hot spoon but the depth the lead you choose is important.
There is a lot of marks on the graph down there and kind of reminds me of 2011. Could set up realy nice this summer for Kings and Lake trout. Call Silver King Charters today and book a trip to catch some salmon and trout this summer.
June 26, 2014
We have finished are southern offensive Racine charter fishing. Again folks it was outstanding as we took advantage of the great Coho salmon fishing in spring in the southern end of the Lake Michigan. Our worst trip was 9 fish and most were limit or near limit catches. For all of May into the first couple of weeks of June year after year Racine deliveries for us and if you like catching the best tasting fish in good numbers call us and book a trip in spring. Are last trips out of Racine went 23 for 30 "limit", 29 for 37 "limit, 27 for 38 "limit", 26 for 33 "limit", 19 for 26, 12 for 15, 21 for 29, 11 for 13, and 19 for 25 "limit".
We ran a lot of Coho stuff at the end of our time in Racine and the 40 to 60 foot depth was best. We finished with our last several trips at Wind Point. All of out standard Coho set ups where out. We did add in to the mix a 50, 75 and 100 copper with Coho orange and these did take a lot of fish for us as the water starts to warm up. I will miss the Coho bite but I think we might have one more round in Milwaukee.
Silver King Charters fished the Pro side of the Geoffrey Morris tournament June 20th and 21st. It was tough to get the Kings to go but we took over 25 fish both days. We only managed 3 species the first day and missed 2 nice Chinooks that would have made the difference but we manage to finish in 5th place against some tough competition. Good job to the crew and putting up with a very nervous captain. Guess we need to practice June Brown trout fishing for next year.
We are now off to start Milwaukee charter fishing and we will be out fishing in about 3 hours after taking a limit this morning out of Racine. I hope Milwaukee will start out good but this is transition time on Lake Michigan as it sets up for summer. Call us at 414-460-1467 to catch some summer Kings aboard the Silver King.
June 15, 2014
A big southeast blow kept us off the lake today but fishing has remained good this week. We went 19 for 27, 14 for 17 and 15 for 30 in our last 3 trips. Coho salmon are still 50 percent of the catch but Chinook, Rainbow and Lake trout are also in the catch. The Chinook bite is stronger than in 2013 but the average size of the mature fish is down a few pounds but still much better than 2012.
The out deep bite has slowed due to cold water, so we have been fishing in closer from 40 to 120 feet of water. The better bite is still in the top 50 feet of water but we have started to pull more fish toward the bottom. The orange stuff is still taking 50 percent of our fish and at least two dipsies and four boards have this on them. As long as the water stays cold we will continue to put the orange out. The Coho salmon have scattered but you can still find pockets of them and work the area to get a good catch.
We are liking the white blades over the green ones for are flashers and again we have been using several different flies to get it down. Usually by now we have a favorite but the lake is taking a little longer to set up. Copper is preferred over led for us and we like 75 to 200 foot coppers. Sometimes spoons but mostly flashers. The Stinger kavorkian is good and blue dolphin is also catching fish.
We fished the Kenosha Coho Classic on Saturday and we caught are fish but did not have the right size. We did one of the worst things you can do on Lake Michigan and that is we left fish to find fish. The bite was not that good and we went looking for a pot of gold on a tough day. Should of stayed put and we would have been alright. But sometimes a gamble pays off but not usually. Lesson relearned and not to be used on your trip.
June 8, 2014
Lake Michigan charter fishing is has been constantly changing as the lake transitions into a summer pattern. Lots of cold water around, which can scatter fish but when you find a pocket of them it is lock and load. In our last several trips we went 11 for 17 "limit", 13 for 21, 21 for 22 " 2nd place in the SU Open Racine Wisconsin Tournament and 22 for 30 "limit". We have taken Chinook, Coho, Rainbow and Lakers on these trips.
Of late Racine charter fishing has been better out deep for more consistent action and most of our fish have come in the top 60 feet of water. The orange stuff is still working on our outside boards and inside dipsy sets. Lots of Rainbows on the boards, along with Coho salmon. The Kings and Lakers are coming off riggers, wire dipsies and copper sets. The copper is best from 100 to 200 feet. We run spoons on one side and flashers on the other, with whiter being better. The riggers are three flashers and one spoon up high. The dipsies are both flashers set at 100 to 150 feet out, with white flashers and a various set of flies.
The SU Open was tough but we stayed patient on our spot and were able to come in with 94 pound of fish that was good for 2nd place. It was frustrating to be so close but honestly we did not think our catch would make the top ten. It was a tough bite and I wish I could say we had something figured out for the next contest but with a big northeaster blow today it will all have to be figured out again but that's what makes it fun.
Call Silver King Charter at 414-460-1467 and get your summer trip scheduled for fighting salmon took cook on the grill. Few more Kings around and the Rainbow action has been great.
June 3, 2014
Racine charter fishing seems to be back to a Coho salmon bite. About 80 percent of the bite has been Coho salmon. We went 20 for 23 "limit", 9 for 17, 9 for 17 "tough Saturday" and 17 for 27 "limit". We have been everywhere during these trips. Out in 180 feet to right at the Root river mouth. Conditions have been changing and the little warm water there is has been moving and the fish with it.
We are still running a lot of Coho orange on the dipsies and boards. But we have been running a 125 and 150 copper on the inside with sting spoons. We like the Hud, Blue Dolphin and Bloody Nose. The riggers are starting to go all 8" flashers and we like white over green but green is producing. The fish all all in the top 50 feet of water when we are at least that deep and we still are getting most of our fish in the top ten feet of water. There are still Rainbows around but not as many as a week ago.
I think we have another couple of good weeks Coho fishing coming up and with a little consistency on the weather it could be lights out Coho fishing. Water is still cold with few places over 50 degrees on the surface and this means the Coho salmon will stick around close to shore. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and get in on the great June action in Racine before we head back to start Milwaukee charter fishing.
May 26, 2014
Well every year I fish Lake Michigan it never fails to surprise. Memorial Day weekend and Racine Charter fishing is limit of fast Coho salmon action and all started as planned but by the end of the first morning still waters and clear blue skies brought our Coho slaughter to an end and we were forced to find more fish. Over the past couple of days we had heard from several guys that out deep was real good, so we headed out there and it was "limit", 14 for 27, 19 for 33 and these were mostly Coho salmon. On Sunday morning we spent 2 hours trying for a dying Coho bite and then blew out deep were we went 20 for 30 "limit", 26 for 47 "limit", 20 for 33 "limit" and 28 for 48 "limit". Yeah, I know too many lost fish and we are working on it.
Now the Coho fishing has been very good but it fell apart early Saturday and that was the same in close program we were running all spring but the heck with that. When we got out to 120 feet it was lights out Kings and Steelhead. What did we use, well Coho stuff because that is how we were rigged up but I grabbed every fly set up left over from last year through it down and it caught fish. Didn't matter it was a blitzkrieg on fish out there. I think this bite is strong for a good stretch of water. From the Wisconisn state line back to Fox Point. I just hope it holds together but a strong blow will probably break this up.
The four year old Kings or whatever age you want to call them are averaging 13 to 16 pounds from our sample. The Steelhead our big! We took a 15 pounder today. I will report more later. I am wiped and going to bed. Call Silver King Charters today at 414-460-1467 and get in on this outstanding bite.
May 21, 2014
Racine charter fishing is still going strong, with limit of close to limit catches of Coho salmon, with some Steelhead in the mix. We landed a 12, 9 and 8 pound Steelhead this weekend. During our last 3 trips we went 22 for 32 "limit", 26 for 38 "limit" and 15 for 24. We are fishing in 50 feet of water just south of Racine and most of the hits are coming no more than 10 feet down, with most in the top 5 feet of water.
Our spread is almost all orange dodger of B & B flashers with peanut flies. Our favorite peanut fly is Howie green. We have been trolling a bit faster with this spread in the 2.3 to 2.7 range. The Coho schools are not as bunched up as they were but when you start getting bit start making passes in that area and you will start to fill up. Still seeing mostly bigger size alewives in the fish. Our favorite lead for the flies is 16" with 30 pound fluorocarbon leader. Our dipsies are set at 6 and 10 feet on the line counters and getting wacked.
We should have at least another 3 weeks of this great Coho fishing. Great eating fish and plenty of fish fighting. This is the best time of the season to load up on fish. Call Silver King Charters today at 414-460-1467 to book a trip and see if your crew can take the next limit.
May 16, 2014
I was hoping not to see another morning below 40 degrees but today it was 38 degrees when we left the dock today. We were lucky there was no wind and once we were fishing the cold was forgotten. We went 23 for 31 "limit". There was one Rainbow and the rest were Coho salmon.
Racine charter fishing has been real good but we have not been away from the shoreline until today. The water was too muddy in close so we headed out to 50 feet of water and set up. The fishing was very good and all the orange set ups went. We also ran some Howie Boy Blue flies with white flashers down 35 to 45 feet and these worked well too. All the fish had larger alewives in them.
It should be warmer the rest of this week and I don't know if I can take another start below 40 degrees. Fishing is good right now and a great time to catch good numbers so giver Silver King Charters a call at 4141-460-1467 and catch your spring salmon.
May 12, 2014
Fishing remained solid on Monday afternoon as we went 31 for 39 "limit". All were Coho salmon and all came on peanut flies and orange dodgers. Are best action was on boards set 15 to 30 feet back with 5/8 ounce keel weights. We fished in front of the harbor mouth again. Charter fishing Racine for Coho salmon is getting into full swing now and this is the time of the season catch rates are high.
We had to catch 31 fish on the trip because one of the young fishermen aboard threw a fish back into the lake when he finished taking a picture with it. When I told him to throw it in I should have specified the cooler and not the lake. Didn't matter he caught one to make up for that and then caught the last one to finish the limit. Anthony you have some great grand nephews.
Lake Michigan salmon fishing is really heating up and this is the time to book a trip if you want some great eating fish with a lot of action. Call Sliver King Charters today at 414-460-1467 and start catching some fish.
May 11, 2014
Racine charter fishing was solid this weekend. We fished just outside the mouth of the Root river going 10 for 17 "limit" and 20 for 27 "limit". All Coho salmon, with the exception of a small Chinook. Orange dodger and peanut flies were the bait on everything. We are liking the green/gold Howie fly the most but lots of colors are working.
We have not fished deeper than 30 feet this season and with the water temperature still around 46 degrees we should be able to continue fishing shallow. There is lots of bait around and fish will continue to seek the bait pushed up in the harbor mouth. The fish are all coming in the top 10 feet of water.
There is a lot of large 4 & 5 year old alewives in the harbor. This is the first time in years I have seen this larger size alewife in numbers. We need these fish to have a great spawn and then survive the winter to start to replenish the bait population. The Coho salmon are averaging 3 to 4 pounds but Saturday we boated a 9 pound Coho. This blows are previous big for the season of 5 pounds away. Pictures in the gallery.
The fishing has been solid and should be very good for the next several weeks. There is still time to get in the this hot action. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to catch a bunch of Coho salmon. "Best eating fish in Lake Michigan!"
May 7, 2014
Lake Michigan salmon fishing has gotten off to a fast start despite the cold weather and now that it is starting to warm up is should only get better. Our bite has now become primarily Coho salmon, with some Brown trout. We had some Chinooks earlier but have not seen any the last 10 days. This is probably because most of our bait selection is targeting the numerous Coho salmon. The catches are steady double digits.
Silver King Charters hot set ups are orange dodgers and green peanut flies on dipsies, up high riggers and boards. We are using mono set ups with keel weights on the boards and all of these lines are set in the top ten feet of water. The deepest we have fished is 30 feet. We are charter fishing Racine just outside the Root river and this is just a half hour drive from Milwaukee and less than an hour from Chicago. This action should stay strong into early June, with the peak bite yet to come. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 this weekend and get in on this outstanding action. I know its Mothers Day weekend but even Mom will like catching salmon.
April 30, 2014
We are heading into May and it looks to be a great Coho salmon bite coming up. Racine charter fishing was already solid in April but the big schools are on their way and we are set up for the action. Are top spoon so far is the NBK green medium size Stinger. The bait is medium size, with few small alewife around, so the big spoons have been more effective. But it will be orange dodger 24/7 soon and I cannot wait.
This is one of my favorite times of the season because of the great action and lets face it the Coho salmon is the best tasting fish on the Lake Michigan. I have yet to meet a Coho who could resist the orange dodger and peanut fly spread. This looks to be one of the better weekends we have had yet this year and we are anxious to start catching fish again, so give Silver King Charters a call at 414-460-1467 and start catching salmon and trout.
April 24, 2014
Wisconsin charter fishing on Lake Michigan has started out hot even though the weather has remained cold. We are out of Racine right now and will be until mid June before heading back to our home port to start Milwaukee charter fishing. But right now the southern part of Lake Michigan is the place to be and being located out of Racine, Wisconsin puts Silver King Charters in a great place for you to catch salmon and trout.
We have been out a couple times already this season and the fishing has been solid, with Coho salmon, Chinook salmon, Brown trout and Lake trout all part of the catch. It is not too early to catch fish on Lake Michigan and although the temperature is still on the cool side the fishing is good and getting better each day. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and start catching fish.
April 19, 2014
I think I stated in my wrap up of last season that I would never fish in below freezing temperatures again but I came close Saturday. We ran our first trip and the starting temp was 33 degrees. Really don't like that! I guess I should be charter fishing in Florida. We decided Friday to forgo Milwaukee charter fishing in April and motored right to Racine. Reports out of Milwaukee are solid, with good Brown trout action but we wanted to catch silver fish and there were reports of Coho salmon action in Racine, so I blew down Friday night. As I was heading down I registered water temps as low as 38 degrees!
We set out Saturday morning to fish at 6:00am, with Chad and his group. Chad has fished with us several times and is a fun customer who actual is a pretty good fisherman himself. His group was real fun and I felt bad about the weather but apparently there are a lot of guys who don't mind the cold. In fact I was the only one on the boat who it bothered.
The trip started out much like last years first trip and after the first hour and a half we had only one hit and I was not feeling good about things. We were fishing outside the river mouth of the Root river and the water was too dirty there. We slid out to about 30 feet and the water was better and fishing improved. We managed to go 14 for 19, which was 14 better than last years first trip, so things are looking up.
The catch was 3 Brown trout, 2 Chinook salmon and 9 Coho salmon. Last season we only caught 5 Chinook salmon by June 1st, so it was nice to see some Kings in the area. Both Chinooks weighed 10 pounds each. The Coho salmon were decent sizes for April, averaging 3 pounds. The action was either on NBK green Stinger spoons or orange dodger and green peanut flies. The best overall depth was 30 feet and the spoons were good set at 10 to 12 feet down on riggers and 2 or 3 color leadcore. The flies worked on dipsies and boards set at the surface down to 8 feet.
We worked just north of the Root to the green can and the bite was tough but water clarity was a big reason. Racine charter fishing is just starting up and the Coho bite looks to be even better than last year and last year was real good. It will only get better from here. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on the spring action. I doubt we will fish in colder weather the rest of the year:)
April 3, 2014
Well this time last year the boat was already in the water but due to the polar vortex this winter it will be a couple of more weeks before we are fishing. Milwaukee charter fishing looks to be good this April, with some small boats already catching limits of Brown trout. The reports from the southern end of Lake Michigan are also excellent, with strong numbers of Coho salmon being caught. The Coho salmon look to be good size for this time of year. The cold spring should mean a very good Coho salmon bite this May and early June. The rest of April should also be a much better Brown and Lake trout bite then the same time last year.
Silver King Charters is excited to get back out on the lake and start catching fish with you. We are close to having all the gear ready to go along with some improvements to the boat. After such a harsh winter I know that each day this season will be appreciated that much more. Again our Saturdays are starting to fill, so if you want to book on this popular day please call now to assure you get the date you want. We fish 7 days a week to accommodate all schedules and it looks to be a strong start the 2014 season. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book your Milwaukee charter fishing trip and start catching Lake Michigan salmon.
March 18, 2014
I thought we were heading into spring but when I went down to my slip today and stood in the middle of it on the ice it felt like the dead of winter. Things are starting to turn though and once we get a week of 40 plus degree days we will be close to putting the boat in the water. Last year we were the first boat into McKinley Marina and that was the first Saturday of April. I am hoping to get in by April 15th as it stands right now. Lake Michigan was 90 percent frozen over this winter and it was at its worst just 2 weeks ago. But it will in just a few weeks when we are saying fish on!
We will start Milwaukee charter fishing for Brown trout, Lake trout and Coho salmon during the last two weeks of April. This is traditionally a very productive time in and around the Milwaukee harbor. The fish have been pounded over the last several winters because of mild weather but this winter no one was able to get out because of the ice and these fish will probably only be fished a couple of weeks before we get to them. This should mean a lot more fish this early spring.
Silver King Charters will then start Racine charter fishing by the first or second week of May. We go to Racine, which is a half hour drive by car from Milwaukee, because the fishing is better for several weeks in spring in the southern part of Lake Michigan. Coho salmon winter in the southern part of the lake and for 4 or 5 weeks in May and early June the action is as good as it gets. Over the last several seasons we have taken more limit catches during this time of the season then any other time thought the year. Coho are fun to catch and the captain's favorite to eat. There is a bar and restaurant within a couple of minutes walk from the boat and the Radison Hotel is right at the Reefpoint marina. We are back in Milwaukee by the third week of June and finish the season there by the end of October.
We are putting the finishing touches on the boat and gear for the 2014 season and it looks to be another real good season. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and book a trip to get in on some hot action this spring after such a bitter cold winter.
January 12, 2014
I was working on the boat yesterday and realized I had forgotten to give a 2013 year end summary. The great thing about fishing Lake Michigan is it is impossible to predict how a year will play out. There are so many variables like fish stocking, weather, the amount of bait and the size of the bait. All these are big factors to a season and even the best fishery managers have trouble making heads of tails of it. But each season is remembered for something. In 2012 it was record catches for Chinook salmon but in 2013 it was all about size. The Chinook salmon were real big this last season and Silver King Charters boated 75 fish over 20 pounds. In 2012 we boated only one!. Milwaukee charter fishing had some of the best size on Lake Michigan, including the biggest of the season a 36 pound King salmon.
Our season started on April 4 out of Milwaukee. Four years ago we decided to start our season charter fishing Racine. This was a great move for May and early June but we were missing out on the great Brown and Lake trout fishing in our home port. We want you catching fish, so Silver King Charters is now starting the season out of Milwaukee in April to capitalize on the great fishing in and around the large Port of Milwaukee. I have been fishing Lake Michigan for a long time and this is usually a slam dunk and March was looking great but then we launched the boat. First we had massive rain storms, which flushed out the harbor and then one of the coldest Aprils to follow.
We have a No Fish - No Pay policy and over the last 10 years we have only had 5 trips were we did not catch a fish. Well we started the season with a skunk! The temperature was 28 degrees when we left the dock and those of you who know me know that I did not sign up for that. Out of the six charters run that day there were 6 fish caught of which we landed 2 on our second trip. It was a very tough April, with the next weekend being cancelled due to weather. But after that we figured things out and had several double digit catches of Brown trout, Lake trout and Coho salmon. We will be Milwaukee charter fishing again this April and I doubt we will see those conditions again. April is an outstanding month to load up on Brown and Lake trout, with an occasional salmon.
We motored an hour south to begin Racine charter fishing May 1 through mid June. Several years ago we got sick of the great fishing reports down south. The best Coho salmon fishing year after year is off the ports of Kenosha and Racine. It may be good somewhere else but it is always good there in the spring. This year delivered as usual. In 2012 the Coho where terrible small but the great King bite made it a mute point but the Coho fishing was back at its usual fast action and standard size of 3 to 6 pounds. These are the best eating fish on Lake Michigan hands down. This is also the best time of year to catch good numbers of fish. We catch more limits during this period than any other point of the season. Over the last 4 years Racine Charter fishing we have had a 75% limit catch and this year we limited out every trip in May except once when we caught 18 fish. June was solid too, with limits on every trip except the last 3. I cannot state this enough: From May 1st until Mid- June Silver King Charters boats more fish then any other part of the season.
We headed back to our home port on June 23 and began Milwaukee charter fishing that day. The end of June and early part of July was a mixed bag of fish. We relied on all five species to catch fish. The fish were scattered and Lake Michigan was in transition to a summer pattern. Along with a lot of bait it made it tough fishing. But the two things were starting to be quit obvious. One was there were fewer Kings around and the second was they were big and really good fights. I had to add more backing on all of the board reels because fish were coming close to spooling us.
Milwaukee is a great port to fish Chinook salmon and each year it delivers. Plenty of structure and good amounts of bait help hold King salmon off the shores of Milwaukee. This year saw Lake Michigan charter fishing down in the catch rate of Chinook salmon but it was a great year for size. We had a 2 week stretch where we boated at least one 20 plus pound fish each day, with the exception of one. To put this in prospective over the last 2 previous seasons we boated only 6 fish over 20 pounds. During the 2013 season we boated 75 fish over 20 pounds, with the big one being 26.5 pounds.
Silver King Charters once again offered the Salmon-A-Rama special. We booked all 19 trips for the week and ended up with 4 fish on the big board, including the 8th biggest fish of the tournament and a 16.5 pound Rainbow trout that took 3rd place. We buy a $500 ticket for this lake wide big fish contest and if you book during this 9 day tournament and catch a big fish we give you a ticket to weight the fish in. If you end up in the top ten of any of the five species you win cash. Over the last two years our clients have taken home $1300. Not bad for a charter fishing trip. The trip cost nothing extra and if you happen to catch the biggest one of the tournament you can win $15000. Check out our rates page for details but you better hurry because there is only 7 spot left.
The rest of July and August saw mixed bag catches that were mostly make up of Chinook, Coho and Rainbow trout. The average catch rate for the season was 11 fish a trip, which was done from last season. This was exactly what we averaged in August. Good solid trips with some great fights and big fish.
September was a up and down month. Weather was very tough throughout the month and harbor fishing was good only one out of three trips. When we ventured out on the lake the bite was better, especially later in the month. By October we experienced the best Chinook fishing of the year. Several limits and the catch was mostly Kings. The size on the three year old Chinooks were good and we boated 2 over 15 pounds. Late September and early October is always a great time to catch good numbers of fish as long as the weather cooperates.
We fished 5 tournaments this year. We took 1st in the Port Washington Salmon Shootout, 3rd place in the Salmon Unlimited Wisconsin Open out of Racine, 9th place in the Geoffrey Morris Pro Tournament out of Winthrop, Il and we bombed out in the Kenosha Coho Classic. We won that tournament in 2012 but just real bad luck this time, although we did catch the biggest fish of the tournament. In the Brew City Tournament, which fields 120 boats, we came in 2nd place for the third time in four years and the time we didn't come in 2nd we came in 3rd place. in the Brew City tournament. We had a record 179 pounds that was all caught in the last 31/2 hours of the tournament. The problem was that someone out did our record catch with 212 pounds. I am convinced that Silver King Charters is jinx and will never win this tournament. Silver King Charters enters these tournaments to continually push us to improve, so when you get on board for your trip we can deliver the best trip possible for that day.
Silver King Charters boated over 1500 fish this season and for the first time in years the Chinook salmon was not in first place. We caught more Coho salmon this year then any other fish. We really had to move around this season to catch fish, so there was not a consistent depth like in the past. Those who know us know we love flasher and fly combos as our favorite baits but this year you had to be creative and we used a lot more spoons and plugs to catch fish then in the past. When I look back on the season the two things that stand out other than the incredible cold start to the season is big Kings and outstanding Coho action in May and early June.
Wisconsin charter fishing on Lake Michigan starts April 1, 2014 for Silver King Charters. We will again be in Milwaukee in April, in Racine from May 1 through mid June and the rest of the season back in Milwaukee so we are putting you in the best spot to catch fish throughout the season. Again it is tough to predict the season but with the strong finish to last year on Chinooks it looks to be a better season up coming for numbers. There should be still a good amount of bait around and hopefully a good hatch last year will lead to another strong Coho bite this spring. Last year was a little tougher than we like to see on a bite but it was still good and I would predict a stronger catch rate for the 2014 season.
Silver King Charters is once again going to keep our rate at $500 with sales tax. We have not raised our rate in five seasons now. We will also keep our No Fish - No Pay policy. We are now the only charter boat that offers this policy in Southeastern Wisconsin. We booked every Saturday last year and just about every Sunday, so if you are looking to fish with us on the weekend plan ahead. Silver King Charters operates on weekends only April and October and we run seven days a week May - September. Call us at 414-460-1467 to start catching salmon and trout on Lake Michigan this 2014 season.
October 26, 2013
Well the 2013 Lake Michigan charter fishing season is over for Silver King Charters. We pulled the boat today and put in in storage. We managed one more trip last weekend and went 10 for 12 "Limit, with 7 additional shakers". Had one Chinook slam a board and scream out line so fast we thought it was snagged on the bottom but it was a nice 15 pound King. During our last 5 weeks or fishing we had our best success on Chinooks of the season and we hope this translates to a strong King bite in 2014. The 3 year old Kings were 10 to 15 pounds, with one gong 17 pounds.
The fish were in 50 to 70 feet of water and it was an all spoon bite. Small Stinger spoons were the best on riggers and boards. We did not have much success at the end on dipsies but really did not need them. Leadcore set ups from 5 color to 11 color were hot and riggers set at 25 to 45 feet down were best. Water temperature was 48 on the surface and 44 at the bottom. The fish our full of bait.
It was a successful season and we need to thank all who fished with us for that. We give it our all every trip and most of them had successful catches. We will be posting how the season played out and some of the more interesting stories but again thanks so much in helping me and my brother live out a dream and hopefully create some great memories for you, your family and friends. We cannot wait until next season.
October 13, 2013
Milwaukee charter fishing has been solid for the first couple of weeks in October and the weather has been like summer. Are catch has been 90 percent Chinook salmon this month and some of the 3 year old Chinooks are 15 to 17 pounds. This is bigger than the 4 year olds of 2012. Could be some big fish next year. During our last several trips we went 9 for 13, 18 for 23 "limit", 10 for 14, 12 for 14 and 6 for 12.
We are working 90 to 120 feet of water and the fish are coming 30 to 80 feet down. We are using spoons on everything but the dispy divers, where we still have white flasher and boy blue flies. Are spoon of choice is small Stinger natural born killers, either orange or purple. These our boards are now all leadcore with 7 to 12 colors working. Riggers are set from 30 to 90 feet down. Trolling north is best by far.
Silver King Charters has one more weekend left this year and we have openings. Catch some great eating and fighting Kings before the season ends. Call us at 414-460-1467.
September 30, 2013
Lake Michigan charter fishing can be hampered by weather this time of year and we have had more than our share of cancellations this month due to wind. We are due and when we get out on the lake charter fishing Milwaukee has been for the most part real solid. We only went 4 times this week going 20 for 27, 19 for 19 "best hook up to catch ratio of the season", 12 for 18 "limit" and 2 for 4 "ouch!".
We are working 110 to 200 feet of water from 50 to 140 feet down. Our riggers are set at 55, 65, 100 and 140 feet, with all white flasher and Howie little boy blue. The wire dipsies are set from 175 to 250, with white flashers and little boy blue flies. The boards have copper sets at 150 to 350 feet. All of these are tipped with small stinger spoons. The purple killer has been solid. The break on Sunday had come up to 45 feet, so I don't think we will be fishing too deep much longer.
Silver King Charters will be running through October 20 this year, so you have three more weekends to get out and catch some salmon for the grill. The fishing is still good and hopefully mother nature gives us a break in October. Call us at 414-460-1467 to catch your fall salmon and trout.
September 23, 2013
Milwaukee charter fishing has been solid out of Lake Michigan. We have completely deserted the harbor for many reason but the biggest one is the return is not as strong as years past and many of the salmon have gone up the river already. The lake when weather permits has been good. For our last trips we have gone 10 for 17, 7 for 12 "Two 20 pound Lake trout", 15 for 24 "limit", 13 for 15, 8 for 12 "shortened trip" and 5 for 9.
We are fishing in 100 to 150 feet of water from 50 feet down to the bottom. We are running all white flashers with little boy blue Howie flies. On the wire dipsies we are 150 to 230 on the line counters. The riggers are 50 to the bottom and the water is still warm with the break 65 feet down at times. Our best riggers is right at the bottom pulling Kings and Lake trout. The boards are copper sets between 150 to 350 feet and again all flashers.
We are catching two and three year old Chinook salmon, with some as big as 15 pounds. Good signs for next season on big Kings. There are still mature Coho salmon in the mix and Lake trout round out the catch. Silver King Charters is still catching fish through October and we should have some decent fishing. Weather is always a concern during this time of the season, so if we think it is not right we will let you know and you can reschedule or not go. But there will still be some great weather days and it is a lot of fun catching salmon in the fall. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to catch some fish for the grill before the big football game.
September 13, 2013
It has been a while since my last report. Milwaukee charter fishing usually has a hot harbor bite this time of year but it really never materialized. We gave it several attempts but when we final were skunked on our last harbor run we quit and went back to the lake forgoing the big Kings, which are too few returning and most have headed up the river. We will be back in the harbor before the year is out but it will be for Brown trout.
Our last several trips went like this, 13 for 16, 7 for 15, 5 for 12, 0 for 3"First skunk in 130 trips", 6 for 12, 1 for 9, 20 for 37, 20 for 26, 9 for 11. We boated many 20 plus pound Kings in the harbor but not enough fish. The best effort was 7 fish in there.
The is producing again and the bite ranges from 100 to 250 feet of water. The fish are 40 feet to 100 feet down and flasher flies are the vest combination. Howie little boy blue with a white flasher on everything. Copper sets on boards from 150 to 400 foot sets are working good. Once you find an area they are biting find a good direction and keeping working that area. Lots of nice Coho salmon are still out there and we have taken many 10 to 14 pound Coho. The rest of the catch is 2 and 3 year old Chinook, Lake trout and Rainbow trout.
Silver King Charters will be charter fishing Lake Michigan until the end of October, so call us at 414-460-1467 and get in on some fall salmon fishing action.
August 28, 2013
Milwaukee charter fishing has been tough over the last ten days but some real nice Kings have been pulled on many of these trips. The water temperature is cold top to bottom all over until you get out to 300 feet of water. Wild currents effected the fishing earlier last week before the cold temps. Fishing should improve as the big Chinooks start to stage around the harbor before they spawn. This was probably our toughest stretch of the season though and here are the stats: 7 for 10 "awesome trip girls", 7 for 10, 5 for 8, 3 for 4, 4 for 8, 8 for 13, 10 for 16, 4 for 8. Yeah that hurt to type out but we are honest with our reports.
I have really no hot information to put in this report. We fished everywhere from Fox Point to the Oak Creek Power plant and all the way out to 200 feet of water. The big schools of Rainbows have pushed back out to 300 plus feet of water and everything else has scattered because of cold water. Small spoons on 2 to 8 color leadcore in 30 to 60 feet of water is taking fish. Out deep the same except a side of copper would be wise a little deeper in the water column. Flashers out deep are still producing on the riggers and dipsies but in close we are using more spoons. For the harbor, which we have started to fish we are using mostly spoons and stick baits.
Every year has a couple of tough patches and we hope to be on the back end of this one. It just takes a little while and fish will start to school up in areas. We will probably be harbor fishing for 4 year old Kings or out deep for Rainbows, Coho salmon and 2 and 3 year Chinook salmon. September and October usually set up for some solid fishing and hopefully by this weekend we are over this funk.
Silver King Charters has a couple more openings for Labor Day weekend, so call us at 414-460-1467 and catch some salmon and trout on Lake Michigan.
August 19, 2013
We have spent the last week in 150 to 180 foot depth and had some decent catches. The catch is a mixed bag of Lake trout, Rainbow trout, Coho salmon and Chinook salmon. We catch one Chinook over 20 pounds on just about every trip but still hoping for a 30 pounder. The trips went like this: 18 for 27, 25 for 33, 13 for 22, 14 for 29, 12 for 18, 13 for 23, 10 for 18, 13 for 21 and 11 for 19. I can say there were too many lost fish for our liking during some of these trips but fishing for Coho and Rainbow you tend to lose fish. But still too many for us....
The highlight was a 11.5 pound Coho, which is big for the year. We also had a five year old reel in an 8 pound King. I have seen grown men not handle a fish as good as he did. The captain might have helped a little. The fish are coming anywhere from 20 to 120 feet down but we like 40 to 75 foot area in the water column. The fish are active in the warm water where the food is. We like Howie little boy blue, with white flashers on all riggers and wire dipsies. Copper is working better on boards, with small stinger spoons. We are using 125 to 350 coppers and the dipsies are set anywhere from 105 t o175 on the line counters. It changes day to day. The riggers are anywhere from 35 to 100 feet down. Fishing is good and with fewer mistakes we should have 15 to 20 fish trips last week.
The fishing is good right now and Labor Day weekend still has openings. This is a great weekend to hook up on some big Chinook salmon before they spawn. These 20 plus pound Kings are fighting hard and you will not forget the experience. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and try some King fishing, while enjoying the Harley 110th weekend.
August 13, 2013
Lake Michigan charter fishing has improved off Milwaukee over the last week, especially for big fish. We have now boated 65 Chinook salmon over 20 pounds this year and this is a record for Silver King Charters. Over the last several trips we have gone 13 for 20, 18 for 26, 8 for 12, 18 for 23, 15 for 19, 5 for 10 and 25 for 32 "limit". We have seen a mix of Chinook salmon, Rainbow and Lake trout and over the last two trips some real nice size Coho salmon are being caught.
We have fished all over the place but for the most part we have been in 85 to 110 feet of water. Most of our fish are coming in the top 50 feet of water, with the exception of Lake trout. Over the last couple of days we have been in 140 to 190 feet of water and again the best action is from the surface to 60 feet down. The water is warmer than we like up high but that is where the bait is and also the active fish. We are liking the white flasher, with Howie Boy Blue or Double Aqua on riggers and dipsies. Are wire dipsies are set at 100 feet on the line counters. The riggers are set 30 to 60 feet down. All are starting to produce.
On our board rods we run one side of copper and one side of leadcore. We are using 4, 6, 8 and 10 color leads, with small stinger spoons. It does not seem to matter the color but they need to be a small spoon. On the coppers we are running white flashers and green of boy blue flies. They are 100, 150, 200 and 250 foot coppers. All are producing but each has their day. Monday we lost a monster King salmon on a 10 color and it was easily over 25 pounds. Had an issue with another boat. We are still looking for the 30 pound Chinook salmon and have a month to do it.
Silver King Charters fished the 120 boat Brew City Tournament Saturday and again we came in 2nd place, with 179.3 pounds of fish for 10 fish. Good enough to win any other year but one other boat caught 212 pounds. Nice job Craig. We would not have done as good as we did with out a tip from our good friend Steve Lesch, who came in third place with 166 pounds. He gave us a tip at 8:30AM and we picked up and moved 20 miles south. We had less that 4 hours to fish when we got there and made a huge come back. This was one tournament we were happy with 2nd place. Silver King Charters has now gone 2nd, 3rd, 2nd and 2nd in the last four years of this tournament and one of these years we might get it right.
Milwaukee Charter fishing is about big King salmon over the last part of August. There is also great Rainbow trout fishing offshore. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 today and catch a trophy salmon before they start to spawn and are gone for the season.
August 6, 2013
Well Milwaukee charter fishing has been up and down, with an average of 11 fish a trip seeming to be what it amounts to. The good news is lots of big fish. Silver King Charters has over 45 Chinook salmon caught that weighed 20 pounds or more. The big for us is 26.5 pounds. We hope the 30 pounder will come soon. There was a 36 pound King pulled out of Milwaukee this last week and this is the biggest on Lake Michigan in some time.
This is our stats for the last several trips: 24 for 33, 20 for 30 "limit", 9 for 16, 9 for 19, 15 for 16, 9 for 16, 6 for 8, 9 for 19 and 13 for 21. The catch is made up of Chinook, Lake trout and Rainbow trout.
We have been working in 85 to 150 feet of water. The constant wind switches has pushed the thermocline up and down and fish all over. It has been tough to get a steady pattern this year. There is lots of bait and fish can be more picking on what and when they eat. We find spoons to be good one day and flasher flies the next. Sometimes the evenings are when they go and sometimes in the morning. It is driving us nuts!! When we set out we put a side of spoons out and flashers or plugs on the boards. Whatever they want we switch over quick to capitalize on the bite. The wire dipsies are consistent with flashers and seem to take our bigger fish. The settings are constantly changing on these and you must find the right depth for each day. Our riggers are either hot or ice cold. Three flashers and one spoon are usually the set here. I wish there was some solid bait that produce every time out like last year but the fish are very picky. Don't get down if you have a couple tough outings because this year when you pull a twenty plus pound King it makes up for it in a hurry.
Last weekend we won the Port Washington Salmon Shootout. We took 2nd last year but won it convincingly, with 132 pounds of fish for the 10 fish we weighed in. It was a nice tournament win but the big one is this weekend. The Brew City Tournament is this Saturday and we have over 90 boats entered. If you are going to get in you better do it soon. Weather looks to be good and there are lots of ways to win. This is the one that Silver King Charters wants to win the most but it has eluded us. The last 3 years we came in 2nd, 3rd and 2nd place. We will probably bomb this year but one fine day it will happen.
Silver King Charters is looking forward to some more big Kings caught by our clients this season and Labor Day weekend will be a great time to do this. The big Chinooks start to stage outside of Milwaukee before spawning and our an outstanding fight. Call us at 414-460-1467 to hook up with a big King salmon.
July 30, 2013
The last couple of days has seen Milwaukee charter fishing more stable weather and better fishing with it. The weekend was tough and Sunday we went 9 for 20 and 11 for 19. But the last two mornings have been better fishing going 12 for 17 "limit" and 12 for 17 "limit". Fishing was steady and we finished early. The catch was 75% Chinooks. with a 22 pounder Monday and three 19 pounders today.
The depth has been 90 t0 115 feet of water and the fish are coming below 40 feet. Are deeper riggers have been taking most of the fish. We are now back to flasher and flies on all riggers and wire dipsy sets. White flashers are preferred, with Howie boy blue or green crink. Copper on the boards has been ok, with the 300 copper producing the best. We right now are using flashers but spoons on leadcore will come into to play as the thermocline comes up. There are also a decent amount of Rainbows around but it is nice to see Kings of all year classes around. Good signs for August and yes we still need a 30lb King!
The Brew City Tournament is set for August 10th and it is starting to fill, so get your money in now. This is one of the best times of the year for Chinook action and considering what has happened this year this will be the only time for Chinook action. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and help us get the 30 pounder!
July 27, 2013
Well before this weekend we averaged 10.5 fish a trip over the last 24 trips. Very good for last coupe of weeks. Here is how we did over the last several days: 3 for 8, 16 for 17 '' Great Job"", 12 for 23, 4 for 12, '' Very tough seas'', 21 for 28 "" best weight of the season, thanks Willy for saving Saturday. "" .
Winds have kept fishing very unpredictable but if you know where fish are stay in that location and work in and our of that depth. Fish will not travel far if the wind changes every day. We have worked from 115 to 65 feet over the last 4 days and the fish have moved every day. Rainbows are a big part of the catch, with Chinook salmon a close second. The evening trip today was outstanding, with 15 King salmon that were all 10 pounds and over. The fishing is the best for Chinook right now and we have over 30 20 plus pound Kings this season. We had a cancelation tonight and it was booked 30 minutes later for tomorrow. Now is the time to catch big King, provided we don't get a big north blow in the morning.
The fish have been fussy and you need to work your spread but the one thing consistent is the mature Chinooks are out of temp. Get your stuff up high in the water column and be patient. We have been running all white flashers and either Boy Blue or Green Ckrink Howie flies. We also like Stinger Blue Dolphin spoons on our boards. Tonight was proof of that. There is not a lot of fish around, so when you find some action stick with that area.
Folks we had a client concerned with the waves for a Sunday trip today and they cancelled. We are up front about conditions and will not put you out in dangerous situations. This morning we felt sorry for are clients but it was fishable. But the lake laid down nice since and will be very good by Sunday. Don't get caught up in weather forecast because they are usually wrong. There lose we booked another trip and conditions now look great and we just caught 21 fish tonight.
We now have only one morning left until August 11 and that is July 30th. We have a 6 hour for the price of 5 hours that day and weather looks great. This is King time so call now to get in on a screaming Chinook salmon by calling Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467. FISH ON!
July 21, 2013
www.Salmon-a-rama.com. 2013 is finally over and we had four of our clients win cash this year, including a 3rd place Rainbow trout. Check out the standings on the website. The big fish of the contest was a 28.5 pound Chinook salmon caught by a good friend of mine Andy. Once again Milwaukee was the place to be for big fish. The fishing was tough all over with spotty times of success. Silver King Charters averaged 11.5 fish a trip for 19 trips during Salmon-A-Rama week. The 200 fish we boated were caught all over the place but for numbers you need to be 180 to 280 feet of water. When out deep the catches were 15 to 20 fish, with one trip are 10 fish. In close there where trips of 10 to 14 fish but also trips of 3, 5, and 7 fish. For good size, especially King salmon you needed to be in 60 feet of water or less. The standings show that there are many trophy fish this year but totals are down from last year.
The four year old Chinook salmon is averaging 19 pounds and this is up about 6 pounds from last season. The really big ones are 25 to 30 pounds and these fish are a rush to catch. We are a flasher fly boat but this week it was a spoon oriented program. In close we ran leadcores from 2 to 8 colors and spoons were also on the riggers and even on the dipsies at times. Out deep it was all spoons and most of the fish came in the top 70 feet.
The water became cold with a strong west wind late in the week and the break was right near the surface. We took a 26.5 pound King just 25 feet below the surface and many big fish are coming there. Pro King cracked ice and oz are working along with Stinger blue dolphin spoons. The fly program is starting to come back to life though and white flashers with aqua or boy blue Howie flies have been best. These will be the combos that start doing the damage soon.
Milwaukee charter fishing for Chinook salmon is always most consistent and best for big fish the last two weeks of July and first two weeks of August. This is when stocked fish out of this port come back and we had a good amount stocked 3 years back. These fish will be big and feeding hard, while they get ready to spawn. The 30 pounder is coming. The Brew City tournament is set up perfect this year for these fish. A record could be set on August 10th.
Silver King Charters is offering a great special for the two weeks leading up to Brew City. All weekday morning trips are 6 hours for the price of 5 hours. This gives you more time to land a big fish on your trip. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and book a Lake Michigan salmon fishing trip before the year of the big Kings is done.
July 18, 2013
Well Salmon-A-Rama week has only 3 days left and the big fish is 28.5 pounds. 3 of the top five Chinook salmon have been taken off Milwaukee. Silver King Charters has put 3 of our clients on the board: 4th place 26.49lb Chinook, 7th place 10.54lb Coho and a 2nd place 16.54lb Rainbow. We are hoping for more and great job to those who landed these big fish.
The week has not been easy and we have had to work to produce fish and here are the counts: 10 for 13, 5 for 10, 20 for 32, 15 for 28, 20 for 29 and 19 for 27. We have been fishing 90 to 100 feet or 180 to 240 feet. The King action is better in close but for numbers you must go deep, where there are plenty of Coho and Rainbow.
Flasher and flies are king for the Chinooks but spoons out deep on boards have been taking the Steelhead. Fish seem to be high in the water column, so the boards are 4 through 8 color or 75 foot to 150 foot copper sets. The riggers are also set higher in the water column. Once you find active fish stay on top of them because there are not a lot of spots were they have been active. West winds for the next two days should get the Chinook bite to become descent and we will start to run trips a little shallower. The one good thing is these fish are big and great fighters!
Milwaukee charter fishing is heading into the peak time for big Chinook salmon and Silver King Charters is offering a special for the weekday mornings of July 29th and August 5th. All 5 hour trips will be 6 hours for the price of 5 hours. This gives you more time to hook into a big Chinook salmon. Call us at 414-460-1467 and experience Wisconsin charter fishing on Lake Michigan.
July 14, 2013
www.Salmon-A-Rama.com has started and all week our clients will have a chance to win cash prize when they catch big fish on Silver King Charters. Today one of our clients named Joe caught a 26.49 pound Chinook salmon and he is currently in first place for the Chinook salmon division and second place overall. We are still have 7.5 more days to put some more client on the leader board.
Fishing over the last week has been tough but we are starting to find some concentrations of fish in certain areas. Our last several trips have gone 7 for 10, 8 for 9, 7 for 8 " 23lb Chinook caught by a 6 time gold metal Olympic champion for the 1996 Russian men's gymnastics team", 11 for 15, 4 for 7, 15 for 25, and 13 for 20 "26.5 pound Chinook salmon".
We have been slowly dialing into the fish this year. Things have been tough with fish scattered and water temps all over the place but like ever year it eventually sets up. We are starting to see this. Big fish and catches are getting back to double digits. Fish are coming in the 100 foot mark early and 240 to 300 feet in later in the day. The Chinook salmon are the biggest we have seen in years due to all the bait in Lake Michigan right now. Whether we are out deep or in 100 feet these fish are coming in the warmer water from the surface down 70 feet. Flasher flies are top producers, with white flashers and Howie Boy Blue flies. Spoons do some of the work, with Pro King cracked ice being solid. Our riggers and wire dipsies are best. Boards have struggled to produce but 6 and 8 color leadcores or 100 and 200 coppers seem to be the best numbers.
Silver King Charters is running a special for the weekday mornings for the weeks of July 29th and August 5th. All 5 hour trips will be 6 hours for the same price. These our two of the best weeks of the year to hook up with big Chinook salmon and with so many 20 pound Kings around your chance are good to have the fight of a life time this season. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and try Milwaukee charter fishing this season.
July 7, 2013
A lot has happened since our last report but my computer crashed and just got back up and running. Milwaukee charter fishing has improved, with Steelhead and Chinook salmon starting to show up. Our catches have a mix of Coho, Chinook, Lake trout and Rainbow trout in them. The thermocline is just starting to set up and as it does we should start to see the catch going more to Chinook salmon. This is going to be a great year for size. We have already boated 6 twenty plus pound Kings and over the last week there has been three 27 pound Kings caught in the area. This will be the year for a 30 pounder!. There is so much bait this year, which is the exact opposite of last year.
Here is how Silver King Charters has done of late: 20 for 23, 14 for 20, 16 for 20, 18 for 25, 20 for 25, 3 for 7 "very tough afternoon bite!" and 15 for 22 "limit". Numbers are a better and size is good on the mature fish. We have been running a variety of spreads depending on the time of day and we do not have a lock down spread yet but conditions are starting to get to a point that eventually we will. We are running both copper and leadcore on the boards, with Stinger spoons and flasher flies. The fish are spread out in the water column, so we try to find a hot depth and match this with a board set up. Our best depth is 100 to 115 feet of water and we have not left this for the last 10 days. People sometimes have a hot bite inside or outside this depth but we have had consistency working these waters. The orange dodger and green peanut fly is still catching Coho salmon on occasion, so it finds its way into the spread on a regular basis.
Our dipsy sets are wire now and flasher flies. We have moved them up and down in the water column and every day there is a new hot number but it is generally between 95 to 200 feet on the line counter. The riggers have down most of the work over this period. We spread out all four riggers, with one on the bottom and then we go 15 to 20 feet up from there. We are getting hit from 40 feet to the bottom. Flasher flies are on these sets but the only consistent is white flashers. It is a struggle to find the right sets to get hits and we are changing up more than we like right now but things are slowing coming together and the good sign is we are seeing different year classes on the Kings and some Steelhead.
We have only one more spot for Salmon-A-Rama week and that is July 16th in the afternoon. Our next special will be on Monday-Friday for the weeks of July 29th and August 5th. All morning trips will be 6 hours for the price of 5, which is a $75 savings. These are two of the best weeks to catch mature Chinook salmon and with so many big Kings around you could catch one in the upper twenties or even thirty pounds this year. The reason for this special during a great fishing period is because of Brew City. It is our biggest tournament out of Milwaukee and we want to be on the water as much as possible. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and hook up with a big King today.
June 28, 2013
It has been a little bit since my last report but super busy fishing. Lake Michigan salmon fishing is in the middle of transitioning into a summer pattern and the only thing I can say about this is it is almost over! Fishing has been tough all over the lake these last 10 days! Silver King Charters is now Milwaukee charter fishing and these are our last trip totals, 27 for 32 limit", 18 for 20, 10 for 15, 6 for 10, 8 for 12, 4 for 4 "very tough trip", 14 for 17 "20lb King salmon", 4 for 5 " only fished 1.5 hours due to bad storms, 9 for 11, 13 for 16. Numbers are down but today we started to see Chinook salmon in several year classes and this is a good sign that the Chinooks are starting to show up.
We have been working in 85 to 120 feet of water over this period of time and fish are coming from 20 feet down right to the bottom. The fish are scattered and it makes it tough to target. We are still catching some Coho salmon on orange dodgers, mostly on dipsies and a couple on boards. We are running the deep riggers with flasher flies and usually with a white blade. Spoons are taking fish on riggers and leadcore boards. We like the stinger blue dolphin and pro king cracked ice. There is tons of bait around and the mature Chinooks are big and fighting better than they have in years.
Silver King Charters finished in 9th place in the Geoffery Morris tournament in Winthrop Habor this last weekend. We were in 5th place after day one but could not get it done the second day. This is a Pro tournament and only 8 boats caught their limit the first day, we were one of them and only 4 the second day. Only a handle full of Chinook were caught.
Milwaukee charter fishing is heading into its best fishing of the season and we are only days away from Chinooks showing up in numbers. We only have 3 openings left for Salmon-A-Rama this year. They are Tuesday morning and afternoon and Thursday afternoon. This is a chance to win cash up to $15000 while fishing on your charter. Read more about this on the rates page. This is going to be a year for big Chinook salmon and we are just about to get into the best time of the year for Kings. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to expierence Milwaukee salmon fishing.
June 18, 2013
Lake Michigan charter fishing is in its transistion stage as warm water starts to accumulate, which will eventually set up a thermocline for the rest of the summer season. We are almost through this period but it slowed the bite down a little. For our last three trips we went 12 for 18 "limit", 11 for 20, and 15 for 30 "Great to see you Jim and your crew. Lets make it four in a row!" Most of these fish were Coho salmon averaging five pounds.
There is a ton of bait around and this is going to set up for season of big fish. We fished the Kenosha Coho Classic on Saturday. We won this last year and only caught five fish this year. It was our worst tournament performance in 4 years but every once in a while you must be humbled. The good news is we caught the biggest fish of the day, which was a 24.5 pound Chinook salmon. We fished to hard for Kings and there are still not enough around. Soon but not yet.
Our best set ups are dipsies with orange dodgers and green flies. The riggers are good with white flashers and a variety of flies. We have been fishing in 50 to 70 feet of water and the best depth is 10 to 45 feet down. Our boards have not been as productive over the last 5 days but as things set up these will again be hot. We have high speed reels on all board rods, so you are not reeling for ever on leadcore or copper sets.
We are Milwaukee charter fishing starting Sunday and look forward to some big Chinooks this season. We have already pulled two 20 plus pound Kings this year and that is 1 more than all of last year. Don't forget about our Salmon-A-Rama special, which gives you a chance to win cash, including the grand prize of $15,000. Call us at 414-460-1467 and get in on the summer fun.
June 13, 2013
Lake Michigan salmon fishing is going through a transistion period right now. This is when the thermocline starts to set up dividing cold water and warm water. Right now we are spack dab in the middle of this. Fishing is still good but not off the hook like is was for the last 6 weeks. Our last four trips were 13 for 18, 21 for 26 "limit", 12 for 21 and 11 for 17. Again most are Coho salmon but we are now taking some Kings. A seventeen year old girl took a nice 20 pound Chinook salmon Monday. Last season we only had one Chinook at 20 pounds and this came in September. The picture is on our gallery page. The Kings look to be 4 pounds on average bigger this year and we are right at the begining of the season for them.
We are still using the ofange dodger and peanut flies on 3 dipsy rods, one rigger and one side of boards. These are still solid producers but we are setting them deeper into the water column. The other three rigggers are flasher flies or spoons. We are using leadcore setups, with spoons on the other side of boards. Both board setups are producing equally. Our final rod is a wire dipsy with a flasher fly and this producer a couple fish a trip. You need to get creative during the transistion period and you can still catch good amounts of fish each trip.
Silver King Charters is back Milwaukee charter fishing on June 22nd and by then we should have a good amount of Chinook salmon to fish for. Our big special Salmon-A-Rama had to more spots booked this week. Only weekdays remain but it is a great week to fish. Call us at 414-460-1467 to book your summer Lake Michigan charter fishing trip.
June 9, 2013
Lake Michigan Charter Fishing has remained good this week. We are starting to see the beginning of a transistion on the lake as the water slowly warms up. We ended our week going 24 for 40 "one short of limit Ouch!", 30 for 37 "limit, 4 for 8 "shortened trip", 21 for 28 "limit" and 13 for 20. Almost all these fish were Coho salmon.
We are starting to see the schools break up and move away from shore. Over the last several weeks the salmon have been close to shore and they have been easy targets. For the most part this is over but we are still able to target schools of fish between 60 to 120 feet and when we find them it is important to stay on top of them. We are still heavy with orange dodger and peanut flies but we are starting to run spoons and 8" flashers on the riggers. I think next week we will probably go with a side of leadcore and spoons instead of the orange stuff. We still have explosive moments with the Coho salmon and this should continue for a couple more weeks but this is the time of year when Chinook salmon, Lake trout and Rainbow trout start to show up in the catch. Eventually the bulk of our catch will be Chinook salmon.
Silver King Charters is just about finished with its Racine charter fishing season and will be Milwaukee charter fishing on June 23rd. The King salmon look to be bigger this year and we have no doubt that many twenty plus pound Chinook will be caught. Salmon-A-Rama week is coming up starting on July 13th. During this week you have a chance to win cash, including $15000! There is no extra cost to you just a chance to win cash. See our rates page for more details. Call Silver King Charters today at 414-460-1467 and book your 2013 summer Lake Michigan charter fishing trip.
June 4, 2013
Racine charter fishing keeps on rolling and Coho salmon are still making up the bulk of the catch. Silver King Charters had another great week going 15 for 21 "limit", 27 for 37 "limit", 20 for 28 "limit, 8 for 20, 20 for 31 "limit", 25 for 50 "limit"(and yes we lost 25 fish! But it was a great crew.), 23 for 30 "limit". Everyone of these fish was a Coho salmon averaging around 4 pounds. We are seeing some at 8 pounds now and they are all stuffed full of bait. It has been incredible fishing this spring for Coho salmon!
Our spread is simple: orange dodger and peanut flies. Color does not matter on the fly but location does. When you start getting bit work that area. Coho salmon school up and where there is one there will be more. The bite has been so good that as long as you have the orange dodger and peanut fly down when you go over the school you will catch them. The surface water is still between 48 to 50 degrees and this cold water will keep the bite strong. The fish are primarly in the top 15 feet of water. Right now this pattern does not look to change.
Silver King Charters fished our first tournament of the year, the Salmon Unlimited Open: Wisconsin out of Racine. We put all of our fire power into catch Chinook salmon and were able to come up with three. This was good enough for 3rd place. Right now there are not many Chinooks in the area but this should start to change in the next couple weeks. The entire field only caught 19 Kings, which shows that things are a little behind this year due to the late spring. I would like to congratulate Ted Foti of the Sea Mate for winning the contest. We hope for a better performance next tournament.
Silver King Charters run in Racine is almost over before moving back home to start catching Chinook salmon Milwaukee charter fishing. We still have Saturday June 8th open for both moring and afternoon and folks it is great fishing right now. Call us at 414-460-1467 to catch some fish this weekend.
May 27, 2013
It was another great weekend Racine charter fishing on Lake Michigan. We only have about 3 more weeks of condensed Coho salmon schools before they spread out and go deep, so nows the time to get in on the action. We finished the week going 22 for 32 "limit", 21 for 35 "limit, 18 for 27 "limit" and 27 for 37 "limit". Lots of limit catches! Once we find a school we are able to target them and give you some great action.
Lake Michigan charter fishing for Coho salmon is at this time of year is about orange dodgers and peanut flies. We are using these on our boards, dipsies and up high riggers. One of these devices will be hot at times thoughout a trip and produce Coho salmon. We are running are two deep riggers for Chinook salmon and Lake trout but there are just not enough of them around right now to target. Last year it was the opposite and Chinooks was all we could catch but this is a more normal spring. It will not be long before we transition into a Chinook spread but right now there are too many Coho salmon and they are a blast to catch. It is all about finding a school and once you do go back and forth over them with the orange dodger spread and you will catch plenty of fish.
This is a real fun time to fish with Silver King Charters because most trips will end up with limits or near limit catches. These are great tasting fish too! My brother and I have had several Coho salmon dinners over the last couple weeks and it is our favorite fish out of Lake Michigan. We have Friday afternoon open this week and the following Saturday June 8th is open. We also have Fathers Day open. Times are booking fast for our remaining 3 weeks in Racine so call Silver King Charters now at 414-460-1467 to get in on some outstanding action. We are back in Milwaukee on June 23rd.
May 22, 2013
We ran a morning trip today and went 32 for 42 "limit". Fishing has been really good over the last two weeks and there are a lot of salmon in the area. Once we find them the action is fast. We have open times for Memorial Day weekend and the action should remain steady for the next several weeks.
Our hot bait remains the same. Orange dodger and peanut fly on ever setup. The best fishing remains in the top 10 feet of water. We are finding Coho salmon in close and out around 50 feet of water. There is so much bait around that these fish are not going anywhere soon. This is a great time to experience Lake Michigan Salmon fishing. Give Silver King Charters a call at 414-460-1467 and we will put you on fish.
May 20, 2013
What a great weekend of fishing! Racine charter fishing has been good the last couple of weeks but was on fire this weekend. We finished going 28 for 32 "limit", 28 for 38 "limit" and 11 for 11 "limit". All Coho salmon between 4 to 6 pounds. The fishing was fast action to say the least. The Coho action should continue into mid June but I doubt the fish will bite any quicker than this weekend. This is a great time to catch alot of fish and they are also great for the grill this time of the year.
The hot and only bait is orange dodgers and peanut flies on everything! The fish were off the river mouth this weekend but they most certainly will move this week, with wind switches. There are a lot of fish around right now and once you find a school they can't resist the orange dodger. We are out tomorrow and we still have openings for Memorial Day weekend. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and you will be hearing us say Fish On!
May 17, 2013
Seriously folks it is on! The Coho salmon schools are in and feeding hard on huge bait schools. It is realy good fishing right now. These fish are averaging 4 to 5 pounds and some are pushing 6 pounds and are the best eating fish of the season. The action is fast and tons of fun. We went 29 for 38 "limit" today and it was super fast action. Racine charter fishing and Kenosha charter fishing should remain hot for the next 3 to 4 weeks, with Coho salmon being the primary target.
The top bait is the Coho candy or orange dodger and peanut fly. Boards, dipsies and riggers with this set up delivers. This is not rocket science but you do have to find the fish. Right now they are close to shore but they will move from day to day. I need to say it one more time: call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 now and experience Lake Michigan Charter Fishing at its best! It is great fishing action. We have a picture on the top of our gallery from today's charter fishing trip! Collen you were a rock star. Great job!
May 12, 2013
Lake Michigan charter fishing has vastly improved over the last week in the southern part of the lake and this is why we are charter fishing Racine and charter fishing Kenosha waters. There is lots of bait around and this is attracting schools of Coho salmon. We finished our week going 18 for 27. Out of these fish we had 16 Coho salmon. For those of you out with us last year at this time you know the Coho's were real, real small but the 2013 crop is back to normal size. These fish are averaging 3 to 5 pounds and with all the bait around they will be adding weight in a hurry.
The hot set up is simple right now. Orange dodgers and peanut flies on just about everything. Most of these fish are coming in the top 10 feet of water and for right now the best overall depth is about 50 feet of water. The surface is still around 43 degrees, so this action will only improve over the next several weeks as the surface temperature goes up.
The rest of May looks to be very good fishing. Everyone ask me when is a good time to catch fish. This is it. Coho salmon action is usually concentrated for several weeks, making them easy to target. Plus they are the best eating fish in the lake. We are catching some Rainbow trout and Brown trout with the salmon. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on the fun.
May 8, 2013
We took the boat down to richer waters to start our 50 days of Racine charter fishing. My brother and I were only out breifly on Sunday but there is a lot of bait in the area and we caught a coulpe nice fish. The Coho salmon are a pound or two bettter than last season. The reason we come to Racine, which is 40 minutes south of Milwaukee, is because there is so much bait and fish in the southern end of Lake Michigan early in the season. We are able to fish from Wind Point all the way to the Illinois border. The bait and fish our starting to come together and we are looking forward to catching many fish while in Racine. It is well worth booking a trip with Silver King Charters during this time because we have some of our best catch rates of the season over the next several weeks.
April 28, 2013
Wow! What a difference a week makes. We learned how to catch fish again and this Sunday took out some frustrations going 23 for 30. I need to thank Matt of "Shock Hazard", who was fishing from shore and found some Coho salmon action about 15 miles south of Milwaukee. While I was their on Sunday Jason Woda gave me some great tips about the area and then Chris of "Legacy", who was fishing south of us put the finishing touches on things. All this information took what was some poor fishing around Milwaukee and made it great. I owe you guys!
We were fishing the famous "Blue Balls" south of Milwaukee in 15 feet of water. Spoons on 1 and 2 color leads were hot. We ran plugs on the other side of our boards and they were good too. We took 1 Lake trout, 6 Coho salmon and 16 Brown trout. Some of the Coho salmon came off peanut flies and orange dodgers on dipsies. All in all a great day compared to what has been happening the last three weeks around Lake Michigan.
Silver King Charters is going to start Racine charter fishing next week and will not be back to Milwaukee until June 23. The fishing should be better down south, with warmer water. It was nice to have a good outing in Milwaukee after such a cold and wet start.
April 24, 2013
Well folks spring looks like its finally arrived. At least this week. The temperature is going to be in the 60's on Saturday and 70 on Sunday, with southwest wind. You could not ask for better. Sure beats 28 degrees we started fishing in last weekend. With only a few showers this week the water clarity has greatly improved and along with warmer temperatures means better fishing this upcoming weekend. Silver King Charters plans to take it out on these fish this weekend. Call us at 414-460-1467 to book a Milwaukee charter fishing trip this weekend and hook up with Brown trout, Lake trout and some salmon. The weather is going to be great!
April 21, 2013
Well we fished twice Saturday and for a start of the season it was awful. We went 0 for 1 "Free Trip" and 2 for 2. We have only been skunked 3 times in the last 400 trips but it happens. Out of our two and 4 other Milwaukee charter fishing trips run that day there were only 6 fish caught, so I guess we did not do so bad. It was the coldest start to a fishing trip we ever had. The temperature was 28 degrees when we left the dock and we needed to chop ice off the dock ropes just to leave for the trip. A thin layer of snow covered the bow as we departed. It was a bachelor party that was ready for the conditions but unfortunetly the fish let us down. I hope they spent there money on something more fun that night.
Fishing was poor because of 10 days of non stop rain, which muddy up the best fishing waters and the lake was pounded by strong winds for several days. We tried to get out of the mud in 60 feet of water but the water was 37 degrees from top to bottom and there was virtually no marks on the sonar. For the afternoon trip we went inside the harbor where there were some fish but poor visibility. We managed a couple 4 to 5 pound Brown trout but it was very tough fishing. Conditions should improve by next weekend because air temperatures will be higher and rain totals will be back to normal. The harbor area should be fishable for the first time in 2 weeks and that is where the most fish are located right now.
There are few Lake Michigan fishing charters that will offer a No Fish - No Pay policy but Silver King Charters strongly believes if we cannot catch you a fish we probably should not have gone that day and you should not pay. But we are always tring for a limit not just one fish. Things will get better and I am sure that next weekend I will have a better report. I cannot tell you what was working because we tried it all and nothing worked. I still believe this will be a stong season and 12 days ago limits were common before winter return and we had multiple stong rain storms. We cancelled last weekends trips and I almost wonder if I should have this weekend too. On a good not everthing worked great on the boat. Call us to book a trip and don't be scared off about booking in April because when it start up again the Milwaukee harbor and just outside the harbor is a world class fishery. I sure hope the guys in the bachelor party had a warm and fun night.
April 13, 2013
We are in the water as of April 4 and I feel that the Silver King has been a curse to Lake Michigan and Wisconsin in general. The weather has been either wet or cold. It feels like February and not April. We were all set to run trips today but there was no choice but to reschedule. Strong west winds and the Milwaukee river mudding up the entire harbor made conditions poor. It did not help that it was 34 degrees with on again off again snow. This is ridiculous!! We spent the day putting some finishing touch on the boat and installed a new stereo, with Sirus XM.
We have added more high speed reels for our board rods. I know that many of you appreciated that when fighting fish on leadcore or copper set ups. We have also added a few more combinations to cover more of the water column. The fish our out there and as soon as this crazy weather passes we will be catching them. Silver King Charters has two more trips next week and conditions look to be similiar but we think the harbor area will have cleaned up enough to fish. Before this crazy weather there were plenty of Brown and Lake trout being caught. Only one boat was out in the harbor today and he did not last long. We should have a couple of good weekends left with solid trout action before we head to Racine, so Give Silver King Charters a call. We are totally ready for Lake Michigan charter fishing.
March 31, 2013
Well Silver King Charters will not be in April 1 because there is still ice in the harbor slips and this is no April fools joke. But we should be in the water by Friday. Last year at this time we had already seen 80 degree days and people had been fishing since the beginning of March. We are going to run a shake down trip this Saturday and be ready to rock. The fishing in and around the Milwaukee harbor has been solid. Brown trout with some Lake trout have made up the catch. We are going to cover a little water on Saturday and see if we can find a few Chinook salmon. Most April fishing trips see catches of Brown and Lake trout but last year the King salmon were in full swing. Milwaukee charter fishing has some good action in April and is one of the better months of the year to catch Brown trout.
March 13, 2013
Lake Michigan Charter fishing is almost here and Silver King Charters is just about ready to put the boat in the water. The 2013 season looks to be a very good year for Chinook salmon fishing. We will start the season Milwaukee charter fishing in April. This is a great time to chatch Brown Trout and Lake trout, with a few Kings thrown in. We will then begin Racine charter fishing in May. Outstanding Coho salmon fishing, with trout and Kings thrown into the mix. Coho salmon are the best eating fish in the lake and a lot of fun to catch. We have our highest catch rates year after year from early May through the middle of June. We are back in Milwaukee on June 22 and this is the time for the King salmon. We are expecting another real good year for Chinooks.
We are booking trips now and Saturdays always go fast, so if this is your day call ahead to assure your date is secure. We run trips all week except for April, which is limited to weekends only. There are a lot of Brown trout around the Milwaukee harbor area right now and we cannot wait to have you land the first fish of the season. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book your Milwaukee charter fishing or Racine charter fishing trip for the 2013 season.
January 5, 2013
I hope everyone had a wonderful holidays and we would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. But let reflect back on 2012 because it was one of the best fishing years we have seen in a while. I would say it was the best since 2007 and one of the 4 best over the last 20 years. It was because of a great Chinook salmon bite that started in April and did not stop until October. Over the last 4 years Lake Michigans Chinook action has been hit and miss but due to an up tick in stocking 3 years back the fishing really took off.
We ran 125 trips and averaged a little over 14 fish a trip 04 1760 total fish but a more accurate way to look at it would be a fish was boated ever 14.1 minutes of fishing time. This was outstanding!!! We did not have one skunk all season. There was 1 trip with only 1 fish, 3 trips with 2 fish, 1 trip with 3 fish. Silver King Charters had 51 limit catches in 2012!
The top species was Chinook salmon at 58%, Lake trout was next at 21%, Coho salmon were way down this year at 9%, Rainbow trout at 8% and Brown trout at 4%. There really was not a slow time this year, with the exception of October and this was mostly weather related. Octobers are usually very good months. For most of the year we fished from 85 to 115 feet of water and the weather was consistently hot. One thing I can say is it was a bumpy year on the lake but the fish love a chop.
Fishing was pretty staight forward for us this year. We ran white flashers and boy blue flies on riggers and dipsies. On the board medium size spoons on the boards. Without the Coho's being around in numbers we did not run our normal orange spread for long this year. We usually like the green set ups but this year white ruled. Both Racine and Milwaukee were smoking hot and stayed that way all year.
Silver King Charters had a solid tournament year and we fished 7 contests. We came in 2nd place in the SU Open Wisconsin, 1st place in the Kenosha Coho Classic, 16th place in the Morris Inventational "Winthrop Harbor", 4th place in the Super Sweepstakes, 2nd place in the Port Washinton Salmon Shootout, 2nd place out of 116 boats in the Brew City Milwaukee, lost on on 5th place in the SU Open Illinois becuse we were two minutes late coming in:( and finished in 3rd place for the overall standings in the Southwest Salmon Series Challange. A very outstanding peformance in 5 differnent ports fishing against the best.
Silver King Charters fishes tournaments so we stay on top of our game and it also gives us a great pulse of how fishing is progressing throughout the season. We are also able to test out new techniques and see how they are working against other top fishing boats. This in turn gives you a captains who are best prepared to catch fish and make your trip memorable.
The 2013 season looks to be another good year but it will be tough to top this season. We start out fishing in Milwaukee on April 1 through April 30 for Brown and Lake trout. Silver King Charters heads down to Racine for 7 weeks of hot Coho and early King action. We are back in Milwaukee for the rest of the season to take on the Chinook salmon along with Rainbow and Lake trout. Charter fishing Racine and Charter fishing Milwaukee assures that we have you on a hot bite throughout the season.
Call now to make sure you get the date you want. Last year every Saturday morning and evening was booked and most Sundays too. We run trips every day of the week starting May 1 through September. April and October we run trips only on the weekends. Silver King Charters cannot wait to yell FISH! this season and hand a rod off to a customer. We will be updating the website with more upcoming information leading into the season. Until then stay warm.
December, 2 2012
We have been recieving many calls for booking trips of late. People are looking to give trips for the Holidays and we do have gift certificates. But this made me think about sending out a reminder to all of you who book with Silver King Charters year after year. We were booked for ever Saturday morning in 2012 and this is a very popular day and time to book. If you know you are going to take a Lake Michigan charter fishing trip with us in 2013 the sooner you book the better chance of getting the date you want. We were booked 93% of all weekend openings from April through October and we were running 3 trips a day from May 20 through August 4 on many of those weekends. I will give a breakdown of the amazing 2012 season and a preview of 2013 on my next report.
October 30, 2012
Silver King Charters has put the boat away just in time for the big storm. There are 12 to 20 foot waves on Lake Michigan as I post this caused by hurrican Sandy. This is near record waves and it is safe to say we would have cancelled today. Our last three trips of the season went 8 for 13, 8 for 13 and 15 for 18 "limit". Most of these fish were Brown trout caught in 40 to 50 feet of water between 10 to 35 feet of water. The fishing is really good for Brown trout right now, when weather permits.
Spoons were the hot ticket accross the board. We ran them on leadcore, dipsies and riggers. This is one of the few times we will ever run a spoon on a dipsy rod. Stinger stingray size were the hot ticket. Milwaukee charter fishing has an outstanding Brown trout fishery from right now through April. We are now down for the year and will be back at it April 1, 2013 and look forward to another great year. I will give a breakdown on the 2012 season soon and go into to detail about the structure of our 2013 season.
October 14, 2012
Chartrer fishing Milwaukee remains really good when weather permits. We are only out on weekends during October, so this limits our trips considerably. We did two this weekend and went 22 for 25 "imit" and 3 for 4 "The group only had time to fish for 2 hours". Again it is Chinook salmon and Lake trout making up the catch. The 100 to 115 foot contour is were the action is and has been steady there for the last 6 weeks.
We are still using the white flasher and Howie Boy Blue fly to do the damage. The riggers are supper hot and almost no reason to use anything else. Everything comes 65 feet and down right to the bottom. Very good consentration of fish right off the Milwaukee harbor. Very easy fishing when weather permits and we are seeing some nice size 3 year old Kings in the 10 to 12 pound class.
We have a couple more weekends left and are over due for some calm seas, so call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to catch your fall salmon. The 2012 season was one of the best for Chinook salmon in a long time and they are still biting!
October 8, 2012
Milwaukee charter fishing in October has started and Silver King Charters keeps on rolling. I must admit the weather has not been on our side, with strong winds almost every day. We are only running trips on the weekends during our final month this season but when we get out it is very good fishing. We only ran two trips this weekend and went 23 for 30 and 8 for 15 "shortened trip". Need to appologize to the Hooligan girls http://www.hooligansuperbar.com/. The day was too early, too cold and too rough. Next season you get two prestine summer days loaded with fish and sun! By the way Hooligans has the best bar food in Milwaukee and it is close to the marina.
The fish are still in 100 to 120 feet of water, starting at 75 feet down. We are exclusive white flasher and little boy blue Howie flies on the riggers and dipsies. Most of the fish are coming on the back two riggers. We at times run a 300 or 350 copper on each side with a stinger spoon but the riggers do most of the work. There are plenty of fish out there, mostly two and three year old Chinook salmon and Lake trout. The temperature in pretty much 58 to 50 degrees right to the bottom. Soon there will be a more sharp break from 50's to 40 degree water and this will make fishing outstanding.
Silver King Charters will run trips for 3 more weekends and yes it is colder but the fishing is still very hot. Get out with us before one of the best seasons in over twenty years is over. Call us at 414-460-1467.
October 1, 2012
Wisconsin charter fishing is in its final month for Silver King Charters and 2012 was a great season for catching salmon. This was the best catch rate in the last five seasons. We are still fishing and October is a great month for fishing! We have had some lousey weather over the last two weeks and the water on the lake is transistioning back to the way it was in spring. This means there is little temperature break and fish are all over the place. Usually by the first week of October we experience some of the best Chinook salmon fishing of the season. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Our last September trips went like this 15 for 22 "limit", 6 for 9, 1 for 1 "toughest day of the season", 18 for 22, 13 for 19 and 11 for 11. High winds during the last half of the month made things tough.
The harbor is dead except for the spawning Kings swimming around the marina. No need to talk about that. On the lake it has been hit and miss. Lake trout are the one constant but we are taking Chinooks, Rainbows and Browns too. Our best depth has been 100 to 130 feet and most fish are coming 60 feet to the bottom. We are using a mix of flashers and spoons on the riggers, flashers on the dipsies and spoons on copper sets off the boards. The coppers are 150 to 350 set ups. The dipsies are set at 150 to 215 feet out. The riggers are set at 50 to the bottom. White flasher still are best. Never got the green flashers out after mid June. Our favorite spoon is the blue dolphin Stinger. Nothing is hot right now and all rigs take some fish.
We are expecting some real good trips before the season ends. Over the last two Octobers we averaged close to 20 fish a trip and if the weather is half way decent we should see the same results this year. Just dress a little warmer. We are only running weekend trips in October, so call us at 414-460-1467 to get in on some fall salmon fishing with Silver King Charters.
September 17, 2012
Lake Michigan charter fishing is really good in mid September and October but sometimes the weather can be moody. It was moody this last week! We had multiple wind changes and fish were moving constantly. The trips went like this 12 for 17 "limit", 18 for 26, "Lake trout fest, we could have caught 30 of them!", 6 for 10 "2 hour trip", 6 for 10 "limit", 14 for 20, 3 for 6 "short trip", 17 for 26 and 16 for 24. We ran only one trip in the harbor and it was a one person trip. We took 6 four year old Kings. Out on the lake it has been 2 and 3 year old Chinooks, Lake trout and Steelhead.
Before I give a breakdown on hot set ups I need to appologize to an 18" boat on the lake Sunday morning. I make a lot of maneuvers on the lake each year and made a poor turn on this day. Appologize for getting upset it was my fault. My brother and I get cut off so much during the year we just deal with it but I should know better. I hope to appologize in person.
This week we started in 100 to 110 feet and fished 45 feet down to the bottom. It was supper hot! by Thursday it changed and a north wind made condition tough on the lake. We fished the harbor for a trip and a half. The best spot was the Milwaukee river channel and pearl or silver plugs fished near the bottom were good off riggers. Saturday the fish were sluggish on a flat calm morning and the seas got heavy in the afternoon but with south west winds the fishing really became solid on Sunday. The thermocline was 40 feet down on Sunday, right where it started on Monday. The best spot was 80 to 90 feet just north of Milwaukee at the end of the week.
Riggers with white flashers and green or little boy blue Howie flies are best. We set our up high riggers at 40 and 50 feet and third deepest at 65 feet and this has a spoon. The deepest rigger is right at the bottom. The dipsies were at 130 to 150 on the line counters all week with the same sets as the riggers. We had a set of leadcore and a set of copper out this week and the copper did better. The best was a 150 with a blue dolphin stinger spoon.
Silver King Charters runs through October and we have some great fishing coming up. Give us a call at 414-460-1467 and book a fall trip to catch salmon and trout before the season is over.
September 10, 2012
Charter fishing Milwaukee was up and down over the last several days. We had a strong north wind visit us Friday through Sunday, which lead to some harbor trips. This is a good time of year to be fishing the Milwaukee harbor for staging Chinook salmon but it can ;be hit and miss. We did get out on the lake today and last week a couple trips but this weekend was all harbor. We landed our first Chinook over twenty pounds for the year and it was just barely that. Folks I have heard of twenty pound Kings all year and they did not exist. Not enough bait. During the biggest big fish tournament salmon-a-rama, which last 9 days and has thousands of contestants there were only 2 twenty pound Chinooks entered. We cought a rare one this weekend. Well here is the stats, 12 for 16 "limit", 18 for 23, 6 for 11 "20 pound King", 3 for 12, 13 for 13 " all four year old Kings", 3 for 7, and 22 for 28 "limit". Folks there is some outstanding fish coming up the rest of September and October. When we get out on the lake there are lots of Chinooks, Rainbows and Lakers around.
In the harbor we are uning a mix of plugs, stick biats and spoons in the harbor. Our deep riggers produce the most and we run one spoon and one plug there. Pearl plugs and glow Moonshine spoons are working best. We have had some luck with stick baits off the 2 color boards. Jointed Rapala #11's are best. Spoons on the up high riggers and disies take a few fish too. It has been all Kings and Browns in the harbor so far. The best spots are around the gaps and the mouth of the river. The water is murky right now, so we have been doing better when the sun is up between 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Out in the lake it was great in 110 feet last week but now it is 110 to 150 feet because the thermocline has dropped to 90 feet. The back two riggers are so hot that they are all we need to catch fish. Set at 90 feet and 110 feet down, with white flasher and green flies. These rods are pulling fish as fast as they get set. The dipsies and copper boards take a few fish too. The great part of fall is that these fish are concentrated in a depth of water and once found are easy targets. Mostly 2 and 3 year old Kings and Lake trout, with a few Steelhead thrown in.
Silver King Charters will be running trips through the end of October and if it is anything like the last couple of years there will be many fish caught. Call us today at 414-460-1467 and get in on some outstanding action before this fantastic season ends!
September 3, 2012
Wisconsin charter fishing on Lake Michigan off Milwaukee was hit by a nice strong east wind. Things have calmed down and water temps are still decent close to shore but it was a tough go on a couple of trips. We went 15 for 24 "limit", 2 for 4 "afraid to leave the habor on calm day", 12 for 16 "limit", 5 for 13 "shortened trip" 10 for 15 "limit" and 15 for 16 "limit".
We fished in 50 to 60 feet of water and there were some nice mature Kings and Brown trout there. Our hot ticket for the most part was 4 to 10 color leadcore, using Stinger spoons. Although today our fly and flashers on the riggers and dipsies did produce today. I think it is because the temperature break went from 20 feet to 40 feet. Also the tail end of the full moon cycle probably lead to a good fly bite. Otherwise over the last week and a half it has been spoons and at times as quick as we get them out on boards they have been getting hit. We may start deeper tomorrow, with the temp break dropping.
There is some great fishing coming up through the rest of our season ending in October. We have the mature King run in the harbor and when this goes it can lead to some outstanding and fast action for a week or two. We also have the 2 and 3 year old Chinook bite out on the lake, along with Rainbow and Lake trout. This has always been a great time of year, so book a Lake Michigan charter fishing trip, with Silver King Charters by calling 414-460-1467 and catch some fall salmon.
August 29, 2012
Charter fishing Milwaukee salmon just keeps on rolling in 2012. When we tell people this is one of the best of five seasons out of the last twenty years we are not joking around. Our last two trips went 20 for 26 in four hours and 16 for 23 in 3 hours "limit". The fishing has been so consistent this year. The next three weeks will be the last and best time for mature four year old King salmon and this weekend looks to be another lock and load weekend.
Our hot sets the last couple of trips have been leadcore on boards, with Stinger spoons. We have had trouble keeping them in the water they get hit so often. Blue dolphin is our favorite right now. We are running 10 color right up to 3 color leadcores and our favorite depth in 110 feet of water. The flasher program is still taking fish but they want spoons right now.
Lake Michigan salmon fishing is hot right now and we hope to see some of you Harley riders is twon this weekend out fighting King salmon, with Silver King Charters. Call 414-460-1467 to get out fishing.
August 26, 2012
Milwaukee charter fishing remained solid this week as we went 19 for 24, 13 for 15 "limit", 14 for 23, 18 for 33, 15 for 20, 22 for 32, 13 for 18 and 14 for 18. We had good numbers for each trip but we failed to limit out most of the week. The catch has been a mixed bag but primarily Chinook and Lake trout. The water temperature is starting to cool as the break is now down only 30 feet in some areas. Silver King Charters is fishing between 105 and 120 feet of water, with fish coming anywhere from 30 feet down to right on the bottom.
We are still heavy on white flashers but we are now using a mix of boy blue and green Howie flies. The riggers are all flies for the most part. We have put a spoon on the second deep rigger when the bite slows and this seems to pick off fish when they turn off on the flies. Our favorite setting this week for wire dipsies was 240 feet on the line counter. We used white flashers and little boy blue flies. We are using leadcore on our board sets, with spoons. As the thermocline rises we are using 4 through 10 colors.
The mature Chinook salmon our starting to come closer to shore and tolerating the warmer water. We should begin to catch these Kings around the gaps of the harbor soon. This is fun and faster action fishing for big Kings. Labor Day weekend looks to be another great fishing weekend as so many have this summer, so call and book today before the rest of our times book up for this upcoming weekend.
August 20, 2012
We have survied the northeast blow from a couple weeks ago and Milwaukee charter fishing has considerably improved. The temperature break is anywhere from 65 to 95 feet down, depending on the day. Our last four trips have been 16 for 20 "limit", 19 for 24, 17 for 21 "limit" and 20 for 27. The catch has been 70 percent Chinook salmon, with the majority of the rest being Lake trout. Many of thes fish are big, with several fish in the 15 to 19 pound range.
Silver King Charters is running a 8 rod spread right now to target the fish near the bottom. We are fishing between 95 to 130 feet of water and the fish are starting at 60 feet right to the bottom. We are all white flashers and Howie aqua or little boy blue flies. Our wire dipsies are set at 200 to 280 feet out. The downriggers are set between 60 feet to the bottom. Most of our action is coming on the two dipsies or the deep rigger. We are running two copper boards. One with 400 feet and the other at 450 feet. Plug on one and spoon on the other. These pick up a fish or two each trip.
The fishing is pretty good right now and if we can just get a little more cool water it will be out- standing. But right now catching 15 to 20 fish averaging 12.5 pounds is realy good fishing. We have about two weeks before the Kings start to stage for spawning, so book now to catch these great fighting fish out on the lake beacuse the window is closing on the mature Chinooks. These fish are bitting out of temp now and fighting hard. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and book your trip to fight a King salmon.
The Silver King crew could not resist one more tournament in Winthrop Harbor, Illinois. We fished the Salmon Unlimited Illinois Open. Had a good box and would have taken 6 place but the captain made a bone headed move and came in two minutes too late. I guess I learned something there, I hope. I appoligize to the crew. We had a great tournment season this year, with 1 first place, 3 second place and 1 forth place finish. We are very consistent at staying on top and you will see this during your charter trip.
August 12, 2012
I should have never mention the last northeaster we had in the my last report!!!. We had gail North winds Friday, with 8 to 12 foot waves. Needless to say we did not go. The thermocline is now down anywhere from 120 to 140 feet. Man what a blow and with all that warm water around it now has pushed up on shore. We did get out the night before and went 21 for 30 "limit". But now the fish are down in the deep water and we are fishing in 150 to 250 feet of water and most of our fish are coming down 120 to 230 feet. We did get three trips in this weekend but two were cut short and only delivered 3 and 6 fish. Our worst of the season. But do not worry we have the fish solved and went 16 for 25 this morning, with 10 nice King salmon. In some ways this concentrates the fish near the bottom and makes them very easy to target. Just a little more reeling.
Our program is the same even after the blow. White blades and aqua or boy blue Howie flies on the riggers and dipsies. We are running copper on the boards at 300, 350, 400 and 450. Plugs are working well here. Our two hot riggers are set at 115 feet down and 160 to 230 feet down. We are now using 15 pound balls on the riggers. The dipsies are set at one and out 300 feet and they are getting wacked. Milwaukee charter fishing is still good and there are tons of fish off Milwaukee. I would just like some west winds but this will work for now. Call Silver King Charters today and getting in on the big Kings before they spawn.
August 7, 2012
Been a while since my last report but we have been busy fishing. The Milwaukee charter fishing has remained great. There are a lot of fish in front of this port and August looks to be another great month. We went 16 for 28, 22 for 27 "limit", 25 for 32 "limit", 33 for 37 "2nd place in Brew City", 12 for 20 and 10 for 12 "limit". We boated our forth 20 plus pound Lake trout during this period and the mature Chinook salmon average is between 12 to 19 pounds. This fish are fighting hard.
Our spread is still all white flashers on downriggers and dipsies. We are using Boy Blue or Aqua Howie flies. These sets have been very effective for weeks now. On the boards we are running copper with plugs on one side and lead with spoons on the other. Both produce and our favorite plug is pearl and the spoon is cracked ice. The best overall depths are between 85 to 140 and this has been true for several weeks now, since the big northeast blow back in early July. Our fish are coming in from 35 feet right to the bottom. The catch is 65 percent Chinook salmon, with all four other species making up the rest.
August and early September is the best time of the to catch big Chinook salmon. We have a great bite out of Milwaukee this year and if you ever wanted to hook into a King salmon this is the year to do it. We took our fifth top four finish of the year in Milwaukee's 110 boat Brew City Salmon tournament. We came in 2nd place with 135 pounds in ten fish. It is our third 2nd place of the year along with one 1st place and one 4th place. Silver King Charters works hard to deliver these top place in tournaments and we will do the same for you. So call us today at 414-460-1467 and book your tournament winning Lake Michigan Charter.
July 30, 2012
Milwaukee charter fishing remains great as this season has been one of the best in a long time. The Chinook bite has been great and August is the best month of the year for catching mature Chinooks. Yeah its going to get better. We took 7 straight limits until tonight when we went 6 for 16 in a shorten trip. The mature Chinooks average 12 to 18 pounds and are great fighters.
Our top weapon is the downriggers with white flashers and either aqua, boy blue or green flies. The copper setups have been working in the 250 to 350 sets, using spoons. The wire dipsies are good too with the same set ups as the downriggers. We are between 100 and 150 feet fishing in the bottom half of the water column.
We took 2nd place in the Port Washington Salmon Shootout this weekend with 133 pounds in ten fish and our biggest tournament of the year, Brew City Salmon Tournament is this weekend. Great week to book a trip as we give extra time as we dial in for this contest. Lake Michigan salmon fishing is real special this year, so if you ever wanted to try it out this is the year to do it.
July 22, 2012
Charter fishing Milwaukee has been on fire!!!! In our last three days we have gone 20 for 26 "limit", 20 for 25 "limit", 30 for 37 "limit", 25 for 31 "limit", 30 for 38 "limit" and 17 for 24. This has been a great week of fishing and in recent years only 2007 can compare. This week has been mostly Kings and Lake trout, although we did get the grand slam on the last trip.
Our spread has been as straight forward as it gets. We are using 4 riggers and 2 wire dipsies and that is it. We did end up running two boards this afternoon but otherwise we have not even used them. All flasher fly all the time right now and white has been the best but at this point I don't think the collor matters. The break is 65 feet down and we are anywhere from 80 to 115 feet of water. Fish are coming out of temp to hit and we put one rigger up for this but for the most part our riggers down deep do most of the work. It is great fishing right now.
The http://www.salmon-a-rama.com/ is now over and tow of our clients won money and their checks will be in the mail this week. The $15000 fish was a 22 pound Chinook caught by a good friend of mine Brain, who's boat is slippped right next to me. The big fish has come out of Milwaukee three the last five years. We plan on offering this special next year. Captain Willy, my brother did most of these trips and at the end of the week our clients boated over 250 fish.
Milwaukee charter fishing is entering some of the best fishing time over the next several weeks and we have a great offer for you. All weekday morning trips for the next two weeks are now 6 yours for the price of five hours. This gives you more time to catch fish. I cannot emphsis enough how good the fishing is, so call Silver King Charters now and experience the finest salmon fishing around.
July 19, 2012
Milwaukee charter fishing was very good today. We took 50 fish in two trips even though it got bumpy on the last one. Kings and Lake trout made up most of the catch and the riggers caught most of the fish. We really could have just fished with four riggers and forgot the rest and done it faster. The fish are in 75 to 120 feet and 50 on down to the bottom. This is very good fishing and you never know when it will slow. Fish are all coming on flasher and fly combos and right now it really does not matter on color. Wind change will change the depth by this weekend but there are a lot of fish off Milwaukee right now.
Silver King Charters is offering a very special deal for weekday trips through August 3. All 5 hour trips are 6 hours for the price of 5. Mention the special when you call and it is yours. This is a $75 savings on a very good time to fish. Lots of big ones are being pulled now!
July 18, 2012
Wisconsin salmon fishing is at its half way point and has continued to be one of the best. We have had a solid couple of days going 25 for 38 "limit", 12 for 20, 2 for 5 "one hour: weather shortened", 18 for 27 "limit", 16 for 22. The northeast winds have pushed the bite deeper but the fish are bunched up again and easy to target.
Silver King Charters best bite has been off the riggers, starting 50 down and right to the bottom. The best depths have been 80 to 120 feet. White flashers and boy blue Howie flies are hot right now. Copper is taking some fish on the boards, with spoons. Our 250 up to 350 coppers are best and our favorite spoons are Pro King Oz or Dirty Oz. The warm water is back and the fish are near the bottom again until the next crazy wind switch. We are taking many big Kings and Lakers right now, which is making up most of the catch.
We would like to congradulate Dorota on her 17.68 pound Lake trout she caught Tuesday. This won her $250 in the http://www.salmon-a-rama.com/ for fish of the day and she is currently in 4th place for Lake trout. All of our clients are eligible to win cash prizes through July 22, including the grand prize of $15000 for big fish of the contest. We are still working on that. Call us today at 414-460-1467 to book a trip to catch Lake Michigan salmon.
July 16, 2012
Charter fishing Milwaukee salmon and trout has remained strong. There have been a couple of slow times but they have not lasted long. Several wind changes have moved fish at times and spreading them out but once we dial them in again it is lock and load. This is still one of the better seasons in the last 10 years. We finished the week and started this week by going 30 for 40 "limit" 30 for 35 "tournament", 6 for 10 "two hour trip", 18 for 24 "limit', 13 for 20, 25 for 36 "limit" and 15 for 21. The fishing has varied each trip and the primary fish are Chinook salmon, Lake trout and Rainbow trout.
We have been fishing from 55 to 160 feet searching for the best bite each day. We ran one trip out to 200 feet were we took a bunch of Steelhead. On that trip spoons fished on 3 to 8 color leadcores took everything. Lots of Rainbows out there. But for the most part we are in 65 to 125 feet. Downriggers with white flashers are still taking most of our fish. Boy blue, green crink and double aqua Howie flies are all working. We are running the rigger set from 50 to 110 feet down in the deeper water and in close 35 to 65 feet down. The fish are coming up in the warm water to feed, so we keep one or two riggers set there. Wire dipsies set at 125 to 200 on the line counters are very productived at times but you have to play around to get the perfect number for each day. The boards were all copper first with spoons then flies. We are now running a set of lead with spoons as the thermocline rises. Last week the 350, 300 and 250 coppers were red hot but now the leads at 8, 10 and 12 color are taking fish.
Wind changes and lots of warm water make it more challenging now but there are tons of fish off Milwaukee still. We fished Super Sweepstakes on Saturday our of Racine Wisconsin. This was the forth leg of the Southwest Salmon Series. We ended up taking forth place, with 126 pounds in 10 fish. We needed a few 12 pound fish to be 15 but it was still a solid performance. We have two more major tournaments and the best fishing ahead of us. The last two weeks of July and the first three weeks of August are the best weeks of the year for mature King salmon. Call us at 414-460-1467 and Silver King Charters will have you reeling in big salmon.
July 9, 2012
Milwaukee salmon fishing is on fire and today we boated 56 fish, including 28 mature Chinook salmon. The fish are in 100 to 135 feet of water and the thermocline was at 60 feet down. The hot depth was 55 to 110 feet in the water column. The riggers did much of the damage with white and green flashers followed with aqua or boy blue Howie flies. There are a good number of Rainbow trout in the area too. Copper sets at 200, 250 and 300 feet have been good with spoons. Pro King cracked ice has been good.
Silver King charters is down to a few openings for next weeks http://www.salmon-a-rama.com/. fishing contest. Look at our rates page for details. Folks the fishing is great and should continue, so call now to get in on some of the best fishing in years on Lake Michigan.
July 8, 2012
Lake Michigan salmon fishing continues to be outstanding. Milwaukee charter fishing has been very good all week, with the exception of Saturday when that nice northeaster blow came. We ended up in the harbor for those trips going 10 for 14 and 8 for 13. That broke our streak of double digit trips for all of 2012. The three trips before the blow and one on Sunday we went 15 for 21 "limit", 13 for 20, 20 for 28 "limit" and 20 for 30 "limit". We are still seeing a mix bag of fish but more than 50% of the catch are Chinook salmon.
We have a new big fish of the year caught by a Desert Strom veteran Larry. It was a 23.7 pound Lake trout and Larry fought the fish for 25 minutes before winning the battle. This would have certainly won money for Larry next week during our http://www.salmon-a-rama.com/ special. We have purchased a $500 ticket that makes all clients eligable for the big fish contest from July 14 throguh July 22. A fish like this would have paid for the trip and more. There are over 60 cash prizes, including the grand prize of $15,000. There are just a few openings left during the week, so call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 for details.
Wisconsin charter fishing has remained stable for several weeks now and our spread has not changed until today. The northeast wind has pushed the thermcline down to 60 feet and our best action is now in 100 to 150 feet of water. Copper sets are now on the boards and we ran all flasher and flies on these sets and everything else too. White falshers are on the shallower sets and green on the deep ones. Howie little boy blue and double aqua were best today anywhere from 50 feet down to 125 feet. It will be interestng to see what happens over the next several days as temps heat up again, bring southwest winds. It should not take long to rasie the thermocline this early in the season. We check temps with the Fish Hawk probe before fishing during big changes like this because there is a lot of warm water around and conditions change over night. Either way there is tons of fish around.
July 1, 2012
Milwaukee salmon fishing remains outstanding and this is shaping up to be one of the best years ever on for Lake Michigan charter fishing. We ended the week going 13 for 23, 22 for 29, 21 for 32 "limit", 25 for 40 and 20 for 30 "limit". Although over 60 percent of the catch is Chinook salmon we are catching all five species right now. THE FISHING IS HOTT RIGHT NOW FOLKS! The mature Chinook are still running 12 to 18 pounds and we still have not boated a 20 plus pound King but it should not be long before it happens.
We have been fishing between 55 to 120 feet of water depending on weather and time of day. Fish are coming from 15 feet down right to the bottom. We are running all leadcore on the boards with all spoons. We are liking the Stinger stingray size spoons right now. The leadcores are anywhere from 3 to 10 colors. The up high boards are taking Rainbows on a regular basis. We are running wire dipsy sets, with either green or white spin doctors. These are set out with 75 to 150 feet of line out. The riggers are all fly and flasher all the time. Green flashers down deep and white flashers on the up high riggers. The little boy blue Howie fly has been very good of late.
The fishing is really good right now and we hope it just keeps going. We are more the half way full for our fantastic http://www.salmon-a-rama.com/ special. We bought the ticket, so you can win the money from July 14 through July 23. There is a chance to win 60 cash prizes, including the $15000 grand prize for biggest fish overall. With Silver King Chartes we give you the chance to win cash for your big fish! Also check out our after work special. Just $400 for a 4 hour trip Monday through Wednesday 4:00PM-8:00PM. Call Silver King Charters today at 414-460-1467 and book you Milwaukee charter fishing trip to catch salmon.
June 25, 2012
Sorry for the delay on a report but we have been busy catching fish. Lake Michigan charter fishing has continued to be outstanding. This is the best season for salmon fishing on Lake Michigan since 2007. We went 25 for 38 and 12 for 20 earlier last week and then caught over 120 fish from Thursday through Saturday. We started Milwaukee charter fishing Sunday and went 22 for 30 and today 21 for 27 "limit". Many mature Chinook salmon have been in the catch ranging 12 to 18 pounds. We have been catching a mixed bag of fish though.
Our set has been leadcore on the boards from 3 to 10 color, with all spoons on these rods. The Stinger Hud and Blue Dolphin have worked in the stinger size. The dipsies and riggers are all flasher and flies. From day to day white or green flashers have been hot, so we run three of each on each side to see what is hot. The flies are Howie and in Little Boy Blue, Double Glitter Aqua or Green Crinkle. Bull Frog has also had its moments. Overall depth has varied from 55 to 100 feet of water and the fish seemed to move daily. Water has remained cool so the fish are still all over the water column.
We fished the Morris tournament this weekend and under tough competition finished 14th overall. There were a few fatile decisions that kept us out of the top three spots. Had a great start but just could not close the deal. Silver King Charters is now 2nd, 1st and 14th in the first three tournaments. We are hoping to rebound in the Super Sweepstakes in Racine on July 14.
The fishing is great and we have two great specials for you this summer. The first is the after work special. This is a 4 hour trip for $400 starting between 3:30PM to 4:30PM. The other is between July 14 through July 23. We have purchased a ticket for the boat that allows all of our clients that week to be entered into the largest big fish fishing tournament on Lake Michigan, http://www.salmon-a-rama.com/. This allows you to have a chance to win over 60 cash prizes, including the grand prize of $15000. Call for details. Call Silver King Charters today to try charter fising Milwaukee on Lake Michigan and experience some of the best salmon and trout fishing in years.
June 17, 2012
Lake Michigan salmon fishing remains one of the best in years. Silver King Charters went 27 for 39 "limit", 30 for 36 "limit, 22 for 26, and 25 for 40. The fish are again a mix of Chinook and Coho salmon and varies day to day on which we catch more of. The Coho salmon are now averaging 4 to 6 pounds and the Kings are 10 to 17 pounds for the mature ones. There is plenty of bait around and all the fish have been stuffed full, unlike earlier this season. The alewifes are the medium size three year old class. Good to remember when choosing spoon size.
Racine charter fishing has been very good in 40 to 70 feet of water. The fish are all over the water column and even though the water temperature is a little warm in these depths the fish cannot resist the enormous amount of bait in close. Out leadcore setups with spoons have been hot. Medium sized Stinger spoons in the dolphin series are our favorite right now. Little Boy Blue Howie flies, with white blades are very good on the dipsies and riggers. We still are running orange doggers for Coho and these sets produce 5 to 10 fish a trip. Fishing is very good and as long as the bait and cool enough water stay in close the fishing will stay outstanding.
We fishing the Kenosha Coho Classic on Saturday and won both the Classic and the Lake Michigan Southwest Series leg for the tournament. We had 139 pounds for the Classic in ten fish and 49 pounds for the Series in 3 fish. Check out the gallery for pictures. All the fish we weighted in were Chinook. Spoons on leadcore and boy blue flies with white flashers on dipsies ruled the day. First place feels so much better than second in the SU Open two weeks earlier. The difference was not as many lost fish. The Morris is this weekend and then we are back in Milwaukee for the rest of the season. Fishing for Chinooks has already been hot in Milwaukee and we cannot wait to start catching them for you. Call to book your summer adventure with Silver King Charters and start catching salmon.
June 11, 2012
Wisconsin salmon fishing remains very good. We are see more bait now and with this comes more fish. Our last five trips went 32 for 45 "limit", 15 for 22, 10 for 17, 20 for 27 "limit" and 25 for 32 "limit". Jim it is good to have goal! The fish have been predominantly Coho salmon of late. There are more 3 year Coho salmon around eating bait instead of little flies on the surface meaning bigger fish. The Coho's the last few trips are 4 to 6 pound average. There are still Chinook salmon in the catch and we are seeing a 10 to 16 pound average for the mature ones.
The fishing was outstanding in 90 to 140 feet of water Racine charter fishing on Friday and Saturday but cooler water moved the fish into 50 to 60 feet of water. Today our best bite was in 50 feet between Kenosha and Racine Wisconsin. We are running spoons on the leadcore sets with 5, 8 and 10 colors all working. On our copper sets we are running Spin Doctors at 75, 125, 200 feet. All board sets are taking fish and we still run an orange set on the outside of the lead and copper. These still produce fish. Our outside dipsies still use orange dodgers and peanut flies at 45 foot sets. The inside is wire dipsies, with Spin Doctors set between 75 and 150 feet of line. All riggers have fly and flasher sets. The hot one today was a large red dodger with a medium size green fly down 20 feet. This took 10 fish.
We will be in Racine until Thurday June 21 then in Winthrop Illinois for the Morris tournament and finally back home Milwaukee charter fishing on June 24. The fishing is great right now, so try us out of Racine before we leave. Don't forget about the big fishing contest, Salmon-A-Rama, from July 14 through July 23. We have purchased a ticket for this contest that makes all clients who fish with us that week eligible for over 60 cash prizes, including $15000! Book with Silver King Charters now before the week is filled up.
June 6, 2012
Racine charter fishing is still excellent as we went 10 for 13 "limit" and 20 for 24 "limit" in our last two trips. Same program as last week as we worked the second and third hills straight out of the Racine harbor. We were in 70 to 120 feet catching fish from the surface to the bottom. The thermocline has not set up yet and fish all all throughout the water column but there are plenty of them.
We are still seeing a mix of Chinook and Coho salmon, with the big Chinook this week weighing in at 17 pounds. Lake trout and Rainbow trout make up the catch right now. Both the last two trips saw all four species caught. We are now almost all flasher and flies, with are favorite set being a wire dipsy set at 3 and out 120 to 180 feet of line. Green Spin Doctor and a green fly on this set has been taking some nice Kings! Looks like the rest of the week will be great weather and great fishing. Silver King Charters starts charter fishing Milwaukee on June 24.
June 3, 2012
We are now in the peak Wisconsin charter fishing months on Lake Michigan, June through August. But the latter part of this week was more like April at times as a cold front bring strong north winds led to cancelled trips on Friday and Saturday. We did get a couple trips in earlier in the week and Sunday afternoon. We went 14 for 18 and 20 for 25 "limit". The fishing was real good despite the conditions.
We are now running more of a summer spread, with only for orange dodger peanut fly sets. These are found on the outside dipsies and outside boards and still are very productive. We are almost all flasher and flies on the riggers and inside dipsies. Green and white flashers have both been effective for us. I think the lead on the fly and area you work are more important. You find them they will hit it right now. Racine charter fishing has been best staight out of the harbor and in 70 to 120 feet of water. The best action has been changing day to day so we work a southeast heading until we get good amounts of hits and work that depth.
Silver King Charters has been using more copper than lead on boards early this year and spoons were the answer on these. We are now using spin doctors and flies. Our leads are between 22 and 26 inches from fly to flasher. The fly choice has been all over the map but they are Howie flies. We are still at a mix of Coho and Chinook salmon, with one better than the other almost ever other day. Fishing is still very good!!!
Even though we cancelled our trip for Friday morning because of 4 to 6 foot waves and probably an occasional 8 footer. We know because my first mate and I went out from 11:00AM-2:00PM. We need to pre fish for the Salmon Unlimited Open Tournament out of Racine Wisconsin. This paid off as we went 14 for 16 and found a good spot to fish for the tournament. The next day we went 35 for 42 and came in second place out of 55 boats. We were 1 pound out of first and had the winning fish on at the end but lost it. We weighed in 10 fish for a total weight of 134 pounds. We took 4th place in the Southwest Salmon Series, with a big three fish weighing in at 47 pounds. Oh so close but hopefully next time. Our top ten fish were 9 Chinook salmon and 1 Lake trout. Green fashers and green flies dominated the day. We trolled an east and west pattern in 80 to 120 feet of water. The best fish came 50 feet down right to the bottom.
Call us today and book a trip for Racine Wisconsin before we head back to Milwaukee on June 23. Don't forget about our Salmon-A-Rama special. You have a chance to win cash July 14 right through July 23 on any trip you book, including $10000! Call for more detials at 414-460-1467.
May 28, 2012
Racine charter fishing on Lake Michigan has been good if not great at times this Memorial Day weekend. We ran 4 trips going 15 for 18 "limit", 12 for 20, 5 for 6 in a very short trip, and 28 for 42 today. We are seeing more Coho salmon in the catch and they are starting to range in a 3 to 4 pound class. Our best success has been on the second hill in 70 feet of water. We are starting to run less orange Coho flags and more Chinook stuff but the Coho don't mind they are hitting it.
We have started using two and three color leadcore, with orange dodger and peanut flies. This is working a lot better than our mono and lead weight sets off boards. The two up high dipsies are still getting slammed with orange dodgers but the inside dipsies are now wire set ups. Spin doctors are working god on these. The deep leadcore setups have spoons on them and the best is Blue Dolphin Stingray Stingers and Kavorkian Stingers. We have been using spin doctors on the copper setups and 75 to 150 foot coppers work best. Riggers are a day to day thing. It seems they are on fire or they rot. Flashers on all of these and green is better than white.
Coho salmon, Chinook salmon and Lake trout are making up the bulk of the catch now and this a great time to catch a variety of species. Lake Michigan salmon fishing is in full swing now and the best three months for weather and fishing are here, so give us a call at 414-460-1467 and Silver King Charters will get you catching fish. We are still in Racine and will be back Milwaukee charter fishing on June 24.
May 23, 2012
Wisconsin Charter Fishing on Lake Michigan is still hot and Racine charter fishing remains a mix of Coho salmon and Chinook salmon. The last two mornings we went 19 for 31 and 15 for 16 "limit". The fishing is best off the third hill in 80 to 100 feet. The Chinook salmon are coming off copper set ups with spoons and on downriggers set 35 feet right down to the bottom on our back rigger. Many spoons are working but the magnum cracked ice Pro King has been best over the last 4 trips. The orange dodger and peanut flies are on up high boards and dipsies. These are still very productive in the top 12 feet of water.
Looks like Memorial Day weekend will be great weather for fishing and Silver King Charters still has openings for this weekend. Nothing better than Lake Michigan salmon fishing on a holiday weekend and then going home to grill your freshly caught fish. The salmon are biting, so call now to get in on the action.
May 20, 2012
Lake Michigan salmon fishing still remains outstanding! There are slow days but even then we see double digit catches. Only twice this week did we fail to reach a limit catch. Racine salmon fishing has seen an equal catch of Chinook salmon and Coho salmon. From the 62 fish caught over the weekend aboard the Silver King, 25 were Coho and 25 were Chinook but the biggest fish ended up being a 20 pound Lake trout! Our fishing hot spot in 200 feet of water staight out of Racine finally dried up. We now are taking most of the fish in 80 to 120 feet of water from the surface right to the bottom.
We have taken out a set of Coho set ups on the boards and switch to copper, with spoons on them. Our 100 to 200 foot coppers are working great, with kavorkian and hud stinger spoons working best. The cracked ice Pro King has been a stud on up high riggers. Otherwise it is flasher and flies on all other set ups. Orange dodger and peanut flies are still on all dipsies and one side of boards. These are important to have out because they can pick off Coho salmon quick when you run over a school.
This has been a unexpectedly great start for King salmon and the Coho salmon have not been as prevalent but the end result is great fishing. Memorial Day weekend should continue to see solid action and there are spots open to get in on the hot start to Lake Michigan salmon fishing, with Silver King Charters.
May 14, 2012
Wisconsin charter fishing remained very good for most of the week, with only a slow down on the weekend due to fairly strong north wind. The week day trips saw quick limits with Kings on riggers and Coho salmon mostly on up high dipsies. Saturday was tough for us after a front came through and left us with north winds and scattered fish. Our three weekend trips went 15 for 18, 11 for 16 and 11 for 12. I can't lie it was a tough weekend! Things got back to normal today, with a quick two man limit 10 for 13 in just an hour. This week looks spectacular weather wise and if Monday was any indication we are back on track.
Racine charter fishing seems to be better deep. At least for more consistent action. Our riggers have been on fire, with the exception of the weekend and this is where the Chinook salmon have come from. We have been all over but 200 plus feet is what seems to work best. Friday we did take some Kings in close on spoons but the action is steady out deep, althougth the fish are moving daily with multiple wind changes. The Coho salmon are around but have not been concentrated in big schools yet. This will happen soon with more stable weather. Water temperature on the surface have warmed but it is only 45 degrees in some spots and near shore almost 50 degrees.
Silver King Charters is offering a great Memorial Day special and there are still spots open. Friday through Monday all five hour trips become six hours for the same price as five hours. This gives you a great chance to catch more fish right when the fishing is hot. Racine salmon fishing has always been great for Coho salmon this time of year but we hope to have you taking a few King salmon home too. Call 414-460-1467 today and get in on some real good fishing.
May 6, 2012
Folks, Lake Michigan charter fishing is simple on fire and charter fishing Racine is better than last year! The big difference is there are more Chinook salmon in the area. This time of year is know for Coho salmon fishing but we are actually catching more Chinook salmon each trip. These fish are good size and great fighters. The mature Chinooks are running 12 to 18 pounds and this is outstanding for May. Silver King Charters finished strong this week, with are last two trips going 30 for 40 "limit" and 15 for 19 "limit". The fishing could start to turn into more of a Coho salmon bite but right now it is Chinook. If your looking for great fishing book now and fish now! It looks like this could be one of the best May's we have had for Chnooks ever and you through the Coho salmon bite in what more can you ask for out of Lake Michigan salmon fishing.
We are still fishing our hot spot in 200 feet of water staight off the harbor of Racine Wisconsin. The hot set is a green flasher and boy blue fly down 120 to 130 feet on a downrigger. This is taking 10 to 15 fish a trip. Spoons on the side riggers down 70 feet are also working. Stinger spoons like the natural born killer and the hud are very good. Orange dodgers and peanut flies are still producing most of the Coho salmon on the top 5 feet of water off boards. The Coho salmon are eating bugs on the surface now and the small flies are perfect for this situation. There are fish in close too but the Coho have not moved in yet. This should happen soon with more bait now near shore and warmer temperatures.
We see no reason for the fishing to slow down over the next several weeks and we are offering a great special for Memorial Day weekend. Book a 5 hour trip and receive and extra hour for free. Capitalize on this fantastic Racine salmon fishing during the next several weeks! Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and here us say FISH ON!
April 29, 2012
Silver King Charters ran its last trip for April this morning and it was 39 degrees at game time. The last two weeks have been unseasonable cold but the fishing has remained good. Fishing did slow a little this weekend because of weather conditions but we went 10 for 13 and 22 for 30 for the two trips run. It was a mixed bag of Chinook, Coho, Steelhead and Lakers. We are seeing some nice Chinook salmon this year and for those who fished with us last year know how tough it was to catch Kings during the season. The stocking is up for this year and this will definetely help.
We have been charter fishing Racine for the spring and most of the early season the action has been in 190 to 200 feet of water. The Chinook and Lake trout are coming off the downriggers set anywhere from 60 to 130 down. There have been several over 15 pounds, with the big of the young season weighing in at 18 pounds. Flasher flies are on the real deep riggers and spoons run above them. Coho salmon and Rainbow trout are coming of orange dodgers and peanut flies. We are running these on board and dipsies set in the top 15 feet.
May is right around the corner with warmer weather to follow and this is what will really help out the action, even though it is pretty good right now. People always ask when is the best time of the year to go fishing on Lake Michigan. I always say any time is good but May and the first week of June is the best time of the year for shear consitent numbers of fish. The Coho salmon are a little smaller at this time of the year but when you catch bunches of them it is an awsome time. Throw in a couple of Chinooks and you have a great day on the lake.
Racine charter fishing is known for its outstanding Coho salmon fishing and this is why Silver King Charters comes here for the spring. We are offering a great special for Memorial Day weekend, which is always great fishing off Racine. When you book a five hour trip you get an extra your for free. This is a $75 savings! Call us at 414-460-1467 for details. The fishing is already good and looks to even get better. I hope not to see another 40 degree day, that is too chilly even for the captain!
April 22, 2012
Wisconsin charter fishing fell under a cold spell as north winds dominated the weather pattern. Silver King Charters managed two trips this week and did well on both, with Brown trout in close and Coho salmon out deep. The average high temperature for this time of the year is 60 degrees and we should start seeing temps close to this in the coming week. The main thing is fishing is still good. Each week the Coho fishing has improved and Racine charter fishing will be at its best over the next 7 weeks. Call us at 414-460-1467 and experience Lake Michigan salmon fishing.
April 17, 2012
Racine charter fishing is still heating up but we are catching good amounts of fish in several areas now and have decided to extend our special to include Friday's. This means you can run a trip with Silver King Charters for $450 on any Friday, Saturday or Sunday. This is for 5 hours and our 6 hour trip is $500. We are charter fishing Kenosha and Racine ports when fishing close to shore. When going offshore we are straight off Racine in 200 feet of water. Coho salmon and Brown trout are making up the majority of the catch but we have caught all five species this year multiple times. Call now and if you are unable to make this special in April the fishing only gets better in May but not by much its pretty good now. Fish On!
April 14, 2012
The boat is in and we are fishing! Silver King Charters has been Racine charter fishing on Lake Michigan and we have had success every trip including a limit of 25 fish today. The location we are fishing has determined the catch and location is weather dependant. When we are in front of the Racine harbor the catch is mostly Brown trout, with a few Coho salmon. When the lake lets us get out deep the catch is a mixed bag of Coho salmon, Chinook salmon, Lake trout and Rainbow trout. The fish are either close to shore or in 200 plus feet of water. The lake is starting to set up for the Coho salmon slam but fishing is real good now.
Silver King Charters is offering a great special throught out April. All weekend trips are $450 for five hours and $500 for six hours. This is a $50 or $75 savings for some great fishing. May will become mostly Coho salmon and some of the best fishing of the year. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 today and have some great early season fun charter fishing Racine Wisconsin Lake Michigan salmon.
March 28, 2012
Silver King Charters is putting the finishing touches on the boat and equipment for the 2012 season. Racine charter fishing will be hot early this season and we have a great offer for you to start fishing Lake Michigan salmon and trout early. For all April weekends we are offering a 5 hour Lake Michigan fishing charter trip for $450. This is $50 off the normal price and for those of you who already know how hot the fishing is in May, well it looks like we will have a bonus month of this outstanding fishing.
How good is charter fishing Racine and Kenosha charter fishing during May? Well lets just say limit catches of Coho salmon is the norm. Once we find a school the fishing becomes catching and fast! The salmon are already showing up and we cannot wait to yell out FISH! Call now to get in on the hot early season action.
Silver King Charters is already receiving calls about winning $15,000! Hey this is just the tip of the ice burg. I guess that is not a good analogy for when you are on the water. There are over 60 ways to win cash on any Milwaukee fishing charter from July 14 through July 23, 2012. All you need to do is book a charter during this time and if you get lucky and catch a big fish you could win cash, including $15,000! We have purchased a $500 ticket to http://www.salmon-a-rama.com/ so all of our clients are eligible for the biggest fishing contest on Lake Michigan. This could catch a fish that pays for the price of a charter and more. Call us for details on this Lake Michigan Fishing Tournament - 414-460-1467.
March 20, 2012
We will be launching the boat in the first week of April and with the warm weather the fishing will be rocking! Lake Michigan salmon fishing was already looking good, with stocking numbers up but with this unusually warm weather this year we look to have one of the best years in a long time. Silver King Charters will be offering a $450 5 hour special for all April weekends and the fishing should be reel good. May is always outstanding and when asked about the best month to fish Lake Michigan I always say May. We catch the most limits during this month! We will be Racine charter fishing during these months to capitalize on superior fishing in the southern end of Lake Michigan.
We have only one more item to install before we put in and that is a brand new Raymarine radar. This will make your trips even safer. We have also put in a new sonar and graph, which means we have two of each aboard. Never want to be short fire power when Lake Michigan salmon fishing.
Silver King Charters has just announced that we will buy a $500 ticket to Salmon-A-Rama this year. This will make all our clients eligible to win over 60 cash prizes, including the grand prize of $15000 for big fish. The tournament is from July 14 through July 22, so book now and have a chance to win enough to pay for your trip or even more! See our rates page or call us at 414-460-1467 for more details. Anyone can do this a 13 year old girl won $10000 last year!
2011 Lake Michigan Charter Fishing Review for Racine and Milwaukee:
Silver King Charters would like to wish our family, friends and past clients a very Happy New Year. This is the last day of the year and a good time to reflect on the 2011 season. We ran over 100 trips this season and had only one trip that we did not land a fish. It was a day we should have cancelled but it was a bachelor party, damn the torpedoes trip. Otherwise we had some outstanding fishing for the most part. Here is the season in review.
Spring: May through Mid-June was probably some of the best action as it usually is. The Coho salmon fishing during this time of the year is almost unbelievable, with most trips ending in limit or near limit catches. We had several trips were we took 20 to 30 fish in less than 2 hours. But this is the time of year to catch a lot of great eating fun fighting Coho salmon. We depart are home port of Milwaukee for Racine to cash in on this bonanza of fish that will stay between the Illinois border and Racine for most of the early part of the season before breaking out to other parts of Lake Michigan. Silver King Charters took over 600 Coho salmon this season and with the Coho stocking up for 2012 we look to catch even more. All trips ran during this period saw double digits, with the exception of one trip were we struggled to catch only five fish. Most trips saw catches of 20 or better. During the spring we don't use the long leadcore or copper set ups and all the board rods have lines run on the surface. This means less reeling line and more fighting fish! Come Racine charter fishing in 2012 and help to catch a record number of Coho's!
Summer: Late June through August is when Silver King Charters returns to her home port of Milwaukee and is also the time for Chinook salmon but 2011was tough for mature King salmon. I have the privilege of releasing the Chinooks every spring for Milwaukee and 3 years prior to this season Wisconsin stocked a very low amount of Chinooks, so 2011 was tough. The Chinook stocking is back for 2012 and the next couple of years to come should be much better but in 2011 we needed to get creative for the early part of the summer. The Coho fishing remained strong for much of the year, with Coho's being caught over 10 pounds on a regular basis. The biggest landed on our boat was 14 pounds. It was a great year for Rainbow trout "Steelhead". Our customers landed a record amount, with many in the 10 to 15 pound range. All fish sizes were up in 2011 due to increased forage base and reduced stocking. There were a couple weeks early in July where Lake trout made up most of the catch. This came after a two fish trip one early July morning and we knew there just were not enough salmon in the area. After that we targeted the Lake trout that were around and catches went back to double digits. Again the trout were very nice size with the biggest just under 20 pounds. We slowly started to catch Chinook salmon and by early August size and amounts were decent. This year there were 14 Chinooks over 20 pounds, with one weighing in at 25 pounds and they were great fighting fish.
In 2012 we look to see more Chinooks caught, especially earlier than 2011 and double the amount of 20 plus pound Chinooks that were caught last season. There is a lot of bait in Lake Michigan right now and this will lead to larger fish. During this period we had only one trip end with 2 fish and this was the lowest catch for summer. Over 85% of our trips ended in double digits or limits this summer. Milwaukee charter fishing for Chinook salmon has waited 3 years for a real bump in stocking numbers and 2012 will be the first year to see the results. Silver King Charters is really looking forward to bring you some of the best Wisconsin charter fishing on Lake Michigan for salmon since 2007.
Fall: September and October was very good fishing, despite having our only no fish trip on a very rotten weather day. The only problem Silver King Charters had during the fall was weather and we had our most cancellations "5" because of this. The early spring and fall in 2011 was one of the worst seasons for weather we had in a long time but when we ran trips they were all double digit or limit trips, with only 1 exception. We capitalized on the mature Chinook salmon early in September and took some quick limits but like the last two years the harbor water warmed up. We did not stick around this fall and ran out 15 to 20 miles and fished Coho salmon, Rainbow trout and 2-3 year old Chinook salmon in 250 to 350 feet of water. The fishing was outstanding and the fish were good size. Silver King Charters recommends a 6 hour trip when going out deep because of the run time, which can take anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes. When we decide to go out deep the payoff is usually worth it. Past falls we probably tried too hard to force salmon to bite in warm harbor water.
2011 Tournament Season: Silver King Charters again fished 5 tournaments this year and we do this to stay sharp for you. Our first tournament was the Salmon Unlimited Open: Wisconsin. This was out of Racine, Wisconsin on June 4 and we placed 9 out of 42 boats. It was a tough day even though we boated 27 fish there were too few big ones. All contests are the same format, were you can only keep 15 fish and weigh in your best 10. You can only fish 9 rods.
The tournaments are all linked together in the Lake Michigan Southwest salmon series that account for 7 tournaments spanning from Winthrop, Illinois to Port Washington, Wisconsin. The point system for the Salmon series is based off your 3 biggest fish for each tournament and your best 3 scores out of 7 tournaments. We finished 6th in the Series out of 76 boats in 2011 and 2nd in 2010. Hope to win the series this year in 2012. I am also on the committee for the Salmon Series and the Vice President for the Great Lakes Fishermen-Milwaukee Chapter.
Our second tournament was the Geoffrey Morris Pro Division on June 23-24. This is the biggest tournament on this side of Lake Michigan and we came in 5th place this year, losing a fish near the end that would have put us in 2nd. We won this in 2010 for $15000. Our 3rd contest was the Salmon Shootout in Port Washington, Wisconsin on July 2nd. It was a very foggy day and convinced me to upgrade my radar, which is new for 2012. We lost too many big fish early but salvaged a 9th place finish.
The 4th tournament was a worst performance and was the Super Sweepstakes out of Racine, Wisconsin. We were dialed into to Lake trout and caught 13 of them but you can only weigh in 4 Lake trout. We could not get many salmon and finished 31st out of 72 boats. It hurt but this is what helps you on charter trips. We changed our strategy and the next day took a limit of 25 Coho salmon for our customers. Wish we would have adjusted sooner during the tournament.
The final tournament we fished was Brew City out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I co-chair this tournament and it is the second biggest of the season, with over 100 boats fishing it each year. Silver King Charters had a tough day but finished in 3rd place out of 101 boats, pecking away at the fish throughout the day. The weather changed the conditions drastically from what it had been the whole week before but patience paid off, while others panicked. We finished 2nd in 2010 and one of these days were going to win this darn thing.
All in all it was a sound year with only one time out of the top ten and finishing in 6th place for the Salmon Series. Charter captains must fish tournaments or technology and skill will pass them by and show up during their day to day trips. We use these tournaments to stay sharp and see what the hot styles are during that part of the season. Hopefully we are the ones using the hot baits.
2012: May through Mid June is the best time for anyone to experience Lake Michigan salmon fishing and 2012 looks to be another outstanding Coho salmon year. You may need an extra jacket but Racine charter fishing and Kenosha charter fishing is hot and almost every trip easily goes double digits or limit. We averaged 19 fish a trip over the last two years during this period and if you have run a trip with us you have heard me or Willy rave about this time of year. The Coho is the best tasting fish and fun for all ages to catch. The Coho puts up a great fight but you will not be reeling 300 feet of leadcore or copper to catch them. These fish can hit so close to the boat you can actually see them at times.
Silver King Charters hopes to see you in 2012 for the Coho run in Racine and the summer Chinook salmon action in Milwaukee. Finish the season with us in fall, whether we are in the Milwaukee harbor or offshore in 200-300 feet of water Silver King Charters will deliver fish all season or you don't pay! Stay warm until then and get ready to hear the words FISH ON!
Thanks for fishing with us in 2011:
Captain Kurt Pokrandt
Captain Willy Pokrandt
October 13, 2011
Forgot to update the site! Milwaukee charter fishing has been outstanding for the last 3 weeks period. We have taken limit catches on every trip except two and the action has been fast. We are seeing 2 and 3 year old Chinooks along with a couple Lake and Rainbow trout. The fish are coming in 150 to 200 feet of water and hitting anywhere from 80 feet to the bottom. The only thing that slows the fishing or should I say catching down is high winds. October is known for this, so we are unable to get out as frequently as during the summer.
Flasher and flies are working on riggers and dipsies. Color does not seem to matter much because the fish are feeding hard. We will be running trips through the end of October and the fishing should continue to remain great throughout.
September 24, 2011
It has been a couple of weeks since our last update but we have been busy catching fish. I will start out with the ugly. We had our first true skunk in over 4 years. It happened last Saturday on a day that most charters cancelled shortly after starting. We worked the warm water in the harbor because the lake had 4 to 6 foot waves and we ended the trip 0 for 3. The rest of the trips were outstanding. Silver King Charters went 15 for 18 "limit, 8 for 15, 10 for 15, 20 for 23 "limit", 25 for 31 "limit", 10 for 12 "limit, 18 for 23, 20 for 28 "limit", 17 for 24, and 25 for 30 "limit". Milwaukee charter fishing is on fire when Lake Michigan and the weather cooperate. The catch is made up of 2 and 3 year Chinooks, Lake trout, Rainbow trout and some Coho salmon.
If you are looking to catch great eating fish this is the time of year to book a trip. These fish are running from 2 to 14 pounds and are some of the best fish for the grill. The fish are coming in 90 to 120 feet of water right now and flasher flies are the super hot bait. This action will continue right through October. The morning trips start at 6:15AM and afternoons start between noon and 2:00PM. This is the best fishing we have had since the Coho salmon slaughter this spring. Book your end of the season trip with Silver King Charters now and even though the air temps are cooling the fishing will keep you warm.
September 12, 2011
The strong northeast winds finally subsided Saturday morning and allowed us to get back onto the fish out deep. We ran 4 trips going 8 for 13, 10 for 15, 10 for 12 "limit" and 15 for 20 "limit". Milwaukee charter fishing is really good when Lake Michigan behaves and there are good amounts of fish off Milwaukee. We are fishing from 150 to 300 feet of water and the fish are coming 100 to 240 feet down. There is a lot of warm water around pushing the fish deep into the water column. Flasher and flies are taking most of the fish, with downriggers being the top set up.
This is a great time to Charter fish Lake Michigan because morning trips start at 6:00AM and the fishing is good throughout the morning. The afternoon trips are also very productive at this time of the year. Silver King Charters is running trips through the end of October, so book a trip for your salmon adventure aboard the Silver King.
September 7, 2011
Lake Michigan charter fishing has been outstanding and the only thing slowing us down at times is the weather. We have had a steady stream of northeasters but this will eventually turn. The good news is that when the winds are strong we are able to fish the very large Milwaukee harbor and catch mature Chinook salmon that are running between 15 to 25 pounds. We are also catching many nice Brown trout. When we are on the lake the fishing is off the hook and we are catching all five species. This has been and outstanding September and we have been taking an average of 13 fish a trip, with 25 and 20 fish limits and the low catch was 6 fish during the last week.
Silver King Charters will be Milwaukee charter fishing through the end of October and there is a load of fish out front of Milwaukee and this should be an outstanding fall. Last season we limited out on ever October trip accept one. In the harbor a mix of plugs, stick baits, flasher flies and spoons are working. On the lake it is mostly flasher flies and some spoons. Get in on the hot action this fall and catch your salmon and trout before the season is over.
Don't forget to book a 2012 May Coho salmon trip. Racine charter fishing was great this year but next season more Coho's were stocked than during any other year. We took limit catches every trip last May with the exception of two trips. It was outstanding and 2012 will be the best year ever for spring Coho salmon based on the stocking numbers of 1.6 million fish. We put in mid April and start catching fish!
August, 30, 2011
Milwaukee Charter Fishing salmon and trout is excellent right now. We are fishing for Steelhead, Lake Trout, monster Coho and Chinook salmon offshore in 200 to 300 feet of water. Limit or near limit catches are coming on flasher/flies and spoons off the boards. This is a very hot bite right now and should continue. We are also catch Brown trout and mature Chinook salmon in the harbor on days it is to rough to go deep. Some of these Chinooks are 25 plus pounds. Either way we are catching fish and with the exception of one 4 fish trip all trips in the last 10 days have been double digit catches.
Labor Day weekend will be a great time to hook into this great fishing and we have some openings available, so give Silver King Charters a call today and hook up with some assume action charter fishing on Lake Michigan. This is a great time to book an offshore trip for 6 hours at $600 and really get into some great fishing.
August 21, 2011
Lake Michigan charter fishing is now focused on catching the four year old Chinook "King" salmon. These fish will be spawning in late September and this is the time of year to catch them as they are putting on weight before spawning. Silver King Charters has landed another four twenty plus pound Chinooks this week and multiple catches of 15 plus pound Chinooks on each trip. We are waiting for that 25 to 30 pound King this season and you could be the lucky person to land this fish. The next three weeks will most likely see a fish like this.
Milwaukee charter fishing was tough to start the week as Northeast winds pushed the thermocline down 90 feet. This means 65 degree water was as deep as 90 feet down. The thermocline is now back up to 50 feet deep and we are taking more fish in the top 50 feet of water. The next three weeks will see the best big fish catches of the year before we start targeting fish offshore again, so give Silver King Charters a call at 414-460-1467 and catch a trophy fish before summer is over.
August 15, 2011
Milwaukee charter fishing has been very good last week and Silver King Charters has been out every day. We have had double digit catches in the mornings and 8 to 16 fish catches in the afternoons. The bulk of the catch has been Steelhead and Chinook salmon. These fish are big with a 10 plus pound Steelhead being landed on each trip, with the biggest one being 13 pounds! The mature Chinook salmon are averaging 16 pounds, with eight of them over 20 pounds and one running 24.5 pounds. We have a month before these big Kings spawn, so book your Lake Michigan charter fishing trip today and see if you can land a big fish aboard Silver King Charters.
The fish have been coming up high in the warm water were the bait has been located. We are running spoons on the boards and flasher flies on the dipsy's and downriggers. This is the best season in years for big fish and we expect to catch several more trophies tis season. Silver King Charters ended the week fishing the biggest one day tournament on the western shore of Lake Michigan, The Brew City Salmon Tournament. There were 101 boats fishing Saturday and it was a very tough day of fishing but Silver King Charters managed 3rd place overall and took 2nd place in the 336, which is the top three fish for weight in your box. We were 8 points out of first. It was the last tournament of the season and we were in the top 10 in four out of five of the major tournaments. We apply these same winning techniques for you on your fishing trip, so you will go home with a successful catch each time. Call 414-460-1467 and book your trip today.
August 8, 2011
Charter fishing Milwaukee salmon and trout has definitely picked up this last week. We have taken double digit on all trips in the morning, except for a trip shortened by storms and all evening trips are now 8 to 12 fish, with one trip seeing 19 fish. The catch is mostly Chinook and Rainbow trout. The Steelhead are running 8 to 12 pounds and we are sure to see a 15 plus pound Rainbow soon. The mature Chinooks are in the upper teens and reports of 25 pound plus Kings are starting to show up. This is the year of BIG FISH and the rest of August is the time to catch them. There is more bait fish in Lake Michigan than anytime over the last ten years and this will lead to trophies.
Milwaukee charter fishing has been best straight out of the harbor and we have been anywhere from 50 to 180 feet of water. The action has been moving but Silver King Charters has been able to stay on the hot bite. We have the riggers, dipsy's and boards going, leading to nice catches. Call today and catch your BIG Lake Michigan salmon.
August 1, 2011
We have had an up and down week on Lake Michigan charter fishing. Some trips the Chinook salmon have been going crazy and other days they have complete lock jaw. We have been all over the place from the harbor to 300 feet of water and from 13 miles north and south of Milwaukee. Silver King Charters is working hard to put fish in the boat and when the Kings don't bite we have been taking Lake trout, Steelhead and Coho salmon. We ran 10 trips that saw catches from 2 fish trips to 20 fish trips but there has been no consistence to the bite. The mornings have been slightly better but not by much.
The good news is we are catching more Chinook salmon each week and this is the best month for them. Also the fish are big this year. We landed an 11 pound Coho last week and have seen several upper teen Chinooks. There should be several 20 pounders landed this month. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 and find out about our special that we are running through August 11.
July 24, 2011
The temperature has been hot in Milwaukee over the last couple of weeks and now Milwaukee charter fishing is starting to heat up. After last weeks tough bite things started to turn this week and we ended the week with some nice catches. We went 12 for 14, 15 for 20, 15 for 21 "limit" and 15 for 19 during the last four trips of the week. The difference this week is there are more Chinook salmon in the catch. We are also taking 1 to 5 Rainbow trout "Steelhead" during each trip. Along with Lake trout and Coho salmon these are the fish making up the catch. It has been a strictly flasher and fly bite in about 80 to 110 feet of water. Lake Michigan charter fishing at this time of the year relies on Chinook salmon for big numbers of fish, so we hope to see the trend improve.
Call soon to book your Milwaukee fishing charter with Silver King Charters because the next three weeks tend to be some of the best summer fishing of the year on Lake Michigan.
July 18, 2011
Sorry for the delay in reports but we have been super busy Lake Michigan charter fishing these last 3 weeks. July has been solid for salmon and trout fishing but we expect it to become really good from now through August. The Chinooks have just begun to show up more consistent in the catch but trout and Coho salmon are still a big part of each catch. The bite has been primarly off downriggers and dipsy divers, with flasher flies being the real only good baits. Our board lines have been virtually dead except with the outside ones that still have Coho baits on them. When the boards go our catches will increase.
Milwaukee charter fishing has still been very good for Silver King charters over the last several weeks with some limit catches of 30 for 38, 27 for 47, 25 for 28, 20 for 22, 20 for 28 15 for 19 and 12 for 20. There have been some tough trips as Lake Michigan is still setting up for summer. We had some trips at 8 for 12, 7 for 10, 4 for 8 and our worst trip of the year at 2 for 2. Sorry about that. But the rest of our trips were in double digits and mixed bags of trout and salmon.
This is a busy time of the year for charter fishing Milwaukee and if your looking to get out on Lake Michigan and catch salmon and trout call early to get the date you want and try to have a couple dates in mind. We have the best equipment to find and catch fish for you, with years of experience to deliver every time. Our great days far exceed the tough ones, so call for your salmon fishing trip with Silver King Charters today.
June 28, 2011
Lake Michigan charter fishing is in full swing now and the summer weather is finally here. We are back in Milwaukee after a long stint in Racine that ended up being and outstanding Coho salmon season. We boated close to 500 Coho's this spring. Last weekend we fished the pro side of the Morris tournament out of Winthrop Harbor, Illinois and took 5th place. We lost the fish that would have made it 2nd place. This is the biggest payout tournament on the western side of Lake Michigan and we won it last year. Fifth place was still an outstanding finish in this tournament.
Silver King Charters is now Milwaukee charter fishing and we are starting to catch Chinook salmon along with Coho, Lake trout and Rainbow trout. We are fishing from 120 to 200 feet of water anywhere from the surface to 150 feet down. The hot baits are flasher flies off downriggers. The mature Chinooks are running 13 to 16 pounds, with many reports of 20 pound fish. This looks to be a great season and all 5 of our first Milwaukee fishing trips have seen Chinooks in the box. Soon this will make up the bulk of the catch. Book now for your summer adventure with Silver King Charters, Milwaukee salmon fishing.
June 18, 2011
Racine charter fishing for salmon has remained strong this week. The best fishing has been found in 50 to 60 feet of water. Orange dodgers and peanut flies along with white flashers and aqua flies have been catching the fish. Our latest catches have been 17 for 27, 14 for 23, 19 for 32 and 20 for 21 "limit". Most of these were Coho salmon and a case of lost fish has prevented more limits but the catches were still outstanding. We have started catching some nice Chinooks in the 14 to 17 pound range.
Silver King Charters only has two more dates open for Racine salmon fishing and these are Wednesday afternoon 6/22/11 and Thursday morning 6/23/11. The Coho fishing is still hot so call now for a Racine charter fishing trip.
Milwaukee charter fishing for Silver King Charters begins Sunday morning 6/26/11 and we are excited to fish are home port again. Milwaukee is consistently one of the best and most productive ports from July through October and early reports look real good for 2011. We will be transitioning from Coho salmon to Chinook salmon fishing but for now it will be a mixed catch. Call us at 414-460-1467 to experience the best Wisconsin salmon fishing has to offer.
June 12, 2011
Wisconsin charter fishing on Lake Michigan was like the deadliest catch when a strong northeaster took over our weather for several days. We are still not into a summer pattern but next week looks like the start of it. We finished the week with four trips and all were limits except one. Silver King Charters went 10 for 12 "limit" 13 for 16, 18 for 21 "limit" and 20 for 28 "limit. Most of the catch is still Coho salmon but we are seeing Chinook salmon, Lake trout and Rainbow trout also. We have been fishing 80 to 200 feet of water. The fish are coming from the surface down to 120 feet.
We are starting to run more flasher/flies but orange dodgers are still productive. We will be Racine charter fishing until June 22 and start up Milwaukee charter fishing June 25. There are still a couple of weeks to catch Coho salmon is great numbers and these fish are now running 4 to 6 pounds. This is a great time to catch good numbers of fish along with some bigger fish. Call Silver King Charters today and get in on the last weekend we are Racine salmon fishing.
June 5, 2011
Lake Michigan charter fishing is still red hot off Racine, Wisconsin. We took limit catches this weekend of 27 for 33, 22 for 30 and 30 for 38. Most of these fish were Coho salmon but we did catch a few Chinook salmon and Lake Trout. We fished our first contest on Saturday and after catching over 30 fish it was only good for 9 place but we have five more tournaments to improve. This is when Racine charter fishing will start to transition into more Chinook salmon but we still should have one or two more outstanding Coho salmon weekends left.
Wisconsin salmon fishing for Coho's is fast paced and really fun for fishermen of all ages because you get a fun fight that does not take 15 to 30 minutes to bring in. This is a great time to bring younger anglers fishing. Silver King Charters has openings for this weekend, so call now and get in on the hottest action of the season so far.
May 30, 2011
Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing is off the hook! Racine charter fishing is the place to be as we continue to take limit catches of Coho salmon and we are now catching Chinook salmon too. We ended the week with 25 for 33 and 20 for 23, which were both limit catches. Most of these were Coho salmon averaging 4 pounds. These fish are the best eating fish you can catch and are perfect for a cookout.
The fish are coming from 15 to 120 feet of water but the top 15 feet is still the target area. Orange dodgers and flies still rule the waters but we are starting to run some of our summer spread for Chinooks. We are booked Thursday through Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon and Sunday are still open. Silver King Charters moves back home June 24 and this looks to be one of the best seasons in the last four years for Milwaukee charter fishing salmon. Call 414-460-1467 to catch salmon and trout this season.
May 24, 2011
Racine charter fishing remains outstanding for Coho salmon. We went 27 for 39 "limit" today and all the fish were Coho salmon. These fish are in tight to shore, which means we are fishing minutes after leaving the dock. You will be fighting fish early into your trip. The orange dodger and slightly larger flies are the ticket now. Memorial Day weekend should be some of the best Coho fishing of the season so far. Call and book your Coho fishing trip today at 414-460-1467 and you will be saying "Fish On!" aboard the Silver King.
May 22, 2011
Wisconsin salmon fishing on Lake Michigan remains outstanding. Racine charter fishing has been red hot throughout the week. As the air temperatures continue to rise and water temps become warmer the fishing will only get better. We struggled on only one trip last week but the rest of the trips saw limit catches. Silver King Charters ended the week with a 33 for 55 limit catch of Coho salmon. The hot Coho bait is the orange dogger and peanut fly fished in the top 10 feet of water. The schools have been constantly moving but when we find them the action is fast. We have been fishing from 15 feet of water to 210 feet of water but 40 to 60 feet has been best.
Lake Michigan salmon fishing has just begun for the season and in several weeks Silver King Charters will be at its home port Milwaukee charter fishing Chinook salmon. But Memorial Day weekend is coming up and it will be another great weekend for catching Coho salmon out of Racine, Wisconsin. Call 414-460-1467 for a salmon fishing trip this Memorial Day weekend with Silver King Charters.
May 15, 2011
Racine charter fishing was outstanding until Friday afternoon when the gusty north winds started blowing, making Lake Michigan unfishable. The wind have been gusting to over 40 mph for the last two and a half days. The winds are supposed to subside on Tuesday and we should be back to the fantastic spring Coho salmon fishing. The real good Coho fishing was just getting started and once things settle down on Lake Michgan again it should continue through mid June. After that we will begin Milwaukee charter fishing and targeting Chinook salmon. This upcoming weekend and Memorial Day weekend look to be the best weekend of the season so far and there are still some openings available. Wisconsin salmon fishing for Coho salmon is fast paced and will peak over the next three weeks. Silver King Charters runs a 16 line spread for these fish, giving you a great chance to catch your fill. Call today at 414-460-1467 and schedule your trip today.
May 8, 2011
Wisconsin salmon fishing in the southern half of Lake Michigan is starting to take off and Silver King Charters is located in the perfect spot for you to catch salmon. Racine charter fishing is starting to see some limit catches of Coho salmon and the last several days have been some of the best of the early season. We finished the week on Mother's Day with a three man limit, going 15 for 18 in a couple of hours. The catches have been mostly Coho salmon caught off orange dodgers and peanut flies. Warmer temperatures have helped to improve the action and this upcoming week will see some of the warmest temperatures of the season. This will lead to some great action and a great time to book a charter. Call Silver King Charters today to get in on the best Coho salmon fishing of the year.
May 5, 2011
Coho fishing is really starting to pick up and with warmer weather this weekend and all next week it should be outstanding. The catch is about 80% Coho salmon, with Lake trout and Brown trout filling out the cooler. The early trips this year have seen catches from 8 to 15 fish but with warmer temps this weekend and next the action will accelerate. Coho salmon just need a little warm water on the suface and they go crazy. orange doggers and peanut flies are the top bait in 20 to 60 feet of water. Most fish are coming in the top 10 feet of water. Wisconsin salmon fishing is outstanding at this time and spring Coho salmon are the best tasting fish in Lake Michigan. Call 414-460-1467 and get in on the action.
April 23, 2011
After Silver King Charters put the boat in the water it started to snow and there were periodic snow showers for the next 4 days. What a way to start the season. I thought it was spring! But more seasonal weather is back and the fish are biting. The catch is Brown trout, Coho salmon and Lake trout. There are a few Kings in the mix. The fish are coming anywhere from 10 to 75 feet of water off orange dodgers and peanut flies or spoons. Racine Charter fishing and Kenosha charter fishing will be very productive over the next 6 weeks and Coho salmon will make up the majority of the catch. Call today and get in on the action.
April 11, 2011
We begin the 2011 fishing season on Saturday April 16 when the boat goes in at Racine's Reefpoint Marina. We will be already fishing both days and the early reports are excellent. The Coho salmon and Brown Trout action is already good off Racine and will only improve in May and early June. Boats are already taking 10 to 15 Coho salmon a trip and this is just a taste of what is to come. The Brown trout action is even better, so call now and get in on some of the best action of the year.
March 22, 2011
Silver King Charters has spent the last couple months getting ready for the 2011 season. We are schedule to put in out of Reefpoint Marina on April 16 and will be ready to fish that weekend. Brown trout, Lake trout and a few Coho salmon will be our primary target for the first 3 weeks. After that it will be Coho madness for the next several weeks. It looks to be a great year for Coho salmon because of solid stockings over the last two seasons of the Coho. We have added high speed reels for all of our long leadcore and copper rods, so you can do half the reeling you did before. I know people found it challenging to reel 300 feet of copper or leadcore and I didn't like it much either. We will be updating weekly for the rest of the season.
Remember we run trips out of Racine through the 3rd week of June to give you excellent early season action. We are back in Milwaukee June 24 to battle the Kings. If you book a Racine trip with us and are from out of town you can book a hotel room at the Radison, which is located at the Reefpoint marina. This is walking distance from the boat. Call and book your trip for the fast action Coho fishing this spring.
November 1, 2010
The 2010 season is over for Silver King Charters and it finished with a bang. After one of the worst September in recent years, a month that usually deliver's outstanding action, October more than made up for it. We only had one trip that did not end in a limit catch and the last 10 days saw all 5 trips end with 20 fish limits in less than five hours. These were good size fish and has the 2011 season is looking very good.
Clients always ask when is the best time to schedule a trip and it is always difficult to say. Every year has its quirks that will make fishing real good or very bad for periods of time. This spring right through June was fantastic because of unseasonable warm temperatures. Mid July, which is usual the best time of the year was awful due to a 24 hour rain storm that dumped 11 inches of rain and scattered fish for several weeks. August was a solid month that saw the best 10 day strech of the season. September was full of high winds that never allowed fish to set up in a pattern. Twice during September winds reached gusts over 50 mph. October was fantastic thoughout the whole month and only May and June were as good.
The Lake Michigan fishing season is weather dependent, so plan your trip around the primary salmon you want to catch and what works best for your schedule. Leave the fishing up to us and if the fish don't cooperate your trip is free. Silver King Charters did not have a skunk during any scheduled trips, although we had one trip that only landed a 15 inch Brown trout. We ran a group trip for another charter and did have a skunk but out of 85 trips this season that is not bad. We ended up with a 9.5 fish average for each 5 hour trip.
October 11, 2010
Charter fishing Milwaukee really was hot last weekend and we enjoyed excellent weather. Silver King Charters ran three trips going 16 for 24, 21 for 34 and 10 for 12. All trips enjoyed limit catches. We were fishing in 260 to 300 feet of water about 13 to 17 miles off shore but that is where the fish are. The catches included Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, Lake trout and Rainbow trout or Steelhead. This is some of the best action we have had in 6 weeks as far as quick action. These fish have been putting up great fights. Flasher and fly combinations have been working down 80 to 100 feet and boards are taking fish at the surface down to 50 feet.
Give us a call today at 414-460-1467 to hook up on this great action. We will be running trips through October.
September 26, 2010
I can't wait for September to be over. We have spent most of this month in the harbor. It was the toughest month of fishing this year and one of the worst Septembers in recent years. In our last 11 trips we had two one fish trips, a two fish trip and several 3 to 5 fish trips. Most of these fish have been small Brown trout. The good news is that two of the last three trips out on the lake this week have been 10 and 16 fish trips. October has always been a great month on the lake for 2 to 10 pound Chinooks, Browns, Rainbows an Lake Trout. I am so looking forward to fishing out on the open waters next month and Milwaukee charter fishing looks promising.
Silver King Charters will be running trips through October and though the temperatures can be cool in the mornings the fishing can warm you up fast. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to book an October trip and catch some of the last salmon of the season.
September 8, 2010
Lake Michigan charter fishing came to a halt over the last week. Gale force winds hit the Milwaukee area twice and made the lake unfishable for 4 out of 7 days. The few times we ran trips the fishing was tough and fish scattered by high winds. We had two of our worst trips going 2 for 3 and 3 for 3. The other trip was better but not by much going 9 for 10. The good thing is the lake has now turned over for the fall and fishing will be good for the fall but it was the toughest week since the rains in mid July.
Silver King Charters will target mature salmon and trout near the harbor mouths and out in the lake we will be fishing Steelhead, Lake trout and 2 or 3 year old salmon. This is also a great time of the year to catch Brown trout. We beleive this is some of the best fishing of the year and we run trips through October and longer if weather permits. We paid our dues this weekend and apologize to those we had to cancell trips due to wind or the poor fishing caused by this situation but the fishing is rarely slow for long off the shores of Milwaukee.
August 30, 2010
The last 12 days Milwaukee charter fishing has been full of wind switches moving fish constanly but we have managed to stay on top of fish. Silver King Charters has been fishing the the harbor gaps, the 100 foot contour and out in 300 plus feet of water where we have been catching Rainbow trout. We have been on the move to continue to put fish in the boat for our clients. We ran 12 trips over the last 12 days and the toughest trip was a 5 for 8 outing. There were two trips were we took 20 fish and these were both limit catches. Most or the trips during this period we averaged 9 fish a trip.
Labor Day weekend is coming up this weekend and we have openings. Silver King Charters will either be targeting the big schools of Steelhead out deep or big Chinook salmon around the harbor or just north of the city. Call us at 414-460-1467 to experience charter fishing Milwaukee at its best.
August 18, 2010
Saturday we fished the biggest one day tournament on Lake Michigan and finished in 2nd place out of 115 boats. We landed the 2nd biggest Lake Trout at 16 pounds and finished in 1st in the big three fish contest at 48 pounds. The contest was the Brew City Salmon Tournament held on Saturday August 14. You can weigh-in up to 15 fish and you receive 10 points per fish and 1 point per pound. We ended with 157.4 pounds and 307.4 points. The Silver King crew was outstanding going 27 for 34 on fish. We kept 4 small ones early that took us out of first but we were the fifth boat in. I co-chair this tournament and it was a very busy week but the fishing was great.
This was a great tournament year for Silver King Charters. We came in 2nd place in the Salmon Unlimited Opener and 2nd place in the top three fish for the tournament. We finished in 2nd place in the GLSF Fish-In. The best finish was first place in the Geoffrey Morris Pro Division Invitational. This is the top tournament for the western shores of Lake Michigan and we blew out the field of the best on the lake winning $15,000. Silver King Charters fishes these tournaments so we stay on top of our game for you. When you are Milwaukee charter fishing or Racine charter fishing you know we have the ability to put fish in the boat for your big day.
Silver King Charters has openings for the next two weekends and this is the time of year we start to catch the 4 year old Chinook salmon before they start to stage around the river. These fish put up a great fight, so call 414-460-1467 to get in on the action.
August 14, 2010
It has been a couple of weeks since I have given an update but we have been very busy. The fishing was tough for about ten days after the big rain storm. It scattered the salmon and almost half our catch was Lake trout. The Lake trout were good size with 10 to 15 pound fish almost every catch and one that was 21 pounds. But the Kings are back and in big numbers. Last week we started catching them and we are putting 10 to 20 salmon in the boat a trip. Our last 5 morning trips saw 27 for 34, 22 for 27, 16 for 20, 23 for 28 and 27 for 34. Not bad fishing for 5 hour trips.
We are booked for both morning and evening for the rest of this week, with the exception of Friday evening. But we have dates open for the following weekend and Labor day weekend. This fishing looks to be outstanding right through September and dates are booking fast, so call 414-460-1467 to book a trip with Silver King Charters. We will be Milwaukee charter fishing right through the second week of November.
July 28, 2010
Silver King Charters has run 9 trips since our last report and fishing has been really good with the exception of the big rain storm when Milwaukee was drenched in almost nearly 10 inches of rain in less than a day. This caused dirty water and lots of debris in the water. Milwaukee charter fishing did have some tough times for several days but fishing is back to normal and Chinook salmon are King of the catch.
We netted over 90 Chinooks for clients during these last nine trips along with some really nice Lake trout. We are fishing 80 to 100 feet of water and the fish are coming down 50 feet and right to the bottom. Lake Michigan water has finally warmed up creating a temperature break 50 feet down. Flasher flies are catching 80 percent of the fish right now and charter fishing Milwaukee is about to really get outstanding. There are a lot of fish in front of Milwaukee right now! Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 to get in on the action.
July 19, 2010
Milwaukee charter fishing is very good, with 80 percent of the catch being Chinook "King" salmon. We ran four trips last week, with is the two morning trips going 20 for 22 "limit and 25 for 31 "limit. The two evening trips were 8 for 12 and 3 for 12. The evening are very good if we run the trips from from 3:30PM to 8:30PM. The bite is has been much better later in the evening for the last couple of weeks. We were out tonight and went 10 for 15 in and hour and a half and were back at the dock by 6:00PM. The bite is definetely day to day at night.
Charter fishing Milwaukee has been very hot in and around the breakwall of the Milwaukee harbor. The bait fish are spawning and the water is cold near shore. This sets up some great fishing close to the harbor. We are fishing within 10 minutes of leaving the dock and tonight we had the first fish in the boat 5 minutes after setting a line. Looks like this action should hold up through the weekend and Silver King Charters has some opens still available this week, so call 414-460-1467 and catch your King salmon this summer.
July 11, 2010
Charter fishing Milwaukee has been outstanding, with the exception of storm shortened trips. The two things that will cancel or shorten trips is high winds or lightening. We usually have a few trips each year this happens to and this week we had two trips cut short due to potential lightening. Silver King Charters believes in safety first and being fair to customers. Both trips only last two hours and we did catch fish but were under a limit. In this situation we go by an hourly rate, if the trip is under four hours on a five hour trip. When we start a trip it will be $250 and after the third hour it is $350 and if we start the forth hour the trip is full charge. Many people ask about this and we want to be fair with are customers, so you will come back and you have a safe trip.
Back to fishing. The two shortened trips went 5 for 7 in 1 hour and 6 for 10 in two hours. Both were evening trips and missed the best part of the bite near the end. We had 4 other trips going 18 for 20, 10 for 12 "limit", 16 for 20 and 22 for 26. Silver King Charters also fished the Super Sweeps tournanment and went 14 for 15. It was a very disappointing day but they happen. The fish have been coing between 30 to 60 feet of water from the surface one down to the bottom. Fish can be very finicky when this shallow but the water is very cold due to southwest winds keeping fish close to shore. We are running spoons on leadcores from 2 to 8 colors and fly dodger combo's off downriggers and dipsies. when we are in shallow water there are days we only run 3 lines close to the boat to avoid spooking the fish.
This is still the best year we have had in several and it will only get better through the next couple of months. Call us at 414-460-1467 and we will do our best to get the days you want to fish.
July 4, 2010
We are taking July 4 off but the last two days of fishing have been good. Friday we went 8 for 10 in an afternoon trip. The lake was rough at 3 to 5 foot waves but we managed to catch for of the five different fish on the lake, only missing the Brown trout. On Saturday the fish moved into shallower water and some boats were catching fish in 25 feet of water. We went 17 for 20 and caught 8 Lake trout. The strong south winds have brought the cold water and fish closer to shore for now and should remain the same for the next week. The next two months of charter fishing Milwaukee will be the best of the season and with dates booking fast you will want to call and reserve the date you want soon.
July 1, 2010
The end of June was outstanding for Chinook salmon and we had 3 over twenty pounds. The fish are mostly coming on flasher and fly set ups and downriggers have been very productive. We are fishing straight out of Milwaukee and a little north in 85 feet of water. Our last trip we went 19 for 19 in two and a half hours. Charter fishing Milwaukee has not been this good in the last couple of years and we are just getting started. Call today to book a trip at 414-460-1467.
June 23, 2010
Milwaukee charter fishing is on fire and the Chinook salmon are abundant and fighting hard. We have run six trips since returning from Winthrop after are big first place win. We have gone 11 for 11 "limit", 20 for 23 "limit", 18 for 21, 8 for 20, 18 for 22 and 16 for 20. Out of these fish 80 were Chinook salmon. This is the best start to a summer and a season we have had on Lake Michigan in the last three seasons. The best action is in 80 to 100 feet any where from 30 to 80 feet down. Flashers and flies are doing the damage. This is a great time to book a trip while the fishing is smoking hot!
June 19, 2010
Silver King Charters won the the Pro Division Geoffrey Morris Memorial fishing tournament this weekend. The two day tournament has a first place prize of $15000 and the biggest tournament ever won by a Milwaukee charter boat. We had all our first mates and my brother Willy aboard to pull off this impressive win. The Geoffrey Morris is the biggest paying tournanment on the west side of Lake Michigan. The Silver King crew won in impressive fashion by the second largest weight the first day and the largest on the second. The next closest boat was 35 points back. We landed 15 fish each day, which was the most you could weigh in. Add this to our second place finish in the Salmon Unlimited Opener we are off to a great tournament start.
We start Milwaukee charter fishing Sunday and fishing is very good right now. Chinook salmon are already off the shores of Milwaukee in good numbers and this is why Milwaukee is the best port for summer Kings. Call to experience the rush of fighting a "King" Chinook salmon.
June 15, 2010
The fishing remains good this year as we have had one of the best starts to a season in the last several years. Both Coho and Chinook salmon are caught during these trips along with some trout. This is the best time to catch a mix of salmon before the catch becomes mostly Chinook. We will be fishing a major tournament Friday and Saturday and the we will begin charter fishing Miwaukee for salmon and trout the next day. The season is setting up to be a good one for big Kings! Call Silver King Charters to take advantage of this great action.
Our hot set ups are 7 and 8 color leadcores with silver or purple spoons. The wire dipsy divers have been hot for big Chinook salmon. We use green spin doctors with green flies on this set up. The action has been between 50 to 90 feet from the surface right to the bottom. The thermocline is setting up and will make fishing only better.
June 12, 2010
Silver King Charters ran two trips Saturday and we are still catching some nice Coho salmon. These fish are averaging 5 pounds with some running up to 10 pounds. The Chinook salmon fishing is starting to pick up and we are starting to see a transition to when 80 percent of the catch will be Chinook. Are second trip today was a charter we donated to help raise money for a child with luekemia. We ended up going 10 for 18 on this trip and the people really had a great time. The trip helped raise much needed money for medical expenses.
We have some openings before heading back to start Milwaukee charter fishing on June 19. Before we head back will fish the Geoffrey Morris Inventational out of Winthrop harbor in Illinois. This is a big time tournament and runs on June 18 and 19. Fishing out of Milwaukee should really start to pick up that last week of June, so call to book a trip during a time when you can catch both Coho and Chinook salmon equally. This will only last a couple of weeks.
June 9, 2010
Fishing is still very good off Racine as the week started off with a 10 for 13 "limit" and 14 for 16 trips. We are still catching about 70% Coho salmon but a few nice Chinooks in the 10 to 20 pound class are coming on almost every trip. Leadcores at 7 and 10 colors, with spoons are hot right now. The wire dipsies are also taking fish with green flashers and flies. Orange dodgers and green peanut flies are still producing Coho salmon. We have some slots open before moving back to Milwaukee, so call Silver King Charters to take advantage for the last part of the Coho season.
June 6, 2010
Silver King Charters had another good week of fishing off Racine Wisconsin. The week was highlighted by a 2nd place finish in the SU Opener. This is the first tournament off the western shores of Lake Michigan. Captain Willy Pokrandt guided the Silver King to a 19 for 23 fish performance. We could only weigh in the best 12 fish and the total weight was 105.3 pounds. The crew was made up of all of Silver King's first mates Chris, Andy and Matt. There will be many more tournaments this year but this was an outstanding start against some tough competition out of Racine. Our captains and crew fish tournaments to stay sharp so our charter clients will experience the best trips possible. We have openings for this week and we only have a couple more weeks in Racine before charter fishing Milwaukee begins June 19 for Silver King Charters.
May 31, 2010
The Coho fishing keeps on rolling off the shores of Racine Wisconsin during Memorial Day weekend. Although are last trip was a little slow the fishing is still very good. Silver King Charters ran four trips this weekend. We went 21 for 27, 20 for 26 "limit", 20 for 24 and 15 for 19. Out of the fish landed 70 of them were Coho salmon. The orange dodger and green peanut fly ruled the weekend and took 70 percent of the fish. This will be changing soon as we start using bigger flashers and spoons on copper or leadcore set ups.
This outstanding Coho fishing is coming to an end but we should have a couple more weekends of very good fishing for these salmon. There is not a better eating fish on the lake. We have only a couple more weeks before we are back in our home port of Milwaukee hunting for the Chinook "King" salmon and Milwaukee charter fishing is one the best ports in all of Wisconsin for the Kings.
Silver King Charters has some open dates for Coho fishing in the next two weeks, so call to book a trip before this great part of the season is over.
May 24, 2010
Silver King Charters was out Thursday, Saturday and Sunday this week. The fishing is great and the Coho fishing is at its best right now. In our first trip we went 15 for 20 "limit" and all were Coho salmon except one. On this trip we worked the mouth of the Root river and orange dodgers followed by green peanut flies running off boards were the hot ticket.
Saturday morning started out hot off the river mouth but died off after an hour. We needed to slide out to 40 feet of water to hook up with a more consistent bite. We ended at 18 for 23 and just could get the last two for a limit. The fish came off riggers, dipsies and boards equally once we found the fish. Most fish were coming in the top ten feet of water.
On Sunday we went back to 40 feet of water and the fish moved on us a third time. We ended up about three miles south of Racine and in 55 to 65 feet of water. Once we found the Coho's we went 21 for 28. Lost to many at the end to limit out but our clients from Texas had a blast.
From these three trips 56 of the fish landed were Coho salmon. The filets off these fish are bright orange and outstanding tasting. Spring Coho's are the best eating fish caught all season. The next three weekends should be very good Coho fishing before they start to give way to Chinook salmon. Charter fishing Racine Wisconsin is going strong right now and if you want to experience the best Coho fishing of 2010 call to book a trip soon. Silver King Charters will begin charter fishing Milwaukee Wisconsin starting June 20 for the outstanding Chinook salmon fishing found off the port of Milwaukee.
May 17, 2010
Charter fishing Racine Wisconsin is outstanding. Silver King Charters took limits every time out this week and finished strong on Saturday and Sunday. On 5/15 we went 20 for 30 "limit" and on 5/16 we went 22 for 24 "limit". Friday both trips were the same but we need fewer fish for limit catches. All the action is in 170 to 210 feet of water and the fish are from the surface to the bottom because there is not a temp break. White flasher and aqua fly combinations are working best deep and orange dodgers with green flies are working near the surface.
This will equal some of the best fishing this season. The up coming weekend should continue to produce great catches and we have times avaliable this weekend. These fish are fighting hard in this cold water and are very aggressive. Coho salmon are making up the majority of the catch but some real nice Chinooks as big as 18 pounds are also coming on almost every trip. We are going to be in Racine through June 20 before Milwaukee charter fishing starts up on the first day of summer. Call now and take advantage of some of the best fishing of the year while it last at a great rate for Lake Michigan charter fishing.
May 14, 2010
The fishing is really heating up this week and except for high wind days this week the action has been fast. Today we had a two person trip and took went 12 for 14 in an 90 minutes. Fish are coming out deeper in 160 to 240 feet but the action is fantastic. We are catching Coho salmon from the surface down to 120 feet on riggers. Chinooks are mixed in and range from 10 to 15 pounds. This has been a great start to the year and it looks to continue. We have Sunday and Saturday afternoon open and for those two trips we are offering $400 for four hours, with a limit of 4 people or fewer. Come experience this outstanding fishing and call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467.
May 9, 2010
This week was tough for fishing. There was a lot of bad weather and we only ran one trip on Saturday that went 2 for 5. The good news is there are plenty fo fish being caught and the best of the Coho salmon fishing is just about to start. There were boats out this week that had limit of near limit catches when weather permitted. The hot set up still is the orange dodger followed by a peanut fly. The Coho's just cannot resist them.
We are booked for all the mornings Thursday through Sunday but afternoon trips are still open Friday through Sunday. Coho salmon will bite just as good during the day, so afternoon trips can be very productive. We will be charter fishing Racine through June 14 out of Reefpoint marina. This is just a half hour south of Milwaukee. We are back charter fishing Milwaukee near the end of June when this area becomes the most productive on Lake Michigan.
May 2, 2010
Silver King Charters ran two trips this weekend and charter fishing Racine and Kenosha has begun to heat up. We went 22 for 26 "limit" and 14 for 17. Most of the fish were Coho salmon but there were 4 Chinooks, 1 Brown and 1 Rainbow. The Chinook salmon ranged 10 to 14 pounds. Most of the fish came off boards or dipsy set ups. The hot bait is orange dodgers followed by peanut flies. The fish are coming if the top 10 feet of water in a depth of 20 to 40 feet. The Coho fishing will only become better throughout May as the water temperature warms up. The current surface temps are between 42 to 50 degrees. The key has been finding these warm pockets of water. We still have openings for the up coming weekend and the fishing should continue to improve.
April 26, 2010
We are now slipped in Racine's Reefpoint marina and ready to fish. The Coho salmon are biting and good numbers are being caught off orange dodgers and small flies. Most of the action is in the top 10 feet in 40 to 70 feet of water. This looks to be a very good May for Coho salmon. These fish are some of the best eating fish you will catch all season. Racine and Kenosha charter fishing is in full swing and Silver King Charters will be fishing off both shorelines. Lake trout, Brown trout and Rainbow trout will also be in the mix but right now it will be primarly Coho salmon. We still have some weekend dates open so call 414-460-1467 to book your trip.
April 5, 2010
The warm spring is setting up for an excellent start to the season. We will be putting the Silver King in on April 16 and running several shakedown trips to get ready for the season. We have installed all new electronics and speedriggers to give you the best fishing experience possible. Silver King Charters fishes out of two ports, so we can follow the salmon as they migrate north at the start of the season. The boat will be in Racine through the balance of April and May. We are back in Milwaukee in early June. The Coho salmon are already being caught in the southern part of Lake Michigan and we expect to see Coho's showing up off Kenosha and Racine by the first couple weeks of May. This should be an outstanding spring and we are looking foward to giving our clients another fun season. We run trips for 1 through 6 people at outstanding rates, with one of the best boats ever made to fish Lake Michigan and the experience to deliver fish.
March 8, 2010
The Milwaukee harbor is ice free and filled with fish. Brown trout, Lake trout and Rainbow trout are all being caught in the harbor. Rainbow trout are coming in to the harbor area and will be heading up the river to spawn soon. The fishing is outstanding on many days now and this should continue through April. Give Silver King Charters a call for the best 1 and 2 person charter rates in Milwaukee. We are the only charter offering a no fish- no pay policy for these spring trips!
February 23, 2010
The new Silver King is almost completely rigged with the most updated equipment and electronics to fish Lake Michigan salmon and trout. The downriggers are all high speed Big Jon Brutes. These downriggers can retrieve a ball from 200 feet in one minute. This allows us to set hot baits faster than ever. All 30 of the rod holders are new in 2010. The electronics are all new for this season too and will give us the most up to date equipment to find fish fast for you to catch. The boat will be in the water during the third week of April and I will be running trips by the first week of May out of Racine. Brown trout trips will be starting in early March and the fishing looks to be very good this spring. Call for early season specials.
January 25, 2010
The Wisconsin Charter Fishing season is not far away and Silver King Charters is already preparing for another great season of fishing. I will begin running trips in the 18' boat during the first week of March or maybe sooner if weather permits. The target fish on these trips are Brown Trout and Lake Trout and the fishing takes place in and around the Milwaukee harbor. These trips are hands on and for 1 to 2 people. The price is $300 and for more details please look at the Brown Trout page.
The Silver King will be in the water by mid April and trips will begin shortly after a few sea trails have been run. The trips are run out of Racine for the first part of the season to capitalize on Coho salmon, which migrate from the southern part of Lake Michigan. The boat is rigged with all new 2010 equipment and electronics. Call today and ask about many great early season specials and specials for booking early.November 30, 2009
Silver King Charters has purchased a new boat and it is a 29' Tiara Open. This boat has a 10 foot beam and lots of space in the back to fish from. The hull has a keel, which gives her excellent stability in the water. The boat is powered by twin Crusader inboard engines with 540 horsepower. The Tiara Open is the ultimate weapon for trolling Lake Michigan salmon and trout and I am excited to offer this new boat for you to charter from.
I will be also offering spring and fall charters from a 18' Wellcraft, which is also a new addition. This boat will take 1 to 2 people fishing for spring Brown trout and fall Chinook salmon. This boat is fully rigged just like the Tiara but gives you a more hands on experience.
I will be looking for a sister boat to the Tiara and hope to have one within a year. It is tough to find boats of an excellent standard that Silver King Charters like to offer. Silver King Chartes really is looking foward to the 2010 season and there will be more details to come on the new Silver King. Have a Happy Holidays.
October 10, 2009
Milwaukee charter fishing is over for 2009 season. Silver King Charters ran 4 more trips in October and fishing remained deep but active. We were in 100 to 150 feet fishing 60 to 100 feet down. The catch was primarily 2 and 3 year old Chinook salmon. Some of the 3 year old Chinooks were 12 to 14 pounds. This is a good sign for the 2010 season. During the final four trips we went 8 for 12, 10 for 12 "limit", 10 for 11 and 5 for 7 "limit". The season was good and we ended up with one skunk, one trip with a shaker and one trip with just one fish. over 35% of Silver King Charters trips went for limits and 90% of our trips were 5 fish or more.
We end are charter fishing season early because we are selling the boat and buying a 27 foot boat. We will still give you great quality and service but with more comfort. We will also be Charter Fishing Racine for the first two months of the season. We want to give you better and more consistent fishing in May and June. The Coho salmon migrate from the southern part of Lake Michigan and by starting further south we can put you on these fish sooner. Racine Charter Fishing is outstanding in May and early June for Coho's. We will be back in Milwaukee for the great Chinook salmon fishing in mid to late June. Silver King Charters will also be offering 1 and 2 person Brown trout charter fishing trips in Milwaukee during March and April. We run these trips in and around the Milwaukee harbor. This is an outstanding Brown trout fishery and is considered one of the best on the Great Lakes.
As soon as we have the boat or boats purchased for next season we will update you with details and pictures. Thanks to all who booked a charter with Silver King Charters in 2009 and we hope you will be back in 2010.
September 28, 2009
Silver King Charters ran 3 trips this weekend and the fishing was very good. We went 7 for 9 "limit", 10 for 14 and 10 for 13 "limit". Every fish we landed was a Chinook salmon and most were two or three olds. The biggest was 13 pounds and most averaged between 5 to 10 pounds. The fish were still deep in about 110 feet of water coming between 65 to 95 feet down. This was the best weekend of fishing in a month and with strong west winds coming for the next couple of days we should see some more good fishing next weekend. Give Silver King Charters a call to get out on Lake Michigan and catch some of the last good salmon fishing of 2009.
September 21, 2009
We ran two trips this week and fishing was slow. The first trip was Thursday night and we went 7 for 12. This sounds good but all the fish came in the first hour and a half. All were Chinook salmon around 3 to 10 pounds. The fish were still deep in about 120 feet and biting 65 feet down to the bottom. The second trip was the worst of the year. We went 0 for 0 with only two hits and was Silver Kings first skunk of the year best a shaker trip just two weeks ago. We were forced to fish in the harbor due to 5 to 8 foot waves on the lake. The water in the harbor was 70 degrees from top to bottom and the salmon are very sluggish in this warm of water. The water temperature is usually between 54-62 degrees this time of year and the fishing is outstanding. We need west winds.
There will be some outstanding fishing still to come this season and it should turn around any day. Silver King Charters runs trips through October and Milwaukee Charter Fishing for salmon and trout will continue to improve as water cools.
September 14, 2009
Silver King Charters Ran 4 trips on Labor day weekend, one weeknight trip and four trips this last weekend. The fishing still remains deep due to warm water and the harbor fishing is still tough for the same reason. We still took fish each trip but the fishing was on again and off again. The trips went as follows: 10 for 13, 6 for 8, 3 for 6, 12 for 13, 3 for 8, 12 for 15 "limit", 7 for 8 and 5 for 9.
There is plenty of Milwaukee charter fishing left this season and west winds will really help out the harbor fishing for mature Chinook salmon. We will continue to catch 1, 2 and 3 year old Chinooks, Lake and Rainbow trout. There also will be some good Brown trout fishing in a few more weeks.
Call Silver King Charters today and book a trip this season and receive $25 off a 2010 trip charter fishing Wisconsin Lake Michigan salmon.
September 2, 2009
We were out Thursday through Tuesday and things got very tough starting Saturday morning when we had 20-30 mph winds from the north and made things difficult to say the least. It also turn Lake Michigan upside down. The thermocline is now down 115 feet and this is were the salmon. Silver King Charters went 10 for 12 "limit" , 5 for 8, 2 for 4, cancel Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning due to high winds, 7 for 10, 1 for 3 and 5 for 8. Fishing is getting back to normal as the salmon have begun to adjust after the blow.
Silver King Charters almost had its first skunk on Sunday night and the only fish we caught was a 1.5 lb Chinook salmon. We want our customers back and these clients recieved the trip for $50 because a shaker King salmon is not a fish aboard Silver King Charters. Hopefully mother nature cooperates the rest of the season and fishing continues to be good through October.
We have all of 9/4 and the afternoons of 9/6 and 9/7 open for Labor day weekend and the weather looks fantastic for fishing. So call 414-460-1467 and book a trip charter fishing Milwaukee Wisconsin salmon this weekend. The big four year old salmon are starting to show up outside the habor and are outstanding to fight.
August 27, 2009
Last trip was Wednesday night and we took 7 Chinook salmon including 4 that were over 12 pounds. Silver King Charters is book through September 1, 2009 but we still have openings for Labor Day weekend. This is always a great weekend for Chinook salmon fishing on Lake Michigan and one of the last weekends to catch the mature four year old Chinook salmon out on the lake before they begin their spawning run. Call today to try Wisconsin charter fishing for salmon and trout aboard Silver King Charters.
August 24, 2009
Milwaukee charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon remains good. Silver King Charters ran three morning trips Saturday through Monday and all were good trips. We went 13 for 13, 15 for 18 "limit" and 11 for 13 "limit". Most of these fish were Chinook salmon and ranged in size from 5 to 18 pounds. This week we have Wednesday-Friday nights open and Sunday morning. Labor day is starting to fill up too so call 414-460-1467 now to secure a trip to catch Chinook salmon and trout on Lake Michigan aboard Silver King Charters.
August 21, 2009
Silver King Charters ran 3 trips Wednesday through Friday and though weather played havoc on all three trips we took fish each day. We went 15 for 18, 11 for 14 and 5 for 7. Most of the fish were Chinook salmon and several were over 15 pounds. There is still excellent fishing out on Lake Michigan but salmon are starting to show up around the harbor now and with all the cold water around we run trips just outside the harbor for bigger fish. In a couple of weeks we will be targeting the mature Chinooke salmon around the Milwaukee harbor and this is some of the best Milwaukee charter fishing of the year.
Silver King Charters runs weekday evening specials for harbor fishing through September for only $300. This is the lowest price for charter fishing Milwaukee Chinook salmon in town and the most exciting of the season. Come experience salmon fishing along the Milwaukee skyline this fall aboard Silver King Charters by calling 414-460-1467.
August 16, 2009
The fishing has been tough the last several days due to extremely cold water from top to bottom. Surface temps have been as low as 47 degrees and the temp break is only 10 to 15 feet down. There is a lot of warm water off shore and with a little east win the fishing will improve. Silver King Charters is still taking nice fish but we are working for them in as shallow as 20 feet of water at times. Are average catches over the the last several days has been 8 fish, with 75% of the catch being Chinook salmon. Several on these fish were 18 to 21 pounds and are putting up great fights in this cold water.
The fish have been coming off flasher/flies on downriggers early and spoons on boards using 2,3,4,5 and 6 color leadcore. The fish are very picky in the shallow cold water and patients is required to catch these fish.
Even though the fishing is challenging we have had many happy customers with more than enough fish after we clean them. There will be several outstanding weeks yet to come for Chinook salmon and cold water can blow out in less than 48 hours, making the fishing more consistent throughout a trip. Lake Michigan Milwaukee charter fishing is still one of the best salmon fisheries in the world and Silver King Charters can have you catching salmon today. Call 414-460-1467 to book a trip today.
August 12, 2009
Lake Michigan Milwaukee charter fishing has remained very good, with the best action of the season occuring right now. Silver King CHarters ran 10 trips last week and had limit catches for customers on 7 of those trips. We took 20 fish on two of those trips and 15 on 3 more. Size has been very good and there has been a 15 pound or better Chinook salmon caught on every trip. This kind of action should contimue through the middle of September.
The water is ice cold right now and we are fishing between 40 to 70 feet of water and anywhere from 10 to 60 feet down. Flasher/flies, spoons and plugs are all working with white and aqua flasher and flies doing the best.
This week the Wisconsin State Fair is going on and we are located just 10 minutes from the fair. So book a trip to fish Lake Michigan salmon and trout this week and then check out the fair. Silver King Charters will be running trips right through October when Brown trout fishing and 3 and 2 year Chinook fishing is really good.
August 3, 2009
Charter fishing Milwaukee is continually improving each week making up for a cold and slow start. Silver King Charters is averaging 8 fish on our night trips and 12 fish on our morning trips. We are taking many nice Chinook salmon over 15 pounds now and these fish are a great fight. We have 14 trips already in the books for this month, so booking ahead is important to get the best date for you.
The salmon fishing will only get better during the next 6 weeks and we should see several more 20 plus pound King salmon landed during this period of time. Flasher and flies are producing best on the downriggers and spoons or plugs have been hot on the board lines. We have been fishing between 50 to 90 feet of water for most of the season due to all the cool water around. We are the only charter boat that still offers a No Fish-No Pay policy for a 5 hour trip. Early mornings and trips starting at 3:00PM for afternoons are the best times to book. Come try your shot at fighting a salmon this season by calling 414-460-1467.
July 27, 2009
Lake Michigan Milwaukee charter fishing has really improved this last week. Silver King Charters is starting to see double digit catches on a more consistent basis. We had a 10 for 12, 11 for 16, 13 for 15 and 17 for 21 trips during the week. Again the best times are early and late during the day, so starting your trip as early as possible is key. For evenings we are leaving the dock at 3:30PM to capitalize on the best bite. Customers landed several Chinook salmon over 15 pounds and the largest of the week was 19.5 pounds. Every spiece of fish was landed this week including several Brown trout over 15 pounds.
The action was from 60 to 85 feet of water and between 30 to 60 feet down. The board and dipsy rods took over 75% of the fish. The 7 to 10 color leadcores nd 125 to 200 foot coppers with spoons worked good. Green flasher and fly combinations caught the fish on the dipsies.
Chinook salmon are going to make up over 65% of the catch through the first couple weeks of September. After a real late start to the season it looks to be some great fishing coming up, so book ahead to make sure you get the date you want.
July 21, 2009
Milwaukee charter fishing has been consistent and the best weeks are yet to come. We ran a trip last Wednesday night and landed 5 nice fish, including a 14 pound Chinook salmon. Saturday Silver King Charters did 3 trips. The morning trip was tough due to a wind change to the North right at the start of the trip. We struggled to catch 4 fish but again there was a 15 pound Chinook caught. The mid day trip was exceptional for size and we went 6 for 6. We caught a 14 lb Lake trout, 13 lb Rainbow trout and a 23 lb Chinook salmon right in a row. This is the second 23 ponund Chinook caught in a week.
The evening trip on Saturday agian suffered a wind switch and we ended up with 6 fish. We had one nice Chinook Salmon along with a 9 pound Rainbow trout. The evening bites have been very productive along with the early mornings and we have been catching 6 to 8 fish in the first and last hours of trips. Silver King Charters starts trips to give you the best chance to catch fish.
Sunday mornings trip was good but lost to many fish. The fish were not very agressive when striking baits. We ended up 6 for 12 and had on nice Chinook weighing in at 17 pounds and also landed a Lake trout, Rainbow trout and Coho salmon. This was a nice mixed bag. The mid day trip was the best of the weekend. It was a one person trip and I wish it was for four people. The fish were hitting good after the weather finally held steady for more than half a day and this helped the bite. We went 6 for 7 in two hours and all the Chinook salmon were nice size. We offer single person trips with a first mate at $300 and on our 18 foot boat it cost $200. These our outstanding values for one peson to fish salmon on Lake Michigan. The 18 foot boat also offers 2 person trips for $250. We do not have a first mate for this boat.
Silver King Charters 18 foot Wellcraft is an excellent boat to fish out of and has all the equipment the 24 foot boat has. The motor is a 125 horsepower Yamaha and also has a 8 horse trolling motor.
This weekend has lots of events going on downtown. The air show will be on both Saturday and Sunday along the shores of Lake Michigan. You will have an outstanding veiw for all the different planes while charter fishing Milwaukee salmon. When your done fishing German Fest is going on at the Summerfest grounds and is walking distance from the dock. I stlll have a couple of good openings for this weekend, so call 414-460-1467 and catch a Lake Michigan salmon.
July 14, 2009
Wisconsin charter fishing is continuing to improve and Silver King Charters ran 2 trips Saturday, 1 trip Sunday, 2 trips Monday and 1 trip Tuesday. Saturday was slow and we went 4 for 7 and 5 for 8 during the trips. We landed 5 beautiful Rainbow "Steelhead" trout during these trips.
We had an outstanding trip on Sunday going 11 for 13 and landing 7 fish in the first 30 minutes of the trip. It is very important to start your morning trips as early as possible to capitalize on the early morning bite. We also landed a 23.7 pound Chinook salmon during the trip and this was Silver King Charters biggest of the season. This fish wound up first place in Racine's http://www.bigfishbash.com/ Steve Lesch landed the fish after a twenty minute fight. We hope he wins when the contest finishes next Sunday but this is still impressive with over 3,000 people fishing the contest. Steve also caught a 10.4 pound Coho on this trip and told me it was in second place for the Coho Division. Not bad for a morning of fishing.
On Monday we ended up with 8 fish for each trip. Both trips caught some nice size Chinook salmon. Chinooks are now becoming the primary catch and these are great fighting fish. Tuesday night we went 8 for 9 and had four fish hit at once near the end of the trip. We laned all 4 fish and two were over 15 pounds. The hot set up over these trips was a green flasher and green fly. We ran these on all set ups.
Lake Michigan Milwaukee charter fishing is really starting to heat up and sould only continue to improve. Festa Italiana is going on this weekend at the Summerfest grounds and is in walking distance from the slip. So fish in the morning and go to the fest at night or do and evening trip and stick around for some fantastic fireworks. http://www.festaitaliana.com/
July 9, 2009
We ran two trips yesterday and fishing has begun to improve. On the morning trip we went 8 for 9 and started at 6:00AM. I cannot stress enough that starting earlier is better. A friend of mine was out an hour earlier and took 6 fish during that hour. He caught only two in the period we were out. The afternoon trip started at noon, so the guys could get to the baseball game. On this trip we went 10 for 11. Again I like to start at 3:00 or 4:00PM to hit the best fishing hours for you on an evening trip. Both trips turned out good and we are marking lots of fish now.
Charter fishing Milwaukee is starting to target Chinook salmon now and this is some of the best action of the year. July and August are the best times to tartget Chinooks and some of these fish are reaching over 20 pounds. Silver King Charters has times available for this weekend, so call 414-460-1467 and start catching salmon today.
July 6, 2009
Charter fishing Milwaukee has been slow over the last two weeks. Silver King Charters is the last service that still offers a No Fish-No Pay policy for a five hour charter during morning and evening trips. We have averaged five fish a trip and though we have not been skunked there have been some very slow trips. The good news is the summer pattern is just about set up and fishing will pick up again. The other good item is there are some real nice size fish being caught this year. Milwaukee Charter fishing should see several 30 pound Chinook salmon this year and Siver King Charters has landed several Chinooks over 15 to 18 pounds.
There is very little consistentcy to report and we have a new hot bait every trip but as soon as the summer pattern sets up we will dial into the hot set ups for the summer. I cannot emphisis enough to start your morning trip as early as possibly. For evening trips I start at 3:00PM to give you the best possible fishing times. To start a Milwaukee fishing charter trip earlier will be taking fish out of your trip.
We have been running as many as 15 lines during these tough times to give you the best chance at catching salmon and trout. The board lines with cracked ice pro kings and the riggers with green cracked ice spin doctors and green flies have worked best lately.
Silver King Charters has two captains with with a combined 50 years experience and 4 first mates with over 10 years experience fishing on Lake Michigan. This kind of knowledge is what gives you a great chance to land fish.
This weekend the Milwaukee Brewers are in town for a series with the Cardinals and Bastile Days will be going on downtown. This is one of Milwaukee's best festivals. Some come to Milwaukee and experience a great day charter fishing Milwaukee salmon and trout and then go to the festival or Brewer game. I have the Brewer link further down this page.
June 30, 2009
Silver King Charters was down in Racine Wisconsin fishing the Bob Uecker Make-A-Wish tournement. We had a good pre-fishing day going 10 for 18 but come the two days of the tournement we couldn't stay on active fish and the results were not as we hoped. It was still great to fish for a tournement supporting the Make A Wish Foundation. The fish are scattered from 35 to 350 feet of water but when we find active fish they are qualitly size.
The mature Chinook salmon are running 12 to 20 pounds and Coho salmon are 5 to 10 pounds. Summerfest is still running this weekend and we are located within walking distance of the park. Charter fishing Milwaukee salmon on Lake Michigan is a great way to start your day before going to Summerfest.
June 22, 2009
Silver King Charters ran 6 trips last week and averaged 8 fish a trip. Lake Michgan is setting up for the summer as a thermocline begins to form. Once there is a layer of warm water over cold the fishing will really turn on again. This last week we landed some real nice size Chinook Salmon on every trip and soon Chinooks will make up the bulk of the catch. We landed 3 that weighed 15 lbs. There should be several over the season in the twenty pound range.
Charter fishing Wisconsin Milwaukee is in demand through the summer and Silver King Charters is booked through Sunday morning 6/28/09. We have openings starting Sunday afternoon and many during the worlds largest music festival Summerfest. Are boat is located within 12 minutes walking distance from Summerfest. Charter fishing for salmon is a great way to start the day before going to the fest and you can leave your car by the marina and walk to the grounds. For more infomation on Summerfest go to http://www.summerfest.com/. Book soon for a date during this week. The fishing should be outstanding.
June 14, 2009
Great morning of fishing on Sunday, going 19 for 23. The bite was in 200 feet of water, with most of the fish coming in the top 20 feet of water. Coho salmon came off of 3, 4 and 5 color leadcore, using orange B&B dodgers with green flies. We took some fish off the downriggers and all hits coming on flasher and fly combinations. We landed a 12.4 pound Coho, which is a monster for Coho salmon and is the biggest caught on Silver King Charters in three years. Two nice Chinooks were landed that weighed 12 and 13 pounds. The Chinooks came 100 feet down on the riggers.
Charter fishing Milwaukee is starting to heat up and dates are being booked, so call today and make sure you get the day you want for a great experience on Lake Michigan.
June 12, 2009
Was out Thursday night and it was bumpy. The wind was NNE at 10 to 20 knots, which lead to 2 to 4 foot waves. The guys were tough and we made the best of it going 9 for 11 by the end fo the trip. All fish came on white flashers and aqua or green flies. The hot depth was 85 feet and all fish came 50 feet down or deeper.
This weekend looks much better wind wise and the fishing continues to approve as more fish are moving into the area. Call Silver King Charters to get on the lake this weekend to catch salmon and trout.
June 10, 2009
Ran a trip on Tuesday night and went 7 for 8. Caught 4 nice Coho, 2 Chinook and 1 Lake trout. All fish were caught on flasher and fly combinations, with white flasher and boy blue flies working best. The downriggers saw most of the action set between 45 to 75 feet. We worked between 80 to 110 feet of water. Fishing looks to only improve over the next week as water temps continue to warm up and there is plenty of bait fish in the area.
The White Sox are in town this weekend to play the Milwaukee Brewers, so book a morning trip Charter fishing Milwaukee salmon aboard Silver King Charters and then go see the baseball game located 10 minutes from the marina afterwards. Go to http://www.brewers.com/ to find out more about the Milwaukee Brewers.
June 5, 2009
We did a trip tonight and it was outstanding! Finally we have good surface temp for this time of year and it was around 51.5 degrees. We went 10 for 12 and they were all nice fish. The catch was made up of 2 Lakers, 1 Coho and 7 Chinooks. Five of these Chinook salmon weighed between 12 and 15 pounds. This is great size for early June and good promise for seeing some twenty pound fish soon.
There has already been two 30 pound Kings caught on the Wisconsin side of Lake Michigan this year. Flasher and fly combinations on power pro dipsy rods were the hot set ups. We ran these with 100 feet of line out, which gets down to 50 feet of water. The flasher was a white pro troll e-chip with either an aqua or green fly. Dipsy set ups are great for catching big Chinook salmon throughout the season aboard Silver King Charters.
Charter fishing Milwaukee Wisconsin for Coho salmon is also in full swing with orange dodger and fly combinations working best for these excellent eating fish. We were working in anywhere from 80 to 140 feet of overall water and from the main gap of the harbor to Bender park for the last ten days. Real good fishing is here!
June 4, 2009
Fishing is starting to improve as water has warmed several degrees in the Milwaukee area. Silver King Charters went 13 for 15 this morning. Fish were coming in 130 to 140 feet and the best depths were between 50 to 90 feet. All but one fish came on flasher and flies. The hot set up was a wire dipsy that had a green flasher with silver tape and a green fly trailing it. Seven of these fish were Coho salmon and we should see a lot more of these over the next three weeks. This was the best weekend we have had so far in the short season for solid action. Come try Charter fishing Milwaukee this weekend and then go to the River Splash festival just minutes away in downtown Milwaukee
June 1, 2009
Fishing was tough this weekend with strong winds and cold temperatures the action slowed some. We still caught fish on every trip and there was good diversity. We caught Lake trout, Rainbow trout, Coho salmon and Chinook salmon. The action was between 100 to 150 feet of water between Milwaukee and Oak Creek, with most of the fish coming off flasher/fly combinations. More consistent action should happen this week with a warm up in temps. Charter Fishing Milwaukee is just one event you can do this weekend. After fishing with Silver King Charters you can enjoy River Splash in downtown Milwaukee. This is the 20th year for this music and food festival located around the Milwaukee River. Fishing in the morning or afternoon then a great festival at night is a great way to spend the weekend.
May 26, 2009
Well fishing out of Milwaukee has really improved, with Chinook and Coho salmon along with Lake and Rainbow trout making up the catch. We fished Friday and Monday and the action is definitely heating up. The next month will be solid Coho action and this is also a good time to catch Steelhead. We are catching Chinook salmon just below the Coho salmon and some of these fish are 12 to 15 pounds. The Coho salmon are coming on orange flashers and green or blue peanut flies and the Chinook are coming on green or white flashers with aqua flies. I was not out on Saturday and Sunday because I was putting a new prop on the boat. The best action is south of Milwaukee and we need to run about 10 miles south for solid action.
Charter fishing Milwaukee will be outstanding for multiple species during a trip and Coho salmon make the trip exciting with periods of very fast action. We have our first tournament trip on Sunday and this is a great deal. You get 6 hours of fishing time for the price of a five hour trip. You get to weigh in your fish at the tournament and a chance at winning a trophy. You also receive a lunch with brats, burgers, sides, beer and soda. At the end we clean and bag your fish. This trip is limited to 2 people and you are fishing against 20 plus boats. Call Silver King Charters at 414-460-1467 this week to book this trip.
May 21, 2009
The water is starting to warm up on Lake Michigan and so is the salmon fishing off Milwaukee. The Coho salmon are still south of us but should be here by next weekend. The Chinook salmon are around and being caught on most trips. Some of the fish are in the upper teens for weight and put up great fights. The salmon are coming on green flashers with aqua flies on downriggers and spoons off leadcore and copper set ups. We are fishing anywhere from the Milwaukee harbor gaps to 120 feet of water and this varies from day to day.
Call Silver King Charters this Memorial Day weekend at 414-460-1467 to book a trip charter fishing Milwaukee salmon and trout. Next weekend is Silver Kings first tournament trip on 5/31/09. This is an outstanding deal and the details for this special can be found on the rates page.
May 18, 2009
Fishing remained the same this week, with the catch made up of Chinook salmon, Lake trout and Brown trout. Silver King Charters has been fishing the early part of trips in the harbor and running out between 100-200 feet for the second half of trips in the mornings. This is in reverse for afternoon trips. We have yet to see Coho salmon in good numbers but it is only days before the orange dodger and peanut flies are running on 8 lines catching them. The Chinook salmon are good size ranging 10 to 18 pounds for 4 year old fish. Memorial Day weekend looks to be good fishing and we have a few openings still available, so call before we are booked up.
Charter fishing Milwaukee is outstanding fun and one of the best ports on Lake Michigan to catch salmon and trout. Milwaukee also offers many other great festivals and sporting events to attend when you come to town for charter fishing. I will be posting links to events and what is on tap for the up coming weeks, so you can plan some activites around your fishing trip.
May 11, 2009
Had a couple of trips early in the week and caught all Brown trout. These fish came in and around the harbor were the bait is bunched up and the water temperature is a little warmer. All fish came on spoons. We ran a trip Monday night and landed several fish including 3 nice Chinook salmon. Two of these fish were over 12 pounds and put up excellent fights. We fished just outside the main gap of the Milwaukee harbor. Silver King Charters has good rates for May afternoon trips and the main gap is just 12 minutes from the slip. We can put you on salmon and trout shortly after you arrive at the marina for a May evening trip.
The bait is stacked in the harbor and the water temperature should be excellent for the next couple of weeks. Salmon and trout will hold in and around the gaps making this area one of the best places to fish this time of year. We should start catching Coho salmon this weekend and for the next several weeks charter fishing Milwaukee will be mostly Coho with some Chinook salmon in the mix. These fish are putting up great fights in the cold water and are really exciting to catch.
The net pens were put in by the Great Lakes Sport Fishing Club on Saturday and the DNR put the salmon fingerlings in the pens on Monday. They will be realesed on Tuesday. We estimate 50,000 fish will be planted.
May 3, 2009
Silver King Charters ran two trips this weekend and it was all about the Brown Trout. We had one nice Lake Trout that weighed 14 pounds on the first day but the rest of the fish were Browns. These fish were between 2 and 9 pounds and are good eaters. We are finding them just outside the south end of Milwaukee harbor. We should be able to have one more good weekend of Brown Trout fishing before they disperse until fall and are difficult to catch in numbers.
Wisconsin charter fishing on Lake Michigan is in full swing and Coho salmon will be showing up in good numbers within a couple of weeks in Milwaukee. We should see a couple in the catch next week. The boats in Waukegan and Winthrop, at the border of Illinios and Wisconsin, are catching good numbers now. These fish migrate north as the water temperature increases by a couple of degrees.
Charter fishing Milwaukee looks to be starting out better than last year's rough, cold and wet start. This should be a solid year throughout the season. I have times available for next weekend, so call now and book a trip with Silver King Charters.
April 30, 2009
This is the first weekend of the 2009 season for Silver King Charters and we have two trips planned on Saturday and Sunday. Both Lake Trout and Brown Trout are hitting in and around the harbor and some salmon are biting out deep. The action should be good but the weather is going to be chilly. The boat is running great and set to catch fish right now. So give us a call and book a May trip. We have many specials for the 2009 season and May already looks to be a great month for charter fishing Milwaukee salmon and trout.
Silver King Charters still is one of two boats that offers a NO FISH - NO PAY policy and we have the best value for charter fishing in Milwaukee. Few Wisconsin charter fishing companies offer no fish - no charge policy. Come have a great time charter fishing this season aboard Silver King Charters.
April 1, 2009
The weather is still winter like and it seems like salmon fishing is months away but Silver King Charters will be wetting lines on May 1. This is just 30 days away and people have already been booking trips for the season. We are cleaning and waxing the boat now and checking all of the pumps, electronics and engine for the long season ahead. All new line is put on the over 35 reels we use during the year. I will be posting weekly reports for the rest of the season. It looks to be another great year Wisconsin charter fishing.
For those of you interested in the Brew City tournament please call me at 414-460-1467 for information. This year we offer $2650 in cash prizes for first and second place in all five spiecies. For the second year we have a $4000 cash prize for the top boat in the tournement. This is an outstanding tournament and for only $125 entry fee it is a great deal, so don't miss out.
February 1, 2009
Well we are a couple months away from the Wisconsin charter fishing on Lake Michigan to start full throttle again but Silver King Charters is already making preparations for another successful season. I offer a special for people booking a Charter with Silver King Charters in February or March. You will receive $25 off your 2009 Charter by booking early. I offer the best value on charter fishing in Millwaukee. Because I run a mid-size fuel efficient boat my cost are lower allowing me to offer the lowest price trips out of Milwaukee Harbor. My boat is very safe and the results outstanding. I tournament fish at the highest level and the Silver King is very competitive. Because of this high standard I offer a no fish-no pay policy and I am one of a very few Wisconsin charter fishing companies offering this guarantee. So book a trip this year with Siver King Charters and get more bang for your buck in these tough economic times. We will also clean your catch after the trip and this is all included in the trip and you will have a tasty supper that night. Stay warm and we will see you on the water.
Milwaukee charter fishing season is over for Silver King Charters for 2008. We did two more trips before calling quits and went 5 for 6 and 6 for 6. Most of the fish we took were small Brown Trout and 2 or 3 year Chinook Salmon. Lake Michigan Charter Fishing for Salmon was a tough one in 2008. After 3 consecutive record seasons for Chinook Salmon this year turned out to be very challenging. We averaged 12,13.5 adn 16 fish a trip the last 3 years but this year it was 8.5 fish. Everyone had tough times and there are many reasons for it but 8 fish trips are still very good catches and we hope to be back on track in 2009.
September 23, 2008
We have done 6 trips in the Harbor and it has been hit and miss. The catch has been Brown Trout and Chinook Salmon. The catches were 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11. This has been a challenging year in the harbor for Milwaukee Charter Fishing because the water temps are 68-70 degrees from top to bottom and this causes fish to be less aggresive. There should be a couple of good days for Coho Salmon and the water should be cooler than. I have done 2 trips out in the lake and one we took 10 fish and the other we netted only 4 but they were all great eating fish. Most trips for the rest of the year will be out on Lake Michigan for 2 and 3 year old Chinook Salmon, Brown Trout and Lake Trout. It is not too late to try Charter Fishing Milwaukee in 2008 aboard Silver King Charters.
September 2, 2008
Labor Day is now past but there is several more great weeks to fish Salmon and Trout in 2008. It was a real exciting weekend with Harley's 105th going on. Bruce Springsteen played 1/2 mile from where my boat is slipped. This weekend was solid, with 4 trips catching between 8-12 fish. The mature Chinook Salmon will be in the harbor starting next week and this will continue throughout September. This is an outstanding time to try Milwaukee Charter Fishing and catch 12-20 lb Chinook Salmon. Call Silver King for special rates on harbor trips.
August 26, 2008
Milwaukee Charter Fishing continues to be excellent. I had trips Thursday through Sunday mornings and took 3 man limits on two trips and a two man limit on another. Only Sunday we failed to reach a limit and the trip was cut short due to rough seas. We still managed to land 8 fish. Both on Thursday and Friday trips a customer landed a 20lb Chinook Salmon. This is a great time to catch a four year old King Salmon before they start spawning. Charter Fishing Milwaukee will continue to be outstanding over the next several weeks so book a charter today aboard Silver King Charters.
I would like to thank my first mates Chris Brand and my brother Willy for their excellent work this year. They help to put more fish in the boat for you and are probalbly some of the best and most experienced first mates for Charter Fishing Lake Michigan Salmon. Thanks again guys!
August 18, 2008
I was out Friday-Sunday mornings this week and had two person charters each day and each day we had a 2 man or 10 fish limit. Most of these fish were Chinooks and many of those wer 4 year old fish averaging 12-16lbs. Milwaukee Charter Fishing has really picked up this last week and looks to be a good rest of the month. This is a great time of the year to catch big Chinook Salmon and Silver King Charters will be out every evening and mornings Friday-Sunday, so book today and get in on the action.
August 13, 2008
This week I was not Charter Fishing Milwaukee because I was pre-fishing for Milwaukee's biggest Salmon tournament "Brew City". Although I fish many tournaments each year this one is special because I co-chair the tournament and spend many hours each year improving it. This year we had 115 boats register and the grand prize was $4000. The tournament was on Saturday and begins with a shot gun start at 5:30AM. You can fish until 2:00PM and weigh in 15 fish. We finished with 12-20 good enogh for 18th place. Most of my customers don't lose this many fish in five hours. Respectful but not were I wanted to be. We lost 3 fish at the back of the boat which would have put us in 10th place were my brother finished. I have finished no worse than 30th and my best was 5th place in eight years. I am certain that in the next couple of years we will win. I will be back Milwaukee Charter Fishing this week so give Silver King Charters a call so you can catch tournament winning Salmon in August and September.
August 4, 2008
Milwaukee Charter Fishing was really good until Saturday when a northeaster shut the fishing down for several days. On Thursday nights trip we went 18-20 in four hours, with 11 fish coming in the last half hour. We caught 11 four year old Chinooks all over 12 lbs. The customers were from Minnesota and had an outstanding time. Milwaukee Charter fishing continued to be good on Friday night when we took a two man limit in 3 hours. Again all nice Chinooks with the big going 18.6 lbs. Saturday morning with the wind change we hit a wall and the fishing became tough. We went 4-5 in five hours. The next day was not much better going 6-8. We still caught some nice fish and the people were pleased with the results but I am always tring for a limit. Fishing should pick up again for the rest of August. This is when the big ones are caught while Milwaukee Charter Fishing aboard Silver King Charters.
July 28, 2008
Milwaukee Charter Fishing was outstanding this weekend, limit or near limit catches. On Friday morning we went 18-20 and the bite was very consistent. Most of the fish were Chinook Salmon with the big fish running 20.75 Lbs. On Saturday morning we went 17-20 and again had a very consistent bite with many Chinooks in the mix. Saturday nite was outstanding. We went 15-17 in 3.5 hours all were nice size Chinooks. Sunday morning was a little more challenging but we managed 18-23 in 6 hours. The bite really died off. The final weekend trip on Sunday night was a two charter and went 10-12 in 3 hours. Six of these fish were four year old Salmon.
I have pictures from these trips in the gallery. Milwaukee Charter Fishing is only going to get better in August, especially for big Salmon. So book a trip aboard Silver King Charters there are many great times still open and experience Charter Fishing Milwaukee for yourself.
July 21, 2008
Milwaukee Charter Fishing has finally improved to what it should have been by the last week of June. The season started out so cold that it put the fishing behind by at least 3 weeks and almost eliminated the Coho bite. The good news is we are about to make up for the tough times. This week was the first time we saw several good trips in a row and the size was outstanding.
Thursday we went 10-12 on an evening trip. All 10 fish were Chinook Salmon and that is what the target fish is for Milwaukee Charter Fishing in July and August. All the fish were nice size, with 5 Kings running over 10 lbs. On Friday we went 10-13 and caught all five spiecies. This is the second time this year Silver King Charters has accomplished this. On Saturday we went 22-25 and took a 20.85 lb Salmon, which took 5th place in the Racine Wisconsin www.BigFishBash.com. You can see the results in the Boat Chinook Division. We caught these fish in under 5 hours.
This is going to be the best time of the year in 2008 for Milwaukee Charter Fishing so book your trip today aboard Silver King Charters. Look at the gallery section to see the big Chinook Salmon.
July 17, 2008
Well this season has been a little tougher than last year. Silver King Charters is averaging 9.5 fish a trip and this is typical of the Milwaukee Charter Fishing in the area. The season is way behind to where it should be due to cold water. But more Chinook Salmon are showing up daily and we are catching fish in the 14-18lb range now.
I had two evening trips on July 2nd and 3rd and we went 5-8 and 4-5 but both trips were cut short due to weather. On July 4th we took 11-12 fish with 8 Chinook Salmon. July 6th was slow with a 5-6 outing and 4 of the fish were Lake Trout. I did two trips on July 12th and we took a two man limit in 3 hours on the morning trip but only managed 7-9 in the afternoon. The afternoon trip saw 6 fish over 10lbs with the biggest at 16lbs. Sunday it was too rough to fish on the lake so we fished the harbor and took 6 nice Brown Trout. We had a trip on Monday and went 10-10 landing several nice Chinook Salmon and Rainbow Trout.
Milwaukee Charter Fishing should be outstanding through September. Silver King Charters knows where to catch your big King Salmon, so come experience Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing in Milwaukee Wisconsin this season.
July 1, 2008
It has been a while since my last report because I have been doing a lot of fishing. The fishing has improved and the good days are much more consistent. On Friday's trip we went 4-5 and they were all nice fish over 10lbs, with the biggest being a 18lb Chinook caught by Norb who was celebrating his 85 birthday. Saturday we went 14-17 and took many Chinook Salmon. On Sunday we went 17-17 and took all 5 spiecies. We landed 10 Chinooks and 9 were over 10 lbs, with the big weighing 16 lbs. The 4th of July weekend looks to be great weather and fishing is just going to get better. So book a trip for Milwaukee Charter Fishing aboard Silver King Charters and catch Salmon today.
June 22, 2008
Summer is finally here and the prime Milwaukee Charter Fishing season for Chinook Salmon is just starting. I was Salmon Fishing Racine Wisconsin this weekend starting on Thursday. The fishing was tough but we managed to catch fish each day.
Thursday we went 12-14. Most of these fish came between 50-60FOW off the Oak Creek Power Plant. The catch included 8 chinooks, 3 Lake Trout and 1 Brown Trout. On Friday we went back to the same spot. The fish were there, but were more challenging to catch. We went 7-9 and really had to work for these fish. On Saturday we went further North just past Bender Park and went 13-15. The fish were still difficult to catch but with constant changes to baits as clouds gave way to sun we were able to get some fish to go.
On Sunday I was back in Milwaukee and went a little north of the Milwaukee Harbor. The fishing was slow but it was a beautiful morning and flat calm conditions. We went 6-9 but had some real nice fish. This is the transition period on Lake Michigan and it is tough to track fish from day to day. It is still a lot of fun and we are still catching fish on Siver King Charters. Charter Fishing Milwaukee will just keep getting better each week from here. Already I have heard of reports of 3 Chinooks weighing over 20lbs and we should see more of these throughout the season. The lack of Coho Salmon has hurt us this year, but there are plenty of Chinooks. This year will be another outstanding season.
Summerfest starts on Thursday June 26 and Silver King Charters is within walking distance of the grounds. There is no better way to spend the day than catching Salmon on of the worlds best fishery and then going to the worlds largest musical festival, Summerfest. So call today and book a trip with Silver King Charters and try Milwaukee Charter Fishing for yourself.
June 16, 2008
I spent most of my week pre-fishing for a tournament in Racine Wisconsin on June 20-21. We did one charter on Saturday. I wish the report was better but we went 5-5 on the trip. We took 4 Lake Trout and one 13 lb. Chinook Salmon. With all of the run off over the last week the fish are scattered and the water murky all the way out to 150 FOW. Silver King Charters has 10 trips this year and averaging 10 fish a trip. Look for this to go up after the water clears up. Fishing was just starting to pick up before the big rains effected the midwest. The next 2 1/2 months will provide excellent Milwaukee Charter Fishing for Chinook Salmon, so book now and join in the fun.
June, 9 2008
We fished in Racine this weekend for the Cash On The Line Tournament. On Friday we pre-fished and ended up 15-16. Most of the action was in 60-70 FOW and the fish came off a mix of spoons and flies. Salmon Fishing Racine Wisconsin on Lake Michigan has been much like Milwaukee this year but is starting to really turn on after a unusually slow start.
We caught a couple Lake Trout and the rest were a mix off Chinook and Coho Salmon. These tournaments give the crew and myself an opportunity to try new setups and make your fishing trips better aboard Silver King Charters.
The tournament was on Saturday and we went 12-15. It was not the trip we were hoping for but that is fishing. We started in 60-70 FOW with half spoons and half flies. We had only 5 fish by 10:00AM and changed up our entire spread and moved into the 50 foot contour. In the last hour and a half we went 7-9 and salvaged the trip.
Orange dodgers and green peanut flies took these fish and the majority were Coho Salmon. We caught a nice 7.5 lb Coho, which is large for this time of the year. Adjustments are key in catching Salmon and although this would have been a nice charter catch, it was not enough for a tournament.
Silver King Charters is looking foward to Charter Fishing Milwaukee Wisconsin this weekend and the fishing is getting better every day. Summerfest is around the corner and is a popular time for Milwaukee Charter Fishing, so plan ahead. We are located within walking distance of the World's Largest Music Festival.
June, 2 2008
I was looking forward to some outstanding catches (numbers wise) this weekend, but the water is not quite warm enough on the surface. We still had good success both Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Saturday morning we Charter Fished North of Milwaukee in 100-160 feet of water. We landed 11 out of 14 fish, with several nice Chinook Salmon over 10 lbs. Fish were taken primarly on flasher flies off downriggers. We used boards with copper set ups to take the last 2 fish of the trip.
Sunday was a beautiful flat calm morning, with sunny skies. We set up in 150 feet of water straight off the north gap of Mckinley Marina. We went 11 for 14 and everyone aboard had a great time. The big fish of the trip was a 12 lb Chinook Salmon caught off a board using copper wire and white flasher/aqua fly. The Coho Salmon are now showing up in better numbers and their average size is going up to 4 lbs.
I am booked next week Thursday-Saturday but have Sunday morning avaible. The following Sunday is also open. Come June 19-21 I will be in Racine Wisconsin fishing Bob Uecher Make-A-Wish tournament. I have that Sunday morning, June 22, open. So book now and join the excitment of Milwaukee Charter Fishing aboard Silver King Charters.
May, 27 2008
We had trips all three mornings of Memorial Day weekend. Although the water was still a little cold Milwaukee Charter Fishing is in full gear. I fished in 120-150 feet of water all three days. Most of the fish were coming 40-110 feet down on a mix of spoons and flies.
Saturday's trip was a lot of fun with Robin, Pam and Al from Iowa. They caught 8 fish on their trip and only lost one. The big fish of the day was a 13 lb Chinook Salmon. They also caught a Rainbow, several Coho Salmon and Chinook Salmon. Pam's husband fish aboard Siver King Charters last September. After the trip she e-mailed me saying "I look forward to getting back out again this summer and still water fishing will never trip my trigger again."
Sunday's trip was with Natalie and her twin sons Vince and Michael. They caught 6 of 8 fish they fought. This trip was all Chinook Salmon and good size for this time of year. The boys brought in all the fish, with the biggest Chinook weighing 14 lbs. The wire dipsy diver set ups took 4 of these fish using flasher flies and a couple more came off spoons on downriggers. Natalie was also from Iowa and e-mailed me saying "The boys came home proud of their catch. I'm sure they'll remember this trip for a lifetime. Come July, we'll have shorts and t-shirts packed and be ready to come back and catch our limit!"
Monday's trip was with Fulton and two friends from Green Bay. Lake Michigan was a little bumpy for this trip but the fishing was good. They caught 11 fish, with several of them over 10 lbs. The catch was made up of Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon and Lake Trout. The season is just starting for Charter Fishing Milwaukee and Silver King Charters is looking forward to another excellent year.
May, 19 2008
Fished both Saturday and Sunday mornings. On Saturday Silver King Charters went 14 for 15 landing 10 Chinook Salmon, 2 Coho Salmon and 2 Lake Trout. We fished South of Milwaukee off Oak Creek and worked 120-150 feet of water. The best action came deep between 70 to 110 feet down. We were looking for Coho's but the water temp was a little too cold, so we set the deep lines to capitalize on Chinook Salmon. Two of the Kings were 14lbs and 3 others were between 10-12lbs. Nice size for this time of year.
The Sunday trip netted only 6 fish. We had one customer and 5 fish is the limit. This was a nice mix of fish though. He caught 1 Chinook Salmon that was 10lbs, 3 Coho's, 1 Steelhead and a Lake Trout. The water is a little too cold for good action on Coho Salmon this weekend but it should start heating up by Memorial Day. The Coho's are just starting to show up off the shores of Milwaukee due to the cold weather early this season.
Silver King Charters is booked Saturday and Sunday mornings but the evenings and Monday morning are still open. Memorial Day Weekend should be excellent for Fishing Milwaukee Salmon.
May, 12 2008
The Mother's Day Charter was cancelled due to poor conditions and rescheduled for Memorial Day weekend. The dates are starting to book up on the weekends. For the next 3 weekends I have every evening open except May 17th. The mornings still open in May are 17, 18, 26 and 31. The Coho's are now showing up in Racine and by this weekend should be a good part of the catch.
The tournament is now up to 49 boats. We released 40,000 Brown Trout from the Great Lakes Sport Fisherman Club net pens. We will release 58,000 Chinook Salmon on Tuesday. The DNR releases the fish into the net pens and we release them from here 24 hours later at dusk. This gives the fish time to acclimate to the water before being released. This leads to a higher survival rate. As a Charter fisherman this is very important to me and for all who fish the Great Lakes.
May, 6 2008
Silver King's Charter Fishing boat is slipped at McKinley Marina, Milwaukee, Wisconsin and everything ran perfectly on the shake down cruise. My first scheduled trip is on Mother's Day and I will have a steady stream of reports for the rest of the season from Silver King Charter Salmon and Trout Lake Michigan fishing trips. The Coho Salmon should be showing up South of Milwaukee within the next week.
We now have 45 boats registered for the August 9th Lake Michigan Salmon fishing tournament! At this time last year we had 21 boats and it filled up two weeks before the actual date. Last year we had over 20 people on the waiting list. Milwaukee Salmon Fishing on Lake Michigan was outstanding for last year's tournament and we hope for the same this year.
April 28, 2008
The 2008 Lake Michigan Salmon season is under way and I will be slipping my boat at Mckinley Marina on May 1st. The fishing around and in the Milwaukee harbor has been excellent this April. Anglers are catching a lot of Brown Trout, Lake Trout and a few Chinook Salmon. I heard reports of a couple Chinooks in the mid teens. Most of the action has come on stick baits off of boards.
I will be running a shake down cruise on May 4th and then the season begins for Silver King Charters. Milwaukee Charter fishing usually occurs around the harbor or South of Milwaukee. Last Season I ran as far as Wind Point to put clients on fish.
I will be looking for the Coho's. Although there has not been many reports of them yet it shouldn't be more than a couple weeks and Silver King Charters will be filling up on the Silver Salmon. I hope to have fishing reports soon.
For those of you interested in the Brew City tournement it is coming along nicely. Todd has been able to get some new sponsors and retain some old ones. Silver King Charters is sponsoring 2nd place for Chinook, Rainbow, Brown and Laker. We are at 35 boats as of April 21st and expext to fill up. So don't wait until it's too late.