August Limit of Chinook Salmon Charter Fishing Milwaukee
Milwaukee Charter Fishing on Lake Michigan is one of the most consistent ports for catching Chinook Salmon during the summer. In this picture Scott and two of his friends proved this during a August morning fishing with Silver King Charters.
We had been coming in with good catches of Salmon through July and August with the occasional slow day but on this trip the fishing really heated up. This was Scott's first Charter Fishing Trip on Lake Michigan and he was excited about hooking up with some big fish.
I have several favorite spots during the summer and usually boat traffic determines were I fish. I don't like fishing with the crowd. But this was a perfect Saturday morning and it seemed like there was a boat every ten feet from Racine to Sheboygan. We motored about 12 miles Norh and we started to fish. I realized I would be forced to fish with the pack.
Chris my firstmate and I started setting lines at about 5:45AM in about 90 feet of water. Chris and I set two lines and before we could start on the next two both set lines went with fish. We were off to a great day. Both Salmon were small and we threw them back. The bite had been real good for the last week and I new we would fill up in short order. These fish count toward a limit but Scott wanted some bigger Salmon.
The first hour of fishing we had 17 hook ups and landed 12 nice Chinook Salmon. Scott and his friends were fighting a fish ever minute during the first hour of their Charter. My stories are usually about succesful trips. There are times we have to work for every hook up we get but this morning the fish made it easy. Don't tell Scott.
Downrigger and dipsy setups were all we used in the first hour and only started to set board lines later in the trip. All the action came in 90 feet of water about 40 to 60 feet down. We had all flasher/fly combinations out, with green cracked ice and a green fly working best. Most of are leads were tight to the downriggers because the Salmon were so aggressive.
After 21/2 hours we had landed 23 Salmon and 2 Trout. We let 5 go and kept my firstmates 5 fish, which brought us up to 25 fish. Scott and his friends tried to have some bloodymarry's but there was little time to make them. I think Scott had a good time anyway.
Charter Fishing Milwaukee is real good from May through October but there are trips every week where the Salmon just go nuts and hit everything that you put down. If the Salmon want to be difficult we will find a presentation that will get them to hit. So call 414-460-1467 and book a trip aboard Silver King Charters today. Experience your own adventure Milwaukee Charter Fishing on Lake Michigan.