Charter Fishing Milwaukee Salmon
Coho salmon are one of our favorite fish to target. May and June are the two best months to catch Coho salmon when Milwaukee charter fishing or Racine charter fishing. This is also the only time we will be charter fishing Racine. Racine Wisconsin is 45 minutes south of Milwaukee but at times it makes a big difference to be in Racine. Coho salmon are a schooling fish and when a school sets up the fishing is very good. Coho salmon sometimes will come up along the shoreline from the southern end of Lake Michigan. When this happens the Coho show up south of Milwaukee first and we go down to Racine to get in on the bite. Coho salmon lead to our most limit catches during a season, so it is important to be were the fish are. This picture shows a group that has just caught a limit of Coho salmon. Call Silver King Charters to get in on the spring Coho bite.