Lake Michigan Charter Fishing Mid April
Milwaukee charter fishing mid April on Lake Michigan is around the time Alewives, bait fish, start showing up along the shoreline. When this happens Coho salmon will not be far behind. This is a great time of year to catch a mixed bag of species. We are still targeting Brow trout and this is still one of the best times of year to catch them. But we will also start catching Coho salmon, Lake trout and an occasional Rainbow trout. We are still fishing shallow water and close to shore in 15 to 35 feet of water. This can be a very good bite and the weather is getting a little better. In this picture we have a very happy group that fish in the afternoon on Easter Sunday. They caught a mix of Brown trout and Coho salmon. Call Silver King Charters to get out fishing in April. It is never too early to catch salmon and trout.