Wisconsin Charter Fishing Coho Salmon
We love to fish Coho salmon in May and June. These ate the best two months to catch big numbers of Coho salmon. Coho salmon can be caught throughout the season but the numbers are never higher then late spring. We catch 75 percent of the Coho salmon we catch in a season during May and June. When you go trip to Lake Michigan charter fishing you hope to catch fish. You never know how many and some days can be tough. We do offer a no fish no pay guarantee but our goal is not one fish. A limit catch is 5 fish per person, so if you have four people on your trip a limit is 20 fish. This is the time of year we catch our most limits. Not every trip in May and June will be a limit but this is the best time of the year to catch a limit. This group of three people ended up with a June limit of mostly Coho salmon. Call Silver King Charters to book a trip anytime form April to October but the best time for Coho salmon is May and June.