Milwaukee Charter Fishing Pink Salmon
People ask us all the time if we every catch fish that we are not fishing for. The five species we target are Lake trout, Rainbow trout, Brown trout, Coho salmon and Chinook salmon. We have caught Sheepshead, Catfish, Whitefish, Northern Pike, and Perch but these are all rare. We have also boated an Atlantic salmon and Pinook salmon, which is a cross between a Chinook and Pink salmon. In this picture we have a Pink salmon. This also use to be a rare catch but in the last couple of years starting in 2021 we have been seeing more of them. Up to that year we had only caught four of them but in we boated 13 of them. We don't know what the trend will be going forward because they are not stocked in Lake Michigan. They were dumped by accident in Lake Superior in the late 1960's and have been naturally reproducing there ever since. They are now showing up in Lake Michigan and may start to be a regular fish we catch. Call Silver King Charters and see how many species you can boat Milwaukee charter fishing.