Spring Coho Fishing is Fast and Furious on Lake Michigan
We typically fish a 14 rod spread to maximize action. Once a Coho hits it is on the surface jumping almost immediately and is real fun action. Coho salmon average 2 to 6 pounds in the spring but the constant action and large numbers caught make up for the smaller size this time of year. There is no better time in the season to catch salmon on Lake Michigan, period. Silver King Charters puts you in the best spots to get on Coho schools fast. Racine, Wisconsin is located just 40 minutes south of Milwaukee and less than an hour north of Chicago.
Hook Trophy Coho Salmon on Lake Michigan with Silver King Charters

The stocking numbers for Coho salmon have stayed consistent for many years and these fish school up in the southern end of Lake Michigan during the winter and early spring. This makes them easy to target and once you get on an active school it is fast action. The Coho salmon’s favorite bait is an orange dodger followed by a peanut fly. They cannot resist this set up and almost every rod is set with this, so when we go over a school hook ups happen in doubles, triples and quads! Cool! There will be some Lake trout, Chinook salmon, Brown trout and Rainbow trout in the catch but it is about 80% Coho salmon during this period.
Catch Coho Salmon this Year with Racine Charter Fishing that ROCKS ....but not the boat!
Wisconsin's Lake Michigan Shores Off Great Spring Coho Fishing
Catch Your Limit of Coho Salmon Milwaukee Charter Fishing With Silver King Charters
Great tasting fish and high catch rates make this one of the best times of the year to fish. So call Silver King Charters and book a trip in May or June and get on this great action. The Coho salmon schools begin to go deep in the summer and eventually back to their originally stocked ports by the fall, so Silver King Charters highest catches of Coho Milwaukee charter fishing is starting in May and June. Coho salmon will still be in the mix for the rest of the year as well.
Coho Salmon Fishing May thru June In Milwaukee and Racine's Lake Michigan Waters CALL 414.460.1467 to book a charter fishing trip.