Joe's nice Lake Trout caught in July while Charter Fishing in Milwaukee
Joe is holding a beautiful Lake Trout caught about 8 miles north of McKinley Marina harbor aboard Silver King Milwaukee Fishing Charters. This was the last fish of the Milwaukee charter fishing trip that we boated during another successful morning fishing on Lake Michigan.
We pulled a limit of fish for Joe and two of his friends. It was a mixed bag of Trout and Salmon. We also caught a Coho Salmon, 2 Rainbow Trout and 11 Chinook Salmon. Joe battled this monster Laker for a good 20 plus minutes and had plans to put this one on the wall. Although I don't target Lake Trout, we usually pick one up every other trip. Milwaukee has several good places to target these beautiful Trout, which are native to the Great Lakes.
When fishing for Lake Michigan Lake Trout, slowing the speed can help produce them. We usually drop are speed to 1.8-2.0 mph to trigger a Lake Trout. Fly and flashers off wire dipsy rods are a very productive method. Leadcore rods off boards using both flies or spoons also work well. Slow is the way to go for Lake Michigan Lake Trout.
Joe and his friends planned to hit Summerfest after the Charter. This is one of many reason to book a charter, with Siver King Charters; Milwaukee, Wisconsin offers many fun summer events along with outstanding Salmon fishing. There are many ethnic festavals, such as GermanFest, Festa Italiana, Irish Fest and many more. Also the worlds largest music festival, Summerfest, occurs every summer around the first week of July. This is about the time when the King Salmon show up in numbers. My charter is located within walking distance of the Summerfest grounds and there is a festival at the grounds almost every week in the summer. Joe spent the whole time bragging of his catch that night at Summerfest.
If you call to book a Milwaukee Charter Fishing Trip aboard Silver King Charters, I will let you know if there are any events you might want to hit around town.