Wisconsin Charter Fishing Big Chinook Salmon
Wisconsin charter fishing on Lake Michigan is known to be a great salmon and trout fishery but the prize fish is the Chinook "King" salmon. The Chinook is one of the hardest fighting fish there is and to be able to catch this ocean fish in Lake Michigan is special. Until salmon were stocked in Lake Michigan you had to travel to the west coast or Alaska to catch a Chinook salmon. Now people in the central part of the United States can experience Chinook fishing close to home and for a lot less price. Most people in surrounding stares take less then five hours to get to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Milwaukee charter fishing gives people a chance to catch ocean salmon. This picture shows a 30lb Chinook salmon caught in early August. This is a big one. A good size Chinook on Lake Michigan weighs between 15 to 25 pounds. and is a true trophy fish for someend who has never caught a salmon before. Call Silver King Charters to hook up on a big salmon.