Milwaukee Charter Fishing April Brown Trout
Milwaukee charter fishing is know for good Brown trout fishing in April. Silver King Charters makes sure to be in the water as soon as the ice is out of the harbor and sometimes this is in late March. We have been doing this for years to take advantage of the world class Brown trout fishing we have in Milwaukee. The best time to target Brow trout is the first three weeks of April and 70% of all the Brown trout we catch in a year occur in April. People book trips with us during April to catch Brown trout and in hopes of catching a trophy size fish. We have caught many Brown trout in the 10 to 15 pound class and although a fish like this could be good enough to mount we do catch bigger. Each Spring we usually land one 20 pounds or bigger and we have boated tow Brown trout over 30 pounds. Brown trout are a unique and beautiful fish and when they still have their spawning colors they look real special. Call Silver King Charters to fish any time throughout the season but if you want Brown trout book with us the first three weeks of April.