Wisconsin Charter Fishing Brown Trout
Wisconsin charter fishing has a lot of options but if you are looking to target Brown trout than Milwaukee charter fishing is your ticket. The best time of the year to target Brown trout is April. When the last of the ice has left the harbors it is game on for Brow trout fishing in Wisconsin. In April we catch 75 percent of the Brown trout we catch all season. From the shorelines of Milwaukee, the harbor of Milwaukee and the Oak Creek power plant are some of the best areas on Lake Michigan to target Brown trout. We troll a twelve rod spread with spoons to catch these fish. We are fishing in shallow water between 10 to 30 feet. The weather may be cold at this time of year but our boat will protect you from the elements. This picture shows a young angler who caught a very nice sized Brown trout. It is a fun fish to catch and not as common as the other species we fish for. Call Silver King Charters and get hooked up on April Brown trout.