Milwaukee Charter Fishing Coho Salmon
Milwaukee charter fishing and well all of southern Lake Michigan charter fishing is all about Coho salmon in May and early June. If you want to catch salmon it is a great time of year to book a Lake Michigan charter fishing trip. Coho salmon are the smaller of the two salmon we fish for. Chinook salmon are the bigger fish. The Coho lives for 3 years on Lake Michigan before it spawns and Chinook live for four years, which helps to contribute to the Chinook being bigger. Coho salmon run between two to four pounds early spring and by mid June they are four to six pounds. This may not seem big but they put up a great fight and can provide a lot of action on a trip. The Coho you see in this picture is twelve pounds. This is a big Coho that we caught in spring. Big Coho salmon are over eight pounds and really put up a fight. The biggest Coho we have boated on a Wisconsin charter fishing trip is fifteen pounds and that state record is twenty four pounds. Call Silver King Charters to book a trip to catch May and June Coho salmon.