Milwaukee Fishing Boat
Kenosha charter fishing and Racine charter fishing on Lake Michigan during May is my favorite time of the year to fish salmon. The season is fresh and the fishing is always outstanding. In this picture we are motoring in after a beautiful evening Lake Michigan salmon fishing for Coho salmon. It was 25 fish in four hours!
For those of you fortunate enough to have been on one of these May trips for Coho salmon you already know how fast the action gets when we go over a school of these fish. They are right on the surface and easy to targert. The hot ticket is the orange dogger, with a peanut fly not far behind it. These fish hit so near the surface you can some times actually see the fish strike.
For eating these are also the best fillets. The meat is firm out of the early May cold waters. The fish average 2 to 8 pounds but put up a great fight. The action is never better or more consistent. Then book a trip in summer for the Chinook salmon that can average 10 to 20 pounds. This fish can really beat you down. We are Milwaukee charter fishing at this time. So book a trip for both times and get the best of both worlds. Numbers in May and size during summer.