Wisconsin Charter Fishing Coho Salmon
When Coho salmon were first stocked in Lake Michigan to help control the alewife situation no one really knew what would happen. What did happen was the creation of one of the best salmon fisheries in the world and by the mid 1970's Lake Michigan salmon fishing was going crazy. Now over the years the fishery has been up and down but the Coho salmon has remained constant. Over the last 30 years around 2.5 million Coho salmon have been stocked lake wide. This has led to very consistent Coho salmon fishing in the southern half of Lake Michigan. Milwaukee charter fishing and Racine charter fishing, the two ports we fish out of are known to have great Coho fishing from late April through early July but the vest in form mid May through late June. Every year varies on total amounts caught due to fish movement, weather and water current but during this period we always have some of the best salmon fishing of the year. This picture shows a family that caught a limit of Coho salmon. When the bite is good Coho salmon fishing can be fast. Call Sliver King Charters to book a May or June Coho trip.