We try to have our boat in the water by the end of March, if the ice is out. The reason is for Brown trout. late March and early April is the best time of the year for Milwaukee charter fishing Brow trout. By the end of April we will have caught 80% of all the Brow trout we will catch for the season. Brown trout are a shore fish and in the early spring the water is cold and there is a lot of bait close to shore. This sets up for great Brown trout fishing. We are trolling in 10 to 35 feet of water close to shore at this time of the year. The weather can be cold but we are fully in closed at that time of the year on the boat, except when you are fighting fish on the back deck. In this picture a charter customer is holing a 12 pound Brown trout caught just in front of the Milwaukee river. Call Silver King Charters to experience some of the best Brown trout fishing on the Great Lakes.