Milwaukee Charter Fishing Evening Trips
Milwaukee charter fishing on Lake Michigan is a fun time anytime of the day. We run trips from sunrise to sunset. We start a half hour before sunrise and end a half hour after sunset. People ask us all the time what is the best time of day to fish and truly the answer is when they are biting. But from Memorial Day through the third week of July we can run three trips in a day and have done so many times. By doing this we have seen a good bite happen at all parts of the day. The early morning trip is usually the most consistent but the best bite of the day could happen in the middle of the day or in the evening. The best time to book your trip is when it is best for you and not the fish. Because you will have the best time leaving the dock when you feel it is right for your group. This picture shows a limit of Coho salmon that this crew caught just before sunset. The evening bite can be hit or miss but the sunsets out on the water are amazing and all part of the experience. Give Silver King Charters a call and pick the time that works best for you and we will worry about catching the fish.